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After attending such scientific research works as “Land resource integrated survey of Jilin province RS based” presided by professor Liu, the author understands that the fundamental environment problem is lack of surface water here, which need to be researched, recovered and reconstructed. Therefore, surface water resource and its influence on the environment based on 3S and 3D Visualization is located as the research orientation in the thesis. The thesis has studied the relationship between the movement of geological conformation and the variance of surface water by DEM, 3D topographic visualization, GIS, RS techniques, discussed the relationship between water resource and environmental worsening, put forward to some fundamental suggestions about reconstructing west Jilin water system.
    Firstly, the relatively great area of west Jilin (about 80,000 km2) has been taken into consideration, there is limitation about applying conventional manual 2D means into research on surface water system, however, comprehensive multi factors analysis must be more effective method by applying such hi-techs as RS, GIS and DEM into the research works, all of which have been set forth in detail in the thesis, also, their theories and applying methods are described and analyzed, thus, setting the foundation for the succedent information extraction and comprehensive multi features special analysis.
    Secondly, in order to investigate west Jilin surface water spatially, the theory and means of 3D topographic visualization are dissertated detailedly. 1:250,000 DEM of research region is established by vectorizing the topographic maps. On the basis of 3D topography dynamic display, query, and analysis based on OpenGL and GIS, 3D remote sensed images here are
    constructed successfully, in which remote sensed images are used as texture map showing the earth’s surface. Since west Jilin belongs to plain region, where topography is plat, the difference of elevation less than 170m, it is not clear to display so great 3D topography in the computer, unable to observe 3D topography on the whole region. The method of exaggerating vertical scale, artificial expanding the difference of elevation, is attempted to apply into the research works, obtaining distinct 3D remote sensed images of west Jilin plain, which is an innovative production full of practical meaning.
    Thirdly, TM images (LandSat) of research region are interpreted according to interpretive symbols and correlative information on GIS platform, obtaining west Jilin surface water system, water body and old channel in which parts of Diersonghua river, Nenjiang river, Huolin river, and Taoer river empty into Liao river, also the corresponding thematic maps are produced.
    Fourthly, the fundamental cause worsening west Jilin environment lies in the fact that the earth’s crust movement results in the variance of the water system, further, making lack of water resource. In order to clarify this viewpoint and offer scientific gist for recovering the environment there, in this thesis, the distributing maps, DEM, district maps and 3D remote sensed images of this region are merged together with ArcGIS, in which a hillock upheaval distributing east and west direction is distinctly revealed, which originates from Wangfu east, passes Chaganhua and Sanjiazi (Changling county) westerly, turns to north-west-west via Tongyu, ends at Xianghai marsh, there is a branch located from Wangfu to Changlong, a hillock upheaval distribution southerly between Jubao Mountain and Yangdachengzi, whose south side is plat and straight boundary, showing a clear steep. All the hillock upheavals discussed above compose an anti-‘入’ shape. Since late Pleistocene epoch, this swell strip is just the intersecting region combined the swell curved structure of fracture and folding from east to west with dlock tilted structure from south to north by checking previous geologic information, whose intersection locates at Wangfu region, the highest region, verifying such a fact that new conformation movement forms the uphea
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