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Phenomenological pedagogy came into being with the impact of the phenomenological philosophy movement of the 20th century. In Max van Manen's academic experience and pedagogical thoughts, various influences of phenomenological philosophy can be seen here and there. Lived experience leads to the methodological issues of phenomenological pedagogy as well as the close relationship between this concept and Husserl's life world theory. The concept of pedagogical thoughtfulness leads to the issues of pedagogical ontology and its relationship to Heidegger's things of thinking. Pathic knowing leads to pedagogical issues of epistemology of practice and its relationship to Merleau-Ponty's body subject and embodiment. Responsibility leads to pedagogical issues of ethics and its relationship to Levinas' philosophy of Otherness. This dissertation conducted the research by establishing the relationship, attempting to present the philosophical origin of Max van Manen's phenomenological pedagogy.
     Phenomenological method focuses on immediate experience, which is fit for the research on educators of phenomenological pedagogy and their academic thoughts. Max van Manen's thoughts, his experience and ages are integrated. From this perspective this dissertation conducted the research. We are grateful to Max van Manen for the valuable, relevant materials he gave me in many ways, including his own detailed recollection and direct interpretation. On the basis of these materials, the research is conducted to approach Max van Manen and to have the research clues of his history of academic thoughts. According to the clues we organize the chapters of this dissertation, which can be seen in the following chapters, starting from "the Bridge between European and North American Education".
     First of all, this dissertation explores meanings of the bridge of Max van Manen's phenomenological pedagogy between European and North American education. North America needs the hermeneutical tradition that Max van Manen carries on. Max van Manen studied a lot about European academic tradition of human science. While exploring methodology, he introduced by translating a lot of classic literature of phenomenological pedagogy in Germany and Holland to North America, refreshing North American academy with new blood. The philosophy of experience makes up for the weak points natural science research has. Thus, Max van Manen built a bridge connecting European and North American education. His research on phenomenological pedagogy enriches educational research in North America with the development and transcendance of phenomenological pedagogy in North America.
     Doing phenomenology indicates Max van Manen's practice orientation and attitude. The traditional epistemology stresses methods while phenomenology emphasizes intuition, experience and the grasping of meanings beforehand. Methodologically, he carries on the European tradition of Hermeneutics, from Dilthey, Husserl, Heidegger to Gadamer's philosophy of practice. In educational practice we gather research materials, interpreting meanings of lived experience, understanding after reflection and forming pedagogical sensitivity. Max van Manen explores the specific methods of phenomenological pedagogy. Max van Manen's discussion of methodology tells us methods should be created and transformed in situations.
     Max van Manen's pedagogy of teachers'teaching is on the philosophical basis of phenomenology of practice and epistemology of practice. Teaching has the teachable side of teaching knowledge and technology as well as the unteachable side which is metaphysical. Max van Manen likes Heidegger's words "Teaching is to let learn". Teachers must be, first of all, excellent learners. Then, it's possible for students to willingly study and think. In Max van Manen's pedagogy of teaching, he created two unique concepts, thoughtfulness and tact. What teachers should obtain is not general educational knowledge and theory, but thoughtfulness obtained from experience and practice. This is the quality of consciousness, the consciousness of theory. Tact is the natural flow of pedagogical thoughtfulness without any media. Thoughtfulness is always the original meaning of embodied knowing, for instance, teachers' "loco parentis", going back to the origin of parenting from teaching. The etymological analysis of taking by hand and leading the way evokes pedagogical love, calling and mission. Thoughtfulness is always the new understanding after reflection. "embodied knowing" is emphasized in Max van Manen's pedagogy of teaching, the perception of body and embodiment. Pathic knowing forms body knowledge and skills. Here, multi-intelligence, emotional quotient and leisure quotient play the important role. Polanyi's "tacit knowledge" can help us better understand Max van Manen's epistemology of practice.
     There are many unique themes in Max van Manen's phenomenological pedagogy, such as the tone of teaching, hope, recognition, atmosphere and secrets. Especially children's secrets have been deeply explored to show phenomenological epiphany and insight towards any phenomenon. Children's secrets, children's growing space and self-consciousness attract adults'attention. Understanding of contact can edify us to have pedagogical sensitivity and to form much healthier pedagogical relation.
