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     全球化背景。基本上,西方学者们认为全球化是现代后期(late modernity)或后现代(post-modernity)的社会特征,纵然如此,它的市场原教旨主义特征没有改变,它所培植的消费文化成为大众主流文化,这样的文化要求每个人不停地学习以适应社会的快速变化,由此造就了现实的学习型社会。
     对中国的启示。民主是人类社会的共同理想,本意是人民当家作主。党明确指出“人民民主是社会主义的生命”。尽管“民主是社会历史发展的产物”,但无论是西方民主还是中国民主,其实现都不能脱离公共理性,罗尔斯在《万民法》(the law of peoples)中有这样的观点:“民主是真实的,不过要针对理性的人。”学习型社会致力于教育的价值转换——把教育看成是富国强兵的手段转向“使人成人”、“自我实现的人”与“理性的人”的活动。为此,以人民民主为依托的中国学习型社会建设应该包括三方面的内容:致力于政治生活学习的理性,致力于经济生活学习的理性和致力于社会生活学习的理性。
Based on the theory, idea and method of Jarvis, the master of western andragogy, this study tries to unscramble the original text (original literature, writing, etc) of western learning society by applying the research approach of understanding and following the principle of combining text and history together. With the approach of combining value concern and rational appeal, logical discussion and history quest, text understanding and practice reflection, forward and backward, the author sketches the thumbnail of western learning society:the background (globalization) and the history (rising, fade, and return); two dimensions (utopia and dystopia); three perspectives (politics, ethics and pedagogy), and derives the revelation about construction of learning society in China from the thumbnail.
     Background. Basically, western scholars regard that globalization is the social characteristic of late modernity or post-modernity. Nevertheless, its feature of market fundamentalism has not changed. And the consumption culture cultivated by it has become the mainstream culture, which requests everyone kept learning to adapt to the rapid social change and creates the practical learning society.
     History. Generally, learning society appeared on the western stage as a kind of social practice in1972, as the UNESCO issued the "Faure Report". The report, inheriting the utopianism of early lifelong education writers, not only advocated taking learning as the center of social activities, but also claimed that study is the purpose of human. However, in the eighty's, with the spread of world economic depression, the ideal of "upbringing society" was no longer attractive and lost the support of the UNESCO. Meanwhile, people focused their attention on the human capital theory and the concept of lifelong learning advocated by the OECD prevailed. However, in the ninety's, the rapid development of economy couldn't eliminate the contradictions of capitalism, instead, the contradictions became more sharp and complicated. Therefore, in1996, such sentences appeared on the preface of the "Delors Report" issued by the UNESCO:Education:The Necessary Utopia, which should focus on the personal and social development and rich people through study. So far, the learning society was return. But it is worth noting that, the learning society practice in this period is quite different from the first stage, and social development issues like "employment, tolerance, democracy and self development" are included in it.
     Utopian dimension. The idea proposed by Hutchins in "The Learning Society","In a society changed by culture, economic purpose is no longer the primary purpose. Thus, the value of education changed, from for "national security or economic and technological growth" to for "bringing all its members to the fullest development of their highest powers", has become the highest value of learning society. Apparently, this value contains the idea of utopia, which is enhanced in the works of subsequent theorists. The theory of Ranson, Welton and Jarvis all contains the characteristics of utopia. Actually, it is also the basic characteristics of western civilization or human civilization, as British dramatist, poet and essayist Wilde said:"A world map without utopian is worthless."
     Dystopian dimension. Dystopian dimension is the groundwork of this study; it is the reflection of utopian dimension, derived from which is the enlightenment for construction of learning society in China. According to Foucault, western learning society is nothing but a kind of regulatory tool which has many paradoxes. Historical review by Fejes reveals that lifelong learning not only includes what can be tolerated, but also excludes what can be repelled. Thus, Foucault proposed a new liberation-"Transgression", by the method of "Eventualization", accomplish complicated and diversified understanding on events, factors, relationships and related fields. It never consider learning society as a self-ruled social formation which free learning from state, organization, teacher's dominant, economic impact and power, but as something significant which can free people from their study.
     Politics perspective. Although the notion of learning society begins with the idea of educators, its meaning has gone far beyond the education category, and become a common entity of social ideal and democracy. As Freire said:education is always political. For sure, in many industrialized countries, learning society is launched because the political department is under the pressure of globalization infrastructure. Democracy,"as a kind of regime organizational form", has the highest value basis of moral obligation that the nation is responsible for people's welfare. It is indicated in the "Faure Report" that:we must support democracy fully, because it is the only way to avoid human becoming the slave of machine as well as the only condition for human to get intellectual achievements in accordance with dignity.
     Ethics perspective. The opposite and unified relationship between individualism and social interests is the inevitable contradiction of capitalism, which caused the conflict and moral crisis in modern society. The solution lies in the only way of returning to the highest value of human relations-"kindheartedness". So in the era of capitalism globalization, constructing the "communitas society" which adopts "mercy" as its highest value has become the needs of the times. The idea of learning society conforms to this trend, and takes charity as the moral foundation as well as political foundation.
     Pedagogy perspective. It is no doubt that global capitalism has influenced the nature of study. Because the knowledge around new product failed to be embedded in culture and failed to finish institutionalization timely, learners must identify knowledge and make learning decisions by themselves, namely, learning ability will become the force at the core for people in globalized society. But we mustn't neglect that in western society, learning is often kidnapped by capitalist production and consumption culture. For this problem, we should have a critical view. In order to explore the true learning, we must understand the fundamental process of the social type we lived in, and explore the value which caused the forming of such society. Only on this basis, can we reform the direction of society and construct a fairer society. Thus provide connotations for study reform.
