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Over last decades, the oil fields of China, even the word side have been step into the mature phase of exploration and production, which is seeking for the more advanced ways to decrease the maximum ratio between investment and production. Those ways including the consideration of more factors, the combination among disciplines, the systematic analysis driven by many factors, the adoption of new techniques as soon as possible etc are benefiting the oil fields from the more accurate description of subsurface and the higher recovery ratio. In order to push research actions into deeper status and to accelerate the whole research process, it does need the specialists on behalf of varieties of E&P majors to break through the constraints of daily research and to lend more and more the latest techniques from other disciplines, even other domains like information technology, geography information system etc. In fact, domain experts have been work together to define the exploration potential reservoirs then get the detailed description of those reservoirs with cooperative way.
     However, the current operation and communication ways of kinds of research teams are blocking the cooperative effects. For example, many experts share its idea in paper media such as project report、series of diagrams and excels etc under the help of general word and image process software. Obviously, those different simple and general auxiliary tools don't easily set up the uniform data format for communication and aren't exclusively ready for the usage of E&P domains. So, from the preparation of raw data to the last project report there are no any interrupt ways and information tracking mechanisms for effective cooperation among different research activities hold by different domain experts. In addition, researchers lack the ability to make effective and deeper evaluation based on information from other majors since there are no' "platform" to load all data, information in massive way etc while harness those experts with synthesis analysis.
     Experienced by ongoing project-"The Integrated Evaluation and Reservoir Location of Hang Jinqi Distract in Hubei Province", this paper makes well conclusions which reflect the status of a typical research team. This project involves many majors in order to break through the current understanding of this district such as petrochemical (for surface abnormity)、structure (for isochronous horizons)、geophysics(for the inversion of lithology)、the attribute analysis of seismic data(for direct indication of petroleum) etc. During the process of those project, different majors are almost being hold standalone and there are no any process interruption between two majors except for the collection of last research results in "paper " formats. So, the integration of different majors often occurs directly in brains not on the world which should set up uniform data expression and operation rules for deeper information integration and research constraints.
     This paper presents some discusses about the domain combination of petroleum engineering, information technology, geography information system etc in order to set up an effective and practical work flow for accurate description. The ultimate target of this paper is to apply the leading technologies such as software reuse, spatial data model etc into E&P domain. Not only does this paper introduce the latest research methodology and fresh technique into E&P domain study, but also it defines a "mediator" which is enable to abstract integrate the research processes of different majors and lets discipline research activities melt more for solid and intelligent analysis. More, the "mediator" here means the domain middleware specified by this paper. This paper focus on topics such as the definition, the system architecture of E&P domain middleware and the technique road map how to develop domain-specified application based on domain middleware in order to①quickly apply IT techniques and free E&P domain experts on domain research and enable the deep integration of different major software;②effectively order different major research processes, better map between those discipline research activities and its corresponding software, define key point of current research process then set prev-and post-constraints specified by other majors and let the work flow in reasonable and flexible way;③"abstract" the data, information and knowledge of E&P domain in the uniform data model, communicate each other in the same baseline. In addition, the massive information should be modeled and managed in the leading way such as spatial data model and index ways;④set up real time running platform which is plugged by different domain-specific services and common services composing an intelligent environment. Namely, the similar definition of research processes, uniform data model expression and the instantiations of the common domain-specific software framework and those domain-specific services are key points of this cooperative and intelligent environment. For those key points, this paper probes into those topics as below:
     (1) Based on the leading methodology of software development, namely software reuse and the base implementation such as common distribution middleware, this paper emphasizes the importance of series of software reuse technique such as object-oriented, design patterns in different levels, framework and component, which will make the adaptive architecture and let the development process in fast, robust way. Especially, the inventive thoughts about varieties of design patterns can be directly to analyze the relationships among E&P domain-specific entities and share more heuristic modeling ideas. The same as operating system and common database, common distribution middleware are playing the important role for the development of domain-specific application software.
     (2) With participation of a typical E&P research project, this paper recognizes and specifies the requirements and research extent of E&P domain-specific base middleware. Inherited from the encapsulation and design ideas of layered structure of common base middleware, this paper contributes the definition of E&P domain-specific base middleware in the first time and concludes its obvious characters. In order to harness the process of cooperative work among different E&P majors, the road map and key introductions of domain-specific middleware cover the topics such as data integration, application software integration, object-oriented distributed computation and service-oriented architecture.
     (3) This paper not only emphasize the application of heuristic thoughts of software reuse into the definition of uniform data model, but also introduce other key points to fix the issues about data integration. For example, the categorization of domain-specific entities driven by KID model, the "activity" abstraction of different research processes and its information flow. Importantly, it is creatively graft domain-specific entities on spatial data model, which embodies many advanced data management ways of massive data and deeper spatial analysis. Lastly, for the better implementation of domain-specific software, this paper examples part of domain-specific class library, which are designed and implemented by policy-driven design ideas.
     (4) This paper introduces the concept of common domain-specific application framework for the better integration of application software. Except for the harness of software development, the instantiation common framework easily communicate other instanced ones with adoption of proxy classes of corresponding service which are plugged in the same communication channel.
     (5) Benefited from the open source which is subject to the latest CORBA specification, this paper examples the general develop process of CORBA application. More, this paper abstracts some detailed implementations of concurrent request and its deal, asynchronous messages and so on.
     (6) The concept of service-oriented intelligent platform decides the layered structure of domain-specific base middleware. Namely, common services such as naming service, balanced services and domain-specific services such as seismic attribute analysis will be plugged on the same real time communication "software bus" and support the deeper cooperative solution among different majors under the help of asynchronous event-driven mechanism etc.
     (7) With application of the fresh results of seismic attribute analysis, this paper instances the common software framework driven by domain-specific middleware and verifies the reasonableness of application of domain-specific middleware whether it enhances the development process, get better integration of applications and the persistence ways of uniform data model etc. More importantly, this software as one of participants of typical research team gives its petroleum test indication based on Biot theories.
     Lastly, the study process and its results of this paper may be taken as the active breakthrough of the traditional petroleum engineering major since IT should stand a place and the cross research should be give clear definition.
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