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     从这一点出发,本文尝试引入从古典修辞学基础上继承和发展起来的当代西方修辞理论“新修辞”(New Rhetoric)。这是一门强调言辞以受众为中心、注重修辞者与受众的互动关系、重视话语象征力量、关注如何有效运用象征资源影响受众的综合性语言理论,突出修辞既是一种认知方法,也是一种社会实践的观点。
The translation studies in our time has become an interdisciplinary endeavor marked by a plurality of approaches, covering a great variety of topics and methods. It has witnessed several "turns" in the process of its development, such as the "linguistic turn", the "deconstructionist turn", the "functionalist turn", the "communicative turn", the "descriptive turn", the "cultural-sociological turn" and the "translator's turn." What is taking shape in this field is a "U turn," a return to a focus on language itself. However, this does not mean a retreatment to the same old tradition. Rather, it signals a re-emphasis on the translation text itself by placing it within different frameworks and approaching it from all kinds of perspectives. By drawing on insights from linguistic analysis, translation scholars seek to better explain translation processes and to better guide the translation practice.
     While we hail the great achievements translation studies has scored as a result of taking all the above-mentioned "turns," some very basic but important aspects are yet to be given due attention. For instance, the study of the audience in translation remains marginalized even though the term has been casually referred to all the time. And the translation as a special mode of symbolic power is similarly neglected, which is all the more striking if we consider the fact that too much attention has been given to macro and external factors of translation.
     To address these issues, the dissertation tries to introduce "New Rhetoric", also understood as contemporary Western rhetorical theories, into the study of translation. Developed out of classic rhetoric, "New Rhetoric" is an integrated linguistic theory fully committed to the centrality of audience and its interaction with the rhetor, and with a dominant interest in studying how symbolic power is generated through effective use of symbolic resources in all discursive practices. Within its theoretical framework, rhetoric becomes a cognitive approach as well as a social practice.
     Proceeding from where rhetoric and translation converge in the real-life discursive practices, the dissertation makes an attempt to redefine translation by rendering salient the audience and the verbal symbols as two of its key factors. Attempts are also made to apply contemporary rhetorician Kenneth Burke's notion of "dramatic pentad" to a reexamination of the participants in translation and, in particular, of the interactive relationship or cooperative partnership between the translator and the audience.
     Ours has been a time when translation is becoming more and more oriented toward the "real world." It is imperative that we understand, explain and practice translation with a heightened rhetorical awareness. Major concerns should be given to the symbolic power generated by and embodied in all socio-cultural and discursive acts in terms of the influence these acts exert on those involved. Translation is no exception. In this regard, the "New Rhetoric" approach provides valuable insights into how translators could address their current concerns and, in particular, solve the perennial problem of poor quality of translation of publicity for an international audience. The introduction of "New Rhetoric" to translation and related discussions is both theoretically and practically illuminating. The project contributes to the correcting of translation scholars' "pre-understanding" or "traditional" conception of rhetoric as simply figurative or stylistic devices. And it also opens a new vista for a better understanding of translation in general, especially of its relevancy to the real-world concerns and needs.
① Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press.1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006
    ② Paschalis Nikolaou, in Manuela Perteghella & Eugenia Loffredo, ed.,Translation and Creativity:Perspectives on Creative Writing and Translation Studies, Continuum,2006, p.ⅶ
    ③ Mary Snell-Hornby, The Turns of Translation Studies:New paradigms or shifting viewpoints? John Benjamins Publishing Co.2006
    ① Hatim, Basil, Teaching and Researching Translation,2001,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,p.10
    ② Mary Snell-Hornby, The Turns of Translation Studies:New paradigms or shifting viewpoints? John Benjamins Publishing Co.2006
    ③ Mona Baker, Linguistic Models and Methods in the Study of Translation, An International Encyclopedia of (?)ransiation Stuaies, water de Gruyter·Berlin·New York, 2005, p,291
    ④ James A.Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, p.2
    ① Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and method, Second, Revised Edition, The Crossroad Publishing Corporation,1989, p. 568
    ③谭学纯 唐跃 朱玲,《接受修辞学》(增订本),安徽大学出版社,2000年,第12,30页
    ① James A.Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, pp.4,12
    ② Burke, in Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, pp. 191-193
