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The legal security institution of the collective bargaining in the United States is an comprehensive legal security institution. The framework of the institution is formulated on the basis of the statute law, and is reformed by the case law gradually. This dissertation explores and analyzes the historical evolution, institutional running and institutional valuation. On one hand, it aims to show the panorama of the legal security institution of the collective bargaining in the United States, on the other hand, it also intents to grasp the inner mechanism and the ideal on which the mechanism is based.
     Except the introduction and the conclusion, the dissertation is consisted of six chapters.
     The introduction mainly includes the following aspects: First, the problem originated; second, concepts defined; third, literature review; fourth, research methods.
     The first chapter centering on the historical evolution of the legal security of collective bargaining in the United States looks back the history of legal regulation of collective bargaining , the establishment and the development of the legal security of the collective bargaining in the Unites States. Furthermore, it sums up the characteristics of the institution of the legal security of the collective bargaining in the Unites States.
     The second chapter emphasizes the certification of the subjects of the collective bargaining. The dissertation combs and analyzes the certification of collective unit, the election of union, the certification of the result of the election and the security of legal rules of free election from varies angles. At last, it points out the importance of the National Labor Relations Board in the certification of the subjects of collective bargaining.
     The third chapter is mainly about the legal security of the phase of bargaining. After outlining the structure, the procedure and the content of the phase of bargaining, the dissertation explores the legal security of the subjects’s performing of bargaining duty in the process of bargaining and summarizes the bargaining impasse and the overcoming of it. Under the institutionalizing of the legal security, the collective bargaining takes on the features of being sequence, independence, and equity of bargaining power of the parties. The performing of collective contract and the resolution of related disputes is discussed in the fourth chapter. In the context of this dissertation,
     the performing of collective contracts and the resolution of related disputes are important parts of the legal security institution of collective bargaining. In the resolution mechanism of the disputes in the process of the performing of collective contracts, the grievance-arbitration procedure plays a very important role, moreover, the court and the NLRB have certain effects on this matter.
     The fifth chapter focuses on the theoretical analysis of the legal security of collective bargaining institution in the United States. This dissertation evaluates the legal security institution of American collective bargaining in terms of primary principles and institutional valuation. Combined with the theories of social law and civil law, it points out that the main principles of legal security of collective bargaining are principles of equality and procedure security. Based on these principles, the legal security institution of collective bargaining in the United States exerts huge functions in the aspects of stabilizing the social order, improving the economic conditions of employees, and enlarging the scope of democracy.
     The sixth Chapter expounds the current situation and the problems of Chinese collective consultation institution, the inspiration of American counterpart to us. According to the existing insufficiency of collective consultation institution, the dissertation puts forward that China should improve if in terms of penetrating the ideal of procedure, switching the role of government, and perfecting the legal security institution.
     The conclution is based upon the learning from the history. After summing up the role of the legal security institution, it brings forward that we should pay attention to the ideal of institution. In the end of the dissertation, it claims that the implementation of cultivating the subject consciousness of workers, switching the role of government is the key to keep the legal security institution of collective bargaining live.
    ①国际劳工组织:《关于促进集体谈判的公约》,找法网:http://china.findlaw.cn/fagui/guojifa/gj/23/23463.html 2010/08/10登录
    ③Neil Chamberlain, The Nature and Scope of Collective Bargaining, The Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol.58, No.3(May,1944),p.361.
    ④Neil W. Chamberlain and James W. Kuhn: Collective Bargaining 3th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986, p.1.
    ⑤Robert E.Allen and Timothy J.Keaveny, Contemporary Labor Relations, New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988 p.261-262.
    ①Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville:The University of Tennessee Press, 1964.
    ②Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney U.S. Labor Relations Law: Historical Development New Jersey: Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1992.
    ③Patrick Hardin, Edit. In Chief: The Developing Labor Law: the Board, the Courts, and the National Labor Relations Act 3th.edit. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.1992.
    ④Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. New York:McGraw-Hill, lnc. 1986.
    ⑤Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin, J.D. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice and Law New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2001.
    ⑥Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. A Simon & Schuster Company EnglewoodCliffs, NewJersey,1996.
    ①Howard Dickman: Industrial Democracy in America: Ideological Origins of National Labor Relations Policy, Illinois: Open Court La Salle, 1987.
    ②David Brody: Labpr Embattled: History, Power, Rights Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press 2005.
    ③Ellen Dannin: Taking Back the Worker’s Law: How to Fight the Assault on Labor Rights, New York: Cornell University Press, 2006.
    ④James Gray Pope: Labor Constitution of Freedom, Yale Law Journal Company, Inc, 1997.
