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     第4部分以Treynor and Mazuy (1966)提出的模型(以下简称TM模型),以及Merton and Henriksson (1981)提出的模型(以下简称HM模型)为基础,并在改进了Jiang (2007)的方法的基础上,研究中国基金经理的证券选择能力与选时能力。研究发现,部分基金经理确实具有证券选择能力和选时能力,而且,从总体上来看,基金经理的证券选择能力比选时能力更强。基金经理在牛市状态下表现出的证券选择能力强于熊市状态下的证券选择能力,熊市下基金经理更难识别价值被低估的股票。此外,研究表明,绝大多数基金经理的证券选择能力与选时能力并不具有持续性。在牛市状态下具有证券选择能力与选时能力的基金经理,在熊市状态下大多并未表现出证券选择能力与选时能力。
     第5部分采用两种不同的方法,对我国积极管理股票型基金的基金经理是否具有行业选择能力给出实证证据。结果表明,第一,行业集中度较高的基金年超额收益率(Jenson alpha)为10.77%,而行业集中度较低的基金年超额收益率(Jenson alpha)为13.59%,前者与后者相比年均相差约2.8%。可见,基金经理通过主动的行业选择,使得基金股票组合的行业配置比例偏离市场组合的行业市值比例并未给投资者带来较好的收益;第二,以基金业绩为被解释变量,以基金的行业集中度为解释变量,在控制了其它因素影响的基础上,进行了面板数据回归分析。结果表明,股票组合的行业集中度越高,基金的收益越差;第三,进一步运用Grinblatt等(1993)提出的评价组合管理者资产选择能力的GT指标,分析了每只基金的基金经理的行业选择能力。结果表明,在5%的显著水平上,有93%的基金经理不具有行业选择能力,而且,对各基金GT指标均值的进一步检验也支持基金经理整体上没有行业选择能力的判断。
     第6部分首先采用与Gruber (1996)和Zheng (1999)类似的方法,分析基金持有人的基金选择能力。研究发现,持有人买入的基金,未来平均能够获得年均17.05%的超额收益,与基金市场整体的超额收益率几乎相等;持有人卖出的基金,未来能够获得年均18.56%的回报,高出基金市场整体的超额收益1.5个百分点,持有人买进基金时选择了未来收益相对较差的基金,卖出基金时却卖出了未来能够获得更高收益的基金。另一方面,获得较多资金流入的基金其收益低于获得较少资金流入的基金的收益年均约2.5%,持有人踊跃追捧的基金的收益较差。可见,持有人没有表现出基金选择能力,我国基金市场上不存在所谓“智钱效应(smart money effect)",而存在“愚钱效应(dumb money effect)"。其次,采用Friesen et al.(2007)的方法研究基金持有人的选时能力。研究发现,我国的基金持有人实际获得的现金流加权收益率月均为0.39%,与基金资产组合月平均收益率2.4%相比,相差2个百分点,年均相差24%,我国的开放式股票型基金持有人没有选时能力。实证结果显示,基金规模、基金成立时间、个人投资者持有基金份额的比例以及基金业绩对基金持有人的选时能力均没有显著影响,而基金资产组合收益率的波动性以及资金净流入量却对基金持有人的选时能力产生显著的负面影响,而基金运行成本越高,基金持有人表现出的选时能力越好。
     TM模型以及HM模型至今仍是研究基金经理证券选择能力和选时能力的基本方法。但是,直接估计TM模型和HM模型会导致评价基金经理证券选择能力和选时能力的偏误。本文在借鉴了Jiang (2007)研究方法的基础上,改进了TM模型和HM模型的估计过程。改进后的研究方法如下:首先利用基金日度收益数据估计基金资产组合在每一个交易日的风险暴露水平(β),第二,估计TM模型和HM模型所设定的资产组合风险暴露水平(β)与市场收益之间关系,评价基金经理的选时能力;第三,在基金每日收益中扣除由于基金经理选时能力所带来的收益,得到仅仅由基金经理证券选择能力所带来的收益;第四,对仅仅由基金经理证券选择能力所带来的收益进行分析,以判断基金经理是否具有证券选择能力。此外,本文将Bootstrap方法引入对基金经理的证券选择能力与选时能力估计过程中,增强了实证结论的稳健性。
     2.在研究基金经理行业选择能力时,一方面纠正了Kacperczyk et al.(2005)研究方法的缺陷,并进一步运用Grinblatt et al.(1993)提出的GT指标在单只基金层面上分析了基金经理的行业选择能力。
     Kacperczyk et al.(2005)以基金资产组合的行业集中度为基础研究基金经理行业选择能力。然而,基金资产组合包括股票资产和其它资产,基金资产组合的行业集中度并不能准确反映基金经理的行业选择行为。本文以基金股票组合的行业投资比例为基础计算股票组合行业集中度。股票组合行业集中度剔除了基金股票仓位的影响,能够更准确地反映基金经理的行业选择行为。本文采用股票组合行业集中度来分析基金经理的行业选择能力,克服了现有研究的不足。
     本文进一步运用Grinblatt et al.(1993)提出的评价基金经理资产选择能力的GT指标,在单只基金层面上分析了基金经理的行业选择能力,并以此为基础对所有基金经理的行业选择能力做出整体判断,从而扩展了对基金经理行业选择能力的研究。
Contract mutual fund (hereinafter referred as fund) is a system arrangements that fund shareholder entrusts fund management company with money to make a profit from the portfolio set up by fund managers, which are appointed by the fund management company, by means of buying and selling stocks and bonds.