    ① Eugene A.Nida,& Reyburn William, Meaning Across Cultures, Maryknoll of N.Y. Orbis Book,1981, p.39
    ② Peter Newmark,A Textbook of Translation, Prantice Hall,1988, p.42
    ④Sonja K Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.2002. p.10
    ① Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,pp.127-130
    ② ibid, p.134
    ③ Claudia Carlos, "Translation as Rhetoric:Edward Jerningham's 'Impenitence'", Rhetoric Review, Volume 28, Issue 4, October 2009, pp.335-351
    ① Rita Copeland, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, and Translation in the Middle Ages:Academic Traditions and Vernacular Texts, Cambridge University Press, April 28,1995
    ①Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation, Oxford, Pergamon Press,1981,p.4
    ③Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993上海外语教育出版社,2003,p.1
    ① Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001, p.17
    ② Basil Hatim, Teaching and Researching Translation,2001,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,p.ⅹⅸ
    ③杨建华编著,《西方译学理论辑要》, 天津大学出版社,2009,第10页
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet, (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.2
    ② Cf. ibid.pp.12-13
    ⑤ Martha P. Y Cheung, A new interpretation of the earliest Chinese 'To translate' means 'to exchange'?--attempts to define translation ('fnyi') Target,17:1,2005, pp.27-48,
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.17
    ③谭载喜,《西方翻译简史》(增订版), 商务印书馆,2004,20页
    ② ibid, p.21
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.42
    ② Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, pp.36,53
    ③ Matthew Arnold, "On Translating Homer", Selections from Arnold, ed. by Lewis E.Gates, Henry Holt & Co. ed. by Lewis E. Gates,1898, pp.41,43
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, pp.73,75,79;陈浪译,谢天振主编,《当代国外翻译理论导读》,南开大学出版社,2008,322,325,328-329页
    ② Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.77
    ③ ibid, pp.108,112
    ① Cited in Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language:Linguistic Theories Explained, St.Jerome Publishing Ltd.,1997,外语教学与研究出版社,2007,p.1
    ② J. C.Catford. A Linguistic Theorv of Translation, Oxford:Oxford University Press.1965. p.20
    ③ ibid.p.49
    ① J. C.Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford:Oxford University Press.1965, p.73
    ② Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999. p.152
    ③ Mona Baker, Linguistic Models and Methods in the Study of Translation, An zlnternational Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Water de Gruyter·Berlin·New York,2005, p.287
    ④ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993. p.46
    ⑤ Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001.pp.42-43
    ① Peter Newmark, About Translation, Multilingual Matters Limited,1991.pp.2-4
    ② Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation, Oxford, Pergamon Press,1981.p.39
    ③ Newmark, Anderman, Gunilla &. Rogers, Margaret, Translation Today:Trends and Perspectives,2003;外语教学与研究出版社,2006.pp.22-23
    ④ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993.p.163
    ⑤ George Steiner, After Babel:Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford University Press,1998, p.1
    ①Cited in Peter Fawcett,Translation and Language:Linguistic Theories Explained,1997;外语教学与研究出版社,2007,p.4
    ②Mona Baker,In Other Words:A Courebook on Translation,1992;外语教学与研究出版社,2000,p.217
    ① Juliane House. Translation Oualitv Assessment:A model revisited. Tubingen:Gunter Narr,1997.pp.30,32
    ② ibid,p.37
    ④ House, cited in Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,
    ③ ibid, p.29 1999.
    ⑤ Juliane House, Translation Quality Assessment:A model revisited, Tubingen:Gunter Narr,1997.p.29
    ⑥ in Mary Snell-Homby,, Translation Studies:An Integrated Approach,(?)上海外语教育出版社,2001,67
    ⑦ Ulla M Connor. Contrastive Rhetoric:Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing, Cambridge University, 1996,p,121
    ① Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993. p.194
    ② George Steiner, After Babel:Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford University Press,1975,上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.67
    ③ Edwin Genztler. Contemporary Translation Theories. Routledee,1993, p.149
    ⑤ ibid, pp.158-159
    ④ ibid. p.158
    ①廖七一, 《当代西方翻译理论探索》,译林出版社,2002,76页
    ② Edwin Genztler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993. p.166
    ③ ibid. p.144
    ④廖七一, 《当代西方翻译理论探索》,译林出版社,2002,22页
    ⑤ Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA.1991,p.4
    ① cited in Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997,上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.10
    ② cited in ibid, p.12
    ③ Christiane Nord, "Text Analysis in Translator Training". Teaching Translation and Interpreting, ed.by Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegaard, John Benjamins Publishing Company.1992, p.39
    ④ Mona Baker & Gabriela Saldanha (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies(second edition), Routledge, 2009,p.117
    ⑤ Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie. Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999.p.189
    ⑥ ibid.