     Finally, Max van Manen also explores hermeneutical phenomenological writing. Research is writing, writing is method. Phenomenological reflection is mainly writing. Writing is the important part of doing phenomenology. Then, he studies writing phenomenology, describing what the real writing is. He calls it "writing in the dark". In recent four years, he has been interested in writing on line, especially the social networks and mobile technology has some impact on children's privacy, intimacy and secrets. He is worried technology tries to make everything public, which may cause the lack of depth in human nature. His discussion of writing on line phenomenology is unique and insightful.
    17Kestenbaum, Victor (1977). The Phenomenological Sense of John Dewey:Habit and Meaning. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey:Humanities Press.
    18Loren S. Barritt, Ton Beekman, Hans Bleeker, Karel Mulderij. A Handbook for Phenomenological Research in Education. School of Education, The University of Michigan.1983, P1.
    21海德格尔:《存在与时间》,陈嘉映、王庆节合议,北京:三联书店,2006,P21 3、
    24倪梁康:《现象学及其效应——胡塞尔与当代德国哲学》,北京:三联书店,1994,P131 132。
    27Max van Manen. Can Teaching Be Taught? or Are Real Teachers Found or Made? Phenomenology+Peclagogy,Volume 9,1991.
    38Van Mancn, M. (2003). The Other. In:Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods Oregon, OH:Sage Publications, Inc.
    40Max van Manon.The Tact of Teaching.The Althouse Press,Canada,1991.
    41Max van Manon.Researching Lived Experience.The Althouse Press,Canada,1997.
    43 Max van Manen. A Historic Note on Phenomenology in Canada,Published in Encyclopaideia, revista di fenomenologia, pedagogia,formazione autumn 1999.
    46Levering,Bas and Van Manen,Max. Phenomenological Anthropology in the Netherlands and Flanders.Phenomenology World-wide, Dordrecht:Kluwer Prcss,2002.
    47Martinus Jan Langeveld. Reflection on Phenomenology and Pedagogy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No1.
    53伽达默尔:《真理与方法》第2卷,J.C.B.Mohr(Panl Sicbcck)出版社,1986,P92。
    55伽达默尔:《科学时代的理性》,The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massa-Chusehs London,1981,P111。
    70范梅南:《生活体验研究——人文科学视野中的教育学》,宋广文译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003,P100 145。
    73范梅南:《生活体验研究——人文科学视野中的教育学》,宋广文译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003,P216 224。
    74Max van Manen.On the Epistemology of Reflective Practice. Teachers and Teaching:theory and practice (1995) Vol.1, No. 1, P33-50.
    77Max van Manen.On the Epistemology of Reflective Practice. Teachers and Teaching:theory and practice (1995) Vol.1,No.1, (p.33-50).
    78Max van Manen.The Pathic Principle of Pedagogical Language. Teaching and Teacher Education 18 (2002)215-224.
    83Max van Manen. The Tact of Teaching:The Meaning of Pedagogical Thought fulness. The Althouse Press, Canada,1991.
    84Loren S. Barritt, Ton Beekman, Hans Bleeker, Karel Mulderij.A Handbook for Phenomenological Research in Education.School of Education, The University of Michigan.1983, P1.
    90Martin Buber(1970).Voordrachten over de opvoeding.Utrecht:Aula,p29.
    91(?).Nohl(1970).Die Padagogische Be(?)egung in Deutschland und ihre Theorie.Frankfurt am Main: Schulte Bulmke,p132.
    99 William James(1962).Talks to teachers on psychology.New York:Dover Publication,P29.
    103Emmanuel Levinas(1969).Totality and Infinity Pittsburgh:Duquesne University Press.
    108Max van Manen.The Pathic Principle of Pedagogical Language. Teaching and Teacher Education 18(2002)215-224.
    109 Max van Manen.The Pathic Principle of Pedagogical Language. Teaching and Teacher Education 18(2002)215-224.
    111Polanyi,M.,The Study of Man,London:Rout ledge&Kegan Paul,c1957,P12.
    112Polanyi,M.,The Ta(.it Dimension,London:Rout ledge&Kegan Paul,c1966,P4.
    116Max van Manen.The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press,Canada,2003,P4.
    117Max van Manen. The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press, Canada,2003, P8.
    118Max van Manen. The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press, Canada,2003, P11.
    119Max van Manen. The Tone of Teaching. The Althouse Press, Canada,2003, P20.
