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These years,electron-information technology and biomedicine have been regarded as the primacy of high-tech.Their combin organically will effectively promote the research on the medicine and medicinal information.The ECG data and information manage system is an important constitute part of a great deal of medicinal information storeroom. It is exerting important action on Specifically field.With the advancement of modern high-tech and flight development of computer technique,the technical problem and standardization problem to collection , digital transaction, measurement,memory , searches , network transmit of ECG information have almost been resolved, To establish data and information system of cardiovascular disease or ECG database has become one of central study aspect of medicinal information and Electrocadiographic Informatics in and out of national.
     The practicality significance, the function of clinical ECG data- information management system in scientific research ,clinical medical treatment and medicine teaching ,international actuality in this field are summarized firstly in this paper.Then the all data-information in common use at cardiopathy was concisely described.They have the characteristic of integrated in others systems ,such as electrocardiograph .This paper utilize this characteristic and development an ECG data-information management system using in virtual ECG analyzer.It will provide rich and multiform clinical information resource for individual include doc.,nurse,patient , clinical department, medical treatment and health protection in all levels,so much as in business.Secondly,an advanced instrument manufacture technology——virtual instrument technology and Virtual Instrument baseon it were intrduced.The auther of the paper detailedly introduced the idea,development,progress, systemic structure,specialties of VI , compared it with traditional hardware-instrument and standed out superiorities of VI. At the same time,the author briefly introduced the Virtual ECG Analyzer that formed using VI technonage to medical instrument.The ECG data-information management system's composing, program's module and precess of development used in virtual electrocardiograph were introduced in detail.
     In this paper,The author used the software design approach ——OOP,through designing the database module,patients'information include basal information of patient,clinical information such as symptom and course of diseases,ECG, diagnostic
    result information collection and edit module, synthetical query module, Static and print module and assistant function module, and realized heart disease people's ECG and clinical information collection, organize,saving, synthetical querying, Static and printing. At the last of the paper the author discussed the farther develope conceive that enlarge the ECG data-information management system as a ECG database and send it to the Infobahn in virtue of modern network transmission means.
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