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The demand and supply issues of global governance have become one of the great practical problems in the international community nowadays. On the demand level, the "publicity and negative externality" features of non-traditional global issues, and highly interdependent nature of international community call for the rise of the governance of global issues during the process of the Globalization. On the supply level, these features in turn determine the inherent mechanism of supply of global public goods, namely, the traditional conceptual scheme of sovereign state governance is far from meeting the all-round of globalization of the international environment, the behavior bodies in the global system play an indispensable role on the supply of global public goods, and international organizations is regarded as an important subject of global governance, owing to its unique functional attributes.
     Because of its transnational, liquidity, global and cross-cutting characteristics, international migration and its problems have risen from domestic issues to the cross-border issues like the other global issues increasingly, so the global migration governance issue is going to be on the international agenda. Of course, the key point of international migration governance is not to "prevent" the happening of immigration phenomenon, but to make it more "orderly", which is one of the goals of International Organization for Migration (IOM). In the long process of historical development, IOM has accumulated a wealth of expertise and partnership resources, and proved to be an important actor in the field of international migration increasingly. However, for the time being, IOM is far away from the vision of the domestic academic research. Even if some scholars pay attention to it, but the research on the organization and its immigration governance still remains in the description of the facts, lack of theoretical judgment and analysis, and its role is questioned.
     In response to this phenomenon, the paper attempts to take IOM as a case study. Based on the argument that international organization is an active participant in governance of the global issues, the paper explains the role, patterns, governance effectiveness of international organization in the process of governance of the global issues, which is regarded as the premise of describing the paper's core question--what role does IOM play in the process of global migration governance. And then from the perspective of global governance, the paper tries to "read" what role, how and why to play a role during the process of global migration governance for IOM which is not like the state that has guns, money and strong cornerstone of the domestic law through the historical exploration, theoretical analysis and practical inspection. In order that the paper can provide an analysis method of global migration governance and establish an objective cognitive analysis framework of the status and role of IOM in today's global immigration process. In addition, by clarifying the relationship between IOM and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the paper compares the differences of their agendas and influences, and then discusses the necessity of strengthening the complementary partnership and its content in the process of global migration governance. Finally, the paper discusses the role, the limits and constraints of IOM in the process of global migration governance as a whole, and describes the role of IOM for the future development.
① " International Organization for Migration ",这是本文研究对象的英文全称,从名字上可以看出,这一组织应该翻译为国际迁移(移徙)组织而非国内网站及学术成果上翻译的“国际移民组织”。在联合国官方中文网站上,翻译的是“国际移徙组织”。本文通过第二章的考察,这一组织的确是为了运输人口而创建,至今仍旧保留着这一传统“业务”,尽管扩大了其功能领域。国内学者通常翻译为“国际移民组织”的说法有失偏颇。
    ②2003年4月,国际劳工组织、国际迁移组织、联合国人权事务高级专员办事处、联合国贸易和发展会议、联合国难民署以及联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处的主管成立了“日内瓦移民小组”。针对全球委员会提出的建议,秘书长请该小组成员扩大成员数目,并修改其职权范围。该小组允许联合国经济和社会事务部、开发署、人口基金会和世界银行的加入,并改为现名“全球移民小组”。该小组于2006年5月举行了第一次会议,并间隔一定时间开会,以协调各项活动,协调并改善联合国系统内部及其与国际迁移组织的关系,处理各种国际移民问题。成员包括国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization, ILO)、国际迁移组织、联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR)、联合国贸易和发展会议(UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD)、联合国难民署(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR)、联合国毒品控制和犯罪预防办公室(UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC)、联合国经济与社会事务部(United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA)、联合国开发计划署(UN Development Program,UNDP)、联合国人口活动基金会(UN Fund for Population Activities, UNFPA)、世界银行(World Bank,WB)。
    ③ Anna Kicinger, "International Migration as a Non-Traditional Security Threat and the EU Responses to this Phenomenon", Central European Forum for Migration Research in Warsaw, October 2004.④详细参见本文第62-63页。
    ①本人翻阅了国内“国际组织”相应教材及工具书,提及到该组织的书籍很少。斯蒂芬·古兹彼得(Stephen S.Goodspeed)写于1959年的著作《国际组织的性质与功能》,笔者试图寻找国际迁移组织(当时名为欧洲移民问题政府间委员会)足迹,可它并未进入作者的视野。(The Nature and Function of International Organization, New York:Oxford University Press 1958.)。1947年创刊的《国际组织》则对该组织早期活动有一些简报。1953年第七卷,第一期把国际迁移组织定性为“功能性组织”(Functional Organization)。
    ②截止到2010年11月份的数据。17个观察国包括:巴林(Bahrain)不丹(Bhutan)、中国(China)、古巴(Cuba)、埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)、圭亚那(Guyana)梵蒂冈(Holy See)、印尼(Indonesia)、莫桑比克(Mozambique)、巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea)、卡塔尔(Qatar)、俄罗斯(Russian Federation,)、圣马力诺(San Marino)、圣多美与普林希比共和国(Sao Tome and Principe)、沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)、马其顿(The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)、土库曼斯坦(Turkmenistan)。
    ③ Yves Beigbeder, The Role and Status of International Humanitarian J'olunteers and Organizations:The Right and Duty to Humanitarian Assistance, Netherland:Martinus Nijhoff Pubishers,1991, p.37.
    ③ Bimal Ghosh, "Movements of people:The Search for a New International Regime", in Papers Written for the Commission on Global Governance, London:Kluwer Law International,1995, pp.405-424戈什是国际迁移组织的高级顾问,是“管理移民:一个人口有秩序流动的新国际机制”计划的总腑,之前在联合国工作。
    ①田方萌:国际移民问题和中国应有的对策,网页登陆日期:2009-11-08,http://www.gmdaily. com. cn/3_guancha/index. htm
    ② Alexander Betts, Global Migration Governance,该文原为于2008年10月提交到“全球移民小组”的工作报告,第6页。后于2010年以此名出版一书。Oxford:Oxford University College,2010.
    ③ Jagdish N.Bhagwati, Borders beyond Control, Foreign Affairs, Volume 82, Issue I, Jan./Feb.2003. p.104巴格瓦蒂是哥伦比亚大学教授及美国对外关系委员会高级研究员。本文通过考察说明了问题的关键不在于国际迁移组织是否能胜任,而在于全球移民治理机制建设受到诸多因素的“羁绊”,尤其是国际移民问题的结构属性导致任何一个移民领域中的组织都很难做到。
    ①[美]弗里德里奇·克拉斯托赫维尔,约翰·吉拉尔德·鲁杰:“国际组织——治国之道的现状”。载于[美]莉萨·马丁,贝思·西蒙斯编,黄仁伟、蔡鹏鸿等译:《国际制度》,上海人民出版社2006年版,第406页。英文版:Friedrich Kratochwil, John Gerard Ruggie, "International Organization:A State of the Art or an Art of the State", International Organi:ation,Vol.40, No.4, Autumn 1986, pp.753-775.
    ②胡贵:“如何解‘难民’这道题”,《南方周末》,2009-09-02, http://www. infzm.com/content/34150
    ② Goodrich Leland, "From League of Nations to United Nations", International Organization, Vol.1, No.1. Feb. 1947,pp.3-21.
    ③ Stanley Hoffmann, "The Role of International Organization:Limits and Possibilities", International Organization, Vol.10, No.3, Aug.1956, pp.357-372.
    ④ Arlette Moldaver, "Repertoire of the Veto in the Security Council,1946-1956", International Organization, Vol.11, No.2, Spring 1957, pp.261-274.
    ⑤ Keith S. Petersen, "The Uses of the Uniting for Peace Resolution since 1950", International Organization, Vol.13, No.2, Spring 1959. pp.219-232.
