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In the 1970s, the Bretton Woods system of money management broke down, oil crisis erupted, the financial institutions began to innovate new financial instruments based on the tradational instruments in order to evade the risk and promot the economic development. However, financial innovation also has triggered many finacial crisis. American Savings and Loan Crisis occured in 1980s, the collapse of Britain's Barings Bank in February 1995, 1997 Asian financial crisis, and American suprime crisis since 2007, all these events have challenged the accouting standards and financial supervision, and promoted the accounting standards makers and financial supervisors to find new methods to recognize and guard against financial risk. Accounting standards makers tried to improve the financial instruments accounting standards to raise accounting information transparency, and promoted the convergency of accounting standards actively. Since January 1st 2005, European listed companies published consolidated financial statements based on the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), the range of the IFRSs has been enlarged widely, China also realized the material convergency with IFRSs in 2006. While financial supervisors made efforts to improve the efficiency of financial supervision, and supervision system is tranferring from separated financial supervision to integrated financial supervision.
     Financial supervisor has paid more and more attention to the accounting standards as well as promoted the accounting standards convergency wordwidely. In order to promote the role of the accounting standards in financial supervision, and evade its negative impact on the financial supervision, financial supervisors have joined and even begun to infulence the making of accounting standards, expected that accounting standards could go right for the finacial stability. For example, ECB had ever opposed the full fair value accounting for all financial instruments in 2000. EC used the endorsement mechanism by which only endorsed IASs/IFRSs can be used in the consolidated accounts in order to protect the interests of the EU and its finacial makets. In November 19th 2004, EC agreed to use the IAS39, but two parts had to been carved out, involving the fair value option and hedging accounting.
     Besides infulencing the accounting making procedure, financial supervisor has also taken steps to tackle the negative effects of accounting standards on the financial stability. When EU began to use IFRSs, BCBS published three news press to regulate the influences of IFRSs on the banking regulatiory capital, and then CEBS, FAS, HKMA and CBRC also took same actions. In American Suprime Crisis, American congressional leadership issued Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which mandated that SEC may suspend the application of mark-to-maket accounting as provided in statement no.157 of the FASB in order to tackle the negative influence of fair value aconting on the financial stability, EC also agreed the reclassification of financial assets in order to enhance maket and institutional resilience. Financial supervisors in Japan and korean also took similar steps.
     From above analysis, we can conclude that there are complex relationships between the accounting standards and financial supervision, influences of the accounting standards on the financial supervision has aroused universal concerns of international financial supervisors. Coordination between accounting standards and financial supervision is becoming very important as repaid development of the financial innovation, and must be solved quickly to safeguard financial stability. But coordination is always limited to someone accounting issues, and has not formed a system. So study of the relationships between accounting standards and financial supervision, the origins of influences of the accounting standards on financial supervision, and how to coodinate the relationships between them, are very meaningful for the improvement of accounting standards and maintenance of financial stability.
     My dissertation mainly uses the normative research method to analysis the realtionships between accounting standards and financial supervision theoretically. Although supervision questions aroused by accounting standards always focus on someone accounting issue, there are more and more accouting issues could arouse the attentions of financial supervisors, so research on the relationships between accounting standards and financial supervision must been raised to the level of theory. So my dissertation use induction and deduction to stuy the relationships between them in order to make the research more universal and even more helpful for coordinating the relationships between them to direct practising. Dissertation also uses methods of comparative analysis and case analysis.
