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Due to the effects of increasing power consumption wire delay and memory latency, multiple processor cores on a die coupled in various ways are used in modern processor architectures to make use of data and thread-level parallelism. Photonic Networks-on-Chip (NoC) architectures and high-speed optical communications capable of achieving efficient connection among cores and memories in chip multiprocessors (CMP) are currently studying. As the prevailing technology, silicon photonics provides an attractive option for realizing low-loss, chip-scale and CMOS-compatible optical interconnects and optical communications.
     So, in this thesis, silicon optical waveguide devices and systems based on the FCD effect is theoreticly and experimentally investigated. The main contributions of the thesis are as follows:
     (1) In order to study how FCD effect affects the performance of the intergrated optoelectronic devices and systems, a reasonable electrical model is needed to build up. A two-demensional simulation package. Atlas from Silvaco. was employed to achieve the electrical calculations. Then according to the simulation results, FD (Finite-Difference) numerical method was adopted to calculate and analysis the changes of the equivalent refractive index、loss and field. Finally, photonic devices with the same structure were used to experimentally revise the simulation parameters.
     (2) As a key component for realizing NoCs, the optical switch should have a broad bandwidth, a low crosstalk level, a fast switching speed. In this thesis, on the basis of the carrier dispersion effect and the electrical model, we designed and demonstrated the Mach-Zender-based optical swithes、optical switch matrix and optical switching module fabricated by a0.8-μm standard commercial CMOS line. The2×2non-blocking switch matrix has low crosstalk level less than-16.1dB and a common spectral bandwidth of35nm. The power consumption of the2x2switching elements is as low as1.40mW. The switching module has a crosstalk lower than-11.8dB under a common spectral bandwidth of40nm.
     (3) We builded up the models of optical functional devices, which were based on the micro-ring resonator. Then, the models were employed in forming a silicon-based high-speed optical transmission system simulation platform. On this platform,10Gbit/s silicon-based optical transmission systems using different modulation formats were achieved, and the influence of the FCD in these systems were analyzed. The simulation platform is also applicable to other silicon-based integrated photonic devices.
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