    ⑥ Aleksander W. Rudzinski, "Majority Rule vs. Great Power Agreement in the United Nations", International Organization, Vol.9, No.3, Aug.1955, pp.366-375. James N. Hyde, "United States Participation in the United Nations", International Organization, Vol.10, No.1, Feb.1956, pp.22-34. Leland M. Goodrich, "The UN Security Council". International Organization, Vol.12, No.3, Summer 1958, pp.273-287. Stanley Hoffmann, "National Attitudes and International Order:The National Studies on International Organization", International Organization, Vol.13, No.2, Spring 1959, pp.189-203.
    ① Ernst B. Haas, "International Integration:The European and the Universal Process", International Organization, Vol.15, No.3, Summer 1961, pp.366-392.
    ② Ernst B. Haas, Beyond the nation-state:Functionalism and International Organization, California:Stanford University Press,1964.
    ③ Stanley Hoffmann, "Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation-State and the Case of Western Europe" Daedalus, Vol.95, No.3, Tradition and Change, Summer 1966, pp.862-915.
    ④ "Regional Integration:Theory and Research", International Organization, Vol.24, No.4, Autumn 1970, pp. ⅴ-ⅶ+607-1091.
    ⑤ "Transnational Relations and World Politics", International Organization.Vol.25, No.3, Summer 1971, pp.ⅰ-ⅵ+329-758.
    ⑥ Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Robert O. Keohane, "Transnational Relations and World Politics:An Introduction". International Organization, Vol.25, No.3, Summer 1971, pp.329-349.
    ①[美]莉萨·马丁,贝思·西蒙斯:“国际制度的力量和经验研究”。载于[美]莉萨·马丁,贝思·西蒙斯编,黄仁伟等译:《国际制度》,第508页。英文:Lisa L. Martin, Beth A. Simmons, "Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions", International Organization, Vol.52, No.4, Autumn 1998, pp.729-757.
    ① "International Institutions and the Environmental Crisis", International Organization, Vol.26, No.2, Spring 1972, pp.ⅰ-ⅵ+169-478.
    ② "Restructuring Ocean Regimes:Implications of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea", International Organization, Vol.31, No.2, Spring 1977, pp.151-384.
    ③ "Nuclear Proliferation:Breaking the Chain", International Organization,Vol.35, No.1, Winter 1981, pp.1-240.
    ④ "The Political Economy of Monetary Institutions", International Organization, Vol.56, No.4, Autumn 2002, pp. 693-910.
    ⑤ "International Regimes", International Organization, Vol.36, No.2, Spring 1982, pp.185-510.
    ⑥ "The Rational Design of International Institutions", International Organization, Vol.55, No.4, Autumn 2001, pp.761-1103. ⑦ "International Institutions and Socialization in Europe", International Organization, Vol.59, No.4, Autumn2005, pp.801-1079.
    ⑧International Regimes, International Organization, Vol.36, No.2, Spring 1982, pp.185-510.
    ① Alexander Wendt. "Structure-Agent Problem in International Relations Theory", International Organization. Vol.41, No.3, Summer 1987, pp.335-370.
    ② David Dessler, "What's at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?" International Organization, Vol.43, No.3. Summer 1989, pp.441-473.
    ③ Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy is what States Make of it:The Social Construction of Power Politics", International Organization, Vol.46, No.2, Spring 1992, pp.391-425.
    Martha Finnemore, "International Organizations as Teachers of Norms:The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and Science Policy", International Organization, Vol.47, No.4, Autumn 1993, pp.565-597.
    ⑤英文版:Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, Stephen D. Krasner, "International Organization at Fifty: Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics", International Organization, Vol.52, No.4, Autumn 1998, pp. i-xviii+645-1061.中文版:[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦、罗伯特·基欧汉、斯蒂芬·克拉斯纳编,秦亚青等译:《世界政治理论的探索与争鸣》。
    ①IOM,No.923(LXXI),"Future Activities of IOM",29 November 1995.
    ②IOM,MC/INF/262,"Note on IOM Strategy:Current and Future Migration Realities and IOM's Role".13 October 2003.IOM:MC/INF/274,"IOM Strategy:Current and Future Migration Realities and IOM's Role",4 November 2004.
    ③IOM,MC/INF/287,"IOM Strategy",9 November 2007.
    ④IOM,MC/2258,"Programme and Budget for 2009",3 October 2008.
    ⑤IOM,"Migration Initiatives Appeal 2009",February 2009,p.4.
    ⑥No.2807,Constitution of the Intergovernmental Committee For European Migration(1953章程).1987 Constitution Amendents of the Constitution of 1953(1987年修订章程).Constitution of IOM(现行章程).
    ① IOM. MC/2258.
    ② IOM, MC/INF/255, "Elements of a Comprehensive Migration Management Approach",1 November 2002.
    ③ IOM, MC/INF/249, "Emergency and Post-conflict Response (1990-2001)",10 May 2002.
    ① Anthony Trawick Bouscaren, "International migrations since 1945", Michigan:University of Michigan press, 1963.
    ② Miriam Feldblum, "Passage-Making and Service Creation in International Migration", International Studies Association 40th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., Feb.16-20 1999.
    ③ Richard Perruchoud,"From the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration to the International Organization for Migration", InternationalJournal of Refugee Law, Vol.1, Issue 4,1989, pp.501-517.
    ④ Richard Perruchoud, "Persons falling under the Mandate of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and to Whom the Organization may Provide Migration Services", International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol.4, No.2,1992, pp.205-215.
    ⑤ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), Geneva:IOM,2001.
    ⑥ Rieko Karatani, "How History Separated Refugee and Migrant Regimes:In Search of Their Institutional Origins", International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol.17, Issue 3, October 2005, pp.517-541.
    ①Elie Jerome, "The Historical Roots of Cooperation between the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration", Global Governance, Vol.16, Issue 3, July-Sep.2010, pp.345-360.
    ②Philip L. Martin, Susan Forbes Martin, and Patrick Weil, Managing Migration:The Promise of Cooperation, Kentucky:Lexington Books,2006.
    ① Alexander Betts, Global Migration Governance, Oxford:Oxford University College,2010.
    ② Marchi Sergio, "Global Governance:Migration's Next Frontier", First published by Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussel, April 2004, http://www.irri-kiib.be/paperegm/ep2.U561.pdf; Then published in Global Governance, Vol.16, Issue3, Jul.-Sep.2010, pp.323-329.
    ③ Helene Pellerin, "Economic Integration and Security:New Key Factors in Managing International Migration", Immigration and Refugee Policy, Vol.10, No.6, July 2004.
    ④ Romeo Matsas, "Note on the Global Governance of International Migration:A Belgian Perspective", Sep.2006. On June 12,2006, the Royal Institute for International Relations (IRRI-KIIB), in partnership with the Belgian Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, organized an expert seminar on the global governance of international migration. http://www.egmontinstitute.be/speechnotes/06/060612-Migration/Program.htm; the present note is based on this seminar's proceedings but also draws on other sources. Its content is not necessarily attributable to the experts having participated in the seminar nor does it involve any endorsement from the Belgian authorities.
    ① Romeo Matsas, "The Global Forum on Migration and Development:A New Path for Global Governance?'", Paper presented at the 2008 ACUNS (Academic Council on United Nations System,联合国系统学术委员会,联学委)Annual Meeting,5-7 June 2008.
    ② Jessica F.Green, "Global Governance for Migration and the Environment:What Can We Learn from Each Other?", GCIM, No.46, Sep.2005.
    ③ Kathleen Newland, "The Governance of International Migration:Mechanisms, Processes and Institutions", GCIM, Sep.2005.这篇文章是提交给国际移民全球委员会的工作报告,后在《全球治理》杂志上发表。Kathleen Newland, "The Governance of International Migration:Mechanisms, Processes, and Institutions", Global Governance, Vol.16, Issue3, Jul-Sep.2010, pp.331-343.
    ④ Rey Koslowski, "Possible Steps towards an International Regime for Mobility and Security", Global Migration Perspectives, No.8, October 2004.
    ⑤ Rey Koslowski, Global Mobility and the Quest for an International Migration Regime. Conference on International Migration and Development:Continuing the Dialogue-Legal and Policy Perspectives, the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), New York, January 17-18, 2008.