     Revelation to China."Democracy" is the common ideal of human society, which means that people are the masters of the country. The communist party of China pointed out clearly that "the people's democracy is the life of socialism". Although "democracy is the product of social and historic development", both western and Chinese democracy cannot break away from public reason. In "The law of peoples", Rawls proposed that:"democracy only seems realistic to rational people." The learning society dedicates to the conversion of education value—from considering education as the means which make the country rich and its military force efficient to "make human to be human","self-actualized person" and "rational person". Therefore, construction of the Chinese learning society relying on the people's democratic should include three aspects:we should devote ourselves to the rationality of political life learning, economic life learning and social life learning.
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    138 第三政治也称第三条道路政治,指超越第一道路和第二道路的政治观点。第一道路以凯恩斯经济学说为基础,认为国家在经济事务中应该起到主导作用;第二道路以自由经济学说为基础,主张政府从经济事务中退出;实践证明第一道路和第二道路在全球化背景下都遇到了不能解决的问题,因此,第三道路政治应运而生,它主张既要保持市场的自由竞争地位,又要发挥政府在经济事务中的作用。详见,(英)安东尼·吉登斯著,郭忠华译.第三条道路的政治[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版).2009年第2期.
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    151 Lawton,D.Social Change, Education Theory and Curriculum Planning[M].London:Hodder and Stoughton. 1973.21.
    152 Arendt,H.Between Past and Future[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.205.
    153 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.94.
    154 布伯的“对话哲学”认为现实世界中有两种关系:一种是“我—你”关系,关注整个生命与“他者”相遇,“他者”与“我”都是主体,交融于“主体之间”,这种“主体间性”是本真之所在;另一种是“我—它”关系,反映出生命的一部分与他者相遇,他者在“我”这里只是对象或客体,是一种“主客体关系”;前一种关系表达人的本真,而后一种显示物化之世界,在这两种关系之间前一种是本源,后一种是派生;现代社会产生精神危机的原因是“我——它”关系的过度膨胀所致,因此布伯提出,要解决现代社会精神家园的缺失,关键在于回归“我—你”这种本源关系。详见(德)马丁·布伯著.陈维刚译.我与你[M].北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2002.
    155 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.14.
    156 Weick,K.Sense Making in Organization[M].Oxford:Blackwell.2001.259.
    157 卢克斯提出了三维权力观,他认为单向度的权力观只关注权力行使过程中的效果;而双向度权力观除了探讨外显权力冲突特征外,还分析权力运行过程中较为隐蔽的“压制面”;至于三向(三维)度权力观还得考虑权力运作的社会与文化因素。详见,(美)史蒂文·卢克斯著,彭斌译.权力:一种激进的观点[M].南京:江苏人民出版社.2008.
    158 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society [M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.97.
    159 Arendt,H.Between Past and Future[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.205.
    160 Castells,M.The Rise of the Network Society[A], Vol.1 Of The Information Age:Economy,Society and Culture[C].Oxford:Blackwell.1996.61-64.
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    162 Castells,M.The Rise of the Network Society[A],Vol.1 Of The Information Age:Economy,Society and Culture[C].Oxford:Blackwell.1996.81.
    163 Webster,F.Theories of the Information Scoiety (Second edition)[M].London:Routledge.2002.154.
    164 Jarvis.P.Democracv. Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.101.
    165 Hyslop—Margison,E.and Sears,A.Neo-Liberalism,Globalization and Human Capital Learning[M].Dodrencht:Springer.2006.1.
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    167 Webster,F.Theories of the Information Society (Second edition)[M].London:Rouledge.2002.133.
    168 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.102.
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    171 Jarvis.P. Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.39-40.
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    173 National Statics.Social Trends[M].Basingstoke2006:Palgrave.P.192.
    174 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.103.
    175 Bauman.Z.Freedom Milton[M]. Keynes:Open University Press.1988.76-77.
    176 根据世界银行社会资本协会(the world bank's social capital initiative)的界定,广义的社会资本是指政府和市民社会为了一个组织的相互利益而采取的集体行动,该组织小至一个家庭,大至一个国家。这里采用这个定义。《全球最大的中文经管百科》:http://wiki.mbalib.con/wiki/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E8%B5%84%E6%9C%AC
    177 Bourdieu,P.'The Purpose of Reflexive Sociology' in Bourdieu[A],P.and Wacquant,L.(eds) An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology[C].Cambridge:Polity.1992.127.
    178 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.104.
    179 李其庆.全球化与新自由主义[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社.2003.第1页.
    180 Wolfe,A.Whose Keeper? Social Science and Moral Oblieation[M]. Berlelev.CA:University of California Press. 1989.73.
    181 Hyslop—Margison,E.and Sears,A..Neo-Liberalism,Globalization and Human Capital Learning[M].Dodrencht:Springer.2006.15.
    182 Bok,D.Universities in the Market Place[M].Princeton,NJ:Priceton University.2003.151.
    183 Bok,D.Universities in the Market Place[M].Princeton,NJ:Priceton University.2003.208.
    184 Lucas,C.Crisis in the Academy[M].London:Macmilllan.1996.1
    185 Lobianco,J.'Education for Citizenship in Global Community:World Kids,World Citizens and Global Education'[A],in Campbell,W,Baikaloff,N.and Power,C.(eds)Towards a Global Community[C].Dordrecht:Springer. 2006.218.
    186 同上,第93页。
    187 Meister,J.Corporate University(revised edition)[M].New York:McGraw-Hill.2000.93.
    188 Rasiel.E.M.The McKinsev Wav[M] New York:McGraw-Hill.1998.14-15.
    189 Jarvis.P.Globalisation. Lifelone Learning and the Learning Societv[M]. Routledee. London And New York. 2007.194.
    190 李其庆.全球化与新自由主义[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社.2003.第371页. 同上,第375页。
    192 Hutchins, R. The learning society[M]. The New America Library, Inc.,1968.153.
    193 同上,154—164.
