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2002年,美国国内多个组织,比如健全美元联盟(Coalition for a Sound Dollar)、公平货币联盟(Fair Currency Alliance)先后宣称,由于中国政府的操纵行为,人民币汇率较经过购买力平价(purchasing power parity)计算出的“真实汇率”(real exchange rate)严重低估,阻碍了美国产品的对华出口,进而形成美中之间上千亿美元的贸易逆差,属于违反国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Found,以下简称“IMF”)、世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,以下简称“WTO”)等规则的行为,要求美国政府积极交涉乃至通过国际法、国内法解决。部分经济学者则用数据推动或者支持国内舆论,比如经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)的斯考特(Robert E. Scott)于2010年撰文,“从2001年到2008年,美国失去或者被替代240万个岗位,包括2008年的91,400个岗位。”到了2012年,斯考特继续发布报告“从2001年到2011年,超过270万个岗位因为美中之间的贸易赤字而减少或者被替代,大约76.9%的岗位是制造业,超过同期美国制造业失业人口的一半”。
Chapter One is "International law issues and legal allegation from the U.S. Congress currency exchange rate bills." As a basic part, this chapter makes a general overview and introduction of the U.S. Congress currency exchange rate bills from2002. According to the contents of the bills and the attitude of the U.S. Congress, these currency exchanges rate bills can be divided into four stages. Throughout the contents of the currency exchange rate bills, the pathways from the congress members to settlement of Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate can be divided into domestic channels and international channels. Domestic routes (direct method), are mainly by imposing anti-dumping, countervailing duties and other measures or sanctions in order to force Chinese government to reform of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, while international routes (indirect method) are mainly through the IMF rules, the WTO rules and other international laws, multilateral ly forcing a significant appreciation of RMB. Noteworthy point is that, compared to the executive authorities, the pathways of the U.S. Congress for settlement of Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate are more unilaterally. As a natural property of international law, people need IMF agreements, WTO agreements and other international laws when considering the legitimacy of the U.S. Congress currency exchange rate bills. Generally, the Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate are mainly related to the following issues:firstly, the currency (exchange rate) sovereignty. In the international community, a government's currency sovereignty is limited and subject to what limits, this is the core issue of whether the United States can intervene in the RMB exchange rate mechanism and even China's internal affairs. Secondly, the jurisdiction of the international exchange rate disputes. Thirdly, is it legal that a government uses the trade measures to settle the financial issues or the domestic measures to settle the international issues?
     Chapter Two is "Legal analysis of U.S. challenging the RMB exchange rate mechanism under the IMF articles". When it comes to Chinese currency sovereignty, the IMF articles are the most important elements of international monetary laws. This chapter first examines the legal history of the international monetary system. In the framework of international monetary laws, the sovereignty of a national exchange rate experiences a "free-strongly constrained-free again-softly constrained" life. In1978. the Second Amendment which marked the end of the par value system--incorporated the current version of Article IV into the IMF articles. The amended version of Article IV reflects a shift in objective from achieving a stable exchange rate to achieving a stable exchange rate system. Under the IMF articles. China enjoys the freedom of choosing any currency exchange rate regime if Chinese actions are consistent with the "soft" obligations, including the substantive obligations and procedural obligations. In2007. the IMF Hxecutive Board issued Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members'Policies, using market forces to determine the equilibrium (real) exchange rate, but the document is a guidance-type file, which does not have the binding force. This chapter specifically points out that different estimation methods are subject to different assumptions and measurement uncertainties. Exchange arrangement refers to the method a member adopts to determine the value of its currency. Thus, as presently drafted, China is in compliance with the IMF articles.