    ⑦ Schaffner, in Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001, p.78
    ⑧ Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA.1991, p.28
    ② Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.125
    ③ Gunilla Anderman &. Margaret Rogers, Translation Today:Trends and Perspectives,2003,外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.57
    ⑥ Vermeer, in Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999.p.156;谭载喜译,《翻译研究词典》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,213页
    ⑦ Mona Baker (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies,1998;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.235
    ⑧ Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001, p.78
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997,上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.117
    ② Gunilla Anderman &. Margaret Rogers, Translation Today:Trends and Perspectives,2003;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.55
    ③廖七一, 《当代西方翻译理论探索》,译林出版社,2002,49页
    ④ Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999.p.163;(?)(?)载喜译,《翻译研究词典》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,221页
    ⑥ Itamar Even-Zohar, Polysystem Studies, Tel Aviv:The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, and Durham: Duke University Press. Special Iissue of Poetics Today,11(1).1990, p.2
    ① Itamar Even-Zohar, Polysystem Studies, Tel Aviv:The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, and Durham:
    ② Itamar Even-Zohar, Polysystem Studies, Tel Aviv:The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, and Durham: Duke University Press. Special Iissue of Poetics Today,11(1).1990, p.11 Duke University Press. Special Iissue of Poetics Today,11(1).1990, p.15
    ③ ibid.pp.37,39
    ④ Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001, p.1
    ② Susan Bassnett & Andre Lefevere, Constructing Culture:Essays on Literary Translation,1998;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.128
    ③ Meave Olahan, MA Lecture, CTIS, Manchester University,2009
    ④ Jean-Marc Gouanvic, Translation and the Shape of Things to Come:The emergence of American science fiction in post-war France, The Translator 3(2):125-152.1997, p.126
    ⑤ Andrew Chesterman, MonAKO Glossary, http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/monako/atk/glossary.shtml
    ⑥ James Holmes, Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, Amsterdam,1988, pp.66-80; Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies-and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins,1995, p.10
    ① James Holmes, Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, Amsterdam,1988, pp.71-78
    ② Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies- and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins,1995, p.10
    ③ ibid,p.55
    ① Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies-and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins,1995, p.56
    ② Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, pp.74-75
    ③ Ulla M Connor, Contrastive Rhetoric:Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing, Cambridge University, 1996, pp.121-122
    ④ Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies- and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins,1995, pp.56-57
    ① Ibid. pp.58-59
    ② Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies- and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins,1995, p.57
    ③ Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999.p.153
    ④ Andrew Chesterman, Memes of Translation-The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory, Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins.1997, p.55
    ⑤ Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, p.81
    ⑥ Andrew Chesterman, From 'Is' to 'Ought':Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation Studies, Target 5(1):1-20.John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam,1993, p.9
    ⑦ Andrew Chesterman, Memes of Translation-The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory, Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins.1997, p.64
    ⑧ Andrew Chesterman, From 'Is' to 'Ought':Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation Studies, Target 5(1):1-20.John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam,1993, p.9
    ① ibid. p.8; Andrew Chesterman, Memes of Translation-The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory, Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins.1997, p.67
    ② Mark Shuttleworth,& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing.1999.p.132
    ③ Andrew Chesterman,'From 'Is' to 'Ought':Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation Studies', Target 5(1):1-20.John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam,1993, pp.8-9; Andrew Chesterman, Memes of Translation-The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory, Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins.1997,pp.67-69;谭载喜译,《翻译研究词典》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,180-181页
    ④ Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, p.85
    ⑦ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993, P.133