    ① Bimal Ghosh ed., Managing Migration:Time for a New International Regime?, Oxford:Oxford University
    Press,2000. ② Bimal Ghosh, "Managing migration:A Missing Regime?", in Antoine Pecoud, Antoine Pecoud, Paul F. A. Guchteneire eds., Migration without Borders:Essays on the Free Movement of People, UNESCO/Berghahn Books,2007, pp.97-118.
    ③ Michele Klein Solomon,"International Migration Management through Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms" prepared for United Nations Expert Group Meeting on International Migration and Development,6-8 July 2005.
    ④ Kathleen Newland, Demetrios G. Papademetriou, "Managing International Migration:Elements of an Emerging International Regime? ",网页登陆日期:2009-09-23,http://igcc.ucsd.edu/research/IDDC/immigration/presentations/Newland.pdf这篇论文是作者提交给“全球冲突与合作研究院”的工作报告,该研究院隶属于加州大学,它致力于通过研究及教学活动重点培养解决国际问题及保持和平的下一代。研究主要涉及到能够阻止全球冲突、促进和平的安全、环境和经济政策。
    ① Royal Institute for International Relations, "Global Governance:The Next Frontier, Egmont Papers", Nr.2, Academia Press, Brussels,2004. http://www.irri-kiib.be/paperegm/ep2.U561.pdf
    ② "Migration in an interconnected world:New Directions for Action", Report of the Global Commission International Migration, October2005. http://www.gcim.org/en/finalreport.html,2003年12月9日,在前UN秘书长安南的号召下在日内瓦成立了国际移民问题全球委员会(Global Commission on International Migration),由19位以个人身份出任的专家委员组成,得到了30多个国家政府的支持。该委员会的任务是把国际移民问题提高到全球政策议程上,分析目前研究移民方法之间的空白,检视移民和其他全球性问题之间的相互联系,并向秘书长和其他利益相关者提出适当的建议。委员会的报告和建议为UN大会国际移民和发展问题高级别对话提供了关键性投入。http://www.gcim.org
    ③ UN, A/60/871, "Globalization and Interdependence:International Migration and Development ",18 May 2006.
    ① Joseph Chamie, Barry Mirkin, "Who's Afraid of International Migration in the United Nations?",27 April 2009.
    ② Institute for the Study of International Migration(ISIM), "Projects on Migration and Development and Governance of international Migration", http://www.un.org/esa/population/meetings/seventhcoord2008/ P14_ISIM.pdf.该研究院属于乔治敦大学,该研究院对国际移民进行了大量的研究详细参见其主页:http://www 12. georgetown.edu/sfs/isim/pages/Research1.html
    ③ IOM, World Migration Report 2000.
    ④ IOM, World Migration Report 2003:Managing Migration-Challenges and Responses for People on the Move, pp.65-78.
    ⑤ IOM, World Migration Report 2005:Costs and Benefits of International Migration.
    ⑥ IOM, World Migration Report 2008:Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Global Economy.
    ⑦ IOM, World Migration Report t 2010:Future of Migration:Building Capacities for Change.
    18 Kathleen Newland, Demetrios G. Papademetriou, "Managing International Migration:Elements of an Emerging International Regime? ", pp.6-7. Kathleen Newland, "The Governance of International Migration: Mechanisms. Processes, and Institutions", p.332.
    ② Stephen Castles, International Migration at the 21st Century:Global Trends and Issues, UNESCO: Blackwell Publishers,2000, pp.270-271.
    ④1989年,世界银行首次提出治理概念。1995年全球治理委员会对治理概念进行全面概况。全球治理委员会(Commission Global Governance)在其1995年发表的《我们的全球伙伴关系》的研究报告中指出,治理是各种公共的私人的个人和机构管理其共同事务的诸多方式的总和。它是使相互冲突的或不同的利益得以调和并且采取联合行动的持续的过程。它既包括有权迫使人们服从的正式制度和规则,也包括各种人们同意或以为符合其利益的非正式的制度安排。它有四个特点,即:第一,治理不是一整套规则,也不是一种活动,而是一个过程;第二,治理过程不是控制,而是协调;第三,治理既涉及公共部门,也涉及私人部门;第四,治理不是一种正式的制度,而是持续的互动。载于[英]瓦尔·卡尔松、什里达特·兰法尔主编,赵仲强等译:《天涯成比邻——全球治理委员会的报告》,中国对外翻译出版公司1995年版,第2 页。此后尽管学者们从不同学科角度探讨治理一词的内涵,但仍旧没有脱离全球治理委员会给予其的内涵。可见,国际组织在全球化进程中往往有意或无意地促成了某种共有知识的建构。此后世界银行、联合国开发署、联合各国教科文组织都对治理进行了界定。
    ⑤英文版:Robert Rohdes, "Governance a Public Administration", in Pierre J., ed. Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy, New York:Oxford University Press,2000, pp.54-90.中文版:[英]罗伯特·罗茨:“新的治理”,俞可平主编:《治理与善治》,第86-106页。
    ② Stephen Krasner, "Structural Causes and Regime Consequences:Regimes as Intervening Variables", in Stephen Krasner ed., International Regimes, New York:Cornell University Press,1983, p.2
    ③ Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye Jr., "Globalization:What's New? What's Not (And So What?) ". Foreign Policy, No.118, Spring 2000. pp.104-119.
    ②详细参见:吉乌利奥·M·加拉罗蒂:“国际组织的局限性:国际关系管理中的系统失灵”,载于[美]莉萨·马丁,贝思·西蒙斯编,黄仁伟、蔡鹏鸿等译:《国际制度》,第416-456页。[美]迈克尔·巴尼特、玛莎·费尼莫尔著,薄燕译:《为世界定规则:全球政治中的国际组织》,上海人民出版社2009年版。Michael N. Barnett, Martha Finnemore, "The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations", International Organization, Vol.53, No.4. Aug.1999, pp.699-732.
    ② Oran R. Young, International Governance:Protecting the Environment in a Stateless Society, New York: Cornell University Press,1994, p.181.
    ⑤ Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye, "Introduction", in Joseph S. Nye and John D. Donahue eds.. Governance in a Globalizing World, Washington DC:Brookings Institute Press,2000, pp.12-14.
    ④ The Commission on Global governance, Our Global Neighbourhood, Oxford University Press,1995, pp.2-3.
    ③详细参见:[美]罗伯特·基欧汉、约瑟夫·奈著,门洪华译:《权力与相互依赖》,北京大学出版社出版2002年版(英文发表时间:1977年);[美]罗伯特·基欧汉著,苏长和等译:《霸权之后:国际政治经济中的合作与斗争》,上海人民出版社2006年版(英文发表时间:1984年);[美]肯尼思·奥耶编,田野、辛平译:《无政府状态下的合作》,上海人民出版社2010年版(英文发表时间:1986年); Robert O. Keohane, International institutions and State Power:Essays in International Relations Theory, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press,1989; Arthur A. Stein, Why Nations Cooperate:Circumstance and Choice in International Relations, Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1990.
    ④建构主义学者已经从实证上证明了国际组织能够通过共有规范的传播、使共有规范内化为国家的私有知 识,影响国家的认知,构建国家的身份与利益,进而促使国家为国际社会提供公共产品。详细参见:[美]玛莎·费丽莫著,袁正清译:《国际社会中的国家利益》。[美]迈克尔·巴尼特、玛莎·费尼莫尔著,薄燕译:《为世界定规则:全球政治中的国际组织》。[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦、罗伯特·基欧汉、斯蒂芬·克拉斯纳编,秦亚青等译:《国家安全的文化:世界政治中的规范与认同》。其中,因翻译的学者不同,玛莎·费丽莫、玛莎·费尼莫尔为同一个人。
    ①2010年11月11-12日,http://finance.sina.com. cn/focus/2010G20_Seoul/index.shtml
    ②奥兰·扬并未给予问题的结构以特定的含义,但是说明了确定问题结构的重要意义。并在批判了图宾根学派与奥斯陆/西雅图学派关于问题结构的一般理论后,给出了自己的问题结构的维度:问题属性(problem attributes)、行为体特征(actor characteristics)、非对称性(asymmetries)、社会背景(social setting)等四个维度。[美]奥兰·扬著,陈玉刚,薄燕译:《世界事物中的治理》,第47-70页。本文在分析国际移民问题的结构时运用了这一评判标准,试图对国际移民问题的特殊性及其治理的有效性等问题的探讨做一个铺垫性的分析。
    ① IOM, World Migration 2005, pp.350-357.