    194 百度百科.http://baike.baidu.com/view/468.htm.
    195 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.80.
    196 同上。
    197 Abercrombie etal. Dictionary of Sociology (fourth edition).Harmondsworth[M]:Penguin.2000.37.
    198 Tawney, R.Religion and the Rise of Capitalism[M]. Harmondsworth:Penguin.1926.161.
    199 加尔文主义(Calvinism):由法国神学家和教会改革者J.加尔文发展起来、并由17世纪的加尔文派学者辩护的神学教育与政治观点。加尔文拒绝亚里士多德主义的经院哲学,鼓吹一种自然神论,即我们对上帝的信仰植根于我们的内在本性。《圣经》是标准,也是源头,依凭它,信徒能够获得确实可靠的启示内容,无需永远正确的教会阐释。加尔文强调预定说,断言人类自亚当堕落后就没有自由。他宣称,教会和国家各有不同的任务,应该彼此独立建构。教会不是超自然的拯救工具。它应当被每位信徒根据圣经加以改革和修正。他也鼓吹要反抗而不是被动地顺从统治者。加尔文的思想在文艺复兴和宗教改革时期的整个西欧产生了很大影响。百度百科:http://www.qiji.cn/baike/Detailed/17394.html
    200 Locke,J. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding[M].Vermont:Everyman.1993.193.
    201 Goodchild,P.Capitalism and Religion:The Price of Piety[M].London:Routledge Guardian.2006
    202 Manent,P.The City of Man[M]. Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.1998.117.
    203 同上,第124页。
    204 同上,第134页。
    205 Wolfe, A.Whose Keeper? Social Science and Moral Obligation[M]. Berkeley,CA:University of California Press.1989.7.
    206 Goodchild, P.Capitalism and Religion:The Price of Piety[M]. London:Routledge Guardian 15 December 2006.2002.85.
    207 Hobbes, T.Leviathan[M]. Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.1
    208 Rosseau, J.J.The Social Contract and Discourses[M].London:Dent.1973.191.
    209 Hobbes, T.Leviathan[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.192.
    210 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.86.
    211 Thompson, J.The Media and Modernity[M].Cambridge:polity.1995.69.
    212 Sennett, R. The Fall of Public Man[M].London:Faber and Faber.1968.3.
    213 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.87.
    214 Bauman,Z.In Search of Politics[M]. Cambridge:Polity.1999.156.
    215 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.88-89.
    216 同上。
    217 同上。
    218 同上,91页。
    219 Baudrillard,J.Utopia Deferred[M].New York:Semiotext(e).2006.62.
    220 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.179.
    221 同上
    222 Marin,L.Utopics:the Semiotic Play of Textual Space3[M].Amherst,NY:Humanity Books.1984.13
    223 Bimbaum,N.and Lenzer,G.(eds).Sociology and Religion:A Book of Readings[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall.1969.93.
    224 Gray,J.Black Mass:Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia[M].London::Allen Lane,Penguin Books. 2007.171.
    225 Jarvis.P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.184.
    226 同上。
    227 Jarvis,P..Utopia deferred. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.186.
    228 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.187.
    229 Husen,T.The Learning Society[M].London:Methuen.1974.238-239.
    230 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.188.
    231 Longworth,N.and Davies,K.Lifelong learning[M].London:Kogan.1996.145.
    232 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York. 2008.189.
    1 (德)马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第3卷)[M].北京:人民出版社.1960.29.
    234 Hutchins, R. The learning society[M]. The New America Library, Inc.,1968.13.
    235 Hutchins, R..The learning society[M]. The New America Library, Inc.,1968.45.
    236 Ranson,S.Towards the Learning Society[M].London:Cassell.1994
    237 Welton.M.Designing the Just Learning Society[M].Leicester:NIACE.2005.219.
    238 贾维斯认为,西方资本主义发展有三个阶段一:第一个是重商资本主义主义;第二是产业资本主义;第三是全球资本主义,它形成一个全球势力最大结构,席卷整个世界,这个结构是政治、经济、军事、科学技术和文化教育甚至宗教的混合体,被称为“全球化势力的基础结构”或“全球化基础结构”。详见贾维斯的《全球化,终身学习和学习型社会》。
    239 Turner,V. The Ritual Process[Ml. Harmondsworth:Penguin.1969.92-93.
    240 Buber,M. I and Thou[M].Edinburgh:Clarke.1958.22.
    241 Dewey,J.Democracy and Education[M].New York:Free Press.1916.51.
    242 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.214.
    243 同上,第215页。
    244 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2007.58.
    245 同上,第169页.
    246 Ranson,S.Inside The Learning Society[M].London and New York.CASSELL.1998.207.
    247 同上。
    248 姜辉,赵培杰.树立科学的马克思主义民主观[J],政治学研究.2010.3.
    249 陈振明.政策科学[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社.2003.48.
    250 (法]保罗·皮尔逊.拆散福利国家:里根、撒切尔和紧缩政治学[M].长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司.2007.1.
    251 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.163.
    252 梁景明.保罗·弗莱雷的民主教育思想探析[J].外国中小学教育.2009.07.
    253 Dewey J.Democracy and Education[M]. New York:Free Press.1916.87.
    254 Lively,J.Democracy[M].Oxford:Basil Blackwell.1975.30.
    255 Habermas,J.The inclusion of the Other[M].Cambridge:polity.1998.239-252.
    256 Hoffman,J. State, power and Democracy[M].Sussex:Wheatsheef.1988.158-159.
    257 Rawls,J.The Law of Peoples[[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.1999.12-16. York.2008.173.
    258 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New
    259 Rawls,J.The Law of Peoples[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.1999.133.
    260 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.173.
    261 同上,第173页。
    262Cornford,F.The Republic of Plato[M].Oxford:Clarendon press.1941.255.
