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Based on researches ofsport techniquepattern recognition, this articleproposedtwo basic hypotheses according to Feature Integration Theory (FIT),FeatureTheory(FT),Inhibitory Contro1Theory(ICT),Spreading Activation Theory(SAT):1、Infact, the whole technical motionwas just the information structure pattern,athletes’judgment for the motion was just pattern recognition for motion informationstructure pattern;2、Athletes could simplifymotion information structure pattern byusing their expertise,extract one or somefeatures and accomplish the judgment,decision-making, response according to this features. In the article,“experts-novices”,“oddball”,“Go/NoGo” and “Cuing” paradigm were used toaccomplishlaboratory experiments. From the point ofkinematics and sportsbiomechanics, this article analyzed mechanics basis and manufacturedinformationstructure patternpictures on table tennisservices from one to three features by3Dtechnology. The participants(second grade table tennis athletesand majoring collegestudents) were asked to judge serve rotation on the base of the above pictures.Byusing E-prime2.0software,64-channel event-related potentials(ERPs) and16-channelsurfaceelectromyogram(sEMG) recording system, the data on reaction time (RT)andaccuracy(ACC), latency and amplitude of ERPs, the premotor time (PMT)and themotor time(MT) of sEMG was acquired to demonstrate the abovehypothesesincluding six experiments of threeresearches,exploreinformation structurepattern what table tennis athletes for perceptually judging serve rotation utilized andrevealneural mechanismofpattern recognition.
     The results showed:1、in the process of table tennis athletes’ judging serverotation by one feature(batting parts),C1and P1components were induced in occipitalregion, N1in central region and P3in frontal-central and parietal-occipital region.(1)in the phase of perception, table tennis athletes’ cerebral cortex was activated higherlevel in comparison with majoring college students, athletes’ brain plasticity probablyoccurred because of long term exercise training, which was very sensitive to physicalfeatures of relevant movement stimuli;(2)in the phase of recognition, table tennisathletes’cerebral cortex was activated also higher with faster recognition speed, andmental resource was more devoted.2、in the process of table tennis athletes’ judgingserve rotation and response by one feature(batting parts),N2and P3components were induced in frontal-central region.(1)table tennis athletesrecognizedserve rotationmore quickly andaccurately for speciallypositive stimulus(Go) and recognizedpositive stimulus(Go) more highly than negative stimulus(NoGo);(2) table tennisathletes’ cerebral cortex was activated higher level in comparison with majoringcollege studentsin frontal-central region;(3) significant “Go/NoGo” effect wasappeared in table tennis athletes, that was greater NoGo-N2and NoGo-P3amplitude,table tennis athletes hadstrongerinhibition function.3、in the process of table tennisathletes’ judging serve rotation and response by two features(batting parts andbatangles), N1and P2components were induced in parietal-occipital region, N2andP3in frontal-central region.(1)table tennis athletesrecognizedserve rotation moreaccurately, it looked that they tend to respond more accurately;(2) in the phase ofperception, table tennis athletes’ cerebral cortex was activated in shorter time, higherattention, quicker feature integration speed;(3)in the phase of recognition, table tennisathletes saved time and resource in stimuli classification to determine implication ofstimuli later.4、in the process of table tennis athletes’ judging serve rotation andresponse by two features(batting parts and batangles) in three different cuingconditions, N1componentwas induced in frontal-centralregion, P3in frontal-centraland parietal-occipital region.(1) table tennis athletes recognized serve rotation morequickly and accurately,significant “Cuing” effect was appeared in recognition speedand accuracy;(2) in the cuing condition, table tennis athletes’perception forspecificity features was more quickly,cerebral cortex was activated higherlevel,significant “Cuing” effect was appeared in N1amplitude;(3) in the cuingcondition, table tennis athletesadopted more effectiveprocessing strategy topromotememory code (more mental resource)andsignificant “Cuing” effect wasappeared in P3amplitude.5、in the process of table tennis athletes’ judging serverotation and response by three features(battingparts, batangles and motor direction),N1, P2, N2and P3components were induced in frontal-central region.(1)table tennisathletesrecognizedserve rotation more accurately, it looked that they tend to respondmore accurately;(2) in the phase of perception, table tennis athletes’ cerebral cortexwas activatedless level in shorter time, mental resource was less devoted;(3)in thephase of recognition, table tennis athletes’perceptiondetection was more quickly,mental resourcewas less devoted, representation and update of working memory wasgreater.6、in the process of table tennis athletes’ judging serve rotation and responseby three features(batting parts, bat angles and motor direction) in three different cuingconditions, N1componentwas induced in frontal-centralregion, P3in frontal-centraland parietal-occipital region.(1) table tennis athletes recognized serve rotation more quickly and accurately,significant “Cuing” effect was appeared in recognition speed;(2) in the valid cuing condition, table tennis athletes’perception for specificity featureswas more quickly,significant “Cuing” effect was appeared in N1component;(3) in thecuing condition, table tennis athletesadopted more effectiveprocessing strategy topromotememory code(more quickly speed) andsignificant “Cuing” effect wasappeared in P3latency.
     The conclusions were:1、table tennis athletes’ perceptually judging serverotation accurately was inclined to one feature> three features> two features, whichimplied that they were based on a dynamic information structure pattern to judgingserve rotation accurately;2、table tennis athletes could extract one or some features toaccomplish the judgment by using their expertise;3、table tennis athletes couldallocate cognitive resource, the universal law was: in the phase of perception, mentalresource was less devoted in shorter time, greater feature integration function infrontal-central and parietal-occipital region, very sensitive to physical features ofrelevant movement stimuli in occipital region; in the phase of recognition, mentalresource was more devoted in shorter time, perception detection was more quickly,greater representation and update of working memory and inhibition function;4、tabletennis athletes were inclined to response more accurately as the increasing ofinformation traffic. Mental resource was devoted less in the phase of feature analysisand matching recognition, it implied table tennis athletes’ representation was adynamic information structure pattern;5、 table tennis athletes’ response wasfacilitated under the condition of valid clues and their representation to serve rotationwas activated in advance, cerebral cortex was activated less level in shorter time infrontal-central and parietal-occipital region, it implied that mental resource wasdevoted less in the phase of feature analysis and matching recognition.
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