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21st century is time of knowledge and information, and it is an era with more serious competition. Being real capable men in it, they no longer just need profound knowledge, extraordinary ability, they have to be equipped with good morality, rich emotion and healthy personality .It requires them to grasp both knowledge and morality to develop in all different aspects. However, modern world is now being faced with a "crisis of mentality and morality", and the crisis of teenagers' morality is especially concerned by the countries all over the world .The development of "sound personality" has become the central part of moral education among these countries in recent years. In China, the education of "sound personality" is gradually appreciated at the same time as the improvement of the "quality -oriented education" while its fulfillment, however, is not quite effective. The moral education is still directed simply by "marks" and "college-entrance exam". What school and parents are concerned are simply marks and knowledge, but not students' personality .The research on education is also simply done on psychology, which can not observe the students' sound personality quite well at a whole sight. Because all of these, doing the research on combining the personality and the goal of moral education is not only necessary but also valuable.
    This article is dedicated in an aspect that human are highly concerned. With the first step on the objective of moral education, it also makes a discovery anew on the goal of moral education in middle school. It is based on the reference to the development of sound personality in the first part, and then makes a further research on it from all angles in the other three parts. The article make the definition and the constitution of sound personality as accurate as possible to find out what kind of personality characters the students nowadays should obtain and what is its implication .It also makes a deep analysis on the general methods of how to develop such sound personality. This article starts from the goal of moral
    education, and then gives a personal idea on how to organize the system of it. It really provides good suggestions to development and fulfillment of moral education in middle school.
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