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     这一传统的历史渊源亦体现在当代西方文学批评理论中。雅克德里达、保罗·德曼、罗兰·巴特乃至特里·伊格尔顿等当代西方文学批评理论大师均在修辞方面造诣极深。他们也都无一例外地将目光投向修辞的视角。可以说,当代西方文学批评正在进行一场波澜壮阔的“修辞转向”(rhetorical turn)。以布斯的个案研究为一个“话点”和写作平台,并由此映射到西方文学批评的修辞化传统及其当代的最新理论成果,从而促使国内文论界、比较文学界正视、重视、审视这一重大的“修辞转向”。
As a well-known contemporary Western rhetorician and literary critic, Wayne Booth is what we term an "amphibian scholar" whose scholarly interests cover both of the fields of rhetorical theory and literary theory. Booth has yielded fruitful achievements both in rhetorical theory and literary criticism, with the former exerting a strong impact upon the latter one. In Booth we could identify a close and hardly dissociated relationship between literary criticism and rhetoric and also a tendency for contemporary Western literary criticism to return to the ancient path of rhetoric. However, little attention has thus far been paid by domestic Chinese scholars specializing in Western literary theories to this unique perspective which is indispensable and of great importance for us to understand Booth in an overall way. In the long past, Booth has always been regarded as an accomplished literary critic in narrative theories, with his dual and inseparable identities and the importance of these two for a true understanding of his literary theories being unfortunately ignored. In order to introduce an all-around Booth as a scholar to Chinese scholarly community, and for a true and better understanding and mastery of his rhetorical and literary theories including his narrative and novel theories, and also for our awareness of the long-held and complex relationship between rhetorical thoughts and literary thoughts, this dissertation makes an attempt to reinterpret and re-observe Booth and his works and the intellectual climate in which he used to do literary critical practice from a Western rhetorical perspective.
     Xiuci, as a term understood in a Chinese context, is no equivalent for "rhetoric" as it has been understood and practiced in a Western context. Seen from both their denotations and connotations in a Chinese context and a Western one respectively, these two terms could hardly mean the same. Having a long history of theoretical studies in the West and being extremely profound and complex in its theories, rhetoric has long been accepted as the departure for literary theory and served as its theoretical framework. Western rhetoric attaches great importance to the discursive effect and assumes itself as the only channel for producing discourse. In this sense, rhetorical theories and discourse theories form a relationship of overlapping over each other. Thus, literary studies mainly concerned with the social effect of a literary work, must rely on a rhetorical perspective. In the contemporary West, Booth has set a successful example for us by applying his rhetorical theories into his literary critical practice and theoretical construction. From the so-called intrinsic criticism embodied in The Rhetoric of Fiction to the so-called extrinsic criticism embodied in The Company We Keep, rhetoric has always been Booth's central concern. There being no doubt that both Booth's rhetorical theories and his literary theories have their drawbacks and historical limitations, no reasons could possibly account for our neglect of the rhetorical tradition of Western literary criticism, with Booth as one of the most successful practitioners of this tradition.
     This tradition, with a long history, has been carried forward by some contemporary Western literary critics among who are Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Paul de Man and Terry Eagleton. As masters in literary theories, they are all literary-theorists-as-rhetoricians. They always keep a close eye on rhetoric while practicing literary criticism. It could be adequately assumed that a spectacular and grand "rhetorical turn" of literary criticism is currently underway in the West. Booth being a topic and writing platform for us, we hold that the stakes are high in attending to the rhetorical tradition of Western literary criticism and its latest theoretical development.
[1]Booth,Wayne C.A,Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅸ.
    [1]其主笔人为詹姆斯·费伦(James Phelan),此人系美国叙事文学研究协会前主席、《叙事》杂志现任主编、美国俄亥俄州立大学英文教授,与布斯亦师亦友,同时也被认为是当代西方叙事学理论的领军人物。
    [2]Phelaa,James.Wayne C.Booth[A].In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965"[C].Gregory S.Jay,editor.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [1]Phelan,James.Wayne C.Booth[A].In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965"[C].Gregory S.Jay,editor.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [2]Rawlings,Peter.American Theories of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C.Booth[M].London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.11.
    [2]这一段话的英文原文是:"I should finally make explicit an even larger debt that may be obscured by the widespread belief that 'Chicago critics,'of whom I am supposed to be one Aristotelians."(Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony[M].Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅹⅳ.)
    [3]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth[M].Chicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.4.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent[M].Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.4.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent[M].Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.6.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of Fiction[M].Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1961,p.149.
    [4]Phelan,James.Editor's Column:Wayne C.Booth(1921-2005)[J].Narrative.Vol.14,No.2,2006:pp.113-7.
    [1]Phelan,James.Wayne C.Booth[A].In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965"[C].Gregory S.Jay,editor.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [2]Phelan,James.Wayne C.Booth[A].In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965"[C].Gregory S.Jay,editor.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [3]Phelan,Janes.Wayne C.Booth[A].In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965"[C].Gregory S.Jay,editor.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [4]Covino,William A.,and DavidA.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,pp.33-4.
    [5]Herrick,James A.The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction.Needham Heights:Allyn & Bacon,2001,p.2.
    [6]Herriek,James A.The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction.Needham Heights:Allyn & Bacon,2001,p.237.
    [1]Rawlings,Peter.American Theories of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C.Booth[M].London and New York:Routledge,2006,pp.1-2.
    [2]Rawlings,Peter.American Theoriea of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C Booth[M].London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.55.
    [2]Shen,Dan."Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context"[J]NARRATVE,Vol.15,No.2,May 2007:pp.167-186.当代西方著名叙事理论刊物《叙事》(Narrative)于2007年春季专门出版了一期旨在纪念布斯逝世两周年的专号。申丹先生应约撰稿。
    [3]Shen,Dan.Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context[J].Narrative,2007(2):pp.167-8.