    ③Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, pp..33-34.
    ①Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. New York:McGraw-Hill, lnc.1986 p.6.
    ②Anthony Woodiwiss:Rights v. Conspiracy:a Sociological Essay on the History of Labour Law in the United States New York: St Martin’s Ptess, 1990, p.22.
    ③Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, p.45.
    ①Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, pp.51-52.
    ②Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, p.50.
    ③Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, p.50.
    ④Commonwealth v. John Hunt &others 45 Mass. 111 (1842)
    ⑤Commonwealth v. John Hunt &others 45 Mass. 111 (1842)
    ①Daniel Jacoby: Laboring for Freedom: A New Look at the History of Labor in America New York: M E.Sharpe,Inc. 1998. p.85.
    ②Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. McGraw-Hill, lnc.1986 pp.8-9.
    ③Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, lnc. 1986 p.9.
    ①Theodore J. St. Antoine Charles B. Craver MarionG.Crain:Labor Relations Law:Cases and Materials 11th, Ed. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. 2005. p.95.
    ②Theodore J. St. Antoine Charles B. Craver MarionG.Crain:Labor Relations Law:Cases and Materials 11th, Ed. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. 2005. p.108.
    ③Vegelahn v. Guntner, 167 Mass. 92 (1896)
    ④Theodore J. St. Antoine Charles B. Craver MarionG.Crain:Labor Relations Law:Cases and Materials 11th, ed. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. 2005. p.109.
    ②Loewe v. Lawolr 208 U.S. 274 (1908)
    ⑤Duplex Printing Press Co. v. Deering254 U.S. 274 (1921)
    ⑥Anthony Woodiwiss: Rights v. Conspiracy: A Sociological Essay on the History of Labour Law in the United Statse New York: St Martin’s Ptess, 1990, p.77.
    ①John R. Commons Trade Unionism and Labor Problems,introduction Boston:Boston University Press, 1905, p.7转引自周剑云著:《20世纪初美国劳资集体谈判思想初探》,载于《河南师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2008年第5期。
    ②Theodore J. St. Antoine Charles B. Craver MarionG.Crain:Labor Relations Law:Cases and Materials 11th, ed. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. 2005. p.11.
    ④Norris-LaGuardia Act ,47 Stat. 70 (1932),29 USC§§101-15 (1970)
    ⑤National Labor Relations Board v.Jones&Laughlin Steel Corporation,301 U.S.1(1937).
    ③Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1964, p.8.
    ①Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Case Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1964, p.9.
    ②State v. Haun, 61 Kan. 146, at 159, 59 P. 340, at 345 (1899).
    ③Street v. Varney Electrical Supply Co., 160 Ind. 338, at 346, 66 N.E. 895, at 898 (1903).
    ④State v. Goodwill, 33 W.Va. 179, at 186, 10 S.E. 285, at 287 (1889).
    ⑤Ritchie v. people 155 Ill. 98, at 114, 40 N.E. 454, at 459 (1895).
    ⑥State v. Kreutzberg, 114 Wis. 530, at 541, 90 N.W. 1098, at 1102 (1902).
    ⑦Holden v. Hardy 169 U.S. 366 (1898).
    ⑧St. Louis Ry. Co. v. Paul, 173 U.S. 404 (1899)
    ⑨Knoxville Iron Co. v. Harbison, 183 U.S. 13 (1901).
    ①Allgeyer v. Louisiana 165 U. S. 578(1897).
    ②Allgeyer v. Louisiana 165 U. S. 578(1897).
    ④Lochner v.New York 198 U.S. 45 (1905).
    ⑤Lochner v.New York 198 U.S. 45 (1905).
    ②3 Erdman Act 0 Stat. 424.
    ③Adair v. United States, 208 U.S. 161 (1908).
    ⑤Hitchman Coal Company v. Mitchell 245 U.S. 229 (1917).
    ⑥Hitchman Coal Company v. Mitchell 245 U.S. 229 (1917).
    ⑦Tesas& N.O.R.R. v. brotherhood of Ry. Clerks. 281 US 548 (1930)
    ⑧Tesas& N.O.R.R. v. brotherhood of Ry. Clerks. 281 US 548 (1930)
    ①Loewe v. Lawler 208 U.S. 274 (1908)
    ②United Mine Workers v. Coronado Coal Co., 259 U.S. 344 (1922); Coronado Coal Co. v. United Mine Workers, 268 U.S. 295 (1925).
    ③United Mine Workers v. Coronado Coal Co., 259 U.S. 344 (1922).
    ③Section 7(a), NIRA, 49 Stat. 195 (1933).
    ④Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, lnc.1986 p.11.
