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There are several issues that should be taken into account in the area of lightingresearch and lighting design. They are:
    1) The issue of philosophy and art on which Lighting Design is set as anacademic subject.
    2) Application of psychological theory in lighting design and lightingresearch.
    3) Integration of Architectural Design and Lighting Design.
    4) Energy-efficiency effects on lighting quality.
    From the level of Architecture, architectural design and lighting design aim fora common target that is a visual image in an architectural space. This dissertation triesto explore the coherence among these issues with regard of this common target.
     From the level of Philosophy, opinions of Phenomenology are applied toanalysing the concept and method of Impressionism, to investigate the cognition ofmodern visual art, and to transform the issue of combination of art and sicence inarchitecture into the issue of epistemology of architecture. This paper presents aconcept of “ Space for Brightness Perception ”, and transforms the design of lightand space into the design of Space for Brightness Perception correspondingly, andbrings forward a method of dynamic integrative design of light and space.
     From the level of Psychology, this dissertation clarifies the relationshipbetween spatial environment and visual perception, so that the design of Space forBrightness Perception is focused on spatial image which is a kind of representation inpsychological terms. In this context, topological properties of light and space areexplored to rejuvenate the prototype of the image of Space for Brightness Perception,and two schemas are developed: Day schema and Night schema. According to the twoschemas, two apparatus are made, and a design pattern of Space for BrightnessPerception is formed.
     From the level of Lighting Research, psychological theory is applied toanalysing the actuality of lighting research to clarify the relationship between lightingconditions and spatial images. Based on this relationship, a series experiments are
    conducted, and several design modes which could prompt both energy-efficiency andlighting quality are developed.This dissertation tries to set up a design context in which architect and lightingdesigner could cooperate more efficiently.
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