    [1]Shen,Dan.Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context[J].Narrative,2007(2):p.170.
    [1]Shen,Dan.Booth's The Rheoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context[J].Narrative,2007(2):p.169.
    [1]Eagleton,Terry.Literary Theory:An Introduction.2~(nd) Edition.Minneapolis:The U of Minnesota P,1996,p.183.
    [2]Kennedy,George A.A New History of Classical Rhetoric.Princeton:Princeton UP,1994,p.3.
    [4]Aristotle.Aristotle on Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.Trans.George A.Kennedy.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,1991,p.7.
    [1]Aristotle.On Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.Second Edition.Trans.George A.Kennedy.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,2007,p.7.
    [4]Murphy,James J.,ed.A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric[M].Davis:Hermagoras Press,1983,p.3.
    [1]Kennedy,George A.Comparative Rhetoric:A Historical and Cross-cultural Introduction.New York:Oxford UP,1998,pp.2-3.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.3.
    [5]Aristotle.Aristotle's "Art" of Rhetoric.Trans.J.H.Freese.Cambridge,MA:Harvard UP,2000,p.ⅹⅲ.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.8.
    [2]Perelman,Chaim.The Realm of Rhetoric.Notre Dame:U ofNotre Dame P,1982,p.162.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.ⅹⅳ-ⅹⅴ.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.ⅹⅴ.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.ⅹⅲ.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.ⅹⅲ.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.ⅹⅲ-ⅹⅳ.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Phetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.20.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.21.
    [3]Burke,Kenneth.A P,hetoric of Moties.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.22.
    [4]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.27.
    [5]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.41.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,pp.41-2.
    [2]刘亚猛.追求象征的力量--关于西方修辞思想的思考[M].北京:三联书店,2004年版,第110-111页.原文见Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,pp.55-56.
    [3]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.46.
    [3]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.301.
    [4]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.301.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.301.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.301.
    [3]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.302.
    [4]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of California P,1966,p.302.
    [1]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.12.
    [2]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.12.
    [1]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.13.
    [5]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.35.
    [8]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,pp.37-8.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.35.
    [2]“修辞形势”(rhetorical situation)这一当代西方修辞理论的核心概念之一,由美田当代修辞学家Lloyd Bitzer 于1968年提出,其构成要素有三:“缺失/exigcncc”(“当前存在的一个迫切需要、一种亟待填补的缺憾、或一个必须马上解决的问题,而且只有通过修辞手段,比如发布一个口号或书面修辞文本,才能填补这一需要或解决这一问题”);“受众,atldience''(任何修辞行为总是针对一个特定的受众):“局限/constraints”(修辞者面临一些局限因素,如信仰、态度、资料、事实、传统、形象、兴趣与动机等)(Bitzer,1968.6-8;刘亚猛,2004:62)。
    [3]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.19-20.
    [3]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.14.
    [4]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.12.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.135.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma andthe Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.142.
    [3]Habermas,Jutgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,pp.24-25.
    [4]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.24.
    [5]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The M1T Press,1990,p.24.
    [6]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p,25.
    [1]Hsberrnas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.25.
    [2]Hahbermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciouaness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.133.
    [3]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.134.
    [1]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.134.
    [2]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The M1T Press,1990,p.134.
    [4]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.135.
    [1]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Conaciousness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.136:
    [1]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.9.
    [2]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.10.
    [3]Rorty,Richard.Contingent,Irony and Solidarty.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.13.
    [4]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.18.
    [1]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.16.
    [1]刘亚猛.追求象征的力量--关于西方修辞思想的思考[M].北京:三联书店,2004年版,第5页。另可参阅Foucault,Michel.The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language.New York:Pantheon Books,1972,p.80.
    [2]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.Now York and London:Routledge,2003,pp.55-56.
    [3]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.54.
    [4]Foucault,Michel.The History of Sexuality,Volume I:An Introduction.Trans.Robert Hurley.New York:Random House,1978,pp.100-101.
    Foucault,Michel.The History of Sexuality;Volume I:An Introduction.Trans.Robert Hurley.New York:Random House,1978,p.86.
    [4]Herrick,James A.The Hiatory and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction.Needham Heights:Allyn & Bacon,2001,p.18.
    [1]Rufo,Kenneth.Rhetoric and Power:Rethinking and Relinking[J].Argumentation andAdvocaey 40(Fall,2003):69.
    [2]Rufo,Kenneth.Rhetoric and Power:Rethinking and Relinking[J].Argumentation and Advocaey 40(Fall,2003):69.
    [4]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.5.
    [5]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.55.
    [6]Mills,Sara.MichelFoucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.55.
    [1]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.59.
    [2]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Roufledge,2003,p.59.
    [3]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.59.
    [4]Habermas,Jurgen.Moral Conaciouaness and Communicative Action.Trans.Christian Lonhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen.Cambridge:The MIT Press,1990,p.1.
    [1]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,p.60.
    [1]Mills,Sara.Michel Foucault.New York and London:Routledge,2003,pp.61-2.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don t Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,27.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,27.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,27.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,30.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,32.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,16.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.,and Marshall W.Gregory.The Harper and Row Rhetoric:Writing as Thinking and Thinking as Writing.2~(nd) Edition.New York:The HarperCollins Pulblishers,1991,pp.ⅹⅱ-ⅹⅲ.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.,and Marshall W.Gregory.The Harper and Row Rhetoric:Writing as Thinking rout Thinking as Writing.2~(nd) Edition.New York:The HarperCollins Pulblishers,1991,pp.23-27.