    ② Jean-Marc Gouanvic, Translation and the Shape of Things to Come:The emergence of American science fiction in post-war France, The Translator 3(2):125-152.1997, p.126
    ③ Mona Baker, Linguistic Perspectives on Translation, in France, Peter (ed), The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation, Oxford, Oxford University Press,2000, p.22
    ④ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993, p.182
    ⑤ Mary Snell-Hornby, Translation Studies:An Integrated Approach, J. Benjamins Pub. Co.1988;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.39
    ⑥ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993, p.188
    ① Andrew Chesterman, ""On the Interdisciplinarity of Translation Studies'"', Logos and Language, Vol. Ⅲ, No.1, 2002, p.2
    ② Susan Bassnett & AndreLefevere, Constructing Culture:Essays on Literary Translation,1998;上海外语教育出版社,2001,pp.123,135
    ③ Andre Lefevere, Translation/History/Culture:A Sourcebook,1992;上海外语教育出版社,2004a,p.14
    ④ ibid.p.8
    ⑤ Andrew Chesterman, MonAKO Glossary, http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/monako/atk/glossary.shtml
    ⑥ Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999.p.147
    ① Andre Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame,1992,上海外语教育出版社,2004b,p.14
    ② Andre Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame,1992,上海外语教育出版社,2004b,p.41
    ③ ibid, p.14
    ④ ibid, p.15
    ⑤ ibid, p.39
    ⑥ Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies, Routledge,2001,146
    ⑦ Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004.p.20
    ① Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998, p.11
    ② Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999,132
    ⑤ cf http://www.hudong.com/wiki
    ① Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999.p.131
    ② Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, p.106
    ③ Casanova, in Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, p.132
    ④ Jean-Marc Gouanvic, Bourdieusian theory of translation, or the coincidence of practical instances:field, habitus, capital and Illusio. The Translator,11(2):147-166.2005, pp.161-162
    ⑤ Gouanvic,2005, p.163,转引自武光军,“翻译社会学研究的现状与问题”,《外国语》,2008年第1期
    ① Mona Baker, Translation and Conflict:A Narrative Account, London:Routledge.2006, p.169
    ② Margaret Somers,'Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action:Rethinking English working-class formation', Social Science History 16(4):1992,591-630, p.600
    ④ Mona Baker, Translation and Conflict:A Narrative Account. London:Routledge.2006, p.2
    ⑥ ibid.p.33 ⑤ ibid.p.28
    ⑦ ibid.p.39
    ①Mona Baker,Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account.London: Routledge.2006.p.44
    ⑧ Mona Baker, Linguistic Perspectives on Translation, in France, Peter (ed), The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation, Oxford, Oxford University Press,2000, p.23
    ① Gentzler, in王宁,《视角:翻译学研究》,第二卷,Cay Dollerup主编, 王宁中文版主编,清华大学出版社,2004,pp.10,19,21
    ② Andrew Chesterman, ""On the Interdisciplinarity of Translation Studies"", Logos and Language, Vol.Ⅲ, No.1, 2002, p.1
    ① Andrew Chesterman, ""On the Interdisciplinarity of Translation Studies'"', Logos and Language, Vol. Ⅲ, No.1, 2002, pp.3-4
    ② Lawrence Venuti (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge,2000, p.4
    ③ Mona Baker, Linguistic Models and Methods in the Study of Translation, An international Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Water de Gruyter·Berlin·New York,2005, p.290
    ⑤ Venuti, in Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, p.3
    ① Snell-Homby,2006:151,转引自吕俊侯向群,“范式转换抑或视角转变”,《中国翻译》,2010年第1期
    ② Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language:Linguistic Theories Explained, St. Jerome Publishing Ltd.,1997;外语教学与研究出版社,2007.Foreword
    ③ Mona Baker, Linguistic Perspectives on Translation, in Peter France (ed), The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation, Oxford, Oxford University Press,2000
    ④ Mona Baker, Linguistic Models and Methods in the Study of Translation, An international Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Water de Gruyter·Berlin·New York,2005, p.291
    ① Mona Baker, 'The Pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Contact and Some False Dichotomies', CTIS Occasional Papers 1: 7-20.2001
    ②James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.p.1
    ① James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.pp.53-55
    ② Ibid, p.53
    ⑤James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.88
    ⑥胡曙中,《美国新修辞学研究》, 上海外语教育出版社,1999,第4页
    ①James A.Herrick,The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction.Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.p.97
    ① James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. pp.158-159
    ③ James A Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.183;刘亚猛,《西方修辞学史》,外语教学与研究出版社,2008,252页
    ① James A Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, pp.183,185
    ③ Sonja K Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.2002. p.10
    ④Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, p.179
    ①温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2006,43页
    ③Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.84
    ① Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969. pp.19; 45
    ② ibid. p.65
    ③ James A. Herrick. The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.197
    ⑤佩雷尔曼,“旧修辞学与新修辞学”, 杨贝译.郑永流主编,法哲学与法社会学论丛(8),北京大学出版社,
    ④ Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.862005,34-41页
    ① Sonja K.Foss,et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.23;温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2006,126页
    ② Sonja K.Foss,et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.24
    ③温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2006,131页
    ④ Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.25-26
    ⑥ ibid. p.38
    ⑤ ibid. p.27
    ① Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.23
    ② ibid, pp.19,27,28,29
    ④ Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.33
    ① Burke, in Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.191
    ③ Sonja K.Foss et al. Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002. pp.191-193
    ④ ibid. p.192宝桐译,中国社会科学出版社,1998,17页
    ① Sonja K.Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed.Waveland Press, Inc.2002, p.195
    ③ Herrick, James A. The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, p.218,225
    ③温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2006,44-45页
    ① James A.Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001,p.225
    ② Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.1-2
    ④ ibid.p.25
    ③ ibid.p.2
    ⑤ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.226
    ② James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.pp.212, 226-227
    ③刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,29页
    ④ Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, P.4
    ① Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969. p.65
    ② ibid. Pp.20,25
    ③ ibid.D.19
    ④ ibid. p.30
    ⑤ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.197
    ⑦ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969. p.32
    ① Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, P.33
    ③ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press.1969. Pp.37.99
    ⑤ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.193
    ④ ibid.P.41
    ①刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,136页
    ① James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.10
    ② Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and method, Second Revised Edition, The Crossroad Publishing Corporation,1989, p.569
    ③ Ibid. p.577
    ④ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allvn and Bacon,2001
    ⑥ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.194
    ① Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, pp.192-193
    ② ibid. pp.191-193
    ③ ibid. p.192
    ⑤ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.9
    ⑥转引自胡曙中,《美国新修辞学研究》, 上海外语教育出版社,1999,121页
    ①刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,121—122页
    ② Deborah Tannen, The Argument Culture—Moving from Debate to Dialogue, Random House,1998, p.8
    ③ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.225
    ⑤ Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Editor John Thompson Polity Press,1991, Editor's Introduction, p.2
    ② James A. Herrick. The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allvn and Bacon,2001. p.15
    ③ ibid. p.225
    ⑤ Lloyd Bitzer, "The Rhetorical Situation", Philosophy and Rhetoric, Winter 1968(1.1),pp.1-14
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ①Lloyd Bitzer," The Rhetorical Situation",Philosophy and Rhetoric,Winter 1968(1.1),PP.1-14
    ①James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.232
    ③Calvin O. Schrag, The Resources of Rationality:A Response to the Postmodern Challenge,1992, P.124
    ④Kenneth Burke, A Grammar of Motives, New York PRENTICE-HALL, INC.1945, p.ⅹⅴ
    ② Kenneth Burke. A Grammar of Motives. New York PRENTICE-HALL. INC.1945. pp.3.7
    ③ ibid,p.40
    ①温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2006,172页
    ③ Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, p.1
    ④ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.33
    ① Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, p.179
    ③ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, pp.86-87
    ⑤ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.198
    ⑦ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. pp.
    ⑥ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.142 201-202
    ⑨ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.116
    ② Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.142
    ⑤ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dam Press,1969, pp.163-164
    ① Sonia K. Foss et al. Contemporarv Persnectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press. Inc..2002. p.195
    ② James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, pp.230-231
    ③ ibid. pp.13-14
    ① Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993
    ④ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.2002. pp.191-193
    ⑤汉斯-格奥尔格·加达默尔,《真理与方法》, 洪汉鼎译,上海译文出版社,2004,496页
    ① Christiane Nord. Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam-Atlanta. GA.1991.p.28
    ② James A. Herrick. The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allvn and Bacon.2001.p.4