    ④ James F. Hollifield, "The Politics of International Migration:How Can We'Bring the State Back in'?" in Caroline B.Brettell, James F.Hollifield eds., Migration Theory:Talking across Disciplines, Routledge,2000, pp.137-176.
    ② Ian Goldin, Kenneth A. Reinert, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy, World Bank,2006, p.243.
    ① Michael Hefferman,"French Colonial Migration", in Robin Cohen ed., The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.33-38.
    ② Douglas S," Massey Patterns and Processes of International Migration in the 21st Century", Paper prepared for Conference on African Migration in Comparative Perspective, Johannesburg, South Africa,4-7June,2003, p.l.
    ③ Jin Hui, "Chinese Indentured Labour:Coolies and Colonies"; Steven Vertovec. "Indian indentured Migration to the Caribbean", in Robin Cohen ed.. The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, pp.51-56, pp.57-62.
    Douglas S. Massey, "Economic Development and International Migration in Comparative Perspective", Population and Development Review, Vol.14, No.3, Sep.1988, pp.385-386.
    ① Diana Kay, "The Resettlement of Displaced Persons in Europe.1946-1951", in Robin Cohen ed., The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, pp.154-158.
    ② Loiskandl Helmut, "Illegal Migrant Workers in Japan"; Fee Lian Kwen, "Migration and the Formation of Malaysia and Singapore", in Robin Cohen ed., The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, pp.371-375, pp.392-396.
    ③ Stephen Castles, "Why Migration Policies Fail", Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol.27, No.2, March 2004, pp. 205-227; W.A. Cornelius, "Death at the Border:Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of US Migration Control Policy", Population and Development Review, Vol.27, No.4, Dec.2001, pp.661-685.
    ② UN, "Trend in International Migration Stock:The 2008 Revision", CD-ROM Documentation, pp.1-2.
    ①表格1.2、1.3、1.4、1.6均来自于C R Abrar Coordinator RMMRU,"International Migration:Patterns and Trends". http://www.rmmru.net/NTSWorkshop2008/Dayl-DR%20CR%20Abrar.ppt;相关数据来源于UN,"International Migration Report 2006:A Global Assessment"; UN, "Trends in Total Migrant Stock:The 2003 Revision"; UN, "Trends in Total Migrant Stock:The 2005 Revision":其中2010年数据来源:IOM, World Migration Report t 2010:Future of Migration:Building Capacities for Change.
    ② UN, "Trend in International Migration Stock:The 2008 Revision", p.l.
    ① UN, "Trend in International Migration Stock:The 2008 Revision", p.2.
    ① Didier Bigo, "Security and Immigration:Towards a Critique of the Governmental ity of Unease", Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, January 12002. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-84338226.html
    ② Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), Migration in an Interconnected World, Geneva: GCIM,2005, p.8.
    ③ Roxanne Lynn Doty, Anti-immigrantism in Western Democracies:Statecraft, Desire, and the Politics of Exclusion, Routledge,2003, p.14.
    ① Susan Martin. "Climate Change, Migration, and Governance", Global Governance, Vol.16, Issue 3, Jul.-Sep. 2010, pp.397-414.
    ① UN, A/57/387, "Strengthening of the United Nations:an agenda for further change Report of the Secretary-General", General Assembly,9 September 2002, p.10.
    ② Michele Klein Solomon, Kerstin Bartsch, the Berne Initiative:Toward the Development of an International Policy Framework on Migration, April 2003. http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=114
    ③ Philip L. Martin, Susan Forbes Martin, Patrick Weil, Managing Migration:The Promise of Cooperation, Kentucky:Lexington Books,2006, p.1.
    ④ Philip L. Martin, Susan Forbes Martin, Patrick Weil, Managing Migration:The Promise of Cooperation, p.31.
    ③ UN, Trend In International Migration Stock:The 2008 Revision, CD-ROM Documentation, pp.1-2.
    ⑤问题并非由来已久,更多地伴随着民族国家主权象征符号的介入,致使移民无法通过正常渠道进入目的国,不得不采用其他非正常途径进入。国际迁移组织关于“非正规移民”(irregular migrant)的定义为“在错误的时间和地点进入一个国家的外国人,他们躲避官方的检查、通过欺诈来获取入境许可或通过虚假结婚(sham marriage)而规避移民法”。这也包含在其它的类型中,即没有合法签证而企图秘密进入一个国家的人,使用伪造证件的人,以及持有合法签证入境但逾期停留者或侵犯了入境相关法律未经许可而停留者。International Organization for Migrant(IOM), Irregular Migration and Smuggling of Migrants from Armenia,2002, p.56.在西文的语境中,非法移民的英文词组主要涉及:irregular migrant (migration)(非正规移民)、undocumented migrant(无文件移民)、illegal (unlawful) migrant(非法移民)、unauthorized migrant(未授权的移民)、unwanted migrant(不想要的移民)等,西方学者使用不同词汇的现象从一定程度上反映了此种类型移民本身具有的复杂性。本文认为他们本身也是受害者,应该给予他们更多的“人文”关怀。故本文并未采纳国内学者统一关照的“非法移民”概念,代之以国际迁移组织给出的概念“非正规移民”命名。也可以参见林胜:“‘非法移民’一词辨析”,《世界民族》,2009年第3期。
    ① U.S.State Department,2005.
    ② UN, A/60/871, p.17.
    ④ Trafficking in Persons Report,10 edition, June 2010, p.7. http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2010/
    ⑤ Trafficking in Persons Report, p.34.
    ① Helene Pellerin, "Economic Integration and Security:New Key Factors in Managing International Migration", Immigration and Refugee Policy, Vol.10, No.6, July 2004, pp.7-8.
    ② Michele Klein Solomon, "International Migration Management through Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms", Prepared for United Nations Expert Group Meeting on International Migration and Development,6-8 July,2005.
    ③ Romeo Matsas, "Note on the Global Governance of International Migration:A Belgian Perspective", Sep.2006.
    ④ "Migration in an interconnected world:New Directions for Action", Report of the Global Commission
    International Migration, October 2005.
    ⑤ Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM), "Projects on Migration and Development and Governance of international Migration".
    ① IOM, World Migration Report 2003:Managing Migration-Challenges and Responses for People on the Move, pp.65-78.
    ② Romeo Matsas, "Note on the Global Governance of International Migration:A Belgian Perspective" Sep.2006, p.7.
    ③ Aleinikoff T. Alexander, Chetail Vincent, International Legal Norms and Migration, The Hague:TMC Asser Press,2003.
    ④ Michele Klein Solomon and Kerstin Bartsch, the Berne Initiative:Toward the Development of an International Policy Framework on Migration, April 2003. http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=114
    ① Ian Goldin, Kenneth A. Reinert, Globalization for Development:Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy, World Bank,2006, p.243.
    ② Speech on the Berne Initiative by Michele Klein Solomon, Deputy Director, Migration Policy, Research and Communications International Organization for Migration.
    ①联合国经济和社会事务部2004年报告,ST/ESA/SER. A/235。“审查和评价实现《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》各项目标和目的的进展情况”,第29-30页。
    ① Barbara Bogusz, Ryszard Cholewinski, Adam Cygan and Erika Szyszczak eds., Irregular Migration and Human Rights:Theoretical, European and International Perspectives, Hotei Publishing,2004, p.284.
    ②国家包括:阿尔及利亚(Algeria) 、法国(France)、意大利(Italy)、利比亚(Libya)、马耳他(Malta)、毛利西尼亚(Mauritania)、摩洛哥(Morocco)、葡萄牙(Portugal)、西班牙(Spain)突尼斯(Tunisia)。
    ①前者共有122个缔约国,后者共有135个缔约国。这两个议定书都是有154个缔约国的《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》(the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime)的补充。
    ② UN, A/60/871, p.77.
