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随着社会经济和互联网的发展,中国的企业越来越意识到网络营销的重要性,他们纷纷建立自己的网站,希望能从中获得利益。但盲目的建站不但没有获利,可能反而会带来一定的经济损失。本论文将信息构建(Information Architecture,简称IA)理论引入到营销网站的建设中,希望能够为正在建设或者将要建设营销网站的企业以借鉴,使其能够建设符合用户需求的网站。
With the development of social economy and Internet, Chinese enterprises are more aware of the importance of online marketing. They construct their own websites in order that they can benefit from them. But they earn nothing because of constructing websites blindly. On the contrary, it may bring economic loss. This article introduces the theory of Information Architecture into the construction of online marketing website, in order to help enterprises with constructing their websites, meeting the needs of the users.
    This article consists of five sections:
    Section one introduces the definition, traits, the function of IA and the background of the development of IA. The present situation of overseas and domestic research was also described. This section lays the base for the following sections.
    Section two examined the types and the components of online marketing websites and the general procedures to construct online marketing websites.
    Section three, the focus of this article, presented the design of IA-based online marketing websites. After elaborating on the thought and the purpose of constructing lA-based online marketing websites, the author discussed how to design the organization system, the labeling system, the navigation system and the search system. Due to the importance of user experience to business websites, the design of user experience is described at the end of this section.
    In Section four, the author explored the evaluation of online marketing websites. The author examined the evaluation of the design of, the propaganda of, the flows of and the IA of websites.
    By analyzing the IA of joyo.com, Section five further explained how the design of the IA of online marketing websites was realized.
    (26diagrams, 3tables)
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