    120Max van Manen. The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press, Canada,2003, P22.
    121Max van Manen.The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press,Canada,2003,P25.
    122Max van Manen.The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press,Canada,2003,P32-33.
    123Max van Manen.The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press,Canada,2003,P52.
    124Max van Manen. The Tone of Teaching.The Althouse Press, Canada,2003, P68-69.
    130Martinus J.Langeveld.How does the Child Experience the World of Things? Penomenology+Pedagogy,A human Science Journal Volume2,P215.
    131Martinus Jan Langeveld. How Does the Child Experience the World of Things? Phenomenology+Pedagogy Vol2, No3.
    132范梅南:《儿童的秘密》,陈慧黠译,北京:教育科学出版社.2004,P13 15。
    138Max van Manen. Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P2, P239-240.
    139Max van Manen. Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P2-3
    140Max van Manen. Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P240-241.
    141Max van Manen.Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P3-4.
    142Max van Manen.Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P4-5.
    143Max van Manen.Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P242-243.
    144Max van Manen. Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P246.
    145Max van Manen. Writing in the Dark. The Althouse Press, Canada,2002, P8-9.
    146The Phenomenology of Space In Writing Online. Max van Mancn&Catherine Adams(2009), Educational Philosophy and Theory. Blackwell Publishing, Vol.41,No.1.
    147Embodiment. Virtual Space, Temporality and Interpersonal Relations in Online Writing. By Catherine Adams and Max van Manen. College Quarterly Fall 2006-Volume 9 Number 4.
    148The Pedagogy of Relation in Online Writing. Max vanManen & Catherine Adams.The Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on EducationHonolulu, January 5-8,2008.
    149On the Pedagogy of Secrecy, the Hidden, and Momus Technologies Presented at the Einstein Forum The Hidden, Cultural and Political Implications of Secrecy Potsdam, Germany, June 12-14,2008.
    150The Pedagogy of Momus Technologies:Facebook,Privacy and Onlinentimacy.QualHealthResOnlineFirst,published on March 24,2010.
    151 On the Pedagogy of Secrecy, the Hidden, and Momus Technologies Presented at the Einstein Forum The Hidden, Cultural and Political Implications of Secrecy Potsdam, Germany, June 12-14,2008.
    153范梅南演讲:《相遇教育学》The Pedagogy of Contact. Hong Kong/Beijing, Nov 2008。
    4.《教学情调:教育学的语言》The Tone of Teaching, The Althouse Press,2002。
    5.《黑暗中的写作》Writing In The Dark, The Althouse Press,2002。
    1..《实践之实践》The Practice of Practice, In:Lange, Manfred; Olson, John; Hansen, Henning&Bunder, Wolfgang (eds.). Changing Schools/Changing Practice: Perspectves on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism. Luvain, Belgium: Garant.
    2.《质性写作,或写作的要求》Writing Qualitatively, or the Demands of Writing. Qualitative Health Research, Vol.16 No.5,May 2006.
    3.《技术教育学》The Pedagogy of Momus Technologies. Presented at the Einstein Forum The Hidden, Cultural and Political Implications of Secrecy. Potsdam, Germany, Junel2-14,2008.
    4.《网上写作空间现象学》The Phenomenology of Space In Writing Online. Max van Manen&Catherine Adams(2009), Educational Philosophy and Theory. Blackwell Publishing, Vol.41,No.1.
    5.《教育敏感性和教师行动中的实践之知》Pedagogical Sensitivity and Teachers Practical Knowing-in-Action. Peking University Education Review.
    6.《教学中的教育、美德和叙事认同》Pedagogy, Virtue and Narrative Identity in Teaching.1994 by The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Curriculum Inquiry24:2 (1994).
    7.《道德语言和教育的体验》Moral Language and Pedagogical Experience. Curriculum Studies,2000, Vol.32, No.2,315-327.
    8.《作为忧虑的关心,或别忧虑,高兴一些》Care-as-Worry, or "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Qualitative Health Research, Vol.12No.2, February 2002 264-280.
    9.《关于反思性实践的认识论》On the Epistemology of Reflective Practice. Teachers and Teaching:theory and practice(1995)Vol.1,No1,(p.33-50).