    ③ The legal and normative framework of international migration. A paper prepared for the Policy Analysis and Research Programme of the Global Commission on International Migration, Susan Martin Institute for the Study of International Migration Georgetown University, September 2005, p.2.
    ④ T. Alexander Aleinikoff ed., Migration and International Legal Norms, Geneva:IOM,2003, p.13, p.56.
    ① Jillyanne Redpath, the Importance of Common Terminology and An Overview of International Migration Law, p.35. Inter-State and Intra-Regional Cooperation on Migration Management in the IGAD Region, a Workshop Report 12th-14th May 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    ② Statement of IOM (IGO), Mr. James N. Purcell Jr., International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), Cario,6 Sep.1994. http://www.un.org/popin/icpd/conference/una/940907162239.html
    ① Ghosh Bima, Inter-State Cooperation:Global Migration. Report prepared for the Berne Initiative Conference Ⅱ. Berne,16-17 Dec.2004.
    ② Michele Klein Solomon and Kerstin Bartsch, The Berne Initiative:Toward the Development of an International Policy Framework on Migration, April 2003. http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=114
    ③ "the Legal and Normative Framework of International Migration", a paper prepared for the Policy Analysis and Research Programme of the Global Commission on International Migration, Susan Martin Institute for the Study of International Migration Georgetown University, September 2005, pp.2-3.
    ⑤ Romeo Matsas, "Note on the Global Governance of International Migration:A Belgian Perspective", p.6.
    ① Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993, p.34
    ② Vera Micheles Dean, "European Power Politics and the Refugee Problem", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.203, Refugees, May 1939, p.18.
    ③ Tony Kuschner, Katharine Knox, Refugees in an Age of Genocide:Global, National, and Local Perspectives during the Twentieth Century, Oxford:Routledge,30 June 1999, p.9.
    ④ Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, pp.35-36.
    ① Louise W. Holborn, "The League of Nations and the Refugee Problem", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.203, Refugees, May 1939, p.124.
    ② Sir John Hope Simpson, The Refugee Problem, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1939. p.199.
    ④ Linda K. Kerber, "The Stateless as the Citizen's Other:A View from the United States", in Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik eds., Migrations and Mobilities:Citizenship, Borders, and Gender, New York:New York University Press,2009, p.106.
    ① Walter Adams, "Extent and Nature of the World Refugee Problem", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.203, Refugees, May 1939, p.32.
    ②联总成立的详细过程参见:王德春:“联合国善后救济总署的诞生及其使命”,《世界历史》,2004年第5期。Robert H. Johnson, "International Politics and The Structure of International Organization:The Case of UNRRA", World Politics, Vol.3, No.4, July 1951, pp.520-538. Grace Fox, "The Origins of UNRRA ", Political Science Ouarterly, Vol.65, No.4, Dec.1950, pp.561-584
    ③ Tony Kuschner, Katharine Knox, Refugees in an Age of Genocide:Global, National, and Local Perspectives during the Twentieth Century, p.10.
    ① Dan Stone eds., Post War Europe:Refugees, Exile and Resettlement,1945-1950, Introduction, p.II. http://www. tlemea. com/postwareurope/essays. asp
    ② Pieter Jan Bouman, The Refugee Problem in Western Germany, The Hague:Martinus Ni jhoff,1950, p.11.
    ③ Leonard Woolf,'Introduction'and Kenneth GBrooks, "The Re-establishment of Displaced Peoples", in Julian Huxley, H. J. Leski and W. Arnold Forster, When Hostilities Cease:Papers on Relief and Reconstruction Prepared for the Fabian Society, London:V. Gollancz Ltd.,1943, p.11, p.99.
    ④ Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, p.50.
    ⑤ Robert H. Johnson, "International Politics and The Structure of International Organization:The Case of UNRRA", World Politics, Vol.3, No.4, July 1951, p.521.
    ① Phil Orchard, "Refugees and the Evolution of International Cooperation", Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference,1 June 2007, p.10.
    ② Gil Loescher. Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, pp.37-38.
    Louise W. Holborn, "The League of Nations and the Refugee Problem", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, pp.126-128.
    ④ "Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees", International Organization, Vol.1, No.1, Feb.1947, p.144.
    ① IRO Press Release, No.189,17August 1950.
    ② James C. Hathaway, "the Evolution of Refugee Status International Law:1920-1950", International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.33, No.2, April 1984. pp.350-354.
    ③ Gilbert Jaeger, "On the history of the International Protection of Refugees", IRRC, September 2001, Vol.83. No.843. p.731.
    ④ James C. Hathaway, "the Evolution of Refugee Status International Law:1920-1950", pp.371-372.
    ① UNRRA Journal 186 for the text of Resolution 10, which established the nature of the mandate,1943, p.65.
    ③ Woodbridge George, UNRRA:The History of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, New York:Columbia University Press,1950, p.471.
    ④ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.13.
    ⑤ William Courtland Robinson, Terms of Refuge:The Indochinese Exodus & the International Response, Zed Books,1998, p.5.
    ① Gilbert Jaeger, "On the history of the International Protection of Refugees", p.730.
    ②Louise W. Holborn, "The League of Nations and the Refugee Problem", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, p.128.
    ③ Marrus Michael R., The Unwanted:European Refugees from the First World War Through the Cold War, Philadelphia:Temple University Press,2002, p.89.
    ① "Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees", International Organization, Vol.1, No.l, Feb.1947, p.144.
    ② Loescher, A. Betts and J. Milner, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):The Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection into the Twenty-first Century, Oxford:Routledge,2008, p.12
    ③ Breitman Richard and Alan M Kraut, American Refugee Policy and European Jewry,1933-1945, Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1987, pp.60-61.
    ④ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.13.
    ① Constitution of the International Refugee Organization,15 December 1946.
    ② Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, p.39.
    ③ Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, p.44.
    ④ Edward Marks, "Internationally Assisted Migration:ICEM Rounds out Five Years of Resettlement", International Organization, Vol.11, No.3, Summer 1957, p.482.
    ③ Knowles Valerie, Strangers at Our Gates:Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy,1540-1991, Toronto: Dundurn Press,1997, pp.126-127.
    ④ Arieh Kochavi,"The Politics of Displaced Persons in Post-War Europe,1945-1950", p.l.网页登陆日期:2009-12-13, http://encyclopediajudaica.com/DigitalCollections/whitepapers/GML40907_ThePoliticsOfDisplacedPersons.pdf
    ③二战后,欧洲兴起了联合的思潮,欧洲统一运动蓬勃发展。经过丘吉尔、雷诺等著名人士的努力,1948 年5月在海牙召开了欧洲统一运动首届大会。英国、法国、荷兰等10国政府于1949年5月5日成立了“欧洲委员会”。希腊、土耳其、联邦德国、冰岛、奥地利、塞浦路斯、瑞士、马耳他等国之后加入这个组织。欧洲理事会是成立最早的欧洲合作组织,其目的在于加强成员国之间的团结、促进社会经济进步和坚持民主、法制和人权的基本原则。如今,原为西欧10个国家组成的政治性组织现已扩大到整个欧洲范围,共有46个成员国,以及5个部长委员会观察员国(梵蒂冈、加拿大、美国、日本和墨西哥)以及3个议会观察员国(加拿大、墨西哥和以色列)。总部设在施特拉斯堡,核心机构是一个由各国外长组成的部长委员会和一个由各国议会代表组成的协商议会,日常工作由常设秘书处负责处理。其宗旨是保护欧洲人权、议会民主和权利的优先性;在欧洲范围内达成协议以协调各国社会和法律行为;促进实现欧洲文化的统一性。欧洲理事会通过审议各成员国共同关心的除防务以外的其它重大问题,推动各成员国政府签订公约和协议以及向成员国政府提出建议等方式,谋求在政治、经济、社会、人权、科技和文化等领域采取统一行动,并经常对重大国际问题发表看法。
    ① Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.17.
