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Since the 1970s,The contemporary transnational relations in almost global political, economic and social fields are rapidly increase, Transnational interaction behaviors such as goods, capital and labor, information, environment pollution, transnational crimes of smuggling developed by new transmission speed and strength. Increasingly urgent global problem also enables people to re-examine the traditional international system based on sovereignty as the core, military security for the goal and national strength. Problems such as environment, nuclear proliferation, poverty, refugees, population, resources and technology development, etc are contemporary problems the international community faces which ascend space transnational authority influence. Inter-governmental organizations represented by the UN aims to deal with global problems which Nations cannot effectively handle, all sorts of INGO have become important forces to solve the global collective action dilemma, in the process of global production, trade and financial, multinational corporations have weakened the effectiveness and authoritative which sovereignty regulate economic behavior. In the process of global political change, transnational relations will be further developed, as a consequence, the influence of transnational authority gradually strengthened will become one of the basic characteristics.
     Traditional international relations, especially the realism genre always go for political relations between countries which includes the entire content of the global politics. In fact, if the study is confined to state-to-state political and military relations, then it will be immersed in misleading and prejudice. Because the contemporary inter-governmental organization, INGO, multinational corporations, local governments, even a person have participated in the global political, economic and social affairs, and all these constitutes transnational relations corresponding with the international relations. The development of transnational relations will cause the accessional influence of transnational authority, and then challenge national authority fundamentally. This process go along with the development of national history, but the contemporary transnational authority have risen to a new stage, the result is the country's authority and the functions vary with changes in the internal and external environment in order to adapt to the transnational authority with the new challenge and new problems.
     In recent decades, in the academic research, the realistic school based on "countries as theoretical core " suffered various rebuke and attack, the theory has become the target of academic criticism, however, many critical school have few replace things, or their theoretical framework is not more clever than the realism school’s. I’m afraid the fundamental cause is that they are not analyze the development, running and trends of global political system with the ability to interact, process and structure of transnational actor, they also can not answer the question that whether the transnational relations is a new phenomenon in nature theoretically? What effect the transnational authority in global political, economic and social field is? What concrete scope and extent the transnational authority implement? And what relationship transnational authority and the national authority are? To answer this question, in the above introduction, I summarized the transnational relationship model at first, and defined the concept of the transnational authority. In the second chapter, I divided the development stage of transnational relations according to the different historical period of technology and institution development level, on that basis, I pointed that contemporary transnational relations is a new phenomenon. In the third, fourth and fifth chapter, I demonstrated the form and characteristics of transnational relations in the global political, economic and social fields respectively. On the basis of three typical cases, the nuclear disarmament movement in Europe in the 1980s, the Philippines political and social transition in the 1980s and the cross-border governance network against child labor, I confirmed the restrictive conditions and the influence of transnational authorities and analyzed the national authority specifically. In conclusion, I pointed out transnational authority is confined by the domestic and international environment, but I confirmed that it is not a substitute of sovereign state, and also won't be annexed to it, it is a“share authority”mode which national authority dominate, transnational authority participate, it is meaningful for distinguishing the trend of contemporary political change.
①基欧汉和奈指出跨国关系=跨政府互动+跨国互动(Transnational relations=TG+TN),他用了一个二维表格来解释、国家间关系、跨政府间关系、跨国互动、跨国关系以及世界政治的区别与联系,TG=Transnational interactions就是跨政府间互动;TN=Transnational interactions, TN是跨国互动。参见:Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp. 729-734. 28p.·
    ②Hedley Bull, The Anarchy Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977, pp. 254-255.
    ①Raymond Aron, Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations, trans. Richard Howard and Annette Baker Fox, Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday & Co., 1966.p.105.
    ①James N. Rosenau, Linkage Politics: Essays on the Convergence of National and International Systems, ed., James N. Rosenau, New York: Free Press, 1969; Horst Menderhausen,“Transnational Society vs. State Sovereignty,”Kyklos, 1969,Vol.22, No.2, pp.251-275.
    ②Raymond Vemon, Sovereignty at Bay, New York:Basic Books.1971.p8.
    ③Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp.332-336. 21p.
    ①Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, p.332.
    ②Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp.729-734, 28p.