     My dissertation comprises of two parts. The first part is about analysis of the relationships between accounting standards and financial supervision. As we all know that, accounting and financial supervision belong in different scientific principles, have different theoretical basis, so anaylsis in basic theory of accounting and financial supervision is necessary,which provides basis for make further research on the relationships of them. By researching, dissertation finds that there are close relationships between accounting standards and financial supervision including dependency, congruity and diversity, and existing diversities has given rise to many problems for financial supervision. Dissertation make further analysis on these diversities and related problems. The second part is about the coordination of accounting standards and financial supervision. Dissertation puts up suggestions on the corrdination from level of theory. One hand, accounting standards should be improved to promote the financial stability, on other hand, financial supervision should improve regulatory policies, eliminate the negative effects of accounting standards on financial supervision, and take full use of accoutning standards to improve the efficiency of financial supervision. At same time, financial regulatory system and method be impoved in accroding to the development of financial innovations. In addition, dissertation also puts forward some suggestions on how to coordinate the relationships between accounting standards and financial supervision against background of new Chinese Accounting Standards has been carried out since 2007.
     My dissertation concludes some key decisions. Firstly, accounting has two attributes, technicality and sociality, which determine that accounting standards also have these two attributes. Technicality attribute will finally be reflected in sociality attribute, and sociality attribute will detemine the develpment of the technicality. Secondly, accounting standards is the basis of financial supervision, is one of important standards and tools used by financial supervision. At same time, there are congruities between accounting standards and financial supervision. Thirdly, there are differences between accounting standards and financial supervision, including the content of information disclosure, information quality and prudent, which may make negative effects on financial stability. Fourthly, congruity existing in accouting standards and financial supervision means the possibility of coordination of them. On one hand, the problems aroused by accounting standards mean to some extent that accouting standard still need improving, accounting concept frameworks should be improved to strengthen the social goal's role of accounting standards to direct the accounting standards making procedures. Accounting standards makers should consider possible negative impact of accouting standards on the financial stability fully. On the other hand, accounting is not everything, so financial supervision should be improved continuely with the development of financial innovation, as same time, strengthen financial supervision with help of accouting standards and demand higher quality information for accounting standards. Cooperation of them is an important way to realize aim of financial supervision.
     The dissertation comes up innovations in three aspects. Firstly, dissertation finds the root cause of the financial supervision issues caused by the accounting standards. The issues caused by accounting standards was coming up with the implement of the IFRSs, the fair value accounting issue argued in American Suprime Crisis is the embodiment of these issues. Dissertation finds that the differences between accounting standards and financial supervision, including the content of information disclosure, information quality and prudent, lead to the financial supervision issues. Secondly, dissertation finds the theory basis to negotiate the relationships between accounting and fiancial supervision. Accounting standards and financial supervision have complex relationships including dependency, congruity and diversity, congruity means that the contradictory between of them is be resolved, so the congruity existing between of them is the key theory basis to realize the coodination of them. Thirdly, dissertation puts up the proposals to coordinate the relationships between the accounting standards and financial supervision. Dissertation thinks that acounting standards and financial supervision should be improved respectively, coordinate each other, remove the differences, and cooperate tightly to promote the stability of financial syetem.
     There are many shortcomings of dissertation. The research on the relationships is mainy focusing on the relationships between accounting standards and banking supervision, involving the security supervision partly, and not involving the insurance supervision, the reason is as follows. Banking supervision and security supervision are main part of financial supervision, and bank-led financial syestem and security-led financial syestem are mainstream of international financial development. Financial system of China and EU is dominated by banking sysetem, and American financial system is dominated by security market. In addtion, the problems aroused by accounting are mainly existing in banking and security markets. So dissertation is concentrated on relationships between accounting standards and banking supervision. But I have to recognize that research on relationships between accounting standards and insurance supervision is very meaningful, lacking this part is really a pity.
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    ②Zeff,Stephen A.,2002, "'Political'Lobbying on Proposed Standards:A Challenge to the IASB", Accounting Horizons.
    ③Paul A. Samuelson,1954,The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure. The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.36, No.4, pp.387-389.
    ①Zeff,Stephen A.,1978, "The rise of Eeonomie Consequenees," The Journal of Accountancy, Sept.,PP56-63.
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    ③Friedman, M. & Schwartz, A. J.,1986: Has Government any Role in Money? Joural of Monetary Economics,17(1), Jan., pp37-62
    ④Diamond, Douglas W. & Raj an, Raghuram G.,2001. "Banks, short-term debt and financial crises: theory, Policy Implications and Applications, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy54 (2004) 37-71.
