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This thesis firstly introduces the basic theory used in optical gyroscope(OG), and then analyses the resonant characteristic of the key component of OG—resonation cavity. The analysis illustrates the impaction of the main parameters of resonator on the resonant characteristic supposing the ideal laser source. The primary factor that influences resonant characteristic comes down to loss. Also the optimum resonance amplitude condition has been obtained. Under this condition, the input energy is entirely compensated for the loss of resonator. Simultaneously, the relationship between this factor and the transfer coefficient when considering the laser dimension has been researched.
     It becomes key to choose a proper size of ring resonator for convenient integration and minimal bending loss. In this thesis, a combination of effective refractive-index and matrix approach based on matlab is present here for calculation of bending loss in PMMA polymer annular waveguide. Simultaneously, the result shows that if the refractive index in cladding is suitably modified, the bending loss can be made small. This provides a very useful thinking for optimizing the polymer annular waveguide.
     The causing mechanism of the main noises in the resonant optic gyro is analyzed finally. The compensation methods for some kinds of noises which we care are induced. At the same time, the structure of double ring resonator is introduced to avoid noises caused by condensed interferenced laser, and its simple academic analysis is also present.
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