    ①Neil W. Chamberlaim and James W. Kuhn, Collective Bargaining 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, lnc.1986 p.15.
    ②Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville:The University of Tennessee Press, 1964, p.47.
    ③Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville:The University of Tennessee Press, 1964, p.71.
    ①United States v. Weirton Steel Co., 10 F. Supp. 55 (D.C..Del.. 1935)
    ③Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§158
    ①A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United Statesnal 295 U.S. 495 (1935).
    ②Rebecca E. ZietlowEnforcing Equality: Congress, the Constitution, and the Protection of Individual Rights New York: New York University Press 2006 p.85.
    ②Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville: TheUniversity of Tennessee Press, 1964, p.149.
    ④West Coast Hotel Company v.Parrish,300 U.S.379(1937)
    ①National Labor Relations Board v.Jones&Laughlin Steel Corporation,301 U.S.1(1937),
    ③Stafford v. Wallace, 258 U.S. 495 (1922)
    ①Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1964. preface p.vi.
    ②Edited by WahibNasrallah: Research and Information Guides in Business, Industry and Economic Institutions, New York: A Routledge Series,2002, p.11.
    ③Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association. Chicago, IL (1992),p.35.
    ④Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association. Chicago, IL (1992),p.35.
    ①National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§158.
    ①M. Ali Raza and A.Janell Anderson: Labor Relations and the Law New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, A Simon and Schuster Company Upper Saddle River, 1996, p.305.
    ①Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2004 p.59.
    ②Robert E. Allen,1970 Timothy J. Keaveny: Contemporary Labor Relations New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1988, p.189.
    ①Ed. By Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992, p.288.
    ①Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2004 pp.327-331.
    ③Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin, Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining:Cases,Practice,and Law, 6th. ed. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p.32.
    ①[美]指总统或其属下的行政机构为解释、补充宪法、法律、条约的规定,或使宪法、法律或条约的某一规定得以施行而发布的命令或规则。该命令只有在《联邦政府公报》[Federal Register]上公布,才产生法律效力。参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年,第509页
    ②Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin, Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining:Cases,Practice,and Law, 6th, ed. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p.34.
    ①Edited by WahibNasrallah, Research and Information Guides in Business, Industry and Economic Institutions, New York:A Routledge Series, 2002, p.15.
    ①Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin,J.D. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practive, and Law 6th ed. New Jersey :Upper Saddle River, pp..94-95.
    ②E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper S addle River, 1992 pp.130-131.
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§159。
    ①Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company v. NLRB, 313 U.S. 146(1941)
    ②Susan Orr Forming the Union: Representation, Constituencies, and Bargaining Units Western Political Science Association, 2008 Annual Meeting p.13.
    ③Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7thed. NewJersey: A Simon & Schuster Company EnglewoodCliffs, p.107.
    ①American Can Co., 13 NLRB 1252, 4 LRRM 392(1939).
    ②Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,the Courts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.462.
    ③General Elec, Co., 58NLRB 57,15 LRRM 33(1944).
    ④Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.463.
    ⑤National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§159
    ⑥National Tube Compamy, 76 NLRB 1199(1948).
    ⑦Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. NewJersey: A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.108.
    ①Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. NewJersey:A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.109.
    ②Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. NewJersey:A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.110.
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§152
    ①Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. . New Jersey: A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.112.
    ②Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. . New Jersey: A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.114.
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§159.
    ①Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7th ed. NewJersey:A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs,NewJersey p.117.
    ②National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§152
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§159
    ①Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.468.
    ②Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.469.
    ③138 NLRB 1032,51 LRRM 1152(1962).
    ④Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.(New York), 56 NLRB 1635,14 Lrrm 187(1944).
    ⑤Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.470.
    ⑥Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.471.
    ⑦Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago:American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.471.
    ②Cornell University 183 NLRB 329, 74 LRRM 1269(1970)
    ③Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. Ed. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.506.
    ①National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§159
    ②General Shoe Corp. 77 N.L.R.B. 124 (1948)
    ③General Shoe Corp. 77 N.L.R.B. 124 (1948)
    ④National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S. C.§158
    ①Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.1784.
    ②Avery Leiserson Certification of Collective Bargaining Representatives Public Administration Review Vol.2, No.4(Autumn, 1942) p.298.
    ①Michael R. Carrell, Christina H eavrin,J.D. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practive, and Law 6thed. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, p.118.
    ②Joy Silk Mills,Inc. v. NLRB, 185 F2d 732, 741,27 LRRM 2012(CA DC,1950).
    ①NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., 395 US 575, 71 LRRM 2481(1969).
    ①Hollywood Ceramics Co., 140 NLRB 221, 226 n. 6, 51 LRRM 1600(1962).