    ③ Sonia K Foss et al. ContemDorarv Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press. Inc.2002. p.1
    ④ ibid. d.5
    ⑤ ibid. p.191
    ①王宁,《视角:翻译学研究》,第一卷,主编Cay Dollerup,中文版主编王宁,2003, 清华大学出版社, 代序Ⅳ
    ②James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.7
    ① cited in Basil Hatim, Teaching and Researching Translation,2001,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,p.101
    ② ibid, pp.91,74
    ③ cited in Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997,上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.12
    ④ Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA.1991, p.52
    ⑤ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.2002. p.87
    ⑥ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. University of North Dai Press,1969. pp.20; 25
    ② George Steiner, After Babel—Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford University Press.1973. p.19
    ③ Lloyd Bitzer,"The Rhetorical Situation", Philosophy and Rhetoric, Winter 1968(1.1),pp.1-14
    ④ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.15
    ②Lynne Bowker et al, Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies St Jerome Publishing,1998;外语教学与研究出版社2007,xv
    ④刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,第3页
    ① Ulla M Connor, Contrastive Rhetoric:Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing, Cambridge University, 1996, p.120
    ② Richards, in Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories. Routledge,1993, p.17
    ② Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and method, Second, Revised Edition, The Crossroad Publishing Corporation,1989, p.568
    ③ ibid, pp.566-567
    ④ Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992.p.77
    ⑤ Lloyd Bitzer, "The Rhetorical Situation", Philosophy and Rhetoric, Winter 1968(1.1), pp.1-14
    ① Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.193
    ③ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Revised Second Edition, Multilingual Matters Ltd.2001, p.189
    ②Douglas Robinson,The Translator's Turn,Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006.p.129
    ① Martha P. Y. Cheung, "A new interpretation of the earliest Chinese 'To translate' means 'to exchange'?--attempts to define translation ('fanyi')", Target 17:1 2005, pp.27-48
    ② Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993, p.43
    ② John Sinclair, COLLINS COBUILD ENGLISH DICTIONARY (New Edition),1995;上海外语教育出版社,2000
    ⑤ Roman Jakobson, On linguistic aspects of translation, Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.146
    ① Roger T. Bell, Translation and Translating:Theory and Practice, Bucharest: Polirom,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2001,p.5
    ② J. C.Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford:Oxford University Press.1965. p.20
    ③ Eugene. A.Nida. Principles of translation exemplified by Bible translation.1959, p.19
    ① Wolfram Wilss, The Science of Translation:Problems and Methods. Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen,1982;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.62
    ② Peter Newmark, About Translation, Multilingual Matters Limited,1991, p.35
    ① Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.134
    ③ Juliane House, Translation Quality Assessment:A model revisited, Tubingen:Gunter Narr,1997, pp.30-3
    ④ Basil Hatim & Ian Mason, Translator as Communicator, London and New York:Routledge,1997, p.1
    ① Benjamin Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet, (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.77
    ② Vermeer, in Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA.1991, p.12
    ③ Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.18
    ④在张美芳、王克非主译的《译有所为》(外语教学与研究出版社,2005,23页)中,partly verbal译为“部分口头形式的”。
    ① Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies-and beyond, Amsterdam:John Benjamins1995, p.56谭载喜译,《翻译研究词典》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,第3页
    ② Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999. p.2
    ③ Andre Lefevere, Translation/History/Culture:A Sourcebook,1992,上海外语教育出版社,2004a,p.2
    ① Mona Baker, Translation and Conflict:A Narrative Account, London:Routledge,2006, p.2
    ② Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998, p.1
    ④ Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and method, Second, Revised Edition, The Crossroad Publishing Corporation,1989, p.384
    ①Douglas Robinson,The Translator's Turn,2,Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.257
    ②Susan Bassnett & AndreLefevere,Constructing Culture: Essays on Literary Translation,1998;上海外语教育出版社,2001,Preface
    ①Douglas Robinson,The Translator's Turn,Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,pp.129-130
    ① Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,pp.130-132
    ② Mona Baker, Translation and Conflict:A Narrative Account, London:Routledge.2006, p.133
    ① Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.273
    ② Kenneth Burke, A Grammar of Motives, New York PRENTICE-HALL, INC.,1945, p.25
    ③ Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.71;陈浪译,谢天振主编,《当代国外翻译理论导读》,南开大学出版社,2008,321页
    ④Andre Lefevere, Translation/History/Culture:A Sourcebook,1992,上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.2