    263 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.176.
    264 同上。
    265 Connelly,W.'The Complexities of Sovereignty'[A], in Calarco,M. and DeCaroli,S.(eds)Giorgio Agamben:Sovereignty and Life[C].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press.2007.37.
    266 JarvisP.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.196.
    267 同上,第198页。
    268 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society [M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.34.
    269 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.35.
    270 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.37.
    271 Hyslop-Margison, E. and Sears, A. Neo-Liberalism, Globalization and Human Capital Learning[M]. Dordrecht: Springer.2006.74.
    272 人力资本契约是一个协议:凭此,学习者承诺在将来一定年份,有一个固定份额的收益,作为教育资助贷款的交换。
    273 Bawden,R.'Educating for Capability for Inclusive Well-Belling'[A],in Campbell,J.etal.(eds) Towards a Global Community[C].Dordrecht:Springer.2006.113.
    274 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.43.
    275 同上。
    276 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.39.
    277 Delors,J..Learning:The Treasure Within[M].Paris:UNESCO.1996.14.
    278 同上,第15页。
    279 同上,第86—97页。 280 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.45.
    281 同上。
    282 Arendt,H.The Human Condition.[M]Chicao,IL:University of Chicago Press.1958.70.
    283 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.46.
    1 同上,第47页。 2008.50.
    286 Habermas,J.Time of Transitions (edited and translate by C.Cronin and M.Pensky)[M].Cambridge:Polity Press. 2006.6.
    287 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M], Routledge. London And New York. 2008.51.
    288 Wolfe,A.Whose Keeper? Social Science and Moral Obligation[M]. Berkeley, CA:University of California Press.1989.108.
    289 Giddens,A.The Third Way[M]. Cambridge:Polity.1998.23-24.
    290 Habermas J.Time of Transitions (edited and translate by C.Cronin and M.Pensky)[M].Cambridge:Polity Press. 2006.81.
    291 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.52.
    292 民权社会(Civil society),又称市民社会,或称民间社会或公民社会。是现代社会的一种价值存在形式与发展诉求。一般而言,它是由自由公民和社会组织自愿组成的社会,也可以看作是围绕共同利益、目标和价值的,非强制性的行动团体。
    293 Ministry of Education.Education,Training and Research in an Information Society:A National Strategy for 2000—2004[R].Helsinky:Ministry of Education.1999.22.
    294 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.54.
    295 同上。
    296 Barber,B.Jihad versus McWorld[M].London:Verso.P.xii.2003.1.
    297 Jarvis.P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.55.
    298 同上。
    3 同上,第56页。
    300 同上。
    301 Habermas,J.Time of Transitions (edited and translate by C.Cronin and M.Pensky)[M].Cambridge:Polity Press. 2006.167.
    302 同上,第58页。
    303 弗莱雷的《被压迫者教育学》认为:尽管“人性化问题一直是人类的中心问题……但是,非人性化不仅在本体论上是可能的,而且也是历史现实。”当然,“非人性化是对人变得更完美的宗旨扭曲。这种扭曲存在于历史范围之内,但它不是历史使命。”可见,人作为一种不完美的存在,只有不为现实的局限所遮蔽,把人性推向无限,才能不辱人类使命,彰显民主真谛。(巴西)保罗·弗莱雷.顾建新等译.被压迫者教育学[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2001.1.
    304 Kant,I.Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (edited by Mary Gregor)[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1997.15.
    305 同上,第37页。
    306 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.125.
    307 同上。
    308 Jackson,M.Existential Anthropology [M].New York:Berghahn.2005.164.
    309 Arendt,H.The Human Condition[M].Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press.1958.237.
    310 Bauman,Z.Consuming Life[M].Cambridge:polity.2007.117.
    311 Ayer,A.Language, Truth and Logic[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1971.146.
    312 Habermas,J.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action[M].Cambridge:Polity.1990.58.
    313 同上,第122页。
    314 Outhwaite,W.Habermas:A Critical Introduction[M].Cambridge:Polity Press.1994.50.
    315 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.131.
    316 Maclntyre,A.After Virtue[M].London:Duckworth.1985.56.
    317 Baudrillard,J.The Transparency of Evil[M].London:Verso.1993.10.
    318 Bauman,Z.PostmodernEthic[M].Oxford:Blackwell.1993.247-248.
    319 Jackson,M.Existential Anthropology[M].New York:Berghahn.2005.43.
    320 Buber,M..I and Thou[M].Edinburgh:Clarke.1958.18.
    321 Bauman,Z.Postmodern Ethics[M].Oxford:Blackwell.1993.124. 2008.135.
    322 Peter Jarvis. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.
    323 Harvey,D.'Class Relations,Social Justice and the Politics of Difference'[A],in Squires,J.(ed.)Principle Position[C]. London:Lawrence and Wishart.1993.106.
    324 Gaita,R.A Common Humanity(second edition)[M].London:Routledge.2000.190.
    325 Rawls,J.The theory of Justice[M].Cambridge,MA:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1972.462-485.
    326 同上,第478页。
    327 科尔伯格.魏贤超等译道德教育的哲学[M].杭州:浙江教育出版社,2000.7.
    328 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.61.
    329 同上。
    330 同上,第63页。
    331 同上。
    332 Buber.M.Between Man and Man[M].London:Collins.1947.97.
    333 Gibbons et al.The New Production of Knowledge[M]. London:Sage.1994.13.
    334 Buber,M.Between Man and Man[M].London:Collins.1947.103.
    335 Tawney,R. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism[M]. Harmonsworth:Penguin.1926.57.
    336 同上,第12页。
    337 Durkheim,E.The Division of Labor in Society [M].New York:The Free Press.1933.228.
    338 Mill,J.Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Government[M].London:Dent.1910.115.
    339 Bellah et al. Habits of the Heart[M]. Berkeley,C A:University of California Press.1985.142.
    340 Baron et al. Social Capital. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000.1. Press.2006.162.
    342 Berlin, I. Two Concepts of Liberty:Four Essays on Liberty[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press.1969.129. University Press.1997.53.