    10.《反思性和教育的时机》Reflectivity and the Pedagogical Moment:the Practical-ethical nature of pedagogical thinking and Acting. In:Ian Westbury and Geoff Milbum(editors). Rethinking Schooling. London:Routledge(2007).
    11.《网络写作的具身化,虚拟空间,时间性和人际关系》Embodiment, Virtual Space, Temporality and Interpersonal Relations in Online Writing. By Catherine Adams and Max van Manen. College Quarterly Fall 2006-Volume 9 Number 4.
    12. 《通过写作理解学生的体验》Understanding Student Experiences through Processes of Writing. UPDP Newsletter. Issue 14,October2002 Faculty of Education. The University of Hong Kong (p.2-8).
    13.《从意义到方法》From Meaning to Method. Qualitative Health Research, Vol.3, August1997 345-367.
    14.《教育学的语言和学生体验的首要性》The Language of Pedagogy and the Primacy of Student Experience.
    15.《研究和理解学生体验》Researching and Understanding Student Experience.
    16.《教育学的意义和教育的话语》On the Meaning of Pedagogy and Educational Discourse. In:Ding Gang Lectures by International well-known Scholars(Ⅰ) China Higher Education Press.
    17.《点名的体验》Naming Student Experiences and Experiencing Student Naming. In D.Thiessen and A.Cook-Sather(eds.) International Handbook of Student Experience in Elementary and Secondary School. New York, NY:Springer Publishing Company.(p.85-98).
    18.《实践现象学》Phenomenology of Practice. Phenomenology&Practice, Volume 1(2007), No.1,p.11-30.
    19.《关于觉察孩子的教育学》On the Pedagogy of perceiving Childhood. Originally published as:"Naming Childhood:No Order and No End"(2002) In:Danial J.Martino (ed.) The Phenomenology of Childhood Pittsburh:Simon Silverman Phenomenology Centre, Duquesne University.p.14-38.
    20.《教育语言的感受性原则》The Pathic Principle of Pedagogical Language. Teaching and Teacher Education 18 (2002)215-224.
    21.《询问和护理的感受性本性》The Pathic Nature of Inquiry and Nursing. In: MadJar, Irena and Walton, Jo(editors). Nursing and the Experience of Illness: Phenomenology in Practice. London:Routledge.p.17-35.
    22.《教学能教吗?或真正的教师是被发现的还是被培养的》Can Teaching Be Taught?or Are Real Teachers Found or Made? Phenomenology+Pedagogy,Volume 9 1991.
    23. 《朝向受制于他人的话语》Toward a Discourse of Heteronomy Phenomenology+Pedagogy volume 10 1992.
    24.《我们需要展示人文科学实践如何是一种教育关系》We Need to Show How Our Human Science Practice is a Relation of Pedagogy Phenomenology+Pedagogy,Vol.4,No.3.
    25.《小说的现象学,或小说如何教化我们》Phenomenology of the Novel, or How Do Novels Teach? Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol.3,No 3.
    26.《练习现象学的写作》Practicing Phenomenological Writing. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol.2, Nol 1984.
    27.《关于教育学的希望》On Pedagogic Hope. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol.1, No.2 1983.
    28.《现象学教育学期刊征稿》Invitation to Phenomenology+Pedagogy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol.1, No.1 1983.
    29.《轶事》By the Light of Anecdote. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol.7.
    1.《教育观察的现象学》The Phenomenology of Pedagogic Observation. The Canadian Journal for Studies in Education.1979, Vol.4, No.1. p.5-16.
    2.《适合教学》Van Manen, M. (1996) Fit for Teaching. In Hare, William and John P. Portelli (eds.) Philosophy of Education:Introductory Readings.2nd. edition. Calgary:Detselig. p.29-51.
    3.《反思性与教育时机:教育思与行的规范性》Van Manen, M. (1992) Reflectivity and the Pedagogical Moment:The Normativity of Pedagogical Thinking and Acting. Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol.23, No.6. (p. 507-536).
    4.《教育政治学?政治教育学?》Van Manen, M. (1995). Pedagogical Politics?Political Pedagogy? In:Miedema, S.; G. Biestma; B. Boog; A. Smaling; W. Wardekker; B. Levering (eds.) The Politics of Human Science:Human Science at the Intersection of Politics, Education, Social Change and Political Decision Making. Brussels:VUB Press/Concord, Massachusetts:Paul & Company. (p.51-78).