     Chapter Three is "Legal analysis of U.S. challenging the RMB exchange rate mechanism under the WTO rules". This chapter first discusses the jurisdiction of Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate under the WTO/DSB rules. WTO/DSB accepts trade disputes or trade-related disputes. According to the relevant provisions of DSU and the practice of the DSB cases, WTO/DSB may accept Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate. Coordination on the issue of the RMB exchange rate mechanism with Article15.4of GATT1994obligations, the paper argues that, even if people accept trade liberalization is one of the GAIT intentions, it is impossible to reach the conclusion of the RMB exchange rate mechanism hindering the GATT Terms intent. The RMB exchange rate mechanism is to help achieve institutional reform, so as to promote China's trade liberalization. But even assuming the RMB exchange rate mechanism belongs to the trade measures, it does not hinder the realization of the IMF Terms of intent. RMB exchange rate does not belong to "differences which affect price comparability" coupled with the Anti-dumping Agreement on specific products as anti-dumping object, therefore, so if the U.S. government want to impose anti-dumping duties on every Chinese export, it is more like a theoretical estimate. It is a fact that Chinese exports to U.S. are unlikely to cause damage to all domestic industry in U.S., even if the U.S. government operates all products surveys. For a long term, the U.S. Congress would like to link RMB exchange rate to countervailing measures. Article15of the Chinese Accession Protocol, the jurisprudence of the United States domestic law give the U.S. government the "legal basis" to impose countervailing duties on Chinese exports. However, to determine the elements of a subsidy, the WTO rules and the United States domestic laws are basically the same. Firstly, the fact that the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism interrupted by Chinese government, may be identified as "the flow of public funds to private", and then as financial contribution; Second, since RMB exchange rate is basically the same all over the world, it is difficult to be determined "a new RMB exchange rate under free market", and therefore people can not consider RMB exchange rate identified as "a benefit"; Finally, since all companies use the same currency exchange rate, and in order to increase exports does not adequately prove that RMB exchange rate has a strong relationship with export performance. Thus. RMB exchange rate mechanism does not meet the special orientation requirements. Even if some Americans misinterpret the DSB cases, it could not identity RMB exchange rate belongs to the de facto subsidies. Last but not the least, some U.S. lawmakers hope that "non-violation Complaints" in WTO/DSB oppresses significant appreciation of the RMB exchange rate. After analyzing relevant reports by the GATT/DSB ruling, the paper argues that the RMB exchange rate mechanism docs not violate WTO agreements or not in line with WTO/DSB jurisdiction constitute "measures" under the meaning of "non-violation Complaints". But as an exporting country rather than an importing country, coupled with the U.S. government difficult to prove that Americans suffers the loss of interest, issues with RMB exchange rate are not in the meaning of "non-violation Complaints". Therefore, although some economists support, this paper considers four kinds of allegations against the RMB exchange rate mechanism under the WTO rules could not hold strong international laws.
     Chapter F;our is "Legal analysis of the U.S. Congress complicating Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate". The U.S. Congress would like to link RMB exchange rate issue as a reason for granting "market economy status" sanctions, opposing to China's accession to "Government Procurement Agreement", imposing international investments sanctions and the suppression of China's participation in the global financial governance. However. RMB exchange rate is not the core factor in these sanctions and there would be space for two countries to negotiate. The paper considers the passage of congress bills from five fields:the power of act's drafters, different attitudes of the interest groups, the impact of presidential elections. the potential impact of "the Occupation of Wall Street" movement and the performance of the U.S. mainstream media. This paper argues that the U.S. Congress will complicate the performance of the RMB exchange rate issues reflects the U.S. Congress actually does not have the confidence to solve the RMB exchange rate disputes through unilateral grasp, trying to further suppress the Chinese government through the ""combination punches" to force RMB appreciation. This paper also predicts the future of the U.S. Congress exchange rate bills and that the contents of such bills would be similar to "Currency Exchange Oversight Reform Act of2011", including countermeasures of international finance, international trade and international investment, however, this kind of bills would hardly become law.
     Chapter Five is "Countermeasures for Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate". This paper concludes that while some economists support that China clearly manipulates its currency, Chinese measures are not inconsistent with the IMF Articles or the applicable WTO agreements. Chinese government should contempt the issue of currency exchange rate in strategy and insists on its own rights while the first resolution lies on bilaterally negotiation. Examining the cases of Sino-US in DSB with data from the complainant, the respondent and third party, US is incline to use DSM to create frictions. When confronting the DSB cases. China should take advantage of "rule-oriented" mechanism with a more positive attitude. In future, the paper advises China be in a practical point of view to implement DSB reports and build a coordination mechanism, as well as do more preparation for evidence. And it is time to revalue the studies of Chinese International Economic Law in the new era. China has positioned itself as an emerging developing country, which is consistent with national condition. But Western countries, especially the United States, do not agree with Chinese national orientation since China is week in construction of soft power. The Chinese government should focus on the construction of cultural identity when strengthening the soft power.
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    3International Monetary Fund,Bilateral Surveillance Over Members’ Policies,Executive Board Decision,June15,2007,Annex.
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    2Kenneth W. Dam,The Rules of the Game:Reform and Evaluation in the International Monetary System,University of Chicago Press,1982,p.15.
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    3Matthew R. Leviton,Is It a Subsidy?An Evaluation of China’s Currency Regime and Its Compliance with theWTO,UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal,Vol.43,Spring2006,pp.243-267.