    343 Kant,J.Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (edited by Mary Gregor)[M].Cambridge:Cambridge
    344 Berlin, I. Two Concepts of Liberty:Four Essays on Liberty[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press.1969.138.
    346 Beck,U. 'The Reinvention of Politics', in Beck, U., Giddens, A. and lash,S.(eds) Reflexive Modernization[M]. Cambridge:Polity.1994.14.
    347 Fromm,E.The Fear of Freedom[M]. London:ARK.1984.15.
    348 Jarvis.P.Democracv. Lifelong Learnine and the Learnine Societv[M].Routledee. London And New York. 2008.75.
    349 Simmel,G.'The Metropolis and Mental Life'[A], repriented in Thompson, K. and Tunstall,J.(eds) Sociological Perspectives[C].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1971.82-93.
    350 同上。
    351 Heller, A.Everyday Life[M].London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1984.166-172.
    352 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.76.
    353 功利主义认为人应该做出能“达到最大善”的行为,所谓最大善的计算则必须依靠此行为所涉及的每个个体之苦乐感觉的总和,其中每个个体都被视为具相同分量,且快乐与痛苦是能够换算的,痛苦仅是“负的快乐”。不同于一般的伦理学说,功利主义不在乎一个人行为的动机与手段,仅考量一个行为的结果对最大快乐值的影响。能增加最大快乐值的即是善;反之即为恶。边沁和米尔都认为:人类的行为完全以快乐和痛苦为动机。米尔认为:人类行为的唯一目的是求得幸福,所以对幸福的促进就成为判断人的一切行为的标准。
    354 行为功利主义认为:如果个人行为促进一般幸福,即是道德善,如(英)边沁(J. Bentham,1748-1832)和西杰维克(H. Sidgwick,1838-1900);规则功利主义,主张依照规则去做的行为便是善,如(英)穆勒(J.Mill,1773-1836);与行为功利主义相对立,在这一形式中,用来评价功利的是规则而不是行为,从而将所关注的问题由个人转向习惯和风俗。
    355 Sprigge,T.The Rational Foundation of Ethics[M].London:Routledge.1988.23.
    356 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.76.
    357 James, W.Pragmatism and Other Writings[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.2000.25.
    358 同上,第32页。
    359 同上,第39页。
    360 Rose. N. Powers of FreedomfMl. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1999.69.
    361 Hayek, F. The Political Order of Free People[M].London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1979.63.
    362 Hobbes,T.Leviathan[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.185.
    363 Stiglits,J.Globalization and Its Discontents[M].New York:WW Norton and Company.2002.252.
    364 Hobbes,T.Leviathan[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.185.
    365 Habermas,J.Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action[M].Cambridge:Polity.1990.58.
    366 Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity[M].AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.66.
    367 Bauman,Z.Postmodern Ethics[M].Oxford:Blackwell.1993.124.
    368 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.145.
    369 Brown,H.Rationality[M].London:Routledge.1988,184.
    370 同上,P.226.
    371 James,W.Pragmatism and Other Writings[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.2000.113.
    372 同上,P34.
    373 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.147.
    374 Arendt,H.Echmann in Jerusalem:A Report on the Banality of Evil.New York:Viking Press.1964.
    375 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.198.
    376 同上,第194页。
    377 同上。
    378 Maclntyre, A.After Virtue[M].London:Duckworth.1985.56.
    379 同上,第187页
    380 同上,第191页。
    381 Buber,M. I and Thou[M].Edinburgh:Clarke.1958.22.
    382 MacMurray,J. Person in Relation[M].Atlantic Highlands,NJ:Humanities Press.1961.116.
    383 Honneth,A.Disrespect[M]. Cambridge:Polity Press.2007.171-179.
    384 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.200.
    385 Jackson,M.Existential Anthropology[M].New York:Berghahn.2005.35-36.
    386 Gerhardt,S.Why love Matters[M].London:Routledge.2004.38.
    387 同上。
    388 Fromm,E. The Fear of Freedom[M].Lodon:ARK Paperbacks.1942.published in 1984.《逃避自由》(The fear of freedom),德国弗罗姆(Fromm) (1900——1980)著,1941年出版。作者在书中从人的心理、社会因素和人性结构三者相互影响,探讨了自由对现代人的意义。认为:从个体发展看,人的本质就是个体化,但后果是使人产生孤独感。弗罗姆提出:人是在各种复杂的社会关系中实现个体化的,社会历史条件决定着人的个性特点。在中世纪,个人的社会地位基本不变,人们通过原始关系同外界发生联系,虽然缺乏自由,却不感到孤独。资本主义的兴起和发展,打破了中世纪原始的社会关系。一方面,由于人的个性化日益加强,获得越来越多的自由;另一方面,由于人们之间的竞争关系日益残酷,敌对情绪日趋强烈,使人感到孤独和不安,如果不堪忍受这种伴随自由而来的痛苦则会患上精神病。所以,人们试图通过各种方式来逃避这种社会的自由。弗罗姆指出,克服孤独的最好方法是内发的爱和工作,因为它们可以使个性得以完善发展。弗罗姆的观点揭露了资本主义社会自由的虚假,而他提出人人相爱和沉溺于工作的方式以拯救人性的自由,虽然有其合理的方面,但就其本质而言,也许就是一种乌托邦。
    389 Reisman,D. The Lonely Crowd:A Study of Changing American Culture[M]. New Haven,CT:YaleUniversity Press.1950.
    390 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008..201.