    ②Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.349.
    ③NVF Company, Hartwell Division, 210 NLRB 131(1957)
    ①Sewell Manufacturing,138 NLRB 66(1992)
    ②KI(USA)Corporation,309 NLRB 1063(1993)
    ③Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relations Law 7thed. NewJersey: A Simon & Schuster Company EnglewoodCliffs, p.134.
    ④National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§158。
    ⑤Bauer Welding &Metal Fabricators v. NLRB, 758 F2d 308,118 LRRM 3193(CA 8,1985)
    ②Standard Knitting Mills,Inc., 172 NLRB 1122(1968)
    ③American Telecommunications Corp., 249 NLRB 1135(1980).
    ①Tennessee Auger Co., 169 v. NLRB 914(1968)
    ②Dynamics Corp. of America, Fremont Division, 286 NLRB No. 96 (1987)
    ③Savair Manufacturing Co., 441 U.S. 270(1973)
    ④Savair Manufacturing Co., 441 U.S. 270(1973).
    ①Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3th. ed. pp.176-177.
    ②E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4th. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, 1998, pp.178-180.
    ①National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§159
    ③NLRB v. Borg-Warner Corp., Wooster Division, 356 US 342, 42 LRRM 2034 (1958).
    ①Ford Motor Co. v. NLRB 441 US 488, 496, 101 LRRM 2222 (1979)
    ②Weston &Brooker Co., 154 NLRB 747, 60 LRRM 1015 (1965).
    ③Sertafilm, Atlas Microfilming Div., 267 NLRB 682, 114 LRRM 1120 (1983).
    ④American Oil Co., 238 NLRB 294, 99 LRRM 1253 (1978).
    ①Printing Pressmen Local 252,219 NLRB 268, 89 LRRM 1553 (1975).
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§§158.
    ④NLRB v. Katz, 369 US 736, 50 LRRM 2177(1962).
    ①Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,the Courts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.603.
    ②NLRB v. United Stated Cold Storage Corp., 203 F2d 924, 32 LRRM 2024 (CA 5, 1953)
    ①Editor in Chief Patrick Hardin, The Developing Labor Law: The Board,theCourts,and the National Labor Relations Act, 3th. ed. Chicago : American Bar Association Chicago, IL.(1992),p.621.
    ②Reed & Prince Mfg. Co., 96 NLRB 850, 28 LRRM 1608 (1951).
    ①Radiator Specialty Co., 143 NLRB 350, 368 53 LRRM 1319 (1963).
    ②J.I. Case v. NLRB, 321 US 332 ,14 LRRM 501(1944)
    ③J.I. Case v. NLRB, 321 US 332 ,14 LRRM 501(1944)
    ④NLRB v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. 351 U. S. 149, 38 LRRM 2024 (1956)
    ①NLRB v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. 351 US 149, 38 LRRM 2024 (1956).
    ②Taft Broadcasting Co. 163 NLRB 475, 64 LRRM 1386(1967).
    ③Taft Broadcasting Co. 163 NLRB 475, 64 LRRM 1386(1967).
    ①Ellen J. Dannin: Legislative Intent and Impasse Resolution under the National Labor Relations Act: Does Law atter Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 1997
    ②National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§158
    ①Robert E. Allen, Timothy J. Keaveny: Contemporary Labor Relations New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1988, pp.356-357.
    ④M. Ali Rara and A. Janell Anderson: Labor Relations and the Law New Jersey:, ASimon and Schuster Company Upper Saddle River, 1996, p.216.
    ①NLRB v. Mackay Radio &Telegraph Co. 304 U.S. 333(1938).
    ②NLRB v. Mackay Radio &Telegraph Co. 304 U.S. 333(1938).
    ③M. Ali Rara and A. Janell Anderson: Labor Relations and the Law New Jersey: ASimon and Schuster Company Upper Saddle River, 1996, p.221.
    ④Lane v. NLRB, 418 F2d 1208, 72 LRRM 2439 (CADC, 1969)
    ⑤361 US at 488-89, 45 LRRM at 2708-9.
    ①E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4th. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, 1998, pp.296-297.
    ③National Labor Relations Act 29 U.S.C.§158
    ①Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004, pp. 227.
    ②Robert E. Allen, Timothy J. Keaveny: Contemporary Labor Relations New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1988, pp.372-373.
    ①Neil W. Chamberlain and James W. Kuhn: Collective Bargaining 3th, ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986, p.138.
    ②Reed C. Richardson: Collective Bargaining by Objective: a Positive Approach 2th.ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, New Jersey, 1985. p.204.
    ①Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney:1996 Labor Relations Law 7th ed. NewJersey: A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs, p.234.