    1Hector R. Torres,Reforming the International Monetary Fund—Why its Legitimacy is at Stake,Journal ofInternational Economic Law,Vol.10,September2007,pp.443-460.
    2Elizabeth L. Pettis,Is China’s Manipulation of Its Currency an Actionable Violation of the IMF/Or the WTOAgreement?,Journal of International Business and Law,Vol.10,2011,pp.281-296.
    3Bradley Schield,China’s Exchange Rate Manipulation:What should the United States do?,Houston Journalof International Law,Vol.34,Spring2012,pp.415-453.
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    4Alan Wheatley&Lesley Wroughton,IMF Split in China Yuan Exchange Rate Debate,Reuters,July28,2010.
    1Aaditya Mattoo&Arvind Subramanian,Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Found:A new rolefor the world trade organization,Working Paper,WP08-2,Peterson Institute for International Economics,January2008,pp.3-31.
    2Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacy ofChina’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    4Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacy ofChina’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    2IMF,IMF Executive Board Adopts New Decision on Bilateral Surveillance Over Members’ Policies,PublicInformation Notice (PIN) No.07/69,June21,2007.
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    1M. Ulric Killion,China’s Foreign Currency Regime:The Kagan Thesis and Legalification of the WTOAgreement,Minnesota Journal of Global Trade,Vol.14,Winter2004,pp.43-89.
    2Aaditya Mattoo&Arvind Subramanian,Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Found:A new rolefor the world trade organization,Working Paper,WP08-2,Peterson Institute for International Economics,January2008,pp.3-31.
    3Report of Appellate Body,United States—Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline,WT/DS2/AB/R(1996),para.17.
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    2WTO,The Resolutions of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations:The Legal Texts,1994,pp.435-436.
    3Dukgeun Ahn,Linkage between International Financial and Trade Institutions:IMF,World Bank and WTO,Journal of World Trade,Vol.34,No.4,2000,p.11.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,Mexico—Tax Measures on Soft Drinks and Other Beverages,WT/DS44/AB/R(2004),para.57.
    1原文:Contracting parties shall not, by exchange action, frustrate the intent of the provisions of this Agreement,nor, by trade action, the intent of the provisions of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund.
    2Raj Bhala,Modern GATT Law:A treatise on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,Sweet&Maxwell,2005,p.1169.
    3Deborah E. Siegel,Legal Aspects of the IMF/WTO Relationship:The Fund's articles of agreement and theWTO Agreement,American Journal of International Law,Vol.96,July2002,pp.561-599.
    4Raj Bhala,Virtues,the Chinese Yuan,and the American Trade Empire,Hong Kong Law Journal,Vol.38,2008,pp.183-253.
    2Chris Brown,China's GATT Bid:Why all the fuss about currency controls?,Pacific Rim Law and PolicyJournal,Vol.3,June1994,pp.57-102.
    3Michael E. Agnes,Webster’s New World College Dictionary,Webster’s New World,4th,2000,p.495.
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    6Elizabeth L. Pettis,Is China’s Manipulation of Its Currency an Actionable Violation of the IMF/Or the WTOAgreement?,Journal of International Business and Law,Vol.10,2011,pp.281-296.
    7General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,Interp. Note to XV(4),Oct.30,1947,61Stat. A-11,55U.N.T.S.194.
    1Raj Bhala,Modern GATT Law:A treatise on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,Sweet&Maxwell,2005,p.1172.
    2Stephen Hall,Law of Contract in Hong Kong:Cases and commentary,LexisNexis,2008,p.699.
    3Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacy ofChina’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    5Garner Bryan A.,Black's Law Dictionary(7th),West Publishing Company,1999,p.679.
    1Gary C. Hufbauer&Yee Wong&Ketki Sheth,U.S.-China Trade Disputes:Rising tide,Rising stakes,Institutefor International Economic,2006,p.19.
    2Raj Bhala,Modern GATT Law:A treatise on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,Sweet&Maxwell,2005,p.1169.
    1Bryan Mercurio,The WTO and its Institutional Impediments,Melbourne Journal of International Law,2007,p187.
    1IMF,Article IV of the Fund's Articles of Agreement:An overview of the legal framework,June28,2006,p.12.
    2Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacy ofChina’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    1Report of the Panel,United States—Anti-Dumping measures on Stainless Steel Plate in Coils and StainlessSteel Sheet and Strip from Korea,WT/DS179/R(1999),para.6.75.
    3Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Laws,Regulations and Methodology for Calculating DumpingMargins(Zeroing),WT/DS294/AB/R(2003),paras.139-146.
    3Report of the Appellate Body,European Communities–Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing
    Products, WT/DS135/AB/R(2001),paras.114-139.