    [2]在西方,对于一些人来说,“修辞”与“空谈”(empty talk)、“夸夸其谈”(bombastic words)甚至“欺骗”(deception)同义。
    [4]修辞由于柏拉图的这一指控在此后长达两千多年的历史中一直挥之不去,也从此挑起了修辞与哲学岁月漫长的缠斗,修辞的兴衰亦一直与哲学有关.为了给自己“正名”,修辞与哲学打了2000多年的笔墨官司.正因为修辞的“臭名声”,使得多数人谈修辞“色变”,对修辞采取表面上“敬而远之”,实际上却是“扛着红旗反红旗”,柏拉图本人及其后许多的哲学家手段如出一辙,都是“以反修辞之名行修辞之实"(practicing rhetoric in the narne of anti-rhetoric)。
    [1]Locke,John.An Essay Concerning Human Understanding(BookThr,,,Chapter Ⅱ).tn Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Eds.Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle.Beijing:Pelting UP,2006,p.296.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motivex.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.101.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.101.
    [3]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.102.
    [4]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Ncedham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.497.
    [1]Covino,Will1am A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,p.497.
    [2]Covino,William A.,and David A.Jolliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,199:5,p.497.
    [3]Covino,William A.,and DavidA.Joiliffe.Rhetoric:Concepts,Definitions,Boundaries.Needham Heights:Allyn and Bacon,1995,pp.497-498.
    [4]Scharbach,Alexander.Rhetoric and Literary Criticism:Why Their Separation[J].College Composition and Communication.Vol.23,No.2,1972:p.185.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.The Philosophy of Literary Form:Studies in Symbolic Action.Third Edition.Berkeley:U of California P,1973,pp.110-1.
    [2]Miller,Hillis J.The Ethics of Reading:Kant,de Maan,Eliot,Trollope,James,and Benjamin.New York:Columbia UP,1987,p.5.
    [3]Miller,Hillis J.The Ethics of Reading:Kant,de Man,Eliot,Trollope,James,and Benjamin.New York:Columbia UP,1987,p.5.
    [1]Hyde,Michael J.,and Craig R.Smith.Hermeneutics and Rhetoric:A Seen But Unob servable Relationship.In Thomas B.Farrell,ed.Landmark Essays on Contemporary Rhetoric.Mahwah:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1998:68-69.
    [4]《文则》是另一部引起国际比较修辞学界注意的理论专著。澳大利亚比较修辞学者Andy Kirkpatrick(中文名:柯安竹)择其要义而将其译成英文版.详见Kirkatrick,Andy.China's First Systematic Account of Rhetoric:An Introduction to Chen Kui's Wen Ze.Rhetarica,2005(2):103-152.
    [2]Aristotle.Aristotle's "Art" of Rhetoric.Trans.J.H.Freese.Cambridge and London:The Loeb Classical Library,1926.
    [3]Aristotle.Aristotle on Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.Trans.George A.Kennedy.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,1991,p.38.
    [4]Liu,Yameng.Dick Morris,Ideology,and Regulating the Flow of Rhetorical Resources[A].In Rhetorical Bodies[C].Eds.Jack Selzer and Sharon Crowley.Wisconsin:The U of Wisconsin P,1999:pp.314-25.
    [5]Liu,Yameng.Dick Morris,Ideology,and Regulating the Flow of Rhetorical Resources[A].In Rhetorical Bodies[C].Eds.Jack Selzer and Sharon Crowley.Wisconsin:The U of Wisconsin P,1999:pp.316-7.
    [6]Althusser,Louis.Essays on Ideology.London and New York:Verso,1984,p.44.
    [7]Althnsser,Louis.Essays on Ideology.London and New York:Verso,1984,pp.44-5.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives,Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.104.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives.Berkeley:U of California P,1969,p.103.
    [1]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,ModernAmerican Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory $.Jay.Detroit,MI:Grale,1988:p.51.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,Modern American Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.51.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,Modern American Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Grale,1988:p.51.
    [1]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,Modern American Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,/vii:Gale,1988:pp.49-66.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.4.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.ⅹⅳ-ⅴ.
    [2]据笔者了解,在当今美国各大学里,明确以“修辞”命名的院系极少。到目前为止,只加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Bcrkeley)设立了“修辞学系”.绝大多数的高校在“英语系”(Department of English)、“交流系”(Department of Communication)或“言语交流系”(Department of Speech Communication)的学科框架下,设置了修辞学专业研究方向,配备专业师资队伍和研究人员,并设立了修辞学研究方向的硕博士点(MA or PhD program in rhetoric).
    [1]布斯认为,从某种意义上说,他个人将“英语”和“修辞”融为一体纯属历史偶然。但是,他说这种融合令人愉快.要不然,“英语”作为一个领域如果其定位不那么含糊,他就不可能遇到那些他将《教师这一职业》一书献给他们的人。此外,不像很多他的同事认为将英语教师说成"an English teacher"是一个语病(solecism)(因"English"含有"British"之意,他们主张说成“ateacherofEnglish"),布斯却一向坚持“an English teacher”这一说法.
    [4]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.51-2.
    [1]Pcrelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.52.
    [1]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Trease on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.53-4.
    [2]Leiteh,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.63.
    [1]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.60.
    [2]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.64.
    [1]这一段英文原文是:"First,it made Special use of history to serve philosophlical or mcthodological purpOSCS.Second,it advocated an inductive,differential mode of reasoning and demanded care with data and conclusions.Third,it conceptualized textual meaning as 'shaping intention,' seeking to recover this fundamental motive in sympathetic acts of reconstructive understanding.Fourth,it rejected deductive reasoning,and transcendental thinking,deploring Plato,Hegel,Marx,and other 'dialectical' monists.Fifth,it lodged all propositions in a theory of pluralism.And sixth,it proposed a Neo-Aristotelian formalist poetics."(Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,pp.76-7.)
    [2]Leiteh,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,pp.66-7.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,Modern American Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.52.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅹⅳ.
    [3]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.75.
