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Wittgenstein, as one of the greatest philosopher of the20th century, it has been assiduously seek for Chinese and Western academia that how appropriate to interpret his pre-and post-theory. The study of pre-Wittgenstein mainly focus on the logical atomism and of the later Wittgenstein focus on the philosophy of language,phenomenology, aesthetics.This paper intends to analyse the later Wittgenstein's main theory from the three dimension, viz, language philosophy(Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution), cognitive sicence(AI), and sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK), concluded that later Wittgenstein is a contextualist.
     Philosophy of language dimension. This dimension's domestic discussion is more relatively to the other dimension, so this paper intends not to describe too much about it. It seems to Wittgenstein that philosophy's task is do linguistic analysis, and the task of philosophy is to clarify the meaning of the language. In this paper, mainly focuses on Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution, whether Wittgenstein regards languages as a reality or substratum from the angle of the realism and anti-realism, which are just as Plato's Idea and Kant's Category. Wittgenstein who himself opposed to realism, but his own regard language as one kind of reality to research and analysis. Wittgenstein claims that the meaning of language lies in using, and later Wittgenstein's pragmatics obviously is the view of ocntextualism.
     As far as AI concerned, it is a hot research which have multi-disciplinary do research in this area, and lots of papers have mentioned of Wittgenstein's philosophy of mind, but there is no specialized books and papers to discuss about it. Even if there have some discusses that it is only from the perspective of philosophy of psychology. There mainly discuss the different view between the weak AI of A.M.Turing (who believes that machine can thinking) and Logical behaviorism of Wittgenstein(who claims that machine cannot thinking) on the issue of whether machine thinking. And also discuss whether Wittgenstein is a cognitivist and whether he revises Searle's Chinese Room Argument experiment?Then, we can draw the conclusion from the analysis that due to human being is in the specific context, and the machine of a quasi-rules following does not need the environment, so, the machine is non-contextualized.Therefore, contextualism is one of the essential characteristics different between human being and machine. There is no doubt that Wittgenstein can be regarded as a pioneer in AI, but it needs to be cautious that attribute him to a cognitivist, which is still further analysis and argument.Wittgenstein is amended Searle's Chinese Room Argument from the semantic externalism(the thought of context).
     SSK dimension. It is seldom discuss to Wittgenstein's theory from SSK dimension in domestic and the relevant literature is bare. So, this paper discusses six issues to Wittgenstein's theory of sociology:such as Wittgenstein's theory of rules following, a case:isolated Robinson who can follow rule or not, Wittgenstein's rule following paradox, Wittgenstein's finitism, Wittgenstein's deconstruction of mathematical's reality and David Francis's defense of Wittgenstein. It can conclude that SSK's reference and interpretation for Wittgenstein theory is not reasonable, but it shows that later Wittgenstein's theory can not be separated from social practice factors and social context factors.
     We can conclude, from the three dimension, that Wittgenstein'language games, rule following,family resemblance and forms of life contain the characterictics of contextualism.①Language games:the meaning of language is the use of language. Language'using depends on the daily life's context, and language game can not do without certain rules.②Rule following:the foundation of rule following is there has a consistent idea in community, so it is impossible to private follow rule. Rule following is inseparable from the contextual factors, such as the traditions, institutions and practices etc.③Forms of life:language game is root in the forms of life, and the forms of life also provide a reference for the language game.The later wittgenstein's forms of life origins from life and higher than life context.④family resemblance: Later Wittgenstein's family resemblance concept that targeted is the concepts of general. Its most foundamental point is to deny the existence of the nature of world. Words or sentence is essentially the same, which only have the resemblance in the context.
