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As we all know,almost 80%of the information we captured is from vision when we observe the outside world.The research on vision information has become excitingly attractive because of its important role in information area.From the birth of computer,people are expecting computer could understand the outside world by sight like human beings and have the ability to adapt surroundings automatically.To reduce the difference between the visual ability of computer and human beings, scientists have been researching on the visual mechanism of human and brought forward many computer information processing methods to improve the computer visual processing ability.Visual attention mechanism is an innovative image processing method arising recently on this background.
     In this dissertation,we discuss on these questions below:how to simulate the human visual processing procedure and create an integrated visual attention model to handle image data;How to apply the visual attention mechanism on practical tasks in image analysis and understanding;How to optimize visual attention model according to visual tasks and make it play an important role in applications.
     The main contribution of this dissertation can be summarized as follows:
     1.Analyze the working principles of visual attention mechanism in detail and build a profound theory foundation to apply the attention mechanism on image information processing procedure.
     2.Research on the classic visual attention models and optimize the key techniques of them.Based on the research we put forward an innovative model for salient region extraction and multi-salient objects detection.The comparison shows that our extraction results are relatively more accurate and effective,and more appropriate for human visual habits.
     3.Apply visual attention model on object searching in complex background. Analyze the noise robustness of attention model with examples.Put forward an integrated object detection scheme combined attention mechanism and polarization information detection,which acquired satisfied result on man-made object searching.
     4.Based on the research of scale saliency model,we applied attention model on image retrieval area.We implemented a building retrieval scheme based on scale saliency and EMD distance measure.
     5.We applied visual attention model on MPEG-21.Based on the digital item adaptation mechanism,the application of attention model in DIA is researched and experiment result is provided.
     In conclusion,we studied the key technology of visual attention mechanism, designed and tested its various applications in image processing area,Lots of good experiment results are achieved with our method and model.The research on visual attention mechanism is a quite promising area.With the advancement of the research on human vision,the technology of visual attention mechanism can be incessantly updated with more innovative ideas,and the application of such technology could also be enriched.This dissertation is expected to impel the advancement of such technologies.
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