    ②E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4th. ed. New Jersey, Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, 1998, pp.321.
    ③Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004, pp. 268-269
    ①Julius G. Getman: Labor Arbitration and Dispute Resolution The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 88, No. 5, Dispute Resolution (Apr., 1979), p.917.
    ②Sargent Electric Co., 209 NLRB 630 (1974).
    ①General Motors Corp. Delco Moraine Div., 237 NLRB 1509 (1978).
    ②Retail Clerks, Local 324, FED Mart Stores, Inc., 261 NLRB 1086 (1982)
    ①E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4th. ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, , 1998, p.318.
    ②Reed C. Richardson: Collective Bargaining by Objective: a Positive Approach 2th. ed. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, 1985. pp.204-205.
    ③Julius G. Getman: Labor Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 88, No. 5, Dispute Resolution (Apr., 1979), p. 920.
    ④Robert E. Allen, Timothy J. Keaveny: Contemporary Labor Relations Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1988, p.552.
    ①Textile Workers Union v. Lincoln Mill 353 U.S. 448 (1957).
    ③United Steelworkers v. American Manufacturing Co. 363 U.S. 564 (1960); United Steelworkers v. Warrior and Gulf Navigation Co. 363 U.S. 574 (1960); United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel and Car Corp. 363 U.S. 593(1960)
    ④Robert E. Allen, Timothy J. Keaveny: Contemporary Labor Relations New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1988, p.558.
    ⑤Warrio and Gulf Navigation Co., 363 U.S. 574 (1960),转引自[美]威廉·古德著,焦兴铠译,《美国劳工法入门》台北:国立编译馆1995年版,第276页。
    ①E. Edward Herman: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 4th. ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, , 1998, p.323.
    ①Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004, pp. 283-284
    ②Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, 3th. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004, pp. 284
    ①Steelworkers v. Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co., 363 US 574, 581, 46 Lrrm 2416.
    ③S.Rep. No. 105, 80th Cong., 1st Sess. 17-18 (1947).
    ④Textile Workers v. Lincoln Mills, 353 US 448, 485,40 LRRM 2113 (1957)
    ①Textile Workers v. Lincoln Mills, 353 US 448, 485,40 LRRM 2113 (1957);United Steelworkers v. American Manufacturing Co. 363 U.S. 564 (1960); United Steelworkers v. Warrior and Gulf Navigation Co. 363 U.S. 574 (1960); United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel and Car Corp. 363 U.S. 593(1960)
    ①NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 301 U.S. 1 (1937).
    ①Carey v. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 375 US 261 LRRM 2042 (1964)
    ②NLRB v. Strong Roofing & Insulating Co. 393 US 357, 70 Lrrm 2100 (1969).
    ③Spieberg Mfg. Co., 112 NLRB 1081, 36 LRRM 1152 (1955).
    ④International Havester Co. 138 NLRB 923, 51 LRRM 1155 (1962)
    ①International Havester Co. 138 NLRB 923, 51 LRRM 1155 (1962)
    ②Collyer Insulate Wire, 192 NLRB 837, 77 LRRM 1931 (1971).
    ③Kaiser Steel Corp. v. Mullers, 455 US 72, 109 LRRM 2268 (1982)
    ①Shulman, Reason, Contract, and Law in Labor Relations, 68 HARV. L. REV. 999, 1024 (1955).p.1024
    ①Harry N. Scheiber Ed. The State and Freedom of Contract, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998, pp.201-203.
    ②Edited by Harry N. Scheiber: The State and Freedom of Contract Stanford: Stanford University Press 1998, p.223.
    ③Ellen Dannin: Taking Back the Workers’Law: How to Fight the Assault on Labor Right,New York: Cornell University Press, 2006, p.4.
    ①Taylor E. Dark III:Prospects for Labor Law Reform http://taylordark.com/TDexcerpt.pdf 2011/01/16登录。
    ①Taylor E. Dark III:Prospects for Labor Law Reform http://taylordark.com/TDexcerpt.pdf 2011/01/16登录。
    ④Jerry L.Mashaw:Administrative Due Process:the Quest for a Dignitary Theory in Boston University Law Rerew,Vol. 61,1981.
    ③Edited by Roger Blanpain: Decentralizing Industrial Relations and the Role of Labor Unions and Employee Representatives,Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, 2007, p.109.
    ②Neil W. Chamberlin and James W. Kuhn Collective Bargaining New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1986, p.410.
    ③Neil W. Chamberlin and James W. Kuhn Collective Bargaining New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1986, p.428.
    ④Neil W. Chamberlin and James W. Kuhn Collective Bargaining New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1986, p.417.