    [1]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,pp.26-7.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth:The Effect of His Being."[J]Pedagogy:Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature,Languase,Composition,and Culture,Vol.7,No.1,2007:pp.91-8.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography.Vol.67,Modern American Critics Since 1965.Ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Grale,1988:p.51.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.35.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Nosy Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.39.[1]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don;t Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.36.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,pp.40-41.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,pp.40-41.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.41.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,pp.44-45.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.45.
    [1]布斯接受了Bernard Crick在书中有关政治定义的观点.Bernard Crick以为,理想状态下的政治应能“将利益各方召集在一起,以便各方能就政府的一般性运作、秩序的维护做出积极贡献”。即便这一理想状况无法现实或者这一有意的协商过程如何地不尽如人意,“政治与暴政、寡头政治、王权、专制君主制以及中央集权制有着天壤之别”.这一政治观反映了布斯作为一个象牙塔内的学究,对那种受伦理道德制约下的清明、廉洁、有序的政治现实的渴望.
    [2]但是,对于这一次前提,因其并不具有不言自明性(self-evidence),布斯觉得有必要加以解释.布斯引用Bernard Crick在《为政治辩护》一书中的观点认为,当出现利益冲突时,其解决之道有二:要么强权一方通过诉诸武力或以武力相威胁把自己的意见强加于弱势方,要么利益各方寻求一个政治解决即一种取决于利益各方间相互协调的解决方案。此外,贿赂也算是可能的第三个解决之道。然而,布斯以为,贿赂要么可归入“力量”范畴(“由于所提供之数额巨大,[对受贿方而匍可认为具有强制性。”),要么可归入修辞范畴(“是的,乔治,我知道你认为受贿是不道德的,但是,你可想想,倘若你在此不跟我站在一起[接受我的贿赂],实际上。你是站在我们共同的敌人一边了……”)。详阅Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation ofA Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.38-9.
    [3]布斯指出,对于这一次前提,也许有人会问:“任何政治进程取决于政客所可资利用之修辞质量,何以见得?”对此,布斯认为,现今的政治现实充满着公共欺骗行为(public 1ying)。布斯说道:“处于竞争状态之中的利益各方之间的道理互动取决于维护一定程度的诚实正直和信任,以便道理可以实际交流”。布斯进一步地指出,“显而易见,假如任何社会发展到了这样一个节点,以致每个人都以为,每个人都极可能说谎,那么,真正意义上的政治进程就死了.接踵而至的不人道骚乱很快就得以暴政接管的方式加以解决。因此,我们所说的政治腐败其实就是修辞的腐败.假如它发展到超越一定的总是难以决定的节点,我们就完了(We are doomed.)。在美国,人们经常想知道,我们距离这一节点还有多远。我怀疑,在过去,公共欺骗不如现今这样有利可图。”布斯说.人们不可避免地将尼克松和霍尔德曼新近出版的书与此联系在一起.在布斯看来,这些书都是由“谎言、真伪混同的欺骗陈述(halfqzuths)、偶尔有之的真话构成的有利可图的混合物”.布斯认为,关键是这些书“不仅对我们的政治修辞不利:它们污染了我们的政治氛围,使我们当下的生活堕落”.从这里我们也可以看出,布斯对修辞伦理的两面性始终认识不清.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.40-1.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.41.
    [1]在此,布斯实际上在暗示自己的隐喻(“畅游其中的大海”)比肯尼斯·伯克(Kcnneth Burke)所创造的“辞屏”(Terminjstic Screen)这一隐喻要更好.故而,我们以为,布斯此处有与伯克暗中较劲之嫌。
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.41-2.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The location of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.42.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.43.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.36-7.
    [1]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.47.
    [3]“信仰(adherence)”是帕尔曼在其名著The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation(《新修辞学:关于论辩的求索》)中提出的一个全新概念,也是其修辞思想的核心概念之一。在帕尔曼看来,一切的论辩的最终目的在于获取、强化某一特定受众对某一观点或主张的信仰,直至受众将其加以内化(internalize)并“自觉地”按修辞者的设计采取某一行动。这一概念与亚里士多德修辞思想中的“说服(persuasion)”以及肯尼斯·伯克修辞思想中的“认同(identification)”等概念既有区别又有联系。有关它们之间的区别与联系,可参阅刘亚猛.西方修辞学史[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版,第321-347页.
    [4]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.48.
    [4]如,对一个曾作出突出贡献的市民的悼词;或者没有实际利益的言说,如对一种美德的赞美,对上帝的赞美等。可参阅Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.48.以及刘亚猛.西方修辞学史[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版,第330页.
    [5]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.47-8.
    [6]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.48.
    [3]值得一提的是,作为哲学家和法学家的帕尔曼本人在对论辩进行十多年研究的历程中,发现现代主义论辩观无法解决关于“正义”、“价值',等概念之类的争议。帕尔曼正是由此将目光投向古典修辞理论,并从中得到了极大启发,其代表作《新修辞学:关于论辩的探索》亦是在这一背景下应运而生的。可参阅Perelman,Chaim.The Realm of Rhetoric.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1982.
    [1]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tryteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.49.
    [2]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteea.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.51.
    [3]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.51.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p33.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.35-6.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.36.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.12.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.17.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,pp.17-8.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,pp.13-4.
    [1]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,pp.3-4.
    [1]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,pp.4-5.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.34.
    [3]刘亚猛.追求象征的力量--关于西方修辞思想的思考[M].北京:三联书店,2004年版,第47页;Richards,I.A.The Philosophy of Rhetoric.New York:Oxford UP,1965,p.3.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ix.
    [3]布斯这一观点显然得益于古典哲辩大师普罗塔哥拉(Pr otagoras)翠先提出的一个修辞基本原则,即“针对一切事物都存在着两种相反[又都讲得通]的说法”.古典修辞理论对布斯的影响在此可见一斑。有关这一修辞基本原则的讨论,可参阅刘亚猛.西方修辞学史[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版,第30-31页.