    ①George G. Kaufman,1996, Bank fragility: perception and historical evidence, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
    ①La Porta, R., Lopezde-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., and Vishny, R.,1997, "legal determinants of external finance." Journal of Finance 52,1131-1150.
    ②La Porta, R., Lopezde-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., and Vishny, R.,2002, "Investor protection and corporate valuation", Journal of Finance 57,1147-1170.
    ③Johnson, S., La Porta, R., Lopezde-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A.,2000, "Tunneling", American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 90,22-27.
    ④Brockman P. and Chung D.Y.,2003,"Investor Protection and firm liquidity", Journal of Finance 58,pp.921-937.
    ⑤Grossman, S., Hart, O.,1988, "One share-one vote and the market for corporate control", Journal of Financial Economics 20,175-202.
    ⑥Harris & Raviv,1998, Capital Budgeting and Delegation, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.50, pp: 259-289.
    ①La Porta, R., Lopezde-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A.,1999, "Corporate ownership around the world", Journal of Finance 54,471-517.
    ②Fama, Eugene F,1970, "Efficient Capital Markets. A Review of Theory and Empirical Work." The Journal of Finance.
    ③Donald Langevoort, Theories, Assumptions and Securities Regulation: Market Efficiency Revisited, 140 U. PA. L. REV.851,854-55 (1992).
    ③ BCBS, Report to G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on International Accounting Standards,2000.
    ①Coase,1960, The problem of Social Cost, Journal of law and economics.
    ①Stigler G. J.,1971, "The theory of Economic regulation", The Bell Journal of Economic and Management Science.
    ①Watts,R.L.and Zimmerman, J.L.,1979," The Demand for and supply of Accounting Theory, The Market for Excuses", The Accounting Review, Vol.54, Fed., PP273-305.
    ① Watts,R.L.and Zimmerman, J.L.,1979, "The Demand for and supply of Accounting Theory, The Market for Excuses", The Accounting Review, Vol.54, Fed., PP273-305.
    ②BCBS,2000, Report to G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on International Accounting Standards, http://www.iasplus.com.
    ①Amihud. Y and H. Mendelson. Trading mechanisms and stock returns:An empirical investigation. Journal of Finance.1987.
    ②Diamond, D.W.and R.E.Verrecchia,1991, "Disclosure,Liquidity,and the cost of capital", Journal of Finance, Vol.46,PP1325-1359.
    ①ECB, Assessment of Accounting Standards From A Financial Stability Perspective,2006.
    ① Supervisory guidance on the use of the fair value option for financial instruments by banks
    ② Supervisory guidance for assessing banks' financial instrument fair value practices
    ① ECB, Fair Value Accounting and Financial Stability,2004.
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    ②BCBS, Comments on IAS 39 macro-hedging proposal, November 2003.
    ①ECB, Assessment of Accounting Standards From A Financial Stability Perspective,2006.
    ①Basel Committee Comments on the IASB Exposure Draft of Proposed "Amendments to IAS 39, Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement - Fair Value Hedge for a Portfolio Hedge of Interest Rate Risk".November 2003.
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    ①Basel Committee Comments on the IASB Exposure Draft of Proposed "Amendments to IAS 39, Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement - Fair Value Hedge for a Portfolio Hedge of Interest Rate Risk",November 2003.
    ② IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Novemeber 2004.
    ①ECB, Assessment of Accounting Standards From A Financial Stability Perspective,2006.
    ① BIS, Accounting, prudential regulation and financial stability: elements of a synthesis,2005.
    ① APRA, Prudential Standard APS 111:Capital Adequacy: Measurement of Capital,2006.
    ② HKMA, HKMA's Guidance On The Impact Of New Hong Kong Accounting Standards On Authorized Institutions' Capital Base And Regulatory Reporting,2005

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