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粒子物理的标准模型(Standard Model)是描述强相互作用和电弱相互作月丁的规范理论。它是迄今为止描述微观粒予相互作用规律的最完美的理论之一。然而,标准模型并不是完美无缺的,它所存在的某螳问题至今还没有得到合理的解决。这丧明粒子物理的际准模型并不是一个终极的理沦,它应该是某一能标下的一个低能有效理沦,这就为超出标准模型的新物理留出了发展的空间,即在更高的能标下应该有更基本的理论出现。重昧物理,尤其是B物理,是检验际准模型、探索CP破坏的起源以及寻找新物理的理想场所。因此,在近几十年来,对B介子衰变的研究成为一个非常热门和前沿的领域。
     首先,在QCD因子化框架下,针对其巾旁观者和湮灭图贡献中存在的端点发散问题,我们采用一种新颖的红外有限的胶子传播子形式熏新计算了B→PP,PV衰变的旁观者和湮灭图振幅。存这部分,我们详细的讨论了该方案对旁观者和潭灭图贡献的大小和其中的强相位的影响。接着:结合最新的关于B→πK,πK~*和ρK衷变的实验数据,使用QCD因子化方法,我们对其存在的“πK puzzle”问题进行了研究。我们引入了一组模型无关的(赝-)标量耦台形式的算符(?)(1+γ_5)b(?)(?)(1 +γ_5)q (q=u,d)来解决这问题。我们的结果表明,在我们所拟合的新物理参数空间内,所有12个衰变道相关的物理可观测最都町以和实验结果达到很好的一致。很自然的,“πK puzzle”问题也得到了解决。
     接着,我们详细地介绍了本文使用较多的非普适z'模型,并对于同洋的“πK puzzle”问题进行了进一步的研究。我们利用最新的实验数据对z'模型中的新物理参数进行了较以往更加严格的限制并分为五种情况对该新物理模型中的耦合进行了讨论。我们的结果表明,在该模型下,一个新的约为-86°的弱相位对解决“πK puzzle”问题起到关键作用。
The Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles is a theory based on the gauge group,which purports to describe the strong and electroweak interactions of fundamental parti-cles. Until now, it is the best theory for describing the dynamics of fundamental particles.However, the SM itself is not perfect, because there are also some problems that haven’tbeen solved reasonably yet, which indicates that the SM is not an ultimate theory but ane?ective theory at low scale. It provides room for developing new physics (NP) beyondthe SM, i.e. at the higher energy scale, there should exit some new and more basic theory.Heavy flavor physics, especially B physics, is a perfect region for testing SM, pursuingthe origin of the CP violation and searching for possible NP. Accordingly, the study ofB-meson decays is one of the currently very active researching fields.
     In this thesis, we focus on some current very interesting puzzles in B meson decaysand pursue possible solutions with NP e?ects. Firstly, we briely introduce SM and somebasic concepts, including the CKM matrix, unitarity triangle, renormalization group andso on. Secondly, we review the low-energy e?ctive Hamiltonian relevant to B-mesondecays and various aspects of the QCD factorization approach. Finally, we present themain body of the thesis, which is composed of the following parts:
     Firstly, within the QCD factorization framework, for B→PPˉPV processes, wequote a new infrared finite gluon propagator as an alternative to regulate the end-pointdivergency, which exist in the hard spectator corrections and annihilation contributins.In this part, we focus on the e?ects of such new scheme on the strength and strongphase in hard spectator corrections and annihilation contributions. Combining the up-to-date experiment measurment for B→πK,πK~*andρK decays, within the QCDfactorization framework, we analyze the existing“πK puzzle”. We introduce a group ofmodel independent (pseudo-)scalar operators (?)(1 +γ_5)b(?)(?)(1 +γ_5)q (q=u,d) for possiblesolution. Our numerical results show that, within the allowed NP parameter space, all of the obsevables of the twelve decays agree with the experimental data which implies thatthe“πK puzzle”coulde be resolved with the contribution of (peudo-)scalar operators.
     After introducing a family nonuniversal Z' model in detail, we revisit the“πK puzzle”for possible solution within such a model. With the up-to-date experimental data, weperform a fit on the Z' couplings in five different cases. Our fitting results indicate thata new weak phase-86°, which is relevant to b-s-Z'coupling, is crucial to the obseved“πK puzzle”.
     B_s-(?)_s mixing, B_s→μ~+μ~-and B→X_sμ~+μ~-decays, which also involve b→s transition, are sensitive to NP effects. Recently, both CDF and D0 collaborationsannounced a new CP violation evidence in B_s system. With the fitting results for afamily nonuniversal Z' couplings in B→πK,πK~*andρK decays, We study their effectson B_s-(?)_s mixing, B_s→μ~+μ~-and B→X_sμ~+μ~- decays, and get a more accurateb-s-Z'andμ-μ-Z' couplings than the previous works. We find the discrepancybetween the SM prediction and experimental measurment of B_s-(?)_s mixing could bebridged by Z' contribution without violating the bounds from the other decays. Motivatedby the observed mismatches between the SM prediction and experimental measurmentfor the forward-backward in B→K~* decay, which involvs b→s transion also, weperform a further analysis for a family nonuniversal Z' couplings’effects. We find theforward-backward in B→K~*μμdecay could be enhanced about 80%(50%)by Z'contributions at low q~2 regions in the allowed new coupling space. However, due to thestrong constaints from B→X_sμ~+μ~- on theμ-μ-Z' coupling, such result also can’tagree with the experimental data within 1σerror.
     Besides B-meson system, some decays such asπ,η→ι~+ι~-, which have been measuredexactly, also provide a fertile ground for testing SM and possbile NP. Recently, HyperCPCollaboration has observed three events for the decayΣ+→pμ~+μ~-with a narrow rangeof dimuon masses, which may indicate that the decay proceeds via a neutral intermediatestate,Σ+→pP~0, P~0→μ~+μ~-, with a P~0 mass of 214.3±0.5MeV. This particle is treated as a candidate of the light CP-odd Higgs A_1~0 in next-to-mimimal supersymmetricstandrd model (NMSSM). Combiningπ~0→e~+e~-,γγ,Υ→γA~0_1 decays with a_μ, weperform a constraint on the light CP-odd Higgs A~0_1 and find that below 7.8GeV there isnot a suitable new pseudoscalar to fulfill the constraints. Moreover, the branching ratioproblem inπ~0→e~+e~- decays also can’t be resolved within NMSSM.
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