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Digital library is the developing trend of library in 21St century, networked information resource is the information organizing object of the digital library. With the rapid development of the network, the amount of networked information resources increases very quickly. Therefore, the description and organization of the networked information resources is very crucial to accessing and utilizing the resources.
     At first, the paper introduces the definitions, kinds and special profiles of the networked resources. It analyses the difficulties in describing and organizing the networked information resources. After this, two ways of describing and organizing
    networked information resources are given in the paper. One of it is to change the MARC to make it fit the description and organization of the networked information resources. Another is the metadata way. The paper also analyses the typical metadata schema----Dublin Core, and the mapping from Dublin Core to CNMARC is firstly set forth. At last, the paper discusses the description and organization of networked information resources in our country. On the base of the introducing related station, the paper discusses the principals during describing and organizing the networked information resources in our country. The paper puts forward some considering about the description and organization of networked information resources under the Chinese digital library, at the same time, this paper also puts forward some suggestions about the description and organization of networked information in China.
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