    ④有代表性的著作如下:Schechter, Michael G, Processes of transnational policy-making: a comparison of economic and environmental issue-areas, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977.Shepherd, George W., Jr. Anti-apartheid : transnational conflict and Western policy in the liberation of South Africa, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1977. Wilczynski, J. (Jozef), The multinationals and East-West relations : towards transideological collaboration, London : Macmillan, 1976. Hans Günter, Transnational industrial relations : the impact of multi-national corporations and economic regionalism on industrial relations : a symposium held at Geneva by the International Institute for Labour Studies, ed. London : Macmillan, 1972. Schechter, Michael G., Processes of transnational policy-making: a comparison of economic and environmental issue-areas, Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1977.
    ①三位作者认为全球体系至少有6种类型的行为体组成,包括政府间组织(IGO)?国家间非政府组织?国家?非中央政府行为体(the governmental noncentral actor)?国内非政府组织(intrastate nongovernmental actor)和个人,这六种行为体之间的复杂互动网络构成了“复杂聚合结构”(the complex conglomerate system)全球体系?参见:Richard Mansbach,Yale Ferguson & Donald Lampert,The Web of World Politics: Nonstate Actors in the Global Systems, New Jersey:Prentice-Hal,Inc.1976, pp.32-45.
    ②Michael Suhr,“Robert O. Keohane: A Contemporary Classic,”in Iver Neumann and Ole Waver ed, The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making, London: Rouledge, 1997, pp.90~120.
    ①Robert O. Keohane, International Institutions and State Power, ed. Robert O. Keohane, Boulder: Westview, 1989, p.8.
    ③Michael Suhr,“Robert O.Keohane:A Contemporary Classic,”Iver Neumann and Ole Waver, ed., The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making(London:Rouledge,1997), pp.90-120.转引自:门洪华:《建构新自由制度主义的研究纲领——关于《权力与相互依赖》的一种解读》,《美国研究》,2002年第4期。
    ①Peter Willetts,Pressure Groups in the International System, New York: St. Martin's, 1982. pp3-9.
    ①Kenichi Ohmae, The End of the Nation State, New York: Free Press, 1995:5;Wolfgang Reinicke,”Global Public Policy”, Foreign Affair, November-December 1997. Herbertt Dittgen,“Would without borders? Reflections on the future of the nation-state”, Government and Opposition, Vol34, No2, 1999.
    ②Ulf Hannerz,“The Global Ecumence as a Landscape of Modernity”, Transnational Connections: Culture People Places, London/New York: Routledge, 1996, p237.
    ③Risse-Kappen, T., Bringing Transnational Relations Back In, ed. Risse-Kappen , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp7-13.
    ④Robert W. Cox, Globalization, Mutilateralism and Social Choice, Work in Progress (Published by United Nations University), 13 (July 1990).p.2.
    ①Michael Zurn,“Bring the Second Images (Back) In :About the Domestic Sources of Regime Formation,”, ed. Volker Rittberger, Regime Theory and International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993,pp.282-311.
    ②Willetts, Peter,“Transnational Actors and International Organization in Global Politics”, ed. Baylis, john and Steve Smith, The Globalization of World Politcs: An Introduction to International Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.288.
    ③Peter Willetts,“Transnational Actors and International Organizations in Global Politics”, ed. J. B. Baylis and S. Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, second edition, 2001, pp. 356-383.
    ④有代表性的作品如下: Basch, Linda G.,Nations unbound : transnational projects, postcolonial predicaments, and deterritorialized nation-states, Langhorne, Pa. : Gordon and Breach, 1994. Andreas Langenohl, Kirsten Westphal, Conflicts in a transnational world : lessons from nations and states in transformation, ed. Andreas Langenohl, Kirsten Westphal, Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Lang, c2006. Christian Joerges, Inger-Johanne Sand and Gunther Teubner,Transnational governance and constitutionalism, ed. Christian Joerges, Inger-Johanne Sand and Gunther Teubner. Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., c2004. Nicola Piper and Anders Uhlin , Transnational activism in Asia : problems of power and democracy, ed. Nicola Piper and Anders Uhlin, New York : Routledge, 2004. Peter J.Buckley, The multinational enterprise and the globalization of knowledge, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Jean-Christophe Graz and Andreas Nlke,Transnational private governance and its limits, ed. Jean-Christophe Graz and Andreas Nlke, London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
    ①Nina Glick Schiller, Towards a transnational perspective on migration : race, class, ethnicity, and nationalism reconsidered, ed., Nina Glick Schiller, Linda Basch, and Cristina Blanc-Szanton. New York, N.Y. : New York Academy of Sciences, 1992.
