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It is imperative to implement commercial student loan to ensure citizens'fairness of receiving university education. This research analyzes issues exist in operation mechanism & system of commercial student loan, and correspondently, proposes relevant strategies which would perfect and develop them. The major elements are set as follows:
     1. In view of problems and reasons present in credit system construction of commercial student loan, the paper builds the basic framework of credit system, which includes consummation of credit laws and regulations for commercial student loan, establishment of credit data technical support system, creation of credit evaluation system for university students, construction of government credit market management system, building-up of whole social credit education system, constitution of dishonesty disciplinary mechanism for commercial student loan.
     2. As for how to improve the student loan credit system, we can take these measures:speed up the construction of credit management system, promulgate legislations for student loan, construct related laws of student loan credit guarantee agencies, build personal credit evaluation system for university students, improve the information system, set up risk compensation mechanism, found risk compensation special funds.
     3. The establishment of student loan credit evaluation system for college students, and the constitution of credit rating analysis framework for loan borrowers. The credit evaluation system assesses personal credit rely on moral character, capacity, capital, collateral, environment these five elements. By devising evaluation model of commercial student loan, this appraisal system combines government's function departments with schools, and brings various integrity activities such as academic performance of college students, family income, personal consumption, whether maliciously default fees, economic and social activities, students-recognized credit degree in the scope of evaluation.
     4. The establishment of bad credit (arrears, late payment) and credit risk control for commercial student loan. Measures to reduce student loan default are mainly:First, constitute and perfect the information sharing mechanism among banks, which will increase penalty opportunities for those violations; Second, strengthen penalties for breach of contract; Third is to extend the repayment period, reduce each repayment amount; Four, elevate government's loan interest subsidies; Five is to increase students' awareness of loan credit and accelerate the establishment of credit system.
     5. In order to improve the commercial student loan credit system, we need to draw on experience of cross-border commercial student loan and credit guarantee, combined with the actual condition. And practical solutions as follows are recommended. (1) strengthen university students' integrity education. (2) promote actively the student dependencies loan. (3) establish and increase risk funds of commercial student loan to diversify their risks. (4) establish nationwide personal credit information system. (5) promulgate laws and regulations of commercial student loan as soon as possible. (6) unceasingly enhance co-operations of the government, banks, schools in commercial student loan fields. The government provides good policy and operating environment for the implementation of commercial student loan, while schools & banks are responsible for specific tasks.
     6. It's the building-up of policy-oriented credit guarantee institutions, which supply guarantees for the poor college students loan, that the credit guarantee system for commercial student loan has been established. By use of principal-agent theory in information economics, this study figures out that the principal-agent relations present between the body involved in credit guarantee system. By analyzing the principal-agent relations, it proposes incentives for the commissioning party and restriction policy for the agent-side, thus, setting up a good relationship between the main parties involved in the operation. The ultimate well-run of credit guarantee system could mobilize enthusiasms of the parties involved, could make access to the corresponding interests of all parties, could promote the sustainable development of commercial student loan.
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