    5.《教化理论:为了善》Edifying Theory:Serving the Good.(Cited Information: Theory Into Practice, Volume XXI, Number 1,1982)1
    6.《关于教学机智》On the Tact of Teaching. From:CACS/ACEC NEWSLETTER/BULLETIN.October 1988, p.2-9.
    7.《作为方法的教育文本:作为写作的现象学研究》Pedagogical Text as Method: Phenomenological Research as Writing Saybrook Review, Vol.7, No.2. Summer, 1989. pp.23-45.
    8. 《前言》Van Manen, M. (1989). Preface. In Bergum, Vangie Woman to Mother:A Transformation. Granby, Mass:Bergin & Garvey Press.
    9.《人文科学教育学的浪漫主义根源》Van Manen, M.(1989). "Romantic Roots of Human Sciencein Education." In John Willinsky (ed.),TheEducational Legacy of Romanticism. Kingston:Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
    10.《超越假设:转换行动研究的界限》Van Manen, M. (1990,Beyond Assumptions:Shifting the Limits of Action Research.Theory Into Practice. Vol. XXIX, No.3, Summer,1990.
    11.《儿童阅读》Van Manen, M. (1991). "A Childhood Reading." In George Willis and William H. Schubert (eds.) Reflections from the Heart of Educational Inquiry:Understanding Curriculum and Teaching through the Arts. Albanany, N.Y.:SUNY Press. (p.293-300).
    12.《孩子教我们什么》Van Manen, M. (1993). "Pedagogisk Takt--kva barn kan laera oss," [What Children Can Teach Us] Barnehagefolk, Alnabru, Oslo, Vol.2. (p.26-33).
    13.《科学的痛苦》Van Manen, M. (1994). "The Pain of Science:Rejoining Fenstermacher's Response," Curriculum Inquiry, Summer 1994, Vol.4, No.2. (p. 221-227).
    14.《反思性实践的认识论》On the Epistemology of Reflective Practice. Teachers and Teaching:theory and practice (1995) Vol.1, No.1, (p.33-50).
    15.《灵智的和感受性的手》Van Manen, Max. (1996). The Gnostic and the Pathic Hand. In Kretlow, Fran (ed.). Asia-Pacific Human Science Research Conference. Monash University (Victoria, Australia). (December,1995).
    16.《现象学教育学和意义问题》Phenomenological Pedagogy and the Question of Meaning. In:D. Vandenberg (ed.) Phenomenology and Educational Discourse. (1996) Durban:Heinemann Higher and Further Education. p.39-64.
    17.《教的召唤》The Call to Teach by David T. Hansen New York:Teachers College Press,1995, ⅹⅰ+174 pages. ISBN 08077-3468-3 (pbk.) REVIEWED BY MAX VAN MANEN, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA.
    18. 《在疾病和健康的状态中的身体体验模态》Van Manen, M. (1998) "Modalities of body experience in illness and health," Qualitative Health Research: An International. Interdisciplinary Journal. Sage Periodicals PressVol 8, No.1, pp. 7-24.
    19.《教师实践中的知识、反思和复杂性》Van Manen, M. (1999) Knowledge, Reflection and Complexity in Teacher Practice. In:Lange, Manfred; Olson, John; Hansen, Henning & Bunder, Wolfgang (eds.). Changing Schools/Changing Practices:Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism. (pp.65-76) Luvain, Belgium:Garant. ISBN: 90-5350-892-9.
    20.《终生成就奖获奖演说》Lifetime Achievement Acceptance remarks by Max van Manen. Newsletter American Educational Research Association Division B:Curriculum Studies Fall,2000.
    21.《道德语言和教育体验》Van Manen, M. (2000). Moral language and pedagogical experience. The Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol.32, No.2.
    22.《专业实践和‘做现象学’》Van Manen, Max (2001) Professional Practice and 'Doing Phenomenology' In S. Kay Toombs (editor) Handbook of Phenomenology and Medicine (Philosophy and Medicine Series)Dordrecht:Kluwer Press. pp. 457-474.ISBN Hardback:1-4020-0151-7, Paperback:1-4020-0200-9.
    23.《跨学科性和新的知识生产》Transdisciplinarity and the New Production of Knowledge. NEW PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGEQUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH/November 2001.