    ②Robert Keohane,“Governance in a Partially Globalized World”, American Political Science Review. March 2001: 1-13.
    ②Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp729-734. 28p.·
    ①Risse-Kappen, T., Bringing Transnational Relations Back In, ed. Risse-Kappen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 20-28.
    ②Earnest, David C.,“Neither Citizen nor Stranger”, World Politics, Jan2006, Vol. 58 Issue 2, p242-275, 34p.
    ①K. J. Holsti, International Politics: A Framework for Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1992, pp. 9-10.
    ①Treanor, Paul, World-Nationalism: Normative Globalism as Pan Nationalism, 07.05.2001,参见:[http://web.inter.nl.net/users/Paul.Treanor/world.nation.html#ordersuml].
    ③以罗伯特·达尔为主要代表人物的多元主义认为国家是由众多在公开竞争中互相争夺政治资源的团体控制的。在多元主义论者眼中,多元化利益集团的竞争能够达到政治上的平等,林德布洛姆把这种多元主义民主概括为“多头政治”。关于“国家”概念的另一种解释是官僚政治模式,改理论认为现代国家中真正的掌权者是官僚机构,所有的对内对外决策只有通过行政部门的运转才得以实施。在这个过程中,官僚机构的团体利益可能比政府的对外目标更为重要。参见:David C. Kozak,“The Bureaucratic Politics Approach: The Evolution of the Paradigm”, ed. David C. Kozak and James M. Keagle, Bureaucratic Politics and National Security Theory and Practice, Boulder, CO: Lynne Riemer, 1988, pp. 3-15.
    ①Richard Little,“The growing relevance of pluralism?”ed., Steve Smith, Ken Booth, Marysia Zalenski, International Theory: Positivism & Beyond, Cambridge University Press,1996:4-9.
    ①Union of International Associations, Year Book of International Organizations 2002-2003: Guide to global and civil society network, 39th edition, p.1853.
    ②一般来说,人们习惯于把“国际非政府组织”等同于“非政府组织”,即NGO。关于“国际非政府组织”一词的起源,通常的说法是一位联合国的官员首先提出了这个概念。参见中国发展简报http://www.chinadev elopmentbrief.org.cn/ngother/ngother.jsp?id=11。
    ②Union of International Associations, Year Book of International Organizations, 1991/1992, 28th edition, pp. 16-46.
    ③Robert W Cox, Harold Karen Jacobson., The Anatomy of influence decision making in international organization, Yale university press, 1973, p37.
    ④Anne-Marie Slaughter,“The Real New World Order,”Foreign Affairs, September/October 1997, Vol.76, No. 5.
    ⑤Graham Allison, and Philip Zelikow, Essence of Decision, Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, 2nd ed. New York:Longman, 1999, pp14-16.
    ②Martin Albrow,. :“Frames and Transformations in Transnational Studies”, transnational communities working paper 98–02。参见网页:http://www.transcomm.ox.ac.uk/working%20papers/albrow.pdf。
    ③Wriston, W.‘Technology and Society’, Foreign Affairs, 1988, pp.63-75.
    ①Karl Deutch Et Al,Political Community and The North Atlantic Area, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957; Ernst Haas,The Uniting of Europe, Stanford: Stanford University Press,1958; Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,Peace In Parts, Boston: Little, Brown, 1971.转引自门洪华:《建构新自由制度主义的研究纲领——关于<权力与相互依赖>的一种解读》,《美国研究》,2002年第4期。
    ②Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp729-734. 28p.
    ③Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, P732.
    ②Philpott, Daniel,‘Westphalia, authority, and international society’, Political Studies, 47, 1999, pp.566-589.
    ①Jessica T.Mathews,“Power Shift”, Foreign Affairs,January/February 1997.
    ①Halliday,. Fred.,“International Relations: New Agenda?”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 20, No.1,1999, pp.57-72.
    ②T. H. Rigby,“Traditional, market, and organizational societies and the USSR”, World Politics, July 1964, 16, 4.
    ③Bas Arts, Math Noortmann and Bob Reinalda, Non-State Actors in International Relations, eds, State University of New York Press, 2000, p.2.
    ③Russel, Menard.,“Transport Cost and Long-Range Trade, 1300-1800:Was There a European‘Transport Revolution’in the Early Modern Era?”James Tracy, ed, In Political of Economy of Merchant Empires, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p274.
