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信息瓶颈(Information Bottleneck, IB)方法是起源于信息论的数据分析方法。IB方法采用联合概率模型表示数据,以互信息为度量手段,拥有着很好的样本和样本属性相关性的表达能力。该方法在文本聚类、图像聚类、图像语义标注、语音识别、软件聚类和协同聚类等各种数据分析领域取得了丰硕的成果。但是与向量空间模型相比,联合概率模型缺乏样本属性重要度的表达能力,这使得现有的IB方法研究中,大都忽略了属性重要度(属性权重)这个因素,从而影响了IB方法的数据分析效果。因此,IB方法的特征权重研究的日的就是在IB方法上引入属性权重计算方法及赋权机制,从而达到突出重要属性、抑制冗余属性,提高IB方法的数据分析性能的目的。
     5、在指出IB方法中非共现数据的共现转化拥有两阶段三视角特性的基础上,提出了加权二元化转换方法。两阶段三视角加权可以在非共现数据向共现数据的转化过程中,突出代表性属性来得到更准确反映数据特征的数据表示,以提高IB方法对非共现数据的分析效果。实验表明,TPAW-sIB算法优于CD-sIB、 ROCK、COOLCAT和LIMBO算法。
Information Bottleneck (IB) method is one of data analysis methods, which is originated from Information Theory. IB method uses a special way of data representation-the joint probability model (JPM)-so that it has good expression ability on the relativity between data features and data. However. JPM lacks the ability to express the important level of data features in comparison with the vector space model (VSM). It causes that most of the researches on the IB method ignore the important level of data features and weakens the effectiveness of the IB method. To address this issue, the thesis studies on the feature weighting on the IB method. The goal is to highlight important features by the aid of feature weighting. It can achieve better data representation and improve the effectiveness of the IB method.
     First of all, we propose the construction procedure from VSM to weighting JPM. Then, we propose a series of weighing IB method,such as combination weighting, self-learning weighting and two-stage-three-angles weighting for non co-occurrence data. Experimental results show that these methods are feasible and effective. Meanwhile, we suggest to applying mutual information gain on feature weighting evaluation. The mutual information gain evaluation reduces the running time without sacrificing the quality of clustering. Results from this study are useful for improving the effectiveness of the IB method and lay the foundation for constructing a set of the feature weighting IB analysis tools.
     The main researches in the study are stated as:
     1) Propose the construction procedure from VSM to weighting JPM on the basis of analyzing deeply the similarity and diversity between JPM and VSM. Weighting JPM combines the advantages of JPM and VSM. It has good expression ability on the relativity between data features and data. It also has good ability to express the important level of data features.
     2) Propose the relative entropy combination weighting IB method. How to choose a proper weighting scheme is a generally acknowledged devilish problem. The combination weighting derived from the idea of combination evaluation for multiple attribute decision making (MADM) can overcome the limitations of using single weighting scheme. It will help to reflect better the essential characteristics of the data. Firstly, we suggest considering only the combinations among objective weighting schemes. Secondly, we choose relative entropy as the combination method which can be computed in a short time. The experiments on real data have shown that the proposed C WRE-sIB algorithm is superior to the sIB algorithm.
     3) Propose a feature weight self-learning mechanism for the IB method. A weight adjusting procedure is applied in the iteration stage. In the procedure, the weights of features are adjusted iteratively. The purpose of the feature self-learning mechanism is to simultaneously minimize the separations within clusters and maximize the separations between clusters so that it can improve the quality of the clustering result. Experimental results show that the proposed feature weight self-learning mechanism is objective and effective. The proposed FWA_CDsIB algorithm is superior to the CD-sIB algorithm.
     4) Propose mutual information gain for the weighting evaluation on the IB method. Among majority of weighting schemes and combination weighting methods, the traditional way evaluates the performance of feature weighting by measuring the quality of clustering. However, it is a time-consuming task because clustering algorithms should be run many times, and the number of times depends on the number of weighting schemes or the number of combination weighting iteration. We propose to judge the quality of feature weighting by the resulting gain in mutual information. Therefore, the top s weighted data representations can be selected from the weighting data representation set. Then, the best/second best cluster result can be obtained from the top s representations. Experimental results show that the mutual information gain evaluation reduces the running time without sacrificing the quality of clustering.
     5) Propose two stage three angles weighting method for non co-occurrence data. In order to analyze non co-occurrence data using the IB method, non co-occurrence data should be transformed into co-occurrence data with the binary transformation. At two stages of the co-occurrence transformation, we highlight representative features and dim irrelevant features from three viewpoints:non co-occurrence, co-occurrence and both. Experiment results show that the weighting binary transformation method generates better co-occurrence data. The TPAW-sIB algorithm is superior to the CD-sIB, LIMBO, ROCK and COOLCAT algorithms.
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