    1Report of the Panel,European Communities—Anti-Dumping Investigations Regarding Unbleached CottonFabrics from India, WT/DS140/R(1998), paras.6.136.
    2Report of the Panel,United States—Measures Treating Exports Restraints as Subsidies,WT/DS194/R(2001),para.164;Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Countervailing Duty Investigation onDRAMS from Korean,WT/DS296/AB/R(2005),para.108.
    4China Currency Coalition,Petition for Relief under Section301(a) of the Trade Action of1974,AsAmended,Before the Office of The United States Trade Representative,September9,2004,pp.58-61.
    4Report of the Panel,United States—Measures Treating Exports Restraints as Subsidies,WT/DS194/R(2001),para.8.65.
    2C. Fred Bergsten,The Need for a Robust Response to Chinese Currency Manipulation Policy Optionsfor the Obama Administration Including Countervailing Currency Intervention,Journal of International Business and Law,Vol.10,2011,pp.269-280.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Definitive Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Product from China,WT/DS379/AB/R(2011),para.346.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,Canada—Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft,WT/DS70/AB/R(1999),paras.157-158.
    2Report of the Panel,Canada—Export Credits and Loan Guarantees for Regional Aircraft,WT/DS222/R(2002),para.5.266.
    2Matthew R. Leviton,Is It a Subsidy? An Evaluation of China’s Currency Regime and Its Compliance with the WTO,UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal,Vol.43,Spring2006,pp.243-267.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Final Countervailing Duty Determination with respectto certain Softwood Lumber from Canada,WT/DS257/AB/R(2002).
    2Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacyof China’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    1Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacyof China’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    2Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations”, WT/DS108/AB/R(1997),para.119.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,United States—Subsidies on Upland Cotton,WT/DS267/AB/R(2002),paras.576-590.
    2Report of the Appellate Body,Canada—Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft,WT/DS70/AB/R(1999).
    1Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacyof China’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    1United States Court of International Trade. NUCOR FASTENER DIVISION, Plaintiff, v. UNITED STATES, Defendant, and XL Screw Corporation, et al., Defendant-Intervenors. Court No.09-00534. Oct.22,2010.
    2Attachment to China Currency Coalition,Petition for Relief under Section301(a) of the Trade Actionof1974,As Amended,Before the Office of The United States Trade Representative,September9,2004,pp.14-16.
    2Report of the Panel,Japan—Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper,WT/DS44/R(1998),para.10.79.
    1Report of the Appellate Body,European Communities—Measures Affecting Asbestos andAsbestos-Containing Products,WT/DS135/AB/R(2001),para.186.
    1WTO,Dispute Settlement,at http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds135_e.htm, November16,2012.
    2IMF,Annual Report of2003,p.118.
    1Paul Bluestein,China at G-7Meeting for First Time:U.S. sticks with patient approach on currency issues,Washington Post,October2,2004,at E1.
    2C. Fred Bergsten,The Need for a Robust Response to Chinese Currency Manipulation Policy Options for theObama Administration Including Countervailing Currency Intervention,Journal of International Business andLaw,Vol.10,2011,pp.269-280.
    3Bryan Mercurio&Celine Sze Ning Leung,Is China a “Currency Manipulator”?:The legitimacy ofChina’s exchange regime under the current international legal frame work,International Lawyer,Vol.43,Fall2009,pp.1257-1300.
    4Bradley Schield,China’s Exchange Rate Manipulation:What should the United States do?,Houston Journalof International Law,Vol.34,Spring2012,pp.415-453.
    3Hector R. Torres,Reforming the International Monetary Fund—Why its Legitimacy is at Stake,Journal of International Economic Law,Vol.10,September2007,pp.443-460.
    2Aaditya Mattoo&Arvind Subramanian,Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Found:A new role for the world trade organization,Working Paper,WP08-2,Peterson Institute for International Economics,January2008,pp.3-31.
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    3Hector R. Torres,Reforming the International Monetary Fund—Why its Legitimacy is at Stake,Journal ofInternational Economic Law,Vol.10,September2007,pp.443-460.
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    4C. Fred Bergsten,The Need for a Robust Response to Chinese Currency Manipulation Policy Options for theObama Administration Including Countervailing Currency Intervention,Journal of International Business andLaw,Vol.10,2011,pp.269-280.
    1Mark Zandi,Editorial,Topic A,Washington Post,October10,2010,at A17.
    2Robert E. Scott,Currency Manipulation:History shows that sanctions are needed,Economic Policy Institute,Report,April28,2010.
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