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The computer network technique is seeping into the conventional library work gradually. And it is becoming the cornerstone of library's pushing forward to the modernized management mode. During this course, the construction of library document information source is closely connected with the internet. Moreover, with the development of more and more long-range future library readers, it seems necessary to organize and regulate the electron network document information source rationally and to offer better service to its users.
    In the course of the theoretical research of this essay, The author tried to put forward some innovative ideas from the following aspects. First, people are quite familiar with the word "the construction of document information" in the library fundamental theory, but with the widespread use of the computer technique and with the informationizatinn and networknization nowadays, I think the conventional mode of the document information construction can no longer fully and systematically summarize the modernized library mode. So there must be a new series of scientific method to support the conventional mode. Second, people concern more about the content and efficiency, therefore, the construction of the conventional document source should be replaced by the construction of the network technical document source to meet the need of the world development.
    This essay is to discuss the construction of document information source under the network technique from five aspects. The author also used the advanced theories of the developed country in this field for reference and analyzed them. The author have put forward tentative ideas of how to apply them to practice properly. The main parts of essay are as follows:
    (1) The necessity and possibility of the network document information source construction.
    The construction and management of the network document information source suits both the development of the electron library and the changing reading ways of its readers. With the widespread and development of the computer network technique, the library document information institutions have to establish a certain scale of the document information data base system. This ensures the plain sailing of the document information source construction under network. Although our country started a bit late in this field, with the rise of the readers' cry, the hardware is being improved gradually. The network document information source construction has been a most important topic in the field of library information nowadays.
    The main content in this part is: 1. The new distinguishing feature in the library document information source of the network times. 2. The social need and the connected technique insurance of the network document information source construction.
    (2) The strategy and method of the document information source construction under network environment.
    The author have laid special stress on discussing this part. For today's library information institution, its document information source organized management. Besides the construction of books information data base, it places more stress on the development of the isolated data base managing system which both keeps up with the world standard is based on our national condition. Therefore, The author will put forward some practical proposals from both the real situation of our
    country's software and hardware development and some advanced theoretical discussion of the developed country. There isn't just one means of document information source construction, but the final goal is the same, which is to provide a better and more convenient service for its users and to improve its competitive and survival ability. The key of this part is to discuss how to fully develop and use data base source that has already existed and what kind of managing system to apply.
    The content of this part includes: 1. The managing of the document information source's organization and data base. 2. Choose the best data base system according to our nation
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