    ①彩票悖论最早是由凯伯格首先发现并正式发表的。彩票悖论大致如下:在有一百万张彩票的公平抽奖活动中,有且仅有一张彩票会中奖,那么,每张彩票不会中奖的概率高达0.999999,根据“公认的”信念的高概率接受规则,我们可以合理地认为“第N张彩票不会中奖”(在此,N是1到1 000 000之间的任何一个自然数)。这意味着没有一张彩票会中奖。这显然与所给条件“有且仅有一张彩票中奖”相矛盾。
    ②Elke Brendel, Christoph Jager. Contextualist Approaches to Epistemology:Problems and prospects. In Contextualisms in Epistemology. Ed by Elke Brendel,Christoph Jager. Dordrecht:Sprinker,2005:1.
    ③Ludwig Wittgenstein(1967). Philosophical Investigation. Translate by GEM Anscombe.Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd: §539&§107.
    ② David K. Henderson(994). Episstemic competence and contextualist epistemology why contextualism is not just the poor person's coherentism. The Journal of Philosophy,91(12):p634.
    ④以上摘引自:Ludwig wittgenstein(2009). Philosopical Investigations(4"d ed). Translated by G. E. M. Anscombe, P. M. S. Hacker and Joachim Schultc Oxford:Blackwell Publishing Ltd:§156,§525.
    ②Jose Medina(2002). The Unity of Wittgenstein's Philosophy, Necessity. Intelligibility, and Normativity, New York: University of New York Press:pp186-188.
    ①维特根斯坦.维特根斯坦全集第八卷哲学研究.涂纪亮主编.涂纪亮译.石家庄:河北教育出版社,2003:II p254,§351.
    ③Ludwig Wittgenstein(1967).Philosophical Investigation.Translate by G·E·M Anscombe.Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd: §693.
    ②David Bloor(1983). Wittgenstein-A Social Theory of Knowledge. London:Macmillan Education Ltd:p11.
    ①Rom Harre.Michael A. Tissaw(2005).Wittgenstein and psychology:a practical guide. Hants:Ashgate publishing Limited:pp71-73.
    ①Michael Friendman(1998).on the sociology of scientific knowledge and its philosophical agenda.原载studies in history and philosophy of science.29(2):pp239-271.张敦敏摘译.论科学知识社会学及其哲学任务.哲学译丛:74-79.
    ②Ludwig wittgenstein(2009).Philosopical Investigations(4th ed).Translated by G.E.M.Anscombe.P.M.S.Hacker and Joachim Schulte Oxford:Blackwell Publishing Ltd:§558,§584.§595.§652.Ⅳ§19.
    ①Rom Harre,Michael A. Tissaw(2005),Wittgenstein and psychology:a practical guide. Hants:Ashgate publishing Limited:p119.
    [1]本小节内容主要参考:Hham Dilman(2002). Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave.
    ①Hham Dilman(2002)Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:p10.
    ①维特根斯坦自己明确列为家族相似性质的概念有:游戏、数、词、句子、语言、读、引导等等,他对其中有些概念的家族相似性质作了相当详尽的研究。另外一些提法似乎暗示他认为一切概念,甚至包括专名都具有家族相似的性质。“家族相似”概念就属于这类并小大常见的洞见。R.Fogelin称家族相似概念是人们对维特根斯坦后期哲学中“讨论得最多的问题之一”。从纠错的角度讲,家族相似概念猛烈地冲击了传统的共相观念。Renford Bambrough相信这个概念已经“解决了通常所谓的‘共相问题’
    ②Hham Dilman(2002). Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:pp20-21.
    ②Hham Dilman(2002).Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:p22.
    [1] bare particulars:本文采用彭孟尧教授的建议,译成无性质殊物。无性质殊物最早由Edwin Alaire提出。该术语是针对“什么是对象(object) "而提出来的,基本上有两种理论。一种是:一种对象有共相(universals),另一种是:一种对象是无性质殊物。无性质殊物本身是没有任何性质的殊物。由于无性质殊物没有性质,所以任何两个无性质殊物之间都不存在相似性。
    ③Hham Dilman(2002). Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:p24.
    ①Hham Dilman(2002).Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:pp24-26.
    ④Ibid, p204 §358.
    ①Ibid, p194 §497.
    ①Ibid, p43 §116.