    24.《教育学和哲学的关系》On the Relation between Pedagogy and Philosophy. The Far Western Philosophy of Education Society Conference.University of Hawaii, Manoa January 15-18th,2003.
    25.《从记忆减退到回忆:‘做’现象学和写作的要求》From Hypomnesis to Anamnesis "Doing" Phenomenology and the Demands of Writing. Draft paper Seminar Presentation:Auckland University of Technology Auckland, New Zealand, October 9,2003.
    26.《教育学的意义和与课程、教学的关系》On the Meaning of Pedagogy and its Relation to Curriculum and Teaching. To be published in:David Scott (ed.)Curriculum Studies:A Major Work London:Routledge (2003).
    27.《生活体验》Van Manen, M. (2003). Lived Experience. In:Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods Oregon, OH:Sage Publications, Inc.
    28.《他者》《Van Manen, M. (2003). The Other. In:Michael Lewis-Beck Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods Oregon, OH:Sage Publications, Inc.
    29.《现象学:传统中的传统》Phenomenology:a Tradition of Traditions. (published in Dutch)Van Manen, M. (2005). Fenomenologie:een kwalitatieve veelstromige stroming. Utrecht:KWALON.
    30.《论儿童教育学》On the Pedagogy of Childhood. Originally published as:Max van Manen (2002)"Naming Childhood:No Order and No End"In: Daniel J. Martino (ed.) The Phenomenology of Childhood Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University. p.14-38.
    31.《相遇教育学》The Pedagogy of Contact. Hong Kong/Beijing, Nov 2008
    32.《网上写作的关系教育学》The Pedagogy of Relation in Online Writing. Max vanManen & Catherine Adams. The Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on EducationHonolulu, January 5-8,2008
    33.《教育学的敏感性和教师实践中的行动之知》Pedagogical Sensitivity and Teachers Practical Knowing-in-Action. Peking. University Education Review (2008)also published as:On the Epistemology of Reflective Practice Teachers and Teaching:theory and practice (1995)Vol.1, No.1, (p.33-50).
    34.《教育学的意义和教育话语》《Max van Manen (2008)On the Meaning of Pedagogy and Educational Discourse. In:Ding Gang Lectures by International Well-known Scholars (Ⅰ)China Higher Education Press.
    35.关于秘密、隐藏的教育学和技术》On the Pedagogy of Secrecy, the Hidden, and Momus Technologies Presented at the Einstein Forum The Hidden, Cultural and Political Implications of Secrecy Potsdam, Germany, June 12-14,2008.
    36.《质性研究:现象学》Van Manen, M.& Adams, C. (2010). Qualitative Research:Phenomenology. In:Eva Baker, Penelope Peterson and Barry McGaw, (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier.
    37.《网络写作空问的现象学》The Phenomenology of Space in Writing Online Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol.41, No.1,2009doi: 10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00480.x
    38.《现象学研究》Phenomenological Research. Max van Manen & Cathy Adams Forthcoming 2010:Sage Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies
    39.《技术教育学》The Pedagogy of Momus Technologies:Facebook, Privacy and Onlinentimacy.QualHealthResOnlineFirst,published on March 24,2010 as doi:10.1177/1049732310364990
    40.《道德价值观和学校的教育任务》Moral Values and the Question of the Pedagogical task of the School:Some North American Considerations. Van Manen, M. (1998). Morele waarden en het vraagstuk van de pedagogische opdracht vanuit een Noord-Amerikaans perspectief.In:De Bekker-Ketelaars, Nolleke; Miedema, Siebren; Wardekker, Wim (editors). Vormende lerarenopleidingen. Utrecht:SWP. p.22-35.
    41.《现象学教育学》Phenomenological Pedagogy.1982 by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Published by John Wiley&Sons,Inc.Curriculum Inquiry 12:3(1982).
    1. Martinus Jan Langeveld. Reflection on Phenomenology and Pedagogy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No1.
    2. Martinus Jan Langeveld.The Stillness of the Secret Place. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No1.
    3. Ton Beekman. Human Science as a Dialogue with Children. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No1.
    4. Ton Beekman. Book Review. The Erosion of Childhood, by Valerie Polakow Suransky Reviewed by Ton Beekman. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No1.
    5. Martinus Jan Langeveld. The Secret Place in the Life of the Child. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No2.
