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With the rapid development of the society, the world is stepping into an information-
     ized society. Information which has already been one of the three pillars of the social de-
     velopment, plays a more and more important role in many social fields, so does it in Ideo-
     logical and Political Education. The modernization of Idological and Political Education is
     an inexorable trend of social development, and the informationizing of Ideological and Po-
     litical Education is also an intergrated part of it. Therefore the exploitation of Ideological
     and Political Education?s information resource is of more significance. However, in the
     practice of Ideologica and Political Education, People only notice the surface dominant fac-
     tors, meanwhile neglected the inner facfors nformation system which influenced the re-
     sultant of forces of the system. If we dont put the information exploitation of Ideological
     and Political Education into effect, the Ideological and Political Education system can t
     operate normally and cant achieve its effective results. The paper combines Information
     Science and Ideological and Political Education together, aiming at reseaching on the theo-
     retical construction and practical value of the resource exploitation of Ideological and Politi-
     cal Education deeply and systematically. The paper consists of four parts:
     Part One: general survey of the information resource of Ideological and Political Ed-
     ucation and the theory of its exploitation. It expounds the definition and features of infor-
     mation resource of Ideological and Political Education, inducing the definition, main body
     and types of exploitation of Ideological and Political Education, which provides the theo-
     retical rationales for the development of the thesis.
     Part Two: the significance of information resource exploitation of Ideological and
     Political Education. This Chapter approaches the exploitation mainly from theoretical ra-
    tionales, and practical rationales systematically and dynatically, demonstrating the signifi-
    cance of information resource exploitation of Ideological and Political Education in the view
    of history and reality.
    Part Three: analysis on the advantages and the disadvantages ol lnformation re-
    source exploltatlon or Ideologlcal and Political Educatlon. It explores the advant8ges
    mainly from the three aspects of exploitation: contents.experience and the qualities of ex-
    plorers. Meanwhile, it ponts out the disadvantages of the explOitation in infOrmation dis-
    tribution, POsse8sion and exploitation structure. After analy8ing the POsitive and negative
    influences, we have a clearer picture about the reasons of the existing problems.
    Part Four: the measures or lnfOrmation resource exploltatlon or Ideological and po-
    litical Educatlon. On the basis of the right rules of informatiOn resource of exploitatiOn,
    this part prObes into the wayS of reinforcing the research on the fOlfowing a8pects: various
    exploring measures, modernization of exploring technofogy, the improvement of explorers
    qualities and reinfOrcement of theoreotical research.
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