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Qinhuangdao is located in North China, Northeast unit of the two natural areas, the Bohai Bay in the middle of the West Bank. It’s an integral part of the Bohai economic circle. Since the late 1980s, the process of urbanization has accelerated markedly, making regional decline in environmental quality and ecological security situation more and more severe. Ecological security has constrained the sustainable development. There are great potential safety problems in some security regiona. Major ecological safety problems are soil erosion, deforestation, loss of wetlands.
     Protection of ecological security is a regional resource development must follow the principle. Ecological security is more special significance in the ecologically fragile zone. The comprehensive study of ecological security has great theoretical and practical significance in Qinhuangdao city. It can explore and improve the ecological environment scientific counter measures and promote regional sustainable development and realization
     The space-time feature of the ecological environment was subject for study in Qinhuangdao City. In this paper, we use some theory and methods, such as ecological security, the map of information theory, LUCC, landscape ecology and soil erosion. Based on 3S technology, the information on the ecological environment and other socio-economic information were processed.
     Land use and landscape will joint, the mathematical model combining model map, the land-use change and prediction Tupu model, landscape information Tupu model, and soil erosion Tupu model were established. We revealed the regional ecological environment and the elements of space and time changes of the structure using the computing model map. The regional ecological security space-time Tupu was setup. Information on the map based on the model of an ecological evaluation of the theory and practice have explored. The study includes:
     1. Land in Qinhuangdao City for the study area, the natural and socio-economic study area was outlined. The study area ecosystem composition and main characteristic was detailed analysis and discussed, and discussed the s of the ecosystem. Eco-environmental information Tupu unit was established pattern. In the study area and the actual situation on the basis of experimental data on the regional scale ecological security framework integrated research environment was raised. After we have analyzed grid information Tupu unit and the vector information Tupu unit respective characteristic, The basic information Tupu unit defined 25 meters×25 meters and the comprehensive information Tupu unit is the small watershed in the study area. The ecological security of a comprehensive regional study Information using raster map modules and small watershed information map element coupling method. The division of small watershed is completed based on DEM and the Arc / INFO technology.
     2. The non-supervised classification-visual interpretation of the method was used, 1988 and 2002 TM / ETM + satellite remote sensing images were accurately interpreted, and obtained two land-use map information. Through of The changes in land use and land-use transfer matrix types 14 years time evolution of the ecological environment and the laws of this chapter through 1988 and 2002 were analyzed, the Tupu dynamic models of LUCC were researched. Finally, the law of LUCC was found in Qinhuangdao City.
     Affected factors of land use were processed. The appropriateness Tupu was created using Logistic-Markov - Cellular Automata multiplicity model, based on IDRISI software. Logistic regression coefficient space has created land-use suitability Tupu. The entire process is integration, Tupu and grid system. The use of high-resolution raster data in raster map on the scale computation, calculation results in the quantity and space has been greatly increased. First Classification of Individual has forecasted, further comprehensive analyzed, so prediction accuracy has been increased. A land use forecast about quantity, spatial distribution and its development trend analysis of Qinhuangdao City in 2016.
     3. The classification Qinhuangdao City landscape Tupu were identified, landscape ecological map were produced in 1988 and 2002; Based on GIS and FRAGSTATS software, using various indicators of landscape pattern, land cover evolution of landscape pattern were analyzed in different periods, different landscape and to reveal the land cover and the evolution of landscape pattern analysis. This study from the small watershed of ecological security evaluation indicators required in the landscape in Qinhuangdao City. The small watershed landscape map, small watershed landscape ecological security evaluation index system and extraction methods were explored.
     4. Based on RS and GIS map and USLE integrated model of technology, soil erosion quantitative experimental study was processed. The relevant factor Tupu collection was produced using map algebra language of GIS spatial analysis. The relevant factors were a scientific definition. The Tupu was obtained as soil erosion, soil erosion grading, grading soil erosion of small watershed in Qinhuangdao City. Erosion in different levels, different types were statistics. Finally, Erosion of pattern was analyzed in Qinhuangdao City.
     5. Health-risk-services index system was constructed in Qinhuangdao City based on concept of ecological security. The safety indicators identified grading standards were defined. The datum of indicators was extracted based on small watershed witch is integrated evaluation unit.
     Support Vector Machine models a strict statistical mathematical basis theory. It has the following features: It has a good generalization ability; complexity of the algorithm and the input vector closely related issues is solved; Through the use of nuclear function, the input space nonlinear problems in the high-dimensional mapping feature space, the of linear discriminant function is structured in the high-dimensional space; It is targeted mainly limited sample trees; avoid a neural network can not solve the problem of local minimum.
     This article first used support vector machine model for a regional ecological security evaluation. According to the goals and tasks of the needs of the environment using information systems and environmental simulation system coupling technology, their spatial analysis and spatial modeling capabilities were improved. Qinhuangdao City ecological security evaluation grading Tupu was achieved through simulating the ecological safety conditions. Finally, water and soil conservation, protecting natural forests and wetland protection measures were proposed in view of the specific situation of the study area.
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