    391 Polanyi,M.The Tacit Dimension[M].London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1967.27.
    392 江马益.列维纳斯的“道德他者”思想试析[J].中国人民大学学报.2010.2.
    393 Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity[M].AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.198.
    394 Baron,S.,Field,J.and Schuller,T.Social Capital[M].Oxford:Oxford University,Press.2000.
    395 Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity[M].AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.81.
    396 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.204.
    397 Bauman,Z.Postmodern Ethics[M].Oxford:Blackwell.1993.115.
    398 同上,第117页。
    399 Honneth,A.Disrespect[M].Cambridge:Polity Press.2007.254.
    Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity.AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.51.
    401 Ranson,S.Inside The Learning Society[M].London and New York.CASSELL.1998.209.
    402 同上,第208页。
    403 同上。
    404 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.33.
    405 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.4.
    406 克努兹·伊莱里斯(Knud Illeris) (1939——)丹麦科学家和终身学习教授。研究领域主要围绕成人学习,是德国、荷兰等诸多国家享有盛誉的作者和编辑,2005年又被美国哥伦比亚大学教育学院聘为名誉和兼职教授。Knud Illeris (born 1939) is a Danish scientist and professor of lifelong learning. His work mainly revolves around the way adults learn and continue to do so. Illeris' work both as author and editor is widely renowned and published in more than ten countries, including China, Germany and Holland.[1] In 2005 Knud Illeris was made Honorary Adjunct Professor of Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Other objectives of his work are skill development and workplace learning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knud_Illeris
    407 Peter Jarvis. Adult education and lifelong learning theory and practice [M].Routledge. London And New York.2010.105.
    408 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge.London And New York.2007.6.
    409 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.7.
    410 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge.London And New York.2007.8.
    411 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge.London And New York.2007.9.
    412 Schutz,A.and Luckmann,T.The Structure of the lifeword[M].London:Heinemann.1974.7.
    413 同上,第10页。
    414 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge. London And New York, 2008.11.
    415 同上,第12页。
    416 Jarvis,P.Globalisation. Lifelone Learnine and the Learning Societv[M]. Routledee. London And New York. 2007.32.
    417 Arch,M.Human Being:The Problem of Agency[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University press,2000.307.
    418 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York, 2007.34.
    419 Beck,U. Risk Society[M]. London:Sage,1992.91.
    420 Gehlen,A.Man:His Nature and Place in the World[M].New York:Columbia University Press.1988.29.
    421 Jarvis,P.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.14.
    422 同上,第16页。
    423 Berger,P.L.and Luckmam,T.The social Construction of Reality[M]. London:Allen Lane.1966.150.
    424 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.27.
    425 同上。
    426 Lee.W.O.'The cultural context for Chinese learners:conception of learning in the Confucian tradition'[A], in Watkins,D. and Biggs, J.(eds)The Chinese Learner. Hong Kong:CERC and Victoria[M]. ACER.1996.35-36.
    427 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.28.
    428 Parker,P.'The biology of Learning'[A],in Jarvis,P.and Parker,S.(eds) Human Learning:A Holistic Perspective[C].London:Routledge Falmer,2005.16-31.
    429 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.28.
    430 郑杭生.当代中国城市社会结构——现状与趋势[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社.2005.5.
    431 O'Sullivan,E-Transformative Learning[M].London:Zed Books.1999.1.
    432 Turner,R.'Role taking:Process Verse conformity',in Rose,A.(ed)[M].Human Behaviour and Social Processes.London::Routledge and Kegan Paul.1962.38.
    433 同上,第81页。
    434 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.30.
    435 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.63.
    436 Ian Baptiste.Beyond Lifelong Learning[A].Peter Jarvis. From Adult Education to Learning Society[C]. Routledge. London And New York.2006.428.
    437 同上,第64页。
    438 Smith,A.L.(Chair)'Adult Education Committee Final Report'[A], reprinted in The 1919 Report[C]. Nottingham:Dept. of Adult Education, University of Nottingham.1919.5.
    439 Yeaxlee,B.Lifelong Education[M].London:Cassell.1929.31.
    440 Schutz,T. Investment in Human Capital:The Rise of Education and Research[M].Basingstoke: Macmillan.1961.246.
    441 韩民、郝克明研究员对中国的研究也反映了相似问题:“在继续教育的机会方面,高学历者、高收入者和高技能者获得的培训机会较多,农民工、低学历者(特别是文盲或半文盲)、低收入者、低技能者、失业者、年长者(如“4050”人员)等弱势群体处于相对不利的状况。”韩民,郝克明.终身学习背景下培训与继续教育的公平及其政策课题[J].北京大学教育评论.2007.7.
    442 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.54.
    443 Klaus Harney.lifelong Learning:one focus,different Systems[M].Peter Lang.New York.2002.11.
    444 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.68.
    445 Delors,J.(Chair)Learning:The Treasure Within[M].Paris:UNESCO.1996.21.
    446 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.221.
    447 同上。
    448 同上,第71页。
    449 同上。
    450 同上。
    451 Kerr, C., Dunlop, J. Industrialism and Industrial Man (second edition)[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.2007.47.
    452 McLare.P. Capitalists and Conquerors:A Critical Pedagogy against Empire[M]. Lanham,MD:Rowman and Littlefield.2005.31.
    453 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.72.
    454 Foster,A. Realising the Potential [M]. London:Department for Education and Skills.2005.6-7.
    455 同上,第33页。
    456 Jarvis.P.Globalisation. Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.
    457 Tuckett, A.'Enough is enough'[J], Adults Learning,2005.17:6.
    458 Freire,P. and Macedo,D.Literacy:Reading the Word and the Worl[M]d.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1987.1.