    [4]布斯指出,“交流失败”这一说法其实不太准确,因为这一说法表明,如果我们词语使用得当,言语交流 之间的交流应该就可以顺利进行。所以,他选择将这一状况定义为“修辞失败”(rhetorical failure)。他说之所以使用“修辞失败”这一说法是因为他认为“在话语中,很多重大问题面临胜败攸关之际,而不仅仅是选择恰当言辞或表达技巧的修饰性失败”(substantive issues are at stake in the discourse itself,not mere ornamental failures to choose the right word or trick of presentation).见 Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.10.
    [5]布斯指出,他之所以选择“修辞”这一传统概念,是因为他要倡导“人们如何在话语中去共同发现双方之前未曾表示过质疑的真理(或至少是一致看法)的新层面的一整套原理”(the whole philosophy of how men succeed or fail in discovering together,in discourse,new levels of truth[or at least agreement]that neither side suspected before)。因而,这里所体现的修辞观是“将修辞视为发现和共享可证当直认的艺术”(a view of rhetoric as the whole art of discovering and sharing warrantable assertion).见Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.11.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicgo and London:The U of Chicago P.1974.p.14.
    [2]当然这样说并不一定符合“史实”,毕竟之前已有不少来自哲学界、修辞学界、人类学界、史学界、社会学界、法学理论界以及文学批评界等多个领域的众多学者对现代主义思潮进行了严厉批判。如,针对现代主义思潮下的“事实”与“价值”这个二元对立,哲学家迈克尔·波拉尼(Michael Polanyi)、修辞学家肯尼斯·伯克(Kenneth Burke)和法学理论家兼修辞学家凯姆·帕尔曼(Chaim Perelman)以及布斯曾受教其中的芝加哥学派都曾对其予以严厉批判.然而,正如布斯所指出,虽然这些“一线的研究人员”已发觉这个二元对立“不必要”、“不符逻辑”或“有害”,但是,总体的智力气候仍然依赖这个二元对立及其派生物(the pairings that it spawns)。见Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.20.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.14-22.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.22.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.14.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.23.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.26.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.24-32.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.12.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.37.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.37.
    [3]Booth.Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.37.
    [4]布斯这一“分两步走”的论辩策略同样见诸于他在其他理论著作中.如,他在《小说修辞》中对现代主义小说理论的批判也采取了这一策略。布斯的“切蛋糕法”论辩成略同样见诸于他在其他场合的论辩中(见本文第六章有关“当代西方美学与伦理批评之争”的讨论)。值得一提的,从布斯在批判罗素过程中所采用的论辩策略来看,他显然受到了修辞思想家理查德·惠特利(Richard Whately)《修辞的基本原则》(Elements of ghetoric)一 书的影响。布斯修辞思想的多元来源在此亦可见一斑。有关这一“内在”和“外在”论辩策略的讨论,可参阅刘亚猛.西方修辞学史[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版,第277页。
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.43-44.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.47-49.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.46-47.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.50-51.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.52.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.53.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chic,ago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.54.
    [4]Boo th,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chic,ago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.58.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.57.
    [1]布斯认为,这里的辨证学或修辞指的是“对或多或少[称得上是]好的理由加以仔细掂量,以达致或多或少具有可能性的结论[的]艺术”.在布斯看来,这一言说艺术有一个好处,那就是“虽然所达致的并非很肯定(none too secure),但是,总比偶然或思维冲动而达致的结论要好”。从这一表述来看,布斯实际上混淆了辨证与修辞之间的区别.据刘亚猛在《西方修辞学史》中指出,“辨证可用于讨论任何一般性话题而修辞只限于讨论跟公共事务相关的一般性话题”;“通过辨证过程取得的往往是超越具体语境的一般性结论而通过修辞过程取得的则通常都是关于具体事务的结论”。二者在方法上亦有区别。有关辨证与修辞的关系的讨论,可参阅刘亚猛:《西方修辞学史,[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008年版,第50-51页。
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U or Chicago P,1974,pp.59-60.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.59-60.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.76-77.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.ⅸ-ⅹⅰ.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.91.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.92-99.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.99.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.112-115.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.115-116.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.121-122.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.125.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.125-126.
    [2]Kennedy,George A.Comparative Rhetoric:an Historical and Cross-cultural Introduction.New York:Oxford UP,1998,p.3.
    [3]Kennedy,George A.Comparative Rhetoric:an Historical and Cross-cultural Introduction.New York:Oxford UP,1998,p.3.
    [1]Kennedy,George A.Comparative Rhetoric:an Historical and Cross-cultural Introduction.New York:Oxford UP,1998,p.26.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.126.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.126.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.126.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.128.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.125.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.129.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.129-130.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.130.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.131.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.131-132.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.132.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.132.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.132.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.132.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.133.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.134.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.134.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.135.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.136.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.136-137.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.137.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.137-138.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.138.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.138.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.139.
    [1]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.31-34.
    [2]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p,68.
    [3]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrcehts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.67.
    [4]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.68.
    [5]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbreehts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Tratise on Argumentation.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,p.68.
    [1]Rorty,Richard.Contingency,Irony and Solidarity.New York:Cambridge UP,1989,p.5.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.ⅸ-ⅹⅰ.
    [2]布斯这里所表达的部分观点让人莫名其妙,而且与他在其他地方所表达的类似观点有自相矛盾之嫌。修辞一向诉诸于具体受众,一向以公共意见(public opinion)而不是真理为其出发点,一向基于或然性(probability/liklihood)。他这里所表达的部分观点也使我们进一步地认识到一点,那就是布斯对修辞的两面性一向认识不足.其伦理道德制约下的、理想化的修辞观在此亦可见一斑。
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.ⅹⅱ-ⅹⅴ.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.141.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.142.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.142.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetonic of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,pp.142-3.