    ①Kasper, W.,‘Spatial Economics’, in D. Henderson ed., The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics, New York: Time Warner Books, p. 84.
    ①James F. Dunnigan, The Next War Zone: Confronting the Global Threat of Cyberterrorism, New York: Citadel press, 2002, p.2.
    ②Mark M. Pollitt, "Cyberterrorism——Fact or Fancy?”;参见网页:http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/~denning/infosec/pollitt.html。
    ②Douglas Kellner,Theorizing Globalization,参见网页http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/。
    ①Chase-Dunn,Globalization: A World-Systems Perspective, journal of world-systems research, v, 2, summer 1999, 187–215.
    ②Sklair, L.Sociology of the Global System, 2nd edn (Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press).1995.p6.
    ④O’Brien, R., Goetz, A.M., Scholte, J.A. and Williams, M., Contesting Global Governance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p.233.
    ①Lester M. Salamon,“The Rise of the Nonprofit Sector”, Foreign Affairs, July/August, 1994, Vol.73, No.4.
    ③Union of International Associations, Year Book of International Organizations 2002-2003: Guide to global and civil society network, 39th edition, p.1853.
    ①Vic George, Paul Wiling:《全球化与人类福利》(繁体中文版),林万亿、周淑美译,台北:五南图书出版公司,2004年版,第33页。
    ①Peter Malanczck, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, 7th ed., Routledge, 1997, p97.
    ②Wilson, J., Introduction to Social Movements, New York: Basic Book, 1973, p8.
    ③Andrew Hurrel and Ngire Woods,“Globalization and Inequality,”Millennium 24: 3, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995, p13.
    ④Kenichi Ohmae, The End of the Nation State, New York: Free Press, 1995:5;Wolfgang Reinicke,”Global Public Policy”, Foreign Affair, November-December 1997. Herbertt Dittgen,“Would without borders? Reflections on the future of the nation-state”, Government and Opposition, 1999, Vol34, No2.
    ①Sidney Silliman, Lela Garner Noble., Philippine NGOs: A Resource Book of Social Development NGOs, Association of Foundations Phils, 2001, p. 17.
    ②Miriam Campanella,“Global Society, Global Problems and New Formats of Global Decision-Making,”in SuheilBushrui, Iraj Ayman and Ervin Laszlo, eds., Transition to a Global Society, Oxford, England: Oneworld Publication, 1993, p.57.
    ①Dicken, P., Global Shift: The Internationalization of Economic Activity, London: Paul Chapman, 1992, p.47.
    ①Dicken, P., Global Shift: The Internationalization of Economic Activity, London: Paul Chapman, 1992, p.47.
    ③Dicken, P., Global Shift: The Internationalization of Economic Activity, London: Paul Chapman, 1992,p16.
    ①Dicken, P., Global Shift, 3rd edn, London: Paul Chapman, 1998, p.177.
    ①Peterson, E.R.“Surrendering to Market”, ed. B. Roberts, New Forces in the World Economy, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1996, pp.265-270.
    ①Navarro, V.,“Neoliberalism, Globalization, Unemployment, Inequalities and the Welfare State”, International Journal of Health Services, 1998, 28(4), p.628.
    ③Michael Mann 'Globalisation and September 11' in New Left Review,Second Series, No. 12, Nov/Dec 2001.
    ④Francis Fukuyama,“Second Thoughts:The Last Man in A Bottle”, The National Interest, Summer 1999, p. 26.
    ②Hoekman, E. and Karsenty, G.,‘Economic development and international transactions in services’, Development Policy Review, 1992, 10.
    ②Edward S. Herman, The Threat of Globalization, New Politics, vol. 7, no. 2, whole no. 26 Winter 1999.
    ②Bright B. Simons, The Global Black Economy,参见网页:http://english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?menu=c10400&no=363793&rel_no=1。
    ①Attali, Jacques, Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order, New York: Rundam House, 1991, p.6.
    ①Deacon, B., Hulse, M. and Stubbs, P., Global Social Policy, London Sage, 1997, p.22.