    ② IRO Constitution, Article 2, paragraph 1, New York,15 December 1946, p.3. http://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/ 1948/08/19480820%2007-01%20AM/Ch_V_1p.pdf
    ③ Richard Perruchoud, "From the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration to the International Organization for Migration", International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol.1, Issue4.1989, p.502.
    ④ Rieko Karatani, "How History Separated Refugee and Migrant Regimes:In Search of Their Institutional Origins", p.532.
    ⑤ Miriam Feldblum, "Passage-Making and Service Creation in International Migration", International Studies Association 40th Annual Convention, Washington D.C, Feb.16-20 1999.
    ① Rieko Karatani, "How History Separated Refugee and Migrant Regimes:In Search of Their Institutional Origins", p.519.
    ② UN document, E/CN.5/40, Feb.1948, para.3.
    ③ A list of delegates can be found in ILO, doc. MIG/1009/2/360. ILO, Migration Conference, Naples, "Revised List of Delegations"
    ④ International Labour Office, Minutes of the 114th Session of the Governing Body,6-10 Mar.1951, Minutes of the 7th Sitting on 9 Mar.1951, "Statement by the Director-General on Migration".
    ⑤ ILO, doc. MIG 1009/2/411/1. Migration Conference, Naples 1951, "UN Report on Methods of International Financing of European Emigration".513th meeting of ECOSOC, Official Records,22 Aug.1951 (Statement by the Director-General of the ILO, Mr. Morse).
    ① NA., FO/371/95904. "Surplus Population and Migration in Europe:Formation of Policy",23 July 1951.
    ② Mutual Security Act, Public Law 248 of 31 Oct.1951.
    ④ ICEM, MCB/3, Migration Conference, Brussels, Dec.1951.
    ⑤ ICEM, MCB/SR/2, Migration Conference, Brussels,26 Nov.1951.
    ① Rieko Karatani, "How History Separated Refugee and Migrant Regimes:In Search of Their Institutional Origins'", pp.517-541.
    ② No.2807, United Nations—Treaty Series,1955, p.192.
    ③ Gil Loescher, The UNHCR and World Politics:A Perilous Path, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001, p.7.
    ④ George Warren, The Development of United States Participation in Inter-Governmental Efforts to Resolve Refugee Problems, Mimeo,1967, p.149.
    ① "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration". International Organization, Vol.7, No.1, Feb.1953, pp.169-170.第4次会议被提出颁布章程,第5次会议上总干事又再次提出希望成员国通过该章程,最终在第6次会议上通过,使得该组织再次获得了延续的可能。
    ② "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration", International Organization, Vol.8, No.3. Aug.1954, p.419.
    ① "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration", International Organization, Vol.9, No.2, May 1955, p.316.
    ② No.2807, "United Nations-Treaty Series",1955, pp.189-212.
    ③ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.21.
    ④ "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration", International Organization, Vol.7, No.1, Feb.1953, pp.169-170.
    ① Miriam Feldblum, "Passage-Making and Service Creation in International Migration", International Studies Association International Studies Association 40th Annual Convention. Washington. D.C., Feb.16-201999.
    ② "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration", International Organization, Vol.12, No.2, Spring 1958, p.264.
    ③ "ICEM Language Training for Migrants", International Migration, Vol.3, Issue 3, July 1965, pp.159-160.
    ④ "Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration", International Organization, Vol.11, No.2, spring 1957, p.406.
    ⑤ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.40.
    ② FranCois Leduc, "the Tenth Anniversary of ICEM", Migration, Vol.2, Issuel, January-March 1962, pp.5-8. G. Beijer, "The Brain Drain from the Developing Countries and the Need for the Immigration of Intellectuals and Professionals", International Migration, Vol.5, Issue3-4, July 1967, pp.228-234.
    ③ Brinley Thomas, "Trends in the International Migration of Skilled Manpower, Migration, Vol.1, Issue3, July-September 1961, pp.5-20.
    ④ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.40.
    ① "Refugee Movements:Important Factor of Present European Migration", International Migration Review, Vol.7. No.2, summer 1973, p.190.
    ① Yves Beigbede, The Role and Status of International Humanitarian Volunteers and Organizations:The Right and Duty to Humanitarian Assistance, p.38.
    ② Resolution NO.610 (XLIV),20 Nov.1979, "The World-wide Dimensions of ICEM's Activities".
    ③ Resolution NO.624 (XLV),19 Nov.1980, "Changing the Designation of ICEM".
    ① ICEM, Annual Report on 1978, p.36.
    ② ICEM, Resolution NO.624 (XLV), "Changing the Designation of ICEM",19 Nov.1980.
    ③ ICM, Annual Report on 1985. p.31.
    ④ Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.90.
    ⑤ United Nations-Treaty Series,1990, pp.441-454.
    ① Constitution of IOM,pp.9.11.
    ② IOM Annual Report on 1992.
    ③ IOM Annual Report on 1993.
    ④ IOM:MC/182,1995.
    ① IOM:MC/1865/Rev.1,1996.
    ② Marianne Ducasse-Rogier, the International Organization for Migration (1951-2001), p.102.
    ③ IOM:MC/1685,1991; MC/2042,2000.
    ④ Yves Beigbede, The Role and Status of International Humanitarian Volunteers and Organizations:The Right and Duty to Humanitarian Assistance, p.37.
    ① United Nations Office, International Yearbook Geneva:2000-2001, Organization and Activities of International Institutions in Geneva. Vol.XIV, Geneva:UN,2000, pp.334-335.
    ③ Yves Beigbede, The Role and Status of International Humanitarian Volunteers and Organizations:The Right and Duty to Humanitarian Assistance, p.36.
    ①网页登陆日期:2010-12-26, http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/policy-research/international-dialogue-migration
    ② IOM, MC/2057, "Resolutions Adopted by the Council at its Eighty-second Session",7 Dec.2001, p.6.
    ① IOM, MC/2080, "Report of the Director General on the Work of the Organization for the Year 2001", p.1, pp.102-103.
    ② IOM, MC/2080, p.2.
    ① Yves Beigbede, The Role and Status of International Humanitarian Volunteers and Organizations:The Right and Duty to Humanitarian Assistance, pp.332-333.
    ② IOM, MC/2294, "Report of the Director General on the Work of the Organization for the Year 2009", p.20.
    ③ National Archives and Records Administra, "The United States Government Manual 2009-2010'", p.569.网页登陆日期2011-01-10, http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gmanual/browse-gm-09.html
    ④ IOM, MC/2294, pp.33-35.
    ⑤ IOM, MC/2294, p.11.
    ① IOM, MC/2294, p.5.
    ② Toward an IOM Strategy, Migration and Development Conference Room Paper/12,88th Session of the Council, Geneva,30 November-3 December 2004. IOM's constitution recognizes "that a relationship exists between migration and the economic, social and cultural conditions in developing countries".
    ① IOM, MC/2258, "Programme and Budget for 2009", Oct.2008, p.11.
    ① No.2807,United Nations-Treaty Series,1955.pp.189-212.
    ② Paul Ingram, "Nasty, Brutish and Long:The Survival and Failure of Inter-Governmental Organizations, 1815-2000", March 14 2006. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~janavs/ingram.pdf
    ① Constitution of IOM, p.9.
    ② IOM, MC/INF/274, "IOM Strategy:Current and Future Migration Realities and IOM's Role",4 November 2004.
    ③ IOM, MC/INF/287, "IOM Strategy",9 November 2007, pp.3-4.
    ① IOM, MC/2288, "Resolutions Adopted by the Council at its Ninety-eighth session",30 November 2009. p.9.
    ② Constitution of IOM, pp.13-18.
    ① IOM, MC/2258, "Programme and Budget for 2009",3 October 2008, p.4.
    ② Evaluation Guidelines, Including how to Perform Self-evaluations, IOM, Prepared by the Office of Programme Evaluation Geneva, December 1998.
    ③ IOM Evaluation Guidelines, IOM, Office of the Inspector General, January 2006, p.4.