    [2]根据我们的了解,在当代西方修辞学界,亚里士多德《修辞学》的流行译本有两个.一个由当代著名的西方修辞史学家George A.Kennedy所译,另一个译本的作者是J.H.Freese。目前,大多数学者采用的是前一个译本。而布斯在这里所参考的是W.Rhys.Roberts的译本,这个译本现在已很少人采用。从布斯的转述可以看出,前两个译本在对三大修辞资源的理解上存在着一个重大区别,主要体现在对“威”(ethos)的解读上。按照前一个译本,“威”(ethos)是说服中的“支配性因素”(the controlling factor in persuasion),而在后一个译本中,“理”(logos)取代了“威”(ethos)而排在第一位。可参阅Kennedy,George A.Aristotle on Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,1991,p.38.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.144.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.144.
    [3]Kennedy,George A.Aristotle on Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,1991,p.38.
    [4]Kennedy,George A.Aristotle on Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse.New York and Oxford:Oxford UP,1991,p.38.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.144.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.146.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.147.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.148.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.148.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.149-150.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.150.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.165.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.165.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.165.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.166.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.166.
    [2]这一段话的英文原文如下:"We master it or appreciate it or enjoy it;it works,hits us hard,carries us away,absorbs or transports us.To me,as to Kenneth Burke,the most nearly adequate metaphors lead here to the notion of identification--I take the work in,or as phenomenologists say,it enables me to dwell in it.I live the work;it lives its life in me.It creator and I become,in apart of our life,indistinguishable as we live the work togethe."参阅Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.169.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.177.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.178,
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.108.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.108.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.108.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.109.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.xv.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.107.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.109-113.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-I988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,pp.315-329.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.40,
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHTORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.51.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.51.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.113.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.104.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.316.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅸ.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.ⅸ.
    [5]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.57.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.5-6.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.117.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.118-119.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.120-121.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.121.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.121.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C,A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.10-12.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.13.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.14.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.14.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.16.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.58.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.58.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.53.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irorty.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.54-5.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.59.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.196.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.222-7.
    [5]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.59.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.A Rhetoric of Irony.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,pp.227-8.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.60.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.60.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.60.
    [1]Wayne C.Booth.Critical Understanding:The Powers and Limits of Pluralism.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1979,pp.ⅹⅰ-ⅹⅱ.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Critical Understanding:The Powers and Limits of Pluralism.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1979,pp.3-4.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Critical Understanding:The Powers and Limits of Pluralism.Chicago:The U of Chicago P,1979,pp.4-24.
    [1]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.63.
    [2]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.63.
    [3]Phelan,James."Wayne C.Booth." In Dictionary of Literary Biography,Vol.67,"Modern American Critics Since 1965," ed.Gregory S.Jay.Detroit,MI:Gale,1988:p.63.
    [1]Shen,Dan.Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context[J].NARRATIVE,Vol.15,No.2,May 2007:pp.175.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C."Resurrection of the Implied Author:Why Bother?" In A Companion to Narrative Theory.Eds.James Phelan and Peter J.Rabinowitz.Malden,MA:Blaekwell Publishing Ltd.,2005,pp.75-88.
    [1]Rawlings,Peter.American Theories of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C.Booth.London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.13.
    [2]曾经的芝加哥学派主将之一,也即当代西方叙事学界领军人物、著名学术期刊《叙事》(Narrative)现任主编詹姆斯·费伦(James Phelan)的博士论文指导老师。
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.163.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetorical Stance[J].College Composition and Communication 14(1963):139-45.Reprinted in Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,pp.25-33.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.131.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1974,p.131.布斯对现代主义小说观的批判见本文第五章。
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.162.
    [3]Perelman,Chaim and L.Olbreehts-Tyteca.The New Rhetoric:A Treatiae on Argu,emtatopm.Notre Dame:U of Notre Dame P,1969,pp.19-20.
    [2]Killham,John."The 'Second Self' in Novel Criticism."[J]British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.279.
    [3]Shen,Dan.Booth's The Rhetoric of Fiction and China's Critical Context[J].NARRATIVE,Vol.15,No.2,May 2007:pp.175.
    [1]Rawlings,Peter.American Theories of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C.Booth.London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.2.
    [2]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.63.
    [3]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.65.
    [1]Rawlings,Peter.American Theories of the Novel:Henry James,Lionel Trilling,Wayne C.Booth.London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.14.
    [2]Leitch,Vincent B.American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties.New York:Columbia UP,1988,p.63.
    [3]Killham,John.The "Second Self" in Novel Criticism[J].British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.273.
    [4]Killham,John.The "Second Self" in Novel Criticism[J].British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.273.
    [5]Killham,John.The "Second Self" in Novel Criticism[J].British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.273.
    [6]Killham,John The "Second Self" in Novel Criticism[J].British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.273.
    [1]Killham,John.The "Second Self' in Novel Criticism[J].British Journal of Aesthstics.No.6,1966:p.280.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.106.
    [3]Killham,John."The 'Second Self' in Novel Criticism."[J]British Journal of Aesthetica.No.6,1966:p.285.
    [4]Killham,John."The 'Second Self' in Novel Criticism."[J]British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.286.
    [5]Killham,John."The 'Second Self' in Novel Criticism."[J]British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.289.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.155.
    [7]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.155.
    [8]Kiliham,John."The 'Second Self' in Novel Criticism."[J]British Journal of Aesthetics.No.6,1966:p.279.
    [9]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.155.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.154.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.155.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:pp.105-117.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.153.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.156.
    [7]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.156.
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    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,pp.157-8.
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    [2]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.158.
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    [4]Booth,Wayne C.Now Don't Try to Reason with Me.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,1970,p.159.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.110.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.111.
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    [4]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.113.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.114.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C."The Rhetoric of Fiction" and the Poetics of Fictions[J].NOVEL:A Forum on Fiction 1.2,1968:p.114.