    6. Ton Beekman. Book Review. Interpretive Human Studies, An Introduction to Phenomenological Research, Edited by Vivian Dorroch and Ronald J.Silvers Reviewed by Ton Beekman. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No2.
    7. Lennart Vriens. Project. Peace Education and Children's Experiences. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No3.
    8. Ien Dienske. Project. Self-Understanding in the Lives of Women. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol 1,No3.
    9. Loren Barritt, Ton Beekman, Hans Bleeker and Karel Mulderij. Analyzing Phenomenological Descriptions. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No1.
    10. Marjan Margaddant-van Arcken. Research in Progress. "there is a real dog in the classroom":The Relationship Between Young Children and Animals. Phenomenology+Pedagogy,Vol2, No2.
    11. Martinus Jan Langeveld. How Does the Child Experience the World of Things? Vol2, No3.
    12.兰格威尔德和比克曼的学生,主要研究女性问题和小说的现象学分析Ien Dienske. Beyond Words:On the Experience of the Ineffable. Phenomenology+Pedagogy,Vol3, No1.
    13. Hans Bleeker, Bas Levering and Karel Mulderij. Introduction:On the Beginning of Qualitative Research in Pedagogy in the Netherlands. Phenomenology+Pedagogy,Vol4, No3.
    14. Martinus Jan Langeveld. What is the Meaning of Being and Having a Father? Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol5, No1.
    15. Federik J.J.Buytendijk. The First Smile of the Child. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6, No1.
    16. Marjan Margadant-van Arcken. Nature Experience of 8-to-12-Old Children. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8.
    17. Bas Levering. Phenomenology as Impressionism. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8,No1-3.
    18. Ton Beekman. Values in Education and the Science of Education:A Plea for a Challenging Pedagogy by Bas Levering Reviewed by Ton Beekman..
    19. Hans Bleeker. The Experience of Motor Disability. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    20. Bas Levering. The Language of Disappointment:On the Language Analysis of Feeling Words. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    1. Max van Manen. Editorial. Invitation to Phenomonology+Pedagogy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1, No1.
    2. David GSmith. Learning to Live in the Home of Language:Hearing the Pedagogic Voice as Poetic. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1, No1.
    3. David Dillon. The Encounter Between Reader and Text, by Margaret Hansberger Reviewed by David Dillon. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1, No1.
    4. Wilfried H.O.Schmidt. Piaget and the Egocentric Tradition. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1, No2.
    5. Max van Manen. Those that understand him, smil'd at one another and shooke their heads:but for mine own part, it was Greeke to me. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol1,No3.
    6. Max van Manen. Practicing Phenomenological Writing. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No1.
    7. Bill Rollans. Project. Living the Experience of Old Age Forgetfulness with People for Whom We Care. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No2.
    8. Heather Devine. Project. The Workout:The Phenomenology of Training. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No2.
    9. Vangie Kelpin. Project. Birthing Pain. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No2.
    10. Carol Olson. Re-searching Unique Experience for Our Experience: Kierkegaard's Question and Method. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No3.
    11. Marie Laing.Project. Naming Our Child. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No3.
    12. Verna Brophy. Project. Stepmothering. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No3.
    13. Don McEachern. Project. On the Phenomenology of Writing. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No3.
    14. David G.Smith. Project. Living with Children. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol2, No3.
    15. Rod Evans. Authority in Educational Administration. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No2.
    16. Mikio Fujita. Project. Modes of Waiting. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No2.
    17. Olive Yonge. Project. The Experience of Giving Constant Care to a Psychiatric Patient. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No2.
    18. Eamonn Callan. Book Review. Human Rights in Education Reviewed by Eamonn Callan. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No2.
    19. W.H.Schmidt. Dialogue with a Human Scientist:William Stern (1871-1938). Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No3.
    20. Max van Manen. Phenomenology of the Novel, or How do Novels Teach? Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol3, No3.
    21. Chizuko Maeda. Falling asleep. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol4, No1.
    22. Robert Burch. Confronting Technophobia:A Topology. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol4, No2.
    23. Sandra J.Weber. The Nature of Interviewing. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol4, No2.
    24. Terrance R.Carson. Closing the Gap Between Research and Practice: Conversation as a Mode of Doing Research. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol4, No2.
