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光纤激光器技术是光学(光子学)领域最为重要的技术之一,在光纤传感、光纤通信、工业加工等领域都有着重要的应用。本文主要研究了包括多波长光纤激光器技术、傅立叶域锁模(FDML:Fourier Domain Mode Locking)光纤激光器技术、双波长单频(单纵模)光纤激光器技术在内的先进光纤激光器技术以及它们在光传感和光学微波产生方面的应用。
     然后发展了FDML光纤激光器技术并研究其在光传感方面的应用。介绍了FDML光纤激光器的基本概念和工作原理,搭建了连续波FDML光纤激光器并首次将其应用于光纤布拉格光栅(FBG:Fiber Bragg Grating)解调。首次提出了频谱受限FDML光纤激光器,是对FDML光纤激光器技术的重要发展,并探讨了该技术在FBG多点传感方面的应用。首次利用频谱受限FDML光纤激光器技术结合拉曼放大实现了远距离应力传感。
     最后研究了双波长单频光纤激光器技术及光学微波产生的应用。利用我们的光纤光栅制作系统刻写了光纤布拉格光栅对(FBGP:Fiber Bragg Grating Pair),实现了窄带的滤波功能,利用FBGP分别实现了单波长、双波长单频光纤激光器,并基于双波长单频激光器实现了光学微波产生,给出了基于FBGP和单频激光器的高灵敏度温度/应力传感系统。在双折射高浓度掺铒光纤上刻写了两个偏振敏感的FBG,测量了FBG偏振相关的透射谱,实现了双波长单频激光输出,并利用该双波长单频激光产生了频率达46GHz的微波信号。举例介绍了其它实现光学微波产生的方法,给出了基于主动锁模光纤激光器结构的微波光子滤波器。
Fiber laser technology is one of the most important technologies in optics (photonics), due to its important applications in optical fiber sensing, optical fiber communications, manufacture industry and so on. This thesis focuses on research of advanced fiber laser technologies, which include multi-wavelength fiber laser technology, Fourier domain mode locking (FDML) fiber laser technology and dual-wavelength single frequency (single longitudinal-mode) fiber lase technology, and their applications in optical sensing and photonic generation of microwave signals.
     To begin with, the history of fiber lasers and the research progress of several important fiber laser technologies are introduced, and the development trend of fiber laser research is summarized.
     Then, multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser technology based on hybrid gain or four-wave-mixing (FWM) effect is investigated. Wavelength-spacing tunable multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier is achieved, and wavelength-spacing tunable multi-wavelength Raman and Erbium-doped fiber laser is proposed. Multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber technology based on dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) or photonic crystal fiber (PCF) FWM effect is investigated. It is the first time, as far as we know, stable multi-wavelength lasing is achieved for the multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber by employing a PCF which is used as both the FWM media and the filter component. PCF, which plays an important role in the development of the advanced fiber laser technologies, is introduced and several designs of the highly bireferingent PCF are proposed. Examples for PCF's applications in a multi-wavelength Raman fiber laser, a wavelength switchable fiber laser and an active mode-locking fiber laser are demonstrated.
     Furthermore, FDML fiber laser's application in optical sensing is developed. The concept and the operation principle of the FDML fiber laser are firstly introduced. Then we build up a continuous-wave FDML fiber laser and demonstrate its application for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) interrogation. For the first time, a spectrum-limited FDML fiber laser, which is a big step for the progress of FDML fiber laser technology, is proposed, and is utilized in FBG multi-point sensing system. Long distance strain sensing based on the spectrum-limited FDML fiber laser incorporating a Raman amplifier is demonstrated for the first time.
     Finally, dual-wavelength single frequency fiber laser technology and its application in optical microwave generation are investigated. A fiber Bragg grating pair (FBGP) with the function of narrow-band filtering is achieved by using our FBG fabrication system and is used to achieve single-wavelength and dual-wavelength single frequency fiber lasers. The FBGP based dual-wavelength single frequency fiber laser is used for optical microwave generation. A highly sensitive temperature/strain sensing system based on the FBGP and a single frequency laser is also demonstrated. Two polarization-sensitive FBGs are written in a birefringent fiber with high Erbium concentration to achieve a dual-wavelength single frequency fiber laser and their polarization-dependent transmission specta are measured. Microwave signal with a frequency up to 46 GHz is achieved base on the dual-wavelength single frequency fiber laser. Finally, one other method for photonic generation of microwave signals and a novel microwave photonic filter based on an active mode-locked fiber laser structure are introduced.
     This experimental research-based thesis, supplemented by theoretical research, aims to achieve technical programs for specific fiber lasers and their applications. The thesis will be of great significance for the development of the advanced fiber laser technology and the promotion of applications of the advanced fiber laser technology.
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