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The optical fiber amplifier (OFA) realizes the entire light fiber opticcommunications key component. It easy to integrate, the high gain, the low noiseand the band width major characteristic ,It enhances the light signal transmittingrange effectively, reduces the relay station number, reduces the system cost, itsdevelopment and the improvement globally were still on the rise. OFA especiallyerbium-doped fiber amplifier is widely used in a variety of optical communicationsystems, especially wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. However, asthe transmission channel WDM system, the increasing speed transmission codecontinuous improvement and increasing transmission distance. When the EDFA inthe WDM system when used as a cascade, EDFA gain spectrum is not flat willgradually enlarge the cumulative seriously affect system performance, thereforerequested the WDM system with constant EDFA gain, wide dynamic range, flatdynamic gain spectrum. erbium/ytterbium Co-doped fiber amplifier (EYDFA) ofEDFA's an improvement, it uses erbium/ytterbium co-doped fiber as the gainmedium instead of the EDFA erbium-doped fiber, which could improve the overallperformance of fiber amplifier.
     The paper system elaborated erbium/ytterbium co-doping amplifier achieve thelight signal enlargement principle, the rate equation, topology as well as influencelight amplifier performance each kind of factor, has analyzed two section of cascadeerbium/ytterbium co-doping amplifier's principle as well as each parameter to itsperformance influence. Had proven through the simulation theoretical analysis'saccuracy, and may further apply according to the simulation result in the practice.
     The paper's innovation spot lies through joined the light isolation among lightamplifier's gain medium to isolate the light signal reverse Amplified SpontaneousEmission (ASE) which produced in the enlargement process, caused the pump powermainly to use for the signal amplification light, like this obtained a bigger gain underthe same condition.
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