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Nursing is a patient-centered profession of health service. As the transformation of medical model, the updating of health concepts, the alteration of diseases spectrum, and the reform of healthcare system especially the globalization of the economy, the education of the nurse troop in China pluralized. Nowadays nurses graduate from technical secondary schools, junior colleges or universities rather than purely from technical secondary schools in the past. However, the four tiers (technical secondary schools, junior colleges, universities, and graduate schools) co-existing in the current nursing education system are not seamlessly compatible because of either culturing purpose or curriculum provision. Junior colleges become the actual end-point of some graduates who tend to receive higher level education through either examinations or certifications, which not only lowers the efficiency but also harms the quality of nursing education in China, along with a waste of education resources."The outline of China's Nursing Care Development Plan (2011-2015)" proposes that by2015the number of the total registered nurses reaches2.86million (or2.07nurses for every1thousand people), among whom60%or above should finish their training from junior colleges. However, the current nursing education development is encumbered by the excessive fluidity of the job positions, uneven capabilities of the nursing troop, inflexible culturing purpose as well as the unscientific course settings.
     The current literatures give limited guidance to strategy research from the perspective of the whole nursing education system. To compromise the conflict between the nursing job market and the nursing education, we need to carefully investigate and analyze to give out scientifically appropriate policy and strategically feasible support for the sake of nursing education's efficiency and quality.
     This research is a systematic study based on the current problems appeared in China's nursing education development. We compared different nursing education systems and modes of both in and abroad. We explored the status quo of the nursing troop and the demand of nursing job market in representative areas. We analyzed the hierarchical system, scale, quality and the short-comings in nursing educational reform and associated factors. Thereafter, the ideas and strategies promoting sustainable development and professional training for nursing education were constructed.
     The research content mainly includes:
     1. Elucidate the content and the social value of health; define the concept of nursing and the role of nurse; explore the origin of nursing education; analyze the characteristics of nursing education.
     2. The enactment of relevant policies is the constitutional base for nursing education development. Under these policies we began to pay close attention to the scientific development of nursing education. Current research on nursing education has been classified.
     3. Based on the experience of nursing education development from four countries including U.S.A, UK, Japan and Australia, we insightfully explore the process of nursing education development on four elements:culturing target; education constitution; course reform and quality surveillance. Finally, their common development trend was also discussed.
     4. We picked37junior colleges offering nursing education and300affiliated teaching hospitals from20provinces and municipalities nationwide. The investigations of the demand from nursing job market and the status quo of nursing education were performed to collect firsthand information as the foundation for China's nursing education reform.
     5. A three-dimensional approach was formed for China's nursing education reform. It consists of nursing education's hierarchical system, adaptation of talents culturing according to market's need, and construction of a compatible course settings.
     The research got the achievements as follows:
     1. Under the bio-psy-soci model, nursing burdens the responsibility of meeting the health needs under physiology, psychology and sociology rather than purely care for the diseases. The role of a nurse is more than an implementer of care. Nurses are also patients'educators, consultants as well as advocates of how to lead a healthy live. This transformation of nursing model conduces to the career development of the nurses, thus promoting the nursing education and heading toward the strategic goal "Healthy China2020".
     2. As the medical reform goes further, relevant policies, laws and regulation would be more complete (healthcare organization management, maternal' and child care, community medicine, hospital-infection management, emergency healthcare incidence responding, etc.), which offer the constitutional support and the training goal for the nursing education. Meanwhile, the research of nursing education will be expanded as well. Fields like nursing law, nursing professional culturing target, and nursing education teaching team build-up will gain more attention. The research focuses will go closer to the practice, conducing to the establishment of nursing education system.
     3. Though USA, UK, Japan and Australia have distinct features on nursing education, all of them have complete nursing education system within which there is seamless connection among different levels. The western nursing education has formed a sustainable development model featured in pluralization of education goals, systemization of education institution, marketization of course reform and complete quality control&surveillance.
     4. Based on analysis, in China there is disparity between nursing education and demand for professionals. For example:So far there is no uniform teaching standard; The education scale is large but with unsatisfied quality; The culturing target is monotonous and inflexible; Course setting does not perfectly match the practical work; The teaching activity is not student-centered; There is lack of systematic standard as the scientific evaluation tool for teaching quality.
     5. In order to build up a nursing education system with "Three Tiers and Multiple Supplements", the author argues that China needs a sustainable and stratified structure with nursing practice as the main line and integration concept as the education standard. Nursing education should be a professional training rather than an end-point. Within the system, we have advanced academic education, technical education as well as practical basic education, corresponding respectively to the executive, manager, and practitioner level of the nursing troop. Besides, humanities and continuing educations are indispensible supplements of the system. To fulfill the goal we have stipulate the following measures:①Temporary solution:Enact "twelfth five years" plan for nursing education; Clarify stratified culturing goals for nursing professionals; Set up courses according to the practical work; Improve teaching methods; Establish quality evaluation system for nursing education.②Fundamental solution:Establish an adaptation mechanism so that the talents culturing matches the demand; Construct a professional educational system with a commitment of life-long learning; Optimize the management of schools offering nursing education; Construct China's own nursing education standard while referring to international concepts; Encourage to build up an amiable social atmosphere for the sake of a sustainable nursing education.
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