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Internet news credibility is an an important standard to measure the effects of internet communication. And it is critical to internet media for it's survival and sustainable development. Internet news credibility of china is facing challenge while the internet media developes rapidly.With internet users as subjects, and by the means of quantified questionnaires and qualitative interviews, the research investigates the current situation of internet news credibility of china comprehensively and explains the judging dimension and index of internet users'question internet news credibility and the influential factors of internet news credibility deeply. Then the author can accurately grasp the underlying causes of bringing about the crisis of internet. news credibility and propose the corresponding improvement strategies.
     The structure of the final dissertation is to be presented as follows:Chapter 1 proposes the research origin, research problem, core concepts, research meaning, research contributions, difficulties and research methods. Chapter 2 conducts the literature review of the Trust Theory, traditional media news credibility research and internet news credibility research, then the Media Literacy Theory. Chapter 3 proposes thoretical hypotheses, research framework and specific research methods. Chapter 4 commits to analysising data and showing research results. Chapter 5 summarizes the whole conclusions, proposed measures of improving the internet news credibility. Finally, the author summarizes the contributions and limitations of the dissertation and put forward the orientation of internet news credibility in future.
     The research results go as follows:
     a. Internet news credibility of china is not ideal and there are some differences in the credibility of the different internet news. In respect of news source, internet news published by the public figures with clear identity are more credible. In respect of internet platform, the websites established by the agencies existing in the reality are more credible. In respect of content, the lower is the political sensitivity of internet news, the lower is internet news credibility.
     b. The five judging dimension of internet users' question internet news credibility are dependence, unreliable source, unprofessional-report, over-commercialization, the non-regular management. Dependence refers to that the internet news can't express views freely Unreliable source refers to that the identities of network news disseminators are difficult to distinguish, or the identities are lack of authority and reliability. Unprofessional-report refers to that the internet news don't meet the inherent requirements of journalistic professionalism such as real, objective, fair and respect the privacy of audiences. Over-commercialization refers to that some network news disseminators damage the social interests for pursuiting economic interests. The non-regular management refers to that the lag of management of internet media.
     c. The three variable groups-demographic variables, trust status, media literacy of internet users have different influences on different internet news. Demographic variables and media literacy have greater influence on the absolute credibility of internet news. Meanwhile trust status have greater influence on the credibility of government website news, the credibility of internet political news and the credibility of government officials signed internet news. Refers to Individual variable, age, education, professional, interpersonal trust, frequency of internet use, internet reliance, magazine reliance, ability to identify internet information can affect the absolute credibility of internet news significantly. Gender, education, interpersonal trust, political trust, network age, internet participation can affect the credibility of government officials signed internet news significantly. Education, interpersonal trust, political trust, newspapers reliance, television reliance can affect the credibility of government website news significantly. Gender, education, interpersonal trust, political trust, newspapers reliance, television reliance, ability to identify internet information can affect the credibility of internet political news significantly.
     Based on the above conclusions, this research puts forward to four solutions to enhance internet news credibility:improve social trust environment, pursuiting journalistic professionalism, distinguishing internet users accurately, and cultivating media literacy of internet users.
     The original theoretical contributions of this research are as follows:Firstly, the reasons of internet news credibility facing challenge are individed into two parts:the judging dimension of internet users' distrust internet news and the influential factors of internet news credibility. Secondly, the author discussed the judging dimensions and index about the reseason of internet users' question internet news credibility specially. Thirdly, the author also brought forward literacy as a influential factor of internet news credibility. Fourth, when discussing credibility of internet news, the credibilities include not only the absolute credibility of internet news, but also the credibility of government website news, the credibility of internet political news and the credibility of government officials signed internet news.
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