    ⑤James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, p.84
    ①刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,175页
    ③Roberto Mayoral Asensio, Translating Official Documents, St. Jerome Publishing,2003,上海外语教育出版社,2008,p.37
    ② Roberto Mayoral Asensio, Translating Official Documents, St. Jerome Publishing,2003,上海外语教育出版社,2008,p.3
    ③ ibid. p.11
    ① Basil Hatim & Ian Mason, Discourse and the Translator, London and New York:Longman,1990, p.11
    ② Andrew Chesterman, "On the Interdisciplinarity of Translation Studies", Logos and Language, Vol.Ⅲ, No.1,2002, p.8
    ③汉斯-格奥尔格·加达默尔,《真理与方法》, 洪汉鼎译,上海译文出版社,2004,400页
    ④谢天振主编,《翻译的理论建构与文化透视》, 上海外语教育出版社,2000
    ② Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and method, Second, Revised Edition, The Crossroad Publishing Corporation,1989, p.146
    ④ Edwin Gentzler,转引自王宏志,《重释“信、达、雅”——20世纪中国翻译研究》,清华大学出版社,2007,第1页
    ⑤ Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn, Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,pp.112-113
    ①Douglas Robinson,The Translator's Turn,Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.257
    ① Umberto Eco et al, Interpretation and Overinterpretation, Stefan Collini, ed.,Cambridge University Press,1992, p.39
    ② Ibid.25
    ③安贝托·艾科等,《诠释与过度诠释》, 斯特凡·科里尼编,王宇根译,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2005,33页
    ④ Umberto Eco et al, Interpretation and Overinterpretation, Stefan Collini, ed.,Cambridge University Press,1992, p.10
    ① Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, p.52
    ②张汝伦,《意义的探究——当代西方释义学》, 辽宁人民出版社,1986,58页
    ① Linell Davis, Doing Culture,外语教学与研究出版,2001,p.24
    ② Cited in Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language:Linguistic Theories Explained,外语教学与研究出版社,2007,p.5
    ④ Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, p.12
    ⑤ Mona Baker, Linguistic Perspectives on Translation, in France, Peter (ed), The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation, Oxford, Oxford University Press,2000, p.22
    ① Susan Bassnett & Andr6Lefevere, Constructing Culture:Essays on Literary Translation,1998上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.48
    ② Terry Eagleton, Ideology, Verso,1991.p.37
    ③ Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Terry Eagleton,1996, p.4
    ④汉斯-格奥尔格·加达默尔,《真理与方法》,洪汉鼎译,上海译文出版社,2004 390-391页
    ①John Sinclair,COLLINS COBUILD ENGLISH DICTIONARY(New Edition),1995;上海外语教育出版社,2000
    ① Kristin R. Woolever, in Clayann Gilliam Panetta ed., Contrastive Rhetoric Revisited and Redefined, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,2001, p.65
    ② Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999, p.6-7
    ① Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, p.55
    ② Sonja K Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.29
    ② Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:An Introduction, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, p.69
    ③ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, pp.86-87
    ① Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric A Treatise on Argumentation [M]. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.116
    ②刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,76页
    ② Deborah Tannen, The Argument Culture, Random House,1998, p.14
    ③ J.L.Austin. How to Do Things with Words. Oxford University Press 1962. n.5
    ④ Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, p.77
    ⑥ Douglas Robinson, The Translator's Turn [M]. Johns Hopkins University Press,1991;外语教学与研究出版社,2006,p.195
    ① Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power, Ed. John Thompson, Polity Press,1991, p,4
    ② Mona Baker, Translation and Conflict:A Narrative Account. London:Routledge.2006, pp.122-123
    ③ Clayann Gilliam Panetta ed., Contrastive Rhetoric Revisited and Redefined. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc 2001, p.63
    ③Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge.1993, p.9
    ② Wei, Yong-Kang, "Translation as a Rhetorical Move:Exploring Effectiveness of Professional Translation",第十八届世界翻译大会参会论文,2008年8月
    ③ Sonja K. Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, p.192
    ④ James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001. p.13-14
    参见陈小慰,“论文学翻译中的作品研究——《使女的故事》翻译谈”, 香港《翻译季刊》第24期,2002
    ① Kenneth Burke, A Grammar of Motives. New York:Prentice-Hall, Inc,1945, p.227
    ① Mona Baker, In Other Words:A Coursebook on Translation.1992;外语教学与研究出版社,2000,p.112
    ①卞建华崔永禄,“功能主义目的论在中国的引进、应用与研究(1987-2005)”, 《解放军外国语学院学报》2006第5期
    ② Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,39
    ③ Christiane Nord,'Text Analysis in Translator Training", Teaching Translation and Interpreting, ed. by Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegaard, John Benjamins Publishing Company,1992,p.40
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.126
    ② Ibid,p.32
    ③ Ibid,p.38
    ④ Ibid,D.32
    ⑤ Ibid,p.123
    ① Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA,1991,p.22-23
    ② Mona Baker, In Other Words:A Coursebook on Translation.1992;外语教学与研究出版社,2000,p.6
    ④ Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Routledge,1993, p.78