    459 Flecha,R.Sharing Words[M].Lanham,MD:Rowman and Littlefield.2000.1.
    460 OECD. Lifelong Learning for All[R].Paris:OECD.1996.15.
    461 Aronowitz,S.The Knowledge Factory[M]. Boston,MA:Beacon Press.2000.
    462 同上,第11页。
    463 Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Trends in Higher Education.2005[EB/OL]. http://www.scup.org/page/index(Downloaded Jan.2006.
    464 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2007.75.
    465 Eurich,N.Corporate Classrooms[J].Princeton,NJ:Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.1984.
    466 Learning for Life:Learning Through Life[M].Hong Kong:Education Commission.2000.12.
    467 同上。
    468 Kilpatrick,W.'Indoctrination and Respect for persons', in Snook,I.(ed.)Concepts of Indoctrination[M]. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1972.48.
    469 Jarvis,P.Indoctrination and Learning society.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.111.
    470 Wilson,J.'Education and Indoctrinaton'[A],in hollins,T.H.B.Aims in Education[M].Manchester University Press.1964.33.
    471 同上,第42页。
    472 Arendt,H.Between Past and Future[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1968.43.
    473 Hyslop—Margison,E.and Sears.A.Neo-Liberalism,Globalization and Human Capital Learning[M].Dodrenchtt:Springer.2006.15.
    474 同上。
    475 Crittenden,B.S.'Indoctrination as Mis-education',in Snook,I.(ed.) Concepts of Introduction[M].London:Routledge and Kegan Paul.1972.147.
    476 White,J.P.'Indoctrination without Doctrines?',in Snook,I.(ed.)Concepts of Indoctrination[M].London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1972.190-201.
    477 Jarvis,P.Indoctrination and Learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.115.
    478 Lawrence,F.'Why Kellogg Saw Red Over Labelling Schemes Report'[M],in The Guardian,2006.8-9.
    479 同上。
    480 Featherstone,M.Consumer Culture and Postmodernism[M].London:sage.1991.14.
    481 Lifton,R.Thought Reform and the psychology of Totalism[M].Harmondswoth:Penguin.1961.17.
    482 同上,第477—497页.
    483 Foucault,M.Discipline and punish[M].Harmondsworth:Penguin.1979.73.
    484 Jarvis,P.Indoctrination and Learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge.London And New York.2008.118.
    485 同上。
    486 Jarvis,P. Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Human Learning[M]. London:Routledge.2006.
    487 Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity[M].AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.
    488 Jarvis,P.Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York, 2007,202.
    489 Arendt,H.Totalitarianism[M].San Diego,CA:Harvest Book,Harcout.1976.4.
    490 同上。
    491 Levinas,E.Totality and Infinity[M].AH Dordrecht:Kluwer.1991.38.
    492 同上,第61页。
    493 Jarvis,P.Indoctrination and Learning society.Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.120.
    494 Honneth, A.Disrespect[M].Cambridge:Polity Press.2007.254.
    495 同上,第255页。
    496 Lyotard, J.F.The Postmodern Condition:A Report on knowledge[M].Manchester:Manchester University Press, 1984.
    497 Rawls.J.The Law of Peoples[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.1999.140-141.
    498 Jarvis,P. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York. 2008.218.
    499 仁爱与社会公共行动存在如下区别:公共行动的目的是满足各方利益,而仁爱不追求利益只讲奉献;仁爱的责任自始至终是个人的愿望,不需与他人交流,决定来自于博爱的内心,而公共行动无论是起始还是结束都需要与他人对话,以期获得他人的支持。Ian Baptiste.Beyond Lifelong Learning.Peter Jarvis. From Adult Education to Learning Society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2006.433.
    500 O'sullivan,E.(1999)Transformative Learning[M].London:Zed Books.
    501 Thomas S.Popkewitz. The reason of reason. Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.74.
    502 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.43.
    503 同上。
    504 Popkewitz et al. The learning society, the unfinished beginning of the 21st century[M].educational philosophy and theory.2006.431.
    505 同上,第437-438页。
    506 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.38.
    507 同上,第34页。
    508 仰海峰.存在主义与马克思主义的结合:理念与方法[J].山东社会科学.2010.3.
    509 http://www.lsxk.org/bbsanc.php?path=%2Fgroups%2Fliteral.faq%2FAlienCulture%2Fxueren%2Ffoucault%2Ff ucault%2F3%2F2
    510 Edwards,R.Actively seekibng subjects[A],in Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[C]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.22.
    511 Fejes.AFoucault and lifelong Learning[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.106.
    512 Foucault,M.'On the government of living'[A],in P. Rabinow (ed.),Ethics, subjectivity and Truth[C],New York:The New Press.1994.80.
    513 Foucault,M.'Discourse on language'[A],in R.Kearney and M.Rainwater(eds),The Continental Philosophy Reader[C],London:Routledge.1996.351.
    514 Fejes,A.Foucault and lifelong Learning[M].Routledge. London And New York.2008.166.
    515 Foucalt,M. Discipline and Punish:The Birth of the prison[M],London:Penguin Books.1977.222.
    516 同上,第27页。
    517 Masschelein,J.The Learning Society from the Perspective of Governmentality[M].Blackwell Publishing Ltd.2007.4.
    518 同上。
    519 同上,第5页。
    520 Foucalt,M. Discipline and Punish:The Birth of the prison[M],London:Penguin Books.1977.13. Transition[C],London and New York:Routledge.2000.179.
    521 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.13.
    522 Hirst,P.'Globalization,the nation-state and political theory'[A],in N.O'Sullivan(ed.),Political Theory in
    523 Feies.Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[C]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.37.