    ① IOM, MC/2278, "Report on the Hundred and Sixth Session of the Executive Committee",10 June 2009, p.80.
    ② IOM, MC/2278, p.7.
    ③ IOM. MC/2278, p.81.
    ④ IOM Evaluation Guidelines, p.14.
    ① IOM, MC/INF/260, "Role of IOM in Emergency and Post-conflict Situations",18 November 2002, p.3.
    ③ IOM, MC/INF/242, "Human Resources Policy in IOM",24 October 2000, p.8.
    ④ IOM, MC/INF/242, p.5.
    ① IOM, MC/INF/242,Annex, p.11.
    ① International Migrant Rights Watch Committee, Achieving Dignity:Campaigners Handbook for the Migrant Rights Convention.19 August 1998. http://www. migrantsrights.org/LAYHNDBK.INDEX. Htm
    ②网页登陆日期2010-12-17, http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/regional-consuItative-processes
    ① The IOM a secondary issue?网页登陆日期:2010-03-03, http://www.noborder.org/iom/display.php?id=15
    ① Michele Klein Solomon, "International Migration Management through Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms" prepared for United Nations Expert Group Meeting on International Migration and Development,6-8 July 2005, p.9.
    ② Michele Klein Solomon, "International Migration Management through Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms", pp.5-6.
    ③网页登陆日期:2010-09-07,http://www.iom. int/Template/activities/chart/category-2009. html
    ① Philip L. Martin. Susan Forbes Martin, Patrick Weil, eds., Managing Migration:The Promise of Cooperation, America:Lexington Books.2006. p.2.
    ① UN, World Economic and Social Survey 2004, p.189.
    ② Michele Klein Solomon, Kerstin Bartsch, "The Berne Initiative:Toward the Development of an International Policy Framework on Migration", April 2003, http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=114
    ① T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Vincent Chetail, International Legal Norms and Migration, Hague:TMC Asser Press, 2003. The introductory chapter was published by IOM, International Dialogue on Migration No.3, International Legal Norms and Migration:An Analysis, Geneva:IOM,2002.
    ② IOM, International Migration Law:Glossary on Migration, Geneva:IOM,2004.
    ③ Berne Initiative Consultations:"An International Agenda for Migration Management",2-3 July 2003, Switzerland:Berne, Report, p.2.
    ④ Addis Ababa, Chairman's Summary, Berne Initiative Regional Consultations for Africa,25-26 March 2004, Ethiopia.
    ⑤ Report, Berne Initiative Regional Consultations for Europe and Central Asia,24-25 June2004, Budapest, Hungary.
    ⑥ Report, Berne Initiative Regional Consultations for Asia and the Pacific,29-30 July 2004 Guilin, China.
    ⑦Report, Berne Initiative Regional Consultations for the Americas,9-10 September 2004, Santiago de Chile.
    ⑧ International Agenda for Migration Management, Berne,16-17 December 2004. p.13.
    ① International Agenda for Migration Management, Berne,16-17 December 2004, p.6.
    ② Significant International Statements on Migration:A Thematic Compilation, Geneva:IOM,2004, CD-ROM.
    ③ Romeo Matsas, "the Global Governance of International Migration:A Belgian Perspective", p.6.
    ④ Joel P. Trachtman, The International Law of Economic Migration:Toward the Fourth Freedom, Kalamazoo: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,2009, p.11.
    ①《世界人权宣言》。网页登陆日期:2009-08-16, http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml
    ③ The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination specifically provides that its prohibition of racial discrimination doesn't apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens", Article 1(2).
    ① Johan Wets, Migration and Development:Myths and Facts, IOM EPC Issue Paper, No.11,2004-01-27, p.6.
    ② Devesh Kapur, Remittances:The New Development Mantra? Paper prepared for the G-24 Technical Group Meeting, August 2003.
    ③ Richard H. Adams, Jr., and John Page, the Impact of International Migration and Remittances on Poverty, World Bank. October 1/2003.
    ① Berne Initiative Consultations:An International Agenda for Migration Management,2-3 July 2003, Berne, Switzerland, Report, p.8.
    ② IOM, Glossary on Migration,2004.
    ① IOM, MC/2290, "Draft Report on the Ninety-Eighth Session of the Council",9 February 2010, p.23.
    ② Chairman's Summary, Manage International Migration through International Cooperation, International Agenda for Migration Management, Berne,16-17 December 2004, p.7.
    ① Regional Follow-up to the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, E/ESCAP/CESI(3)/1,11 October 2006, p.1也可见表格1.2、1.4。
    ① IOM, World Migration 2005, p.102.
    ② Maruja M.B. Asis, "Recent Trends in International Migration in Asia and the Pacific'", Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Vol.20, No.3, December 2005, pp.26-27.
    ③ IOM, World Migration 2005, p.109.
    ④ Antoine Pecoud, Antoine Pecoud, Paul F. A. Guchteneire eds., Migration without Borders:Essays on the Free Movement of people, pp.209-210.
    ⑤ IOM, World Migration 2005, p.111.
    ③Antoine Pecoud, Antoine Pecoud, Paul F. A. Guchteneire eds., Migration without Borders:Essays on the Free Movement of People, p.199.
    ① Bali Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime Co-Chairs'Statement,26-28 February 2002. http://www.baliprocess.net/files/ConferenceDocumentation/BRMC1.pdf
    ② Austrilian Federal Police, Annual Report 2007-08, p.26.
    ③ Second Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime Bali,29-30 April 2003. http://www.baliprocess.net/files/ConferenceDocumentation/SRMCStatement.pdf
    ④ Co Chairs'Statement, Third Bali Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related transnational Crime, Bali, Indonesia,14-15 April 2009. http://www.baliprocess.net/index.asp?pageID=2145831461
    ① Bali Process'to take up Rohingya issue, Mizzima News,22 February 2009. http://www.mizzima.com/news/regional/1752-bali-process-to-take-up-rohingya-issue.html
    ② Yan Naing, Rohingya Issue Remains Unresolved, April 16 2009. http://www.irrawaddymedia.com/article.php?art id= 15485
    ③ Melissa Curley, Siu-lun Wong eds., Security and Migration in Asia:the Dynamics of Securitisation, Oxford: Routledge,2008, p.74.
    ① United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons:Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings, New York:UN,2008, p.64.
    ② Randall Hansen, "An Assessment of Principal Regional Consultative Processes on Migration", IOM, No.38, 2010, p.24.
    ① Niels Kneebon, "'Controlling Migration by Sea:The Australian Case", in Bernard Ryan,Valsamis Mitsilegas, eds., Extraterritorial Immigration Control:Legal Challenges, Netherland:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2010, pp.354-355.
    ① Janet Phillips, "People trafficking:An Update on Australia's Response", Research Paper no.5,2008-09, Social Policy Section,22 August 2008. http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/rp/2008-09/09rp05.htm
    ② Joseph Chamie, International Migration and Development—Continuing the Dialogue:Legal and Policy Perspectives, Geneva:IOM,2008, p.214.
    ③ IOM, Migration Initiatives Appeal 2009, February 2009, p.1.
    ① IOM, MC/2028, "Application by the People's Republic of China for Representation by an Observer",26 March 2001.
    ② IOM, MC/2033. "Draft Report on the Eighty-first(Special) Session of the Council",29 June 2001.
    ③ 2002-08-26, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/wjb/zygy/t4695.htm
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    ②网页登录时间:2010-10-30, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/beijing/whatwedo/cbmm.htm
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    ① UN Office in Geneva, International Geneva Yearbook 2000-2001:Organization and Activities of International Institutions in Geneva, United Nations Publications,2001, p.332.
    ② UN, ST/LEG/SER.C/37, "United Nations Juridical Yearbook 1999", pp.35-37.
    ① UN, A/57/387.
    ② IOM, MC/INF/263, "IOM-UN Relationship:Summary Report of the Working Group on Institutional Arrangements". 10 November 2003.
    ① IOM, MC/2126/Rev.1, "International Dialogue on Migration in a Globalized World",14 December 2004, p.41.