    ⑤ Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.123
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.113
    ② Mark Shuttleworth& Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999, p.156;谭载喜译,《翻译研究词典》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005,P.213
    ③ Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems:Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained, Manchester:St. Jerome.1999, p.9
    ②Christiane Nord,Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.38
    ④卞建华 崔永禄,“功能主义目的论在中国的引进、应用与研究(1987-2005)”,《解放军外国语学院学报》2006年第5期
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.12
    ② Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA,1991,p.51
    ③ Ibid,p.52
    ④ Ibid,p.132
    ⑤ Ibid,p.95-96
    ⑥ Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.32
    ⑦ Ibid, p.60
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.62
    ② ibid,2001,p.63
    ③ Ibid,p.125
    ④ Ibid,p.123
    ⑤ Christiane Nord, Text Analysis in Translation, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA,1991,p.4
    ⑥ Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies, STJEROME publishing,1999, p.117
    ① Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained,1997;上海外语教育出版社,2001,p.18
    ② ibid, p.35
    ③温科学,《20世纪西方修辞学理论研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2006,153页
    ① Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, pp.6,53
    ② Lawrence Venuti (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge,2000, pp.284-286
    ③ Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.20
    ④ ibid, p.148
    ①Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.20
    ②Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998,p.11
    ③Lawrence Venuti (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge,2000, p.341
    ④蒋骁华 张景华,“重新解读韦努蒂的异化翻译理论”,《中国翻译》2007年第3期
    ⑤Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.20
    ⑥Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998, p.2
    ② Lawrence Venuti (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge,2000, p.341
    ④ Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998, p.6
    Lawrence Venuti (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge,2000,p.468
    ① Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.20
    ② Deborah Tannen, The Argument Culture—Moving from Debate to Dialogue, Random House,1998, pp.3-8
    ③ ibid.p.105
    ④ ibid,p.208
    ②Deborah Tannen, The Argument Culture—Moving from Debate to Dialogue, Random House,1998,p.10
    ③Maeve Olohan (ed.), Intercultural Faultlines, ST JEROME PUBLISHING, 2000, p.183
    ① Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation--owards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998,p.11
    ② Ibid,p.10 Lawrence Venuti异化翻译理论的再思考”,《天津外国语学院学报》,2006年第1期
    ④ Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.35
    ⑤ Basil Hatim & Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, Routledge,1996, p.27
    ⑥ Eugene A.Nida, Toward a Science of Translating, Leiden:Brill,1964, p.142
    ② Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet (ed.), Theories of Translation:An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, The University of Chicago Press,1992, p.21
    ③ Ibid, p.119
    ① LawrenceVenuti, The Translator's Invisibility, London:Routledge.1995;上海外语教育出版社,2004,p.20
    ③ Lawrence Venuti, The Scandals of Translation—Towards an ethics of difference, London:Routledge,1998, p.188
    ②James A Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric:An Introduction. Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001, p.225
    ①陈小慰, “福建外宣翻译的现状与对策”, 《福建省首届外事翻译研讨会论文集》,福建省翻译协会,2007
    ③Larousse English Dictionary (?)arousse-Rordas,1997
    ① John Sinclair, COLLINS COBUILD ENGLISH DICTIONARY(New Edition),1995上海外语教育出版社,2000
    ② Clayann Gilliam Panetta ed., Contrastive Rhetoric Revisited and Redefined, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2001, pp.20,22,60
    ①刘亚猛,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》, 三联书店,2004,104-108页
    ①张汝伦,《意义的探究——当代西方释义学》, 辽宁人民出版社,1986,67页
    ② I,in Yntang Moment in Peking Fnreign Language Teaching and Research Press 1999.p.551.
    ③ Josephine A. Matthews, "Where Angels Dare to Tread", Chinese Literature,1995 (3)
    ②王宁,《视角:翻译学研究》,第二卷,Cay Dollerup主编,王宁中文版主编,清华大学出版社,2004,p.Ⅳ-Ⅴ
    ③Sonja K Foss et al, Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric.3rd ed. Waveland Press, Inc.,2002, P.87
    ①郎咸平,《郎咸平说 谁在谋杀中国经济:附身中国人的文化魔咒》,东方出版社,2009
    ③ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. [M]. University of North Dam Press,1969, p.19
    ① Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation.[M]. University of North Dam Press,1969, pp.20,25
    ② Esther Tyldesley, Confucius from the Heart,中华书局,2009,p.15
    ③ Ch.Perelman and L.Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric:A Treatise on Argumentation. [M]. University of Norm Dam Press,1969, p.32
    ④于丹,《于丹论语心得》, 中华书局,2006,17页
    ⑤ Esther Tyldesley, Confucius from the Heart,中华书局,2009,p.31
    ① Esther Tyldesley, Confucius from the Heart,中华书局,2009,p.23
    ②Esther Tyldesley, Confucius from the Heart,中华书局,2009,p.181
    ② Esther Tyldesley, Confucius from the Heart,中华书局,2009,p.31
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