    ②Hham Dilman(2002). Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:p32.
    ①Ibid, p33.
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    ①Hham Dilman(2002). Wittgenstein's Copernican revolution:the question of linguistic idealism. Palgrave:p35.
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    ②Cappelen, H. and E. Lepore(2005),Insensitive Semantics. Oxford:Blackwell:p17.
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    ②Ludwig wittgenstein(2009). Philosopical Investigations(4th ed). Translated by G. E. M. Anscombe, P. M. S. Hacker and Joachim Schulte Oxford:Blackwell Publishing Ltd:§360.
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    ④Ibid, §202.
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    ②Meredith Williams(1999). Wittgenstein,Mind and Meaning:Toward a social conception of mind.New York:Routledge:pp 157-187.
    ③David Bloor(1983).Wittgenstein:A social theory of knowledge.London:Macmillan Education Ltd.:pp115-132.
    ②汉斯·斯鲁格,大卫·G·斯特恩编.维特根斯坦=The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein北京:生活读书新知三联书店(2006年影印本):357-360.
    ② Jussi Haukioja(2005). A Middle Position between Meaning Finitism and Meaning Platonism. International Journal of Philosophical Studies.Vol.13(1).pp35-51.
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    ④Dean Proessel(2005).Phiosophical Investigations.New York:Blackwell Publishing Ltd:p332.
    ①Jussi Haukioja(2005). A Middle Position between Meaning Finitism and Meaning Platonism.International Journal of Philosophical Studies.Vol.13(1).pp35-51.
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    ②David Bloor(1997).Wittgenstein,Rules and Institutions.London:Routledge:p27.
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    ② Sal P·Restivo(1985).The Social Relations of Physics,Mysticism and Mathematics.Holland:D.Reidal Publishing Company:pp161-163.
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    Ibid.1 §1.
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    ①Ibid. §166.
    ③David Bloor(1983).Wittgenstein——A Social Theory of Knowledge,London:Maemillan education Itd:p83.
    ④James Robert Brown(2008),Philosophy of Mathematics:A Contemporary Introduction to the World of Proofs and Pictures(2nd ed.). New York:Routledge:pp12-15.
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    ①Michael Dummett(1959),Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.The Philosophical Review, Vol.68(3):pp324-348.
    ②Sal P·Restivo(1985).The Social Relations of Physics,Mysticism and Mathematics.Holland:D.Reidal Publishing Company:p163.
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    ①Mary Leng, Alexander Paseau and Michael Potter(2007).Mathematical Knowledge,NewYork:Oxford University Press: p23.
    ③Pasquale Frascolla(1994),Wittgenstin's philosophy of mathemutics.New York:Routledge:p111.
    ①James Robert Brown(2008), Philosophy of Mathematics:A Contemporary Introduction to the World of Proofs and Pictures(2nd ed.), New York:Routledge:p140.
    ②Ludwig Wittgenstein(2005).Th Big Typescript TS 213 (German-English Scholars'Edition), Grant Luckhardt and Maximilian A. E. Aue ed.and trans.Malden:Blackwell Publishing:pp231-233.
    ④Jose Medina(2002),The Unity of Wittgenstein's Philosophy, Necessity, Intelligibility, and Normativity,New York: University of Nes York Press:pp101&156.
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    [1]A.M.Turing(1950), Computing Machinery and intelligence. Edited by John Hugeland. Mind Design II:Philosophy, psychology,Artificial Intellilence. London:MIT press.
    [2]A.C.Grayling(1988,1996). Wittgenstein. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1996.
    [3]Allen-J(1995).Natural Language Understanding.Redwood:Benjamin/Cummings.
    [4]Anthony Kenny(1984).The Legacy of Wittgenstein. Oxford:Basil Blackwell Publisher Ltd.
    [5]Cappelen, H. and E. Lepore(2005).Insensitive Semantics. Oxford:Blackwell.
    [6]Charles Travis(2006).Thought's Footing:A Themein Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
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