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In this paper, multihole structure with periodic distribution were prepared on the surface of stainless steel by laser machining, and porous structure of random distribution was prepared by AAO. The pore distribution of porous materials and pore size on material surface were analyzed by Metallurgical Microscopy and SEM; pore depth was tested by Contourgraph and White Light Interferometer; the spectral absorption factors of the porous materials were tested by UV-Vis and FTIR. At the same time, errors and defects caused by manufacturing and testing were estimated.
     According to the theory of light reflex, absorption model of big-porous structure on surface of stainless steel was deduced. According to the theory of light diffraction, absorption model of small-porous structure on surface of stainless steel was deduced. To combine the absorption model of big-porous structure and the absorption model of small-porous structure, the absorption model of random-porous structure on surface of stainless steel was deduced.
     Absorption model of porous structure on surface of stainless steel was verified by experiment testing. The results show that the surface of porous structure significantly is the absorption rate of materials increased, sometimes more than twice. Absorption model of big-porous structure can reflect the changes relationship between absorption factor and porous space, depth, diameter. When only porous space is changed and becomes smaller, or only porous depth is changed and becomes bigger, or only porous diameter is changed and becomes bigger, the coefficient of absorption rate increase greater, that is, the absorption factor of materials increases. Absorption model of small-porous structure are in good agreement with the experimental data, and it shows that incident waves are absorbed strongly when the wavelength is similar to the pore diameter. When only pore space is changed and smaller, it means the number of pore increases, and the coefficient of increasing in absorption rate becomes greater, that is, the absorption factor of materials is greater. The random-porous structure on surface of stainless steel includes both big-pores and small-pores, so it has both characteristics of their. The number of random-pore becomes more, the coefficient of increasing in absorption rate will greater, that is, the absorption factor of materials is greater. The number of random-pore which is similar to the porous diameter being more, absorption peaks will be higher ; the experimental data are fit very well with the rules of the absorption model of random-porous structure on surface.
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