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    [2]Burke,Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action:Essays on Life,Literature,and Method.Berkeley:U of california P,1966,p.302.
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    [4]Eagleton,Terry.Literary Theory:An Introduction.2~(nd) Edition.Minneapolis:The U of Minnesota P,1996,p.102.
    [1]Boo th,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.8.
    [1]Boo th,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.25.
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    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.36-7.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.38-44.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.8.
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    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.9.
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    [3]Miller,Hillis J.The Ethics of Reading:Kant,de Man,Eliot,Trollope,James,and Benjamin.New York:Columbia UP,1987,p.8.
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    [1]Miller,Hillis J.The Ethics of Reading:Kant,de Man,Eliot,Trollope,James,and Benjamin.New York:Columbia UP,1987,pp.8-9.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.9.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.9-10.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.10.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.10.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.10.
    [7]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.11.
    [8]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.11.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.11.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.11.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.12.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.12.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.12.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.14.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of CalifomiaP,1988,p.13.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of Fiction.2~(nd) Edition.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1983,p.ⅹⅲ.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.14.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.16.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics_of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.16.
    [6]Eagleton,Terry.Literary Theory:An Introduction.2~(nd) Edition.Minneapolis:The U of Minnesota P,1996,p.200.
    [1]Eagleton,Terry.Literary Theory:An Introduction.2~(nd) Edition.Minneapolis:The U of Minnesota P,1996,p.182.
    [2]Eagleton,Terry.Literary Theory:An Introduction.2~(nd) Edition.Minneapolis:The U of Minnesota P,1996,p.182.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.72.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.82.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.51.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.49-50.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.51.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.52-53,
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of Califomia P,1988,p.56.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.60.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.60.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.60.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.62.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.62.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.64.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.64.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.65-69.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.69.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.70.
    [7]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.70.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.70.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.71.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.71.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.71.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.72.
    [6]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.72.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction,Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.72-73.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.72.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,pp.74-75.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.76.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.76.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.73.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.84.
    [3]Adams,Hazard,and Leroy Searle,eds.Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1395.
    [4]Adams,Hazard,and Leroy Searle,eds.Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1395.
    [5]Adams,Hazard,and Leroy Searle,eds.Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1395.
    [1]Fish,Stanley.Is There a Text in This Class? In Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle,eds.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1402.
    [2]Adams,Hazard,and Leroy Searle,eds.Critical Theory Sinnce Plato.Third Edition.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1395.
    [3]Adams,Hazard,and Leroy Searle,eds.Critical Theory Since Plato.Third Edition.Beijing:Peking UP,2006,p.1395.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Company We Keep:An Ethics of Fiction.Berkeley and London:U of California P,1988,p.85.
    [1]共四篇文章.分别是:理查德·波斯纳的Against Ethical Criticism(《反伦理批评》)、马莎·努斯鲍姆的Exactly and Responsibly:A Defense of Ethical Criticism(《确切与责任:为伦理批评辩护》)、韦恩·布斯的Why Banning Ethical Criticism is a Serious Mistake(《为什么禁止伦理批评是个严重错误》)以及波斯纳对努斯鲍姆和布斯的回应文章Against Ethical Criticism:Part Two(《反伦理批评:Ⅱ》).
    [2]理查德·波斯纳(Richard A.Posner),享有“美国20世纪最重要的100位法律人之一”之美誉.1939年生.1959毕业于耶鲁大学英国文学系,在联邦最高法院当过助手,1962毕业于哈佛大学法学院,1981年经里根总统提名成为美国联邦第七巡回区上诉法院(芝加哥)法官(自1993年以来为首席法官).芝加哥大学法学院客座教授.论著等身,被认为是“著述最丰的法官.前无古人”.他还是“法律与文学”运动的一位中心人物,该运动的起步标志事件是1973年詹姆斯·伯艾特·怀特(James Boyd White)所著The Legal Imagination(《法律的想象》)一书的出版.其实,怀特这本书“来者不善”,矛头直指当时因波斯纳的论著《法律的经济学分析》一书的出版而兴起的“法律经济学”运动,而波斯纳则在《法律与文学:一场误会》一书中予以反击.但是,10年后阴差阳错,改版了的《法律与文学:再思考》却成了“法律与文学”运动的经典教材。在书中。波斯纳指出,除了法律写作中充满了文学也使用的隐喻、律师强调类比推理与诗人使用比喻相近、法律人使用了文学作品中使用的形象化语言等表面的联系外.法律与文学的联系还有.(1)有数量惊人的文学作品中涉及到法律甚至是正义的一般问题;(2)法律和文学都关注文本的含义,解释是一个中心争议;(3)法律文本特别是法院的意见,很像文学文本。有很多修辞;(4)文学是法律规制的一个传统对象,并且文学作品有时会引出诉讼;以及(5)法律程序,特别是英美的陪审抗辩制,有重要的戏剧化向度等(李国庆:2002,v).
    [3]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.156.
    [1]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.5.
    [2]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.5.
    [3]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.5.
    [4]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.5.
    [5]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.5.
    [6]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.181.
    [7]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.181.
    [8]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.181.
    [1]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.156.
    [2]Jost,Walter,ed.The Essential Wayne Booth.Cicago:The U of Chicago P,2006,p.156.
    [3]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅸ.
    [4]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅸ.
    [5]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅸ.
    [6]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹ.
    [1]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹ.
    [2]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹ.
    [3]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹ.
    [4]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹⅰ.
    [1]Davis,Todd F.,and Kenneth Womack,eds.Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics,Culture,and Literary Theory.Charlottesville and London:UP of Virginia,2001,p.ⅹⅰ.
    [3]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.2.
    [1]Posner,RichardA."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.1.
    [2]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.1.
    [3]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.1.
    [5]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.3.
    [6]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.3.
    [2]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.3.