    ⑤Neil W. Chamberlin and James W. Kuhn Collective Bargaining New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1986, p.409.
    ②Merryle Stanley Rukeyster: Collective Bargaining: The Power to Destroy——New and Better Ways to Industrial Peace.New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc. p.159
    ④Michael R. Carrell and Christina Heavrin: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice, and Law: New Jersey : Upper Saddle River, 2001 p.230.
    ⑤Michael R. Carrell and Christina Heavrin: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice, and Law: New Jersey : Upper Saddle River, 2001 p.230.
    ①Robert M. Macdonald: Collective Bargaiing in the Postwar Period Industrial and Labor Relations Review Vol. 20, No. 4(Jul. 1967),p. 568.
    ②Merryle Stanley Rukeyster: Collective Bargaining: The Power to Destroy——New and Better Ways to Industrial Peace .New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc. p.152.
    ③Merryle Stanley Rukeyster: Collective Bargaining: The Power to Destroy——New and Better Ways to Industrial Peace. .New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc. p.152.
    ④Edited by James T. Bennett and Bruce E. Kaufman What Do Unions Do: A Twenty-year Perspective? New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 2007 p.84.
    ⑥Susan Orr ,2008,Forming the Union: Representation, Constituencies, and Bargaining Units Western Political Science Association, Annual Meeting ,p.23..
    ①James A. Gross: A Human Rights Perspective on United States Labor Relations Law Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 1999.
    ②Howard Dickman: Industrial Democracy in America: Ideological Origins of National Labor Relations Policy Illinois : Open Court La Salle 1987 pp.257-258.
    ④Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney U.S. Labor Relations Law: Historical Development New Jersey: Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1992, p.223.
    ①Ruth Weyand: Majority Rule in Collective Bargaining Columbia Law Review, 1945,Vol.45,p.556.
    ③Alexander Hamilton Frey: The Logic of Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Law and Contemporary Problems Vol. 12, Labor Dispute Settlement (1947)
    ①National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C.§§152)
    ①[英]F. W.梅特兰:《普通法的诉讼形式》,王云霞、马海峰、彭蕾译,商务印书馆2009年版,第34页。
    ①See Myron Roomkin: A Quantitative Study of Unfair Labor Practice Cases, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Jan., 1981), pp. 245-256
    ②See Myron Roomkin: A Quantitative Study of Unfair Labor Practice Cases, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Jan., 1981), p. 256.
    ③Antony Black: Guilds and Civil Society in European Political Thought from the Tewlfth Century to the Present Methuen & Co. LTD 1984, p.171.
    1. Patrick Hardin, Edit. In Chief: The Developing Labor Law: the Board, the Courts, and the National Labor Relations Act 3th.Edition. Chicago: American Bar Association Chicago IL, 1992.
    2. Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin, J.D. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice and Law New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2001.
    3. Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney Labor Relation Law 7th Edition NewJersy: A Simon & Schuster Company EnglewoodCliffs, 1996.
    4. Howard Dickman: Industrial Democracy in America: Ideological Origins of National Labor Relations Policy, Illinois: Open Court La Salle, 1987.
    5. David Brody: Labor Embattled:History, Power, Rights Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press 2005
    6. Ellen Dannin: Taking Back the Worker’s Law: How to Fight the Assault on Labor Rights,New York: Cornell University Press, 2006.
    7. Daniel Jacoby: Laboring for Freedom: A New Look at the History of Labor in America New York: M E.Sharpe,Inc. 1998
    8. Theodore J. St. Antoine Charles B. Craver MarionG.Crain: Labor Relations Law:Cases and Materials 11th, Edition, Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. 2005.
    9. Rebecca E. Zietlow Enforcing Equality: Congress, the Constitution, and the Protection of IndividualRights New York: New York University Press 2006.
    10. Edited by WahibNasrallah: Research and Information Guides in Business, Industry and Economic Institutions,New York: A Routledge Series,2002,
    11. Robert E.Allen and Timothy J.Keaveny, Contemporary Labor Relations, New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988.
    12. Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan: An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2004.
    13. Neil W. Chamberlain and James W. Kuhn: Collective Bargaining 3th, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.
    14. Richard C. Cortner: The Wagner Act Cases Knoxville:The University of TennesseePress, 1964.
    15. Benjamin J. Taylor, Fred Witney U.S. Labor Relations Law: Historical Development New Jersey: Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1992.
    16. Edited by Christopher L. Tomlins and Andrey J. King, Labor Law in America:Historical and Critical Essays Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 1992.
    17. Anthony Woodiwiss:Rights v. Conspiracy:a Sociological Essay on the History of Labour Law in the United States New York: St Martin’s Press, 1990.
