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秦岭箭竹(Fargesia qinlingensis)为我国特有竹种,仅分布于秦岭地区,是秦岭大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)冬居地的主食竹种。本文以秦岭箭竹分布最为集中的秦岭南坡为研究区域,通过样地调查、定位观察,系统研究了秦岭箭竹的地理分布、个体生物学特性、种群数量动态、无性繁殖特性、人工栽培措施,为秦岭箭竹天然林的抚育和人工林的建设提供理论依据。主要结论如下:
Fargesia qinlingensis is an endemic species in China, distributing in the Qinling Mountain. It is important for Ailuropoda melanoleuca as the edible bamboo in winter, so that the growth and its productivity of bamboo contribute to Ailuropoda melanoleuca conservation. In this paper, the south slope of the Qinling Mountain in which the distribution of F. qinlingensis is the most concentrated was tested, through the sample survey and positioning observation, the geographical distribution, individual biological characteristics, population dynamics, asexual reproductive characteristics, artificial cultivation practices of F. qinlingensis were systematically studied. The object was to provide the theoretical basis for tending this bamboo forests. The results showed that:
     1. F. qinlingensis mainly distributes in the warm temperate and subtropical bamboo distribution of the transition zone in the the Qinling Mountain area, covering the medium and alpine area, from 1100m to 3000m. There were four communities through cluster analysis of species importance value; the average growth status varied with different habitats. In natural conditions, the growth status of F. qinlingensis above 2000m altitude was better than that below 2000m.
     2. The natural population of F. qinlingensis in different habitats had the stable age structure, but there existed certain degree of difference. The young ramet propitiation was no more than 25% in the four habitats. According to the study of static life table, it showed that negative values appeared at different age classes in the four habitats, because the mature individuals demanded much more nutrition and bigger space, and then led to self-thinning effect.
     3. Bamboo shooting was the chief mode of F. qinlingensis for asexual prorogation, and germination was influenced by standing bamboo density, altitude and climate. The amount of bamboo shooting was more in the appropriate of standing bamboo density(52500~64500 individual /hm~2) than that in the maximum and minimum germination density. The amount of bamboo shooting was the most ( 43850~56000 individual /hm~2 ) in the attitude (2000~2200m). The modular biomass of F. qinlingensis ramet in the altitude (2000~2400m) was greater significantly than that in the altitude (1600~2000m). Principal component analysis showed that H4 habitat(2200~2400m)got the score of phenotype characteristic among the different habitats. It means that H4 suit for the growth of F. qinlingensis and the appropriate of standing bamboo density was 115000~140000 individual /hm~2.
     4. The survival rate was different from the different altitudes with the 3-year-old artificial plantations. The maximum of survive rate arrived at 80% above the altitude 2000m. The generation and growth of F. qinlingensis were effected by the light and the altitude. The bamboo density increased and death rate of ramet decreased with the increasing altitude. The amount of young ramets in the sunny slope was greater than that in the shady slope, and the same trend was observed in the death rate of ramets. Bamboo rhizome pruning and stump cutting benefit for the generation of bamboo population. The amount of bamboo shooting increased after stump cutting, while the DHB and height for pre-cutting were lower than that for post-cutting. It means that severing promotes the amount of bamboo shooting but they were weedy.
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