    ①“移民跨国主义”是格里克·希勒(Glick Schiller)?巴施(Basch)和布兰克(Blanc)等人首先引入到学术研究中的,他们认为跨国主义是跨国移民所建构和维护的多层次社会联系的进程,这种社会联系指的是移民的原生地和居住地之间的联系。参加:Basch, Iinda G., Nina Nlick Schilier, and Cristina Blanc-Szanton, nations unbound: transnational projects, post-colonial predicaments, and de-terrirorialized nation-states, langhorne, pa:gordon and breach,1994, p.6.
    ②The United Nations Population Division. International Migration 2002.New York: UN Sales Section, 2002.
    ③The United Nations Population Division. International Migration 2002.New York: UN Sales Section, 2002.
    ④经济学家Lant Pritchett认为:“有五种不可阻挡的力量造成了当前的全球大规模移民潮,第一是全球不同地区和国家间的巨大的跨国生活标准和工资水平差别,第二是全球对劳工需要的多样性是一个重要原因,第三是不同国家和地区的人口增长幅度的不平衡加速了跨国人口流动,那些适龄的年轻劳工跨国寻求就业机会,第四是全球交往设施的便利增加了全球资本和人口的跨国交流,最后是某些职业是相对具有地域性的,如护士和零售业工人,因而人们需要移民国外以寻求合适的工作。”参见:Lant Pritchett, The Future of Migration, yaleglobal, 5 November 2003.参见网页:http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?Id=2760。
    ②约瑟夫·奈曾把世界权力划分比作一个三维棋局,第一维的军事权力是由国家具体来说主要是由美国等少数强国控制着;第二维的世界经济权威结构是多极的,主要由美国、欧洲和日本控制着;第三维的权威存在于国家之外的各种跨国领域,主要由各种非国家行为体控制着。Joseph S. Nye Jr, The Paradox of the American Power: Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go it Alone, Oxford, University Press, 2002, p.39.
    ③失败国家指的是“政府不能对有效控制其领土,在其民众中没有基本的合法性,也不能提供国家安全或者基本的公共服务职能,而且不能有效控制武力的使用”。“失败国家指数”包括了社会、经济、政治、和军事等方面,通过经济衰退、不平等,人口压力、战争和腐败等等12个指标。以下是“失败国家指数”最高的前十位:1.索马里2.苏丹3.津巴布韦4.乍得5.伊拉克6.刚果民主共和国7.阿富汗8.科特迪瓦共和国9.巴基斯坦10.中非共和国,乌干达位居第16位,而肯尼亚排在第27为。参见和平基金会(Fund for Peace)的网页:http://www.fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=140。
    ①Hans Peter Schmitz, Transnational Mobilization and Domestic Regime Change, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp.33-64.
    ①International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour,“every child counts,”2002.请见国际劳工组织.http://www.ilo.org/public/English/standards/ipec/simpoc/others/globalist.pdf
    ②Alec Fyfe,The worldwide movement against child labour - Progress and future directions,Geneva, International Labour Office, 2007, p.23.
    ①Alec Fyfe,The worldwide movement against child labour - Progress and future directions, Geneva, International Labour Office, 2007, P.42.
    ①“最大利益”就是说在对待童工问题上,首要标准是看使用童工是否给符合他们的当前利益,也就是说如果不使用童工会他们带来更大的伤害,如被迫转移到其它更为恶劣的工种,如卖淫,采矿等部门,有保留的接受童工。参见:Alec Fyfe,The worldwide movement against child labour - Progress and future directions, Geneva, International Labour Office, 2007, p.43.
    ②其它一些学者也得出了相似的结论。参见:Ann Marie Clark, Elisabeth J.Friedman et Kathryn Hochstetler,“The Sovereign Limits of Global Civil Society. A Comparison of NGOs Participation in UN World Conferences on the Environment, Human rights, and Women”, World Politics, vol. 51, n°1, octobre 1998.
    ①Castells, M., End of Millennium. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998, p.340.
    ①Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye,“Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Conclusion”, in International Organizaion, Summer 1971, Vol.25 Issue 3, pp.722-724. 28p.
    ①James Rosenau,“A Pre-Theory Revised: World Politics in an Era of Cascading Interdependence,”International Studies Quarterly, September 1984, 28(3).
    ②James Rosenau, Turbulence in World Politics: A Theory of Change and Continuity., Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990, p.250.
    ①Meyer, John., David John Frank, Ann Hironaka, Evan Schofer, and Nancy Brandon Tuma.“The Structuring of a World Environmental Regime, 1870–1990.”International Sociology 1997, 51:623–51.
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