    18. 18、M. Ali Raza and A.Janell Anderson: Labor Relations and the Law New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc, A Simon and Schuster Company Upper Saddle River, 1996.
    19. Edited by Roger Blanpain: Decentralizing Industrial Relations and the Role of Labor Unions and Employee Representatives, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV, 2007,
    20. Reed C. Richardson: Collective Bargaining by Objective: a Positive Approach 2th. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, 1985.
    21. Merryle Stanley Rukeyster: Collective Bargaining: The Power to Destroy——New and Better Ways to Industrial Peace.New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc.1968.
    22. Edited by James T. Bennett and Bruce E. Kaufman What Do Unions Do: A Twenty-year Perspective? New Jersey:Transatcion Publishers, New Brunswick, 2007.
    23. Antony Black: Guilds and Civil Society in European Political Thought from the Tewlfth Century to the Present, London: Methuen & Co. LTD 1984.
    1. Neil Chamberlain,”The Nature and Scope of Collective Bargaining”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol.58, No.3(May,1944)
    2. James Gray Pope: Labor Constitution of Freedom, Yale Law Journal Company, Inc, 1997.
    3. Susan Orr Forming the Union: Representation, Constituencies, and Bargaining Units Western Political Science Association, 2008 Annual Meeting.
    4. Ellen J. Dannin:Legislative Intent and Impasse Resolution under the National Labor Relations Act: Does Law Matter Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 1997
    5. Julius G. Getman: Labor Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 88, No. 5, Dispute Resolution (Apr., 1979),
    6. Shulman, Reason, Contract, and Law in Labor Relations, 68 Harv. L. Rev. (1955).
    7. Harry N. Scheiber Ed. The State and Freedom of Contract, Stanford University Pressk, 1998.
    8. Jerry L.Mashaw:Administrative Due Process:the Quest for a Dignitary Theory in Boston University Law Review,Vol.61.1981.
    9. Robert M. Macdonald: Collective Bargaiing in the Postwar Period Industrial and Labor Relations Review Vol. 20, No. 4(Jul. 1967).
    10. Ruth Weyand: Majority Rule in Collective Bargaining Columbia Law Review, 1945,Vol.45.
    11. Alexander Hamilton Frey: The Logic of Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Law and Contemporary Problems Vol. 12, Labor Dispute Settlenent (1947)
    12. Myron Roomkin: A Quantitative Study of Unfair Labor Practice Cases, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Jan., 1981)