    524 European Commission. European Report on Quality Indicators of Lifelong Learning, Brussels.2002.4.
    527 泰勒制的特点是强调工资与劳动之间的正比例关系,它缓慢地出现于19世纪后期的工业化时期,以分
    525 European Commission. European Report of the Taskforce on lifelong Learning, Brussels.2000.4.
    526 Boyer,R.The Search for Labour Market FIexibikity[M], Oxford:Clarendon Press.1988.258.工和竞争为基础;而福特制是泰勒制的延续,它成为主流是在20世纪50年代,其特点是工厂组织和机制。
    528 Boyer,R.The Search for Labour Market Flexibility[M], Oxford:Clarendon Press.1988.227. European Union'[J],Educational Philosophy and Theory,2006.38:451-70.
    529 Tuschling,A. and Engemann,C.'From education to lifelong learning:the emerging regime of learning in the
    530 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.63.
    531 Petersson,K.'Nostalgia,future and the past as pedagogical technologies'[J].Discouse,2003:28.49.
    532 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.65.
    533 Garsten.C. and Jacobsson,K.(eds).Learning to be Employable,New Agendas on Work, Responsibility and Learning in a Globalizing World[M],Basingstoke:Palgrave McMillan.2004.1.
    534 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Leaming[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.104.
    535 Foucault,M.'Technologies of the self [A],in L.H.Martin,H.Gutman and P.H.Hutton(eds),Technologies of the self:A semina with Michel Foucault[C],Amherst,MA:University of Massachusetts Press.1988.26.
    536 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.147.
    537 Rose,N.Power of Freedom:Refraining Political Thought[M],Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1999.64.
    538 Marshall,J.D.'Education in the mode of information:some philosophical consideration'[A], in philosophy of Education 1996,Proceedings of the philosophy of Education Society[C].IL:philosophy of Education Society.1996.269.
    539 Edwards.R. Changing Pleaces?Flexibility,Lifelong Learning and a Learning Society [M],London:Routledge.1997.2.
    540 Lambeir,B.'Education as liberation:the politics and techniques of lifelong learning'[J].Rducational Philosohy and Theory,37:350.
    541 Fejes.Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.41.
    542 Marshall,J.D.'Foucalt and neo-liberalism:biopower and busno-power'[A],in A.Neiman(ed.),Philosophy of Education 1995,Proceeding of the Philosophy of education Society[C],IL:Philosophy of Education Society.1995.322.
    543 Rose,N.Inventing Ourselves[M],Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1998.154.
    544 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.28.
    545 Rose,N.The Powers of Freedom.Reframing Political Thought[M],Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1999.162.
    546 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.55.
    547 同上,第30页。
    548 同上。
    549 Miller,P.and Rose,N.'Governing economic life'[A],in M.Gane and T.Johnson (eds),Foucault's New Domains[C],London:Routledge.1993.102.
    550 Popkewize,T.S.Governing Children,Families and Education:Restructuring the Welfare State[M],New York:Palgrave Macmillan.2003.1
    551 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.93.
    552 同上。
    553 同上,第91页。
    554 同上。
    555 同上,第88页。
    556 同上,第91页。
    557 同上,第90页。
    558 同上,第89页。
    559 同上,第196页。
    561 Pels,D.Kennispolitiek:Een Gebruiksaanwijzing voor Foucault[M],Kennis Methode.1992.39.
    560 同上,第199页。
    562 Foucault,M.Discipline and Punish:The Birth of the Prison[M],New York:Vintage.1975.27.
    563 Foucault,M.'What is Enlightenment?'in P.Rabinow(ed.)[M],The Foucalt Reader,New York:Pantheon.1984.45.
    564 Foucault,M.'Question of method'[A],in G.Burchell,,C.Gordon and P.Miller(eds),The Foucault Effect in Government[C],Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.1991.84.
    565 Fejes,Katherine Nicoll. Foucault and Lifelong Learning[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2008.201.
    566 同上,第34页。
    567 房宁.中国特色社会主义民主的特点与优势[J].求实杂志.2010.6.
    568 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge.London And New York.2007.176.
    569 Rawls,J. Political Liberalism[M].Columbia University Press,1996.213.
    570 (德)康德,何兆武译.永久和平论[M1.上海:上海世纪出版集团.2005(58).
    571 Jarvis,P.Democracy and the learning society. Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society[M].Routledge.London And New York.2007.11.
    572 同上,第133页。
    3 同上,第136页。
    4 (德)哈贝马斯,曹卫东译.交往行为理论[M].上海:上海人民出版社.2004(189).
    576 罗尔斯指出:“公共理性在三个方面是公共的:作为自身的理性,它是公共的理性;它的目标是公共的善和根本性的正义;它的本性和内容是公共的。”所以,公共理性即理性在公共领域的运用。参见(美)罗尔斯,万俊人译.政治自由主义[M1.南京:译林出版社.2006(226).
    577 Jarvis,P. Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning society[M]. Routledge. London And New York,2007.39.
    278 同上,第47页。
    9 张志明.改革开放30年中国的民主化进程及其面临的挑战[N].学习时报.2008年/10月/20日/第003版.
    10 环球时报社评.不能总在无序监督中兜圈子[N].环球时报.2011年9月5日,第14版.
    581 Jarvis,P. Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning society[M]. Routledge. London And New York.2007.43.
    582 Bawden,R.'Educating for Capability for Inclusive Well-Belling',in Campbell,J.etal.(eds) Towards a Global Community [M].Dordrecht:Springer,2006.113.
    583 Jarvis,P. Globalisation, Lifelong Learning and the Learning society[M]. Routledge. London And New York,2007.37.
    584 韩民,郝克明.终身学习背景下培训与继续教育的公平及其政策课题[J].北京大学教育评论.2007.7.
    5 王琳.广东城市社区自治与基层民主调查分析报告[J].广东培正学院学报.2006.6.
    5 高志敏.成人教育研究的反思与前瞻[J].教育研究,2006.9.
    [1]Abercrombie,N.,Hill,S. and Turner,B.Dictionary of Sociology[M]. Harmondsworth:Penguin. 2000.
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