    [3]Nussbaum,Martha.Love's Knowledge:Essays on Philosophy and Literature.New York:Oxford UP,1990.
    Nussbaum,Martha.Poetic Justice:The Literary Imagination and Public Life.Boston:Beacon Press,1995.
    [1]有关这个著名的比喻,可参见 Booth,Wayne C."The Way I Loved George Eliot:Friendship with Books as a Neglected Critical Metaphor."[A]In The Essential Wayne C Booth[C].Ed.Walter Jost.Chicago and London:The U of Chicago P,2006:pp.155-178.
    [2]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1,(1997):p.22.
    [1]Nussbaum,Martha.Love's Knowledge:Essays on Philosophy and Literature.New York:Oxford University Press,1990,p.344.
    [2]Nussbaum,Martha.Love's Knowledge:Essays on Philosophy and Literature.New York:Oxford University Press,1990,pp.344-5.
    [1]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.1.
    [2]Posner,Richard A."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.2.
    [3]Posner,RichardA."Against Ethical Criticism."[J]Philosophy and Literature 21.1(1997):p.20.
    [4]Nussbaum,Mattha.Love's Knowledge:Essays on Philosophy and Literature.New York:Oxford University Press,1990,p.351.
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    [3]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,p.123.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,p.219.
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    [3]伯克将自己在不同时期创作的三大修辞与文学批评理论名著即《动机语法学》(A Grammar of Motives,1945)、《动机修辞学》(A Rhetoric of Motives,1950)及《语言作为象征行动》(Language As Symbolic Action,1966)统称为“动机工程”(The Motivorum Project).
    [4]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd )Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,p.219.
    [5]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,p.31.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition,Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,pp.40-41.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,pp.70-71.
    [1]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,pp.71-72.
    [2]Burke,Kenneth.Counter-Statement.2~(nd) Edition.Los Altos:Hermes Publications,1953,pp.72-73.
    [1]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.ⅹⅴ.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Vocation of A Teacher:Rhetorical Occasions 1967-1988.Chicago/London:The U of Chicago P,1988,p.36.
    [2]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.180.
    [3]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.77.
    [4]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.77.
    [5]Booth,Wayne C.The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication.Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2004,p.77.何谓“修辞性疑问”?刘亚猛在《追求象征的力量--关于西方修辞思想的思考》一书中指出,“修辞性疑问”实际上是一个“以疑问句为伪装的肯定陈述”,其运作方式是“向某个方向做个假动作却朝另一个方向运动”.意图在于“通过‘在场'的疑问句与‘缺席'的肯定陈述打一种‘假想拳'而取得特殊的修辞效果.”“修辞性疑问”“貌似实意陈述,实则喻意表达。在实意和喻意之间飘忽不定”,从辞格来说,是一个“非转义辞格”(figure)而不是“转义辞格”(trope).其修辞功能是为修辞者提供一个渠道,通过它“轻轻触动受众早已内化了的一种有问必答的‘社会责任感'而使受众在不知不觉中担负起本该属于修辞者的举证责任,也就是将自己和修辞者同化起来了”.见刘亚猛.追求象征的力量--关于西方修辞思想的思考[M].北京:三联书店,2004年版,第245-246页.
    [1]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwatdsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.124-5.
    [2]“修辞主义”(rhetoricism)一词极少见诸于西方古典与现当代修辞理论中.应该是德里达所杜撰的一个词.在布斯看来,“修辞主义”一词指的是“一个幼稚的看法.以为修辞效果完全不受除修辞结构(rhetorical structure)之外其它一切因素的影响--完全不受修辞行为发生于其中的语境因素的影响”(Olson,1991:77-78).此外.布斯认为这一看法否认了自己上文所提及的第一现实.即“永久的、不可变更的,非偶然性的真理”(Booth,2004:12-13).我们以为,“修辞主义”一词在一定程度上体现了德里达修辞观的两面性.正如布斯所指出,一方面.德里达强调修辞的重要性.认为修辞无所不在;而另一方面,却又“正确地决定不能让修辞研究取代一切”(Booth.2004:77).
    [3]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsvilie:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.135.
    [4]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.135.
    [1]在国内,“The Sop hists”一词的通用中文译名是“诡辩师/家”或“智者学派”.对这一通用译名.刘亚猛在《追求象征的力量》一书中表达了不同意见,认为前者“不加批判地接受了始于柏拉图,并在近代和现代西方主要出于意识形态的需要而被强化并广为流传的某些偏见”、“包含了该名词在其原始语境里并不带有的负面价值判断”.而后者则“将'the sophists'完全‘智能化'和‘哲学化',无端淡化了他们主要的身份特征,即当时广受崇敬的修辞大师、专家、教授”,故而主张将“The Sophists”改译为“哲辩师”(2004:16).
    [2]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Catbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.136.
    [1]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.136.
    [2]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Dcrrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,pp.135.
    [1]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,p.136.
    [1]在这里.德里达实际上对“解构反传统”这一指控做出了回应.在德里达看来.如果没有一个得以解构的传统.解构就不可能发生.那些有意将“虚无主义”(nihilism)读入解构的人.一向将解构简约性地描述为“主张无序”(an advocacy for disorder)、“对传统和文化的解构”.正如沙伦·克劳利(Sharon Crowley)指出.“这是完全不可能的(sheer impossibility).”克劳利质问道:“假如人们从来没有感觉到经典所施压的排他性的压力,怎么可能觉得有必要去解构这一文学经典?”“假若人们从来没有感受到传统方法的指导所强加给作者的压迫.怎么可能觉得有必要将作文指导向除了形式主义指导之外的其他因素敞开呢?”(Crowley,Sharon.“Jacques Derrida on Teaching and Rhetoric:A Response." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Liteacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,p.142.)
    [2]Olson,Gary A."Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition:A Conversation." In Interviews:Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.Eds.Gary A.Olson and Irene Gale.Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1991,p.140.
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