    1. Adair v. United States, 208 U.S. 161 (1908)
    2. A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United Statesnal 295 U.S. 495 (1935).
    3. Allgeyer v. Louisiana 165 U. S. 578(1897)
    4. American Can Co., 13 NLRB 1252, 4 LRRM 392(1939)
    5. American Oil Co., 238 NLRB 294, 99 LRRM 1253 (1978)
    6. American Telecommunications Corp., 249 NLRB 1135(1980)
    7. Bauer Welding &Metal Fabricators v. NLRB, 758 F2d 308,118 LRRM 3193(CA 8,1985)
    8. Carey v. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 375 US 261 LRRM 2042 (1964)
    9. Commonwealth v. John Hunt &others 45 Mass. 111 (1842)
    10. Collyer Insulate Wire, 192 NLRB 837, 77 LRRM 1931 (1971)
    11. Cornell University 183 NLRB 329, 74 LRRM 1269(1970)
    12. Coronado Coal Co. v. United Mine Workers, 268 U.S. 295 (1925).
    13. Duplex Printing Press Co. v. Deering254 U.S. 274 (1921)
    14. Dynamics Corp. of America, Fremont Division, 286 NLRB No. 96 (1987)
    15. Ford Motor Co. v. NLRB 441 US 488, 496, 101 LRRM 2222 (1979)
    16. General Elec, Co., 58NLRB 57,15 LRRM 33(1944).
    17. General Motors Corp. Delco Moraine Div., 237 NLRB 1509 (1978)
    18. General Shoe Corp. 77 N.L.R.B. 124 (1948)
    19. Hitchman Coal Company v. Mitchell 245 U.S. 229 (1917).
    20. Holden v. Hardy 169 U.S. 366 (1898)
    21. Hollywood Ceramics Co., 140 NLRB 221, 226 n. 6, 51 LRRM 1600(1962)
    22. International Havester Co. 138 NLRB 923, 51 LRRM 1155 (1962)
    23. J.I. Case v. NLRB, 321 US 332 ,14 LRRM 501(1944)
    24. Joy Silk Mills,Inc. v. NLRB, 185 F2d 732, 741,27 LRRM 2012(CA DC,1950).
    25. Kaiser Steel Corp. v. Mullers, 455 US 72, 109 LRRM 2268 (1982)
    26. KI(USA)Corporation,309 NLRB 1063(1993)
    27. Knoxville Iron Co. v. Harbison, 183 U.S. 13 (1901).
    28. Lane v. NLRB, 418 F2d 1208, 72 LRRM 2439 (CADC, 1969)
    29. Lochner v.New York 198 U.S. 45 (1905)
    30. Loewe v. Lawler 208 U.S. 274 (1908)
    31. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.(New York), 56 NLRB 1635,14 Lrrm 187(1944)
    32. National Labor Relations Board v.Jones&Laughlin Steel Corporation,301 U.S.1(1937)
    33. National Tube Compamy, 76 NLRB 1199(1948)
    34. Reed & Prince Mfg. Co., 96 NLRB 850, 28 LRRM 1608 (1951)
    35. NLRB v. Borg-Warner Corp., Wooster Division, 356 US 342, 42 LRRM 2034 (1958)
    36. NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., 395 US 575, 71 LRRM 2481(1969)
    37. NLRB v Insurance Agents Union, 361 US 477, 495, 45 LRRM 2704 (1960)
    38. NLRB v. Katz, 369 US 736, 50 LRRM 2177(1962)
    39. NLRB v. Mackay Radio &Telegraph Co. 304 U.S. 333(1938).
    40. NLRB v. Strong Roofing & Insulating Co. 393 US 357, 70 Lrrm 2100 (1969).
    41. NLRB v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. 351 U. S. 149, 38 LRRM 2024 (1956)
    42. NLRB v. United Stated Cold Storage Corp., 203 F2d 924, 32 LRRM 2024 (CA 5, 1953)
    43. NVF Company, Hartwell Division, 210 NLRB 131(1957)
    44. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company v. NLRB, 313 U.S. 146(1941)
    45. Printing Pressmen Local 252,219 NLRB 268, 89 LRRM 1553 (1975)
    46. Radiator Specialty Co., 143 NLRB 350, 368 53 LRRM 1319 (1963)
    47. Retail Clerks, Local 324, FED Mart Stores, Inc., 261 NLRB 1086 (1982)
    48. Ritchie v. people 155 Ill. 98, at 114, 40 N.E. 454, at 459 (1895).
    49. Sargent Electric Co., 209 NLRB 630 (1974)
    50. Savair Manufacturing Co., 441 U.S. 270(1973)
    51. Sewell Manufacturing,138 NLRB 66(1992)
    52. Save-On Drugs138 NLRB 1032,51 LRRM 1152(1962)
    53. Sertafilm, Atlas Microfilming Div., 267 NLRB 682, 114 LRRM 1120 (1983)
    54. Spieberg Mfg. Co., 112 NLRB 1081, 36 LRRM 1152 (1955)
    55. Stafford v. Wallace, 258 U.S. 495 (1922)
    56. Standard Knitting Mills,Inc., 172 NLRB 1122(1968)
    57. State v. Goodwill, 33 W.Va. 179, at 186, 10 S.E. 285, at 287 (1889).
    58. State v. Kreutzberg, 114 Wis. 530, at 541, 90 N.W. 1098, at 1102 (1902)
    59. St. Louis Ry. Co. v. Paul, 173 U.S. 404 (1899)
    60. Street v. Varney Electrical Supply Co., 160 Ind. 338, at 346, 66 N.E. 895, at 898 (1903)
    61. Taft Broadcasting Co. 163 NLRB 475, 64 LRRM 1386(1967)
    62. Tennessee Auger Co., 169 v. NLRB 914(1968)
    63. Textile Workers v. Lincoln Mills, 353 US 448, 485,40 LRRM 2113 (1957)
    64. Tesas& N.O.R.R. v. brotherhood of Ry. Clerks. 281 US 548 (1930)
    65. United Mine Workers v. Coronado Coal Co., 259 U.S. 344 (1922)
    66. National Labor Relations Board v.Jones&Laughlin Steel Corporation,301 U.S.1(1937)
    67. United States v. Weirton Steel Co., 10 F. Supp. 55 (D.C..Del.. 1935)
    68. United Steelworkers v. American Manufacturing Co. 363 U.S. 564 (1960)
    69. United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel and Car Corp. 363 U.S. 593(1960)
    70. United Steelworkers v. Warrior and Gulf Navigation Co. 363 U.S. 574 (1960)
    71. West Coast Hotel Company v.Parrish,300 U.S.379(1937)
    72. Weston &Brooker Co., 154 NLRB 747, 60 LRRM 1015 (1965)
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