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In this thesis containing nearly 40,000 Chinese words in all, based on the practice of ESO in China and in some foreign countries, the construction of the Executive Stock Option (ESO) system has been studied, using mainly the knowledge of administration, economics and sociology for reference.
    This thesis consists of five parts:
    The first part is on the basal connotations of ESO. It talks about its signification, characteristics, legal quality, and value as well. As a long-term stimulating salary system to enterprise proprietors, the merits of ESO are that it can help corporations to lower agency cost, attract the talent, reduce cash expenditure and eliminate short-term behavior of employees.
    The second part is about the theoretical bases of ESO. It introduces amply the two important theoretical prerequisites of this system, Agency Cost Theory and Human Capital Theory. Agency cost in modern corporations leads mainly from the short-term behavior, the shiftless behavior and the manipulative behavior of executives, and from the hitchhiking behavior of shareholders. At the same time, as the most motile essential factors of production, human capital determines enterprises' rise and fall. In addition, because human capital is absolutely private, it is difficult to control it and to price it precisely on quality and quantity.
    The third part tells about the practice of ESO in China, dealing mainly with its present modes and the respective peculiarities of each mode. As far as the current modes of ESO in China are concerned, they are mainly Shanghai Mode, Beijing Mode and Wuhan Mode. Each mode has its own peculiarities, at the same time they have certain shared ones: ESO is applied not only to listed companies; ESO is no longer a kind of selective right; the benefit of non-state junior shareholders hasn't been attached importance in the system design; ESO is punitive; as to the sources of the stock, keeping stock in advance isn't adopted.
    The fourth part introduces applying conditions of ESO and puts forward some problems that must be solved or faced in the construction of the system. A mature stock
    market, an easy business capital system, fine condition of national economy, broad prospects of the industry, a perfect market for the vocational executives, favorable tax systems are exactly essential to the smooth running of ESO. Problems existing in the system are as follows: the awarding principal part and the awarded one of ESO are not specific; the laws and regulations have not defined the sources of the stock; the honoring mechanisms of ESO are scarce; there is not favorable tax policy and accountant regulations; the simplistic property right structure and unperfect corporation system in state enterprises; the securities business is immature, etc.
    The fifth part is about the legal system construction of ESO, and it is the most important part of this thesis. First, in order to overcome legal obstacles to the construction of ESO, revising Chinese Corporation Law, Securities Law, Tax Law and correlative accountant regulations has been proposed. Then, at the end, this part discusses the legal factors of ESO construction, including the awarding principal part, the stimulated objects, the price, the term, the quantity, the mode, the assessing indexes to achievements, and so on.
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