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     在以上研究的基础上开发了基于过程建模配置ERP的集成系统,已应用于某大型航空企业型号工程中,在L15高级教练机和某型基础教练机的研制与生产中实施验证,缩短ERP实施周期30% ,取得了明显的综合效益,大大地推进了企业信息化进程,提高了企业应变能力。本文研究的航空企业管理中数字化驱动技术为ERP实施提供了一条有效途径,也可推广应用于PDM等数字化管理系统的实施。
Digital management is one of the important factors for aviation enterprises to apply digital technology and quicken implementation of the informationization. However, most aviation enterprises often encounter failures while implementing application systems in enterprise information, especially ERP systems. Summing up the experiences and lessons and analyzing the requirements of domestic aviation enterprises, a digital driven technology in aviation enterprise management is investigated deeply, which includes digital model, model drive and digital management. The study is supported under the National Defense Scientific Research and Project Plan for Leading Subject and Academy Chief Scientist of Jiangxi Province. The achievements are summarized as following:
     1. An aviation enterprise modeling technology based on process engineering is put forward. Improving the 4-tuple enterprise model, an aviation enterprise model expressed in 6-tuple is built based on the characteristics of aviation enterprises. Besides, an enterprise model description language is defined to simulate and optimize the enterprise model. All these are primary for aviation enterprises to apply digital driven technology in enterprise management.
     2. An ERP configuration technology of aviation enterprises based on process modeling is studied. Considering the structure of ERP systems, configurability of ERP system is researched from four aspects, including functional cells, data, the relationships between functional cells and data and authorization. Furthermore, an ERP configuration method based on process modeling is presented. All these provide technical supports for aviation enterprises to implementation of ERP by digital driven technology in enterprise management.
     3. A mapping meta-model between enterprise model and ERP system is proposed. Based on the function-minimized technology of application system, mapping information and mapping rules from enterprise model to ERP system are given, which include mapping from enterprise model to functional cells, data, the relationships between functional cells and data and authorization of ERP system. All these offer technical methods for aviation enterprises to implement ERP by digital driven technology in enterprise management.
     4. Integrated technology between process modeling and ERP system is studied. Integration framework of ERP configuration on process modeling and parsing algorithms for enterprise model files are put forward so that functional cells of ERP system can be assembled and import data, export data and attributes can be configured automatically. All these accommodate an integrated environment and an algorithm process for aviation enterprises to implement ERP by digital driven technology in enterprise management.
     According to above, an Process Modeling Configuring– ERP Integrated System has been developed. The achievement has been applied in the development and production of L15 advanced training plains and a rudimentary training plain in an aviation enterprise, which results in 30% reduction of practice turnround. All these give an impulse for aviation enterprises to quicken informationization process and improve the responsiveness to changes. The digital driven technology in aviation enterprises management provides an effective approach for implementing ERP systems as well as other digital management systems.
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