    ② Migration in an interconnected world:New directions for action, Report of the Global Commission International Migration, October2005. http://www.gcim.org/en/finalreport.html
    ③ UN, A/60/871, pp.10-11.
    ④ IOM, MC/INF/285, "IOM-UN Relationship",14 November 2006.
    ⑤ IOM, MC/2210/Rev.130,"Report on the Ninety Second Session of the Council",8 November to 1 December 2006, pp.45-47.
    ① IOM, MC/INF/290, Annex I, "Options for the IOM-UN Relationship:Additional Analysis of Costs and Benefits",9 November 2007, pp.1-3.
    ①Gil Loescher. Alexander Betts. James H. S. Milner, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):the Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection in the Twenty-first Century, p.88.
    ② Louise W. Holborn, Refugees, A Problem of Our Time:The Work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (1951-1972), Metuchen:The Scarecrow Press,1975, pp.62-63.
    ③ William Courtland Robinson, Terms of Refuge:the Indochinese Exodus & the International Response, Zed Books,1998, p.6.
    ⑤同时还成立了一个“美国逃亡者项目”(the United States Escape Program),美国大力支持这两个机构。1952-1955年间,美国政府为该项目投入了4500万美元帮助安置从东方阵营逃出来的难民。
    ①难民署纪念成功处理匈牙利危机50周年,2006-10-23,http://www.un. org/chinese/News/fullstorynews.asp?newsID=6669
    ② Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration,15 May 1997, http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/3ae6b31a70.html
    ③ IOM, MC/2080, "Report of the Director General on the Work of the Organization for the Year 2001", p.103.
    ④ Jerome Elie, "the Historical Roots of Cooperation between the UNHCR and IOM", Global Governance, July-September 2010,Vol.16, Issue 3, p.353.
    ① Gil Loescher. Alexander Betts. James H. S. Milner, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):the Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection in the Twenty-first Century, p.96.
    ② General Assembly Resolution 428 (Ⅴ) of 14 December 1950, Geneva, Oct.2010, p.4.
    ③ "50th Anniversary:The Wall Behind which Refugees can Shelter---1951 Geneva Convention", UNHCR, Vol.2, Number 123, p.2. http://www.unhcr.org/3b5e90ea0.html
    ④ "50th Anniversary:The Wall Behind which Refugees can Shelter---1951 Geneva Convention", UNHCR, Vol.2, Number 123, p.2.
    ⑤ Text of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees,and Text of the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, December 2010, pp.14-15. http://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10.html
    ①Text of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees,and Text of the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, p.46.
    ② Louise W. Holborn, Refugees, A Problem of Our Time:The Work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (1951-1972), p.156.
    ③ Gervase Coles, Solution to the Problem of Refugees and the Protection of Refugees:A Background Study, p.81.
    ④ Gil Loescher, The UNHCR and World Politics:A Perilous Path, p.100, p.135.
    ⑤ Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, p.44.
    ① 60th Anniversary:UNHCR marks landmark with appeal for renewed commitment to helping the world's forcibly displaced. News Stories,14 December 2010, http://www.unhcr.org/4d063d736.html
    ② General Assembly Resolution 428(Ⅴ)of 14 December 1950, "Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", Geneva, Oct.2010, p.9, http://www.unhcr.org/3b66c39e1.html
    ③网页登陆日期:2011-03-31, http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c17.html
    ① IOM, MC/2294, "Report of the Director General on the Work of the Organization for the Year 2009", Annex I, 8 June 2010, p.1.2010年数据来自于IOM, MC/2313, "Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2010", 19 April 2011, p.6.
    ② IOM, MC/2294, p.2.
    ③ http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c1a.html,
    ①根据IOM官方网站提供信息整理。英文名字依次为:Hugh Gibson, Harold Tittman, Marcus Daly, Bastiaan W.Haveman, John F.Thomas, James L.Carlin, James N. Purcell, Brunson Mckinley, William Lacy Swing.
    ②根据IOM官方网站提供信息整理。英文名字依次为:Pierre Jacobsen, Barthelemy Georges Epinat, Joseph B. McFadden, Walter M.Besterman, Giacinto Maselli, Hector Charry-Samper, Narcisa deLeon Escaler, Ndioro Ndiaye, Laura Thompson.
    ③网页登陆日期:2010-12-26, http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c1a.html,
    ①根据UNHCR官方网站提供信息整理。英文名字依次为:Gerrit Jan van Heuven Goedhart, Auguste R. Lindt, Felix Schnyder, Sadruddin Aga Khan, Poul Hartling, Jean-Pierre Hocke, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Sadako Ogata, Ruud Lubbers, Antonio Guterres.
    ② Annex,General Assembly Resolution 428 (V) of 14 December 1950, Geneva, Oct.2010, p.6.
    ① IOM,World Migration Report 2000.
    ② IOM,world Migration Report 2003.
    ③ IOM,World Migration Report 2005.
    ④ IOM,World Migration Report 2008.
    ⑤ IOM,World Migration Report 2010.
    ② Gil Loescher, The UNHCR and World Politics:A Perilous Path, p.6.
    ① GHP, "The Global Humanitarian Platform Beyond 2010:Relevance, Added-value, and Benefits”.并非一个永久性的、正式的论坛。2-3年举行一次会议。
    ② GHP, "Summary report of the Global Humanitarian Platform",11-12 July 2007, Geneva, retrieved 29 August 2007, p.1, http://www.icva.ch/doc00002419.doc
    ① Gil Loescher, The UNHCR and World Politics:A Perilous Path, pp.321-322.
    ② General Assembly Resolution 428(V)of 14 December 1950, "Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", Geneva, Oct.2010, p.6.
    ③ Gil Loescher, The UNHCR and World Politics:A Perilous Path, p.2.
    ④ Christian Mommers, Margit van Wessel, "Structures, Values and Interaction in Field-level Partnerships:The case of UNHCR and NGOs",Development in Practice, Vol.19, Issue2, April 2009.
    ① William Lacy Swing, Migration Management:Progress Through Partnership,16th Greater Mekong Subregion Ministerial Conference Session 4 (ministerial part):Statements by Development Partners, Sheraton Hotel, and Hanoi, Vietnam Friday,20 August 2010.
    -UNHCR, "Partnership:A Programme Management Handbook for UNHCR's Partners:Revised Edition", Geneva:UNHCR,2003.
    ① Global Consultations on International Protection, EC/GC/01/11,"Refugee Protection and Migration Control: Perspectives from UNHCR and IOM".31 May 2001,2nd Meeting, pp.6-7.
    ①Andreas Schloenhardt, Migrant Smuggling:Illegal Migration and Organized Crime in Australia and Organized Crime in Australia and the Asia, Netherland:Brill Academic Publishers,2003, p.304.
    ② Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis, pp.136-137, p.139. Myron Weiner, "Introduction:Security, Stability and International Migration and Security", in Myron Weiner, ed., International Migration and Security, Colorado:Westview Press,1993. p.23.
    ③ Ninette Kelley, "International Refugee Protection Challenges and Opportunities", International Journal of Refugee Law,Vol.19, Issue 3, Oct.2007, p.438.
    ① Kathleen Newland, Demetrios G. Papademetriou, "Managing International Migration:Elements of an Emerging International Regime? ", p.7.
    ①详细参见; IOM:MC/INF/253, "IOM Partnership with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Managing Migration",1 November 2002.
    ② Rudolph C. "Globalization and Security:Migration and Evolving Conceptions of Security in Statecraft and Scholarship", Consulted in Oct.2002. http://www.ciaonet.org/wps/ruc02/ruc02.pdf
    ③ Ronaldo Munc, K., "Globalization, Governance and Migration:An Introduction", Third World Quarterly, Vol. 29,No.7, Oct.2008,p.1237.
    ② UN, ST/ESA/SER. A/220/ES.
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    ②网页登陆日期:2009-11-22, http://www.noborder.org/iom/index.php
    ① Amendments to the Constitution of the International Organization for Migration, Geneva,24 November 1998.
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