    25. Max van Manen. We need to show Our Human Science Practice is a Relation of Pedagogy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol4, No2.
    26. Stephen J.Smith. Project. Seeking a Risk. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol5, No1.
    27. Maureen Connolly. Project. The Experience of Living With an Absent Child. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol5, No2.
    28. Suzanne Schulz. Dialogue. What is the Meaning of Becoming a Parent? From Langeveld to the Good Parent. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol5, No2.
    29. Stephen J.Smith. Book Review. Researching Educational Practice Reviewed by Stephen J.Smith. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol5, No2.
    30. Mamie Robb. Project. Deciding to have a Child:A Woman's Perspective. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6, No1.
    31. Dave E.Redekopp. Project. Did you know That...? Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6, No1.
    32. Janis Blakey. Dissertation Review. Storying:The Child's Articulation of Experience Through Imagination Reviewed by Janis Blakey. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6, No1.
    33. David G.Smith. Dissertation Review. Young Children's Thinking:An Interpretation from Phenomenology Reviewed by David GSmith. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6, No2.
    34.Jan Jagodzinski. Reawakening Aesthetic Insight. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol6,No3.
    35. Robert Burch. On Phenomenology and its Practice. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol7,No1-3.
    36. Max van Manen. By the Light of Anecdote. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol7, No1-3.
    37. Wytze Brouwer. Pedagogy Between Fear and Peace by Lennart Vriens Reviewed by Wytze Brouwer. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol7, No1-3.
    38. Vangie Bergum. Abortion Revisited:Toward an Understanding of the Nature of the Woman-Fetus Relationship. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3.
    39. Robert Burch. Methodology. Phenomenology, Lived Experience:Taking a Measure of the Topic. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3.
    40. Anne Winning. Project. Homesickness. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3
    41. Raymond A.Morrow. Special Section. The Crisis of Historical Materialism and Phenomenology. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3.
    42. Jane Hewes. Dissertation Review. The Pedagogy of Risk and the Playground by Stephen Smith Reviewed by Jane Hewes. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3.
    43. Erwin Miklos. Dissertation Review. Ministrative Insight:Educational Administration as Pedagogic Practice by Philip Rodney Evans Reviewed by Erwin Miklos. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol8, No1-3.
    44. Ted T.Aoki. Five Curriculum Memos and a Note For the Next Half-Century. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    45. Robert Burch. Phenomenology and Human Science Reconsidered. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    46. D.Jean Clandinin. Learning to Live New Stories of Practice:Restorying Teacher Education. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    47. Jan Jagodzinski. The Poetics of Green Esthetics:Situating Green Criticism in the Postmodern Condition. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    48. Anne Winning. The Speaking of Home. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    49.Max van Manen. Can Teaching Be Taught? Or Are Real Teachers Found or Made? Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    50. Robert Burch. Dialogue. Ambiguity of Phenomenological Method?A Reply to John Osborne. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    51. Karen Reynolds. The Lure of the Loom. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol9, No1-3.
    52. Vangie Bergum. Beyond Rights:The Ethical Challenge. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    53. Peggy Ann Howard. Project. " The Look" in Teacher Performance Evaluation. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    54. Roberta J.Hewat. Project. Living with an Incessantly Crying Infant. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    55. Brenda Cameron. Project The Nursing " How are you?" Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    56. Aprile Flickinger. Project. Therapeutic Listening. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    57. Rose Montgomery-Whicher. Project. Drawing from Observation. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    58. Max van Manen. Symposium. Toward a Discourse of Heteronomy. Phenomenology+Pedagogy, Vol10, No1-3.
    1. Martinus J. Langeveld How does the Child Experience the World of Things? Phenomenology+Pedagogy,A human Science Journal Volume2, P215.
    2. Max van Manen A Historic Note on Phenomenology in Canada, Published in Encyclopaideia, revista di fenomenologia, pedagogia, formazione autumn 1999.
    3. Catherine Adams and Max van Manen Phenomenology, The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods,2008.
    4. Levering, Bas and Van Manen, Max Phenomenological Anthropology in the Netherlands and Flanders, Phenomenology World-wide, Dordrecht:Kluwer Press,2002.
    5.Max van Manen An Experiment in Educational Theorizing:The Ultrecht School, Interchange/Vol.10, No.1/1978-1979.

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