     The fist open-end mutual fund was founded in September,2001. Because of the advantages of this kind of mutual fund, such as high liquidity, flexible exchange ways, the number of open-end mutual funds increases quickly and open-end mutual funds take up the dominate position in mutual fund market. In April2004, the mutual fund act and other rules were formally implemented. Subsequently, the size of the mutual fund market in china is become larger and larger. In the end of2010, the number of the mutual funds managed by the fund management company reached669, and the total net assets of open-end mutual fund reached2,437,096million Yuan. It will be seen from these data that mutual funds has been become the important investment tools.
     Contract mutual fund has the follow characteristics in terms of operating process and the relationship between the fund shareholder and fund management company. First, fund shareholder can buy or sell fund-share conveniently at any time, and so sets up or ends ties with the fund management company. Fund shareholder possesses the ownership of the fund assets and fund manager manages the fund portfolio, and fund trustee is entrusted with fund assets for safekeeping and undertakes supervision responsibility. Second, fund management company appoints fund manager to manage the fund portfolio in order to increase the value of the portfolio. Fund management company profits from the management fees charged on fund shareholder on the basis of the size of the fund net assets, hence the size of the fund net assets decides the size the of profit of the fund management company. Thirdly, the return of the fund shareholder originates the gains of portfolio. The gains of portfolio depend on the management ability, namely the security selection ability and timing ability and other abilities. On the other hand, the fund selection ability of the fund shareholder decides the it's own return.
     One natural question may be proposed that whether fund shareholder has fund selection ability and timing ability, and another question may also be proposed that whether fund manager has selection ability. Fund manager shows his selection ability into two aspects. One is the security selection ability and timing ability. Security selection ability means ability to obtain higher return by means of identifying the undervalued securities. Timing ability means ability to obtain higher return by means of changing the assets allocation of the fund portfolio or the beta of the portfolio. The second is the industry selection ability. Industry selection ability means ability to obtain higher return by means of investing on the industry with higher return and withdrawing from the industry with lower return.
     Thus it can be seen that fund shareholder and fund managers are the most important participants and stakeholders in fund market. It is highly significant to study the selection ability of fund shareholder and fund managers.
     This paper studies the selection ability of fund shareholder and fund managers, and thus includes four aspects. One is the fund selection ability of fund shareholder, and the second is the timing ability of fund shareholder, and the third is the security selection ability and timing ability of the fund manager and the fourth is industry selection ability of fund manager.
     The first part of this paper is an introduction which depicts the present situation of fund market in China, and describes the research path and framework, and points out the drawbacks of this paper. The second part of this paper is literature review.
     The third part of this paper presents the research methods applied in the study of the investor's selection ability and compares these methods. First, the author details the various kinds of methods used in the researches on the security selection ability and timing ability of fund manager. Second, the author also narrates the research methods on the industry selection ability of fund manager. In the last passage of the third part, the author depicts the methods used in the studies on the fund selection ability and timing ability of fund shareholder. On the basis of these depictions, the author compares the research methods in the related research area.
     The fourth part in this paper studies the security selection ability and timing ability of fund manager in China in the spirit of the TM model and HM model and the methods used in Jiang(2007). The results show that some fund managers indeed have selection ability and timing ability and fund managers show stronger security selection ability than their timing ability. Moreover, fund managers' security selection ability in bull market is stronger than that in bear market, so the author finds that fund managers have more difficulties in selecting undervalued security in bear market. In addition, most fund managers'security selection ability and timing ability do not show persistence, in other words, most fund manager which show security selection ability and timing ability in bull market can't show security selection ability and timing ability in bear market.
     The fifth part of this paper gives empirical evidence about the industry selection ability of fund manager by means of applying two different methods. The follow are the empirical results. First, the return of the fund with high industry concentration is10.77%annually, and the return of the fund with low industry concentration is13.59%annually. So funds with higher industry concentration underperform funds with lower industry concentration by2.8%annually. It can't bring about better performance that fund managers intentionally allocate the fund portfolio to deviate the market portfolio. Moreover, the panel regression shows that portfolio industry concentration is negatively correlated to the fund performance. Thus fund managers have no industry selection ability. Moreover, the analysis by applying the GT measure proposed by Grinblatt and Titman(1993) to individual fund do not support that managers have industry selection ability.
     The sixth part of this paper analyzes the fund shareholder's fund selection ability by applying the methods consistent with that used by Gruber(1996) and Zheng(1999). The empirical results show that open-end mutual investors in China chase the funds with better performance and smaller size. The excess return of the funds bought by investors which is17.06%annually is lower than the excess return of funds sold by investors which is18.56%annually. Funds bought by investors underperform the funds sold by investors. The empirical results also show that funds with higher net cash inflow underperform the funds with lower net cash inflow by2.5%annually. Mutual fund investors in China have no fund selection ability. Moreover, the empirical results show that the dollar weighted return of open-end fund investor in China, which is0.39%monthly, is lower than the fund portfolio average return which is2.4%monthly during the period of January2004through June2008. The performance gap is2%monthly, or24%annually, so open-end fund investor has no timing ability. The empirical results also show that fund performance, along with fund size and fund age, has no significant effect on investor timing ability. Fund net cash flow and volatility of fund return are negatively correlated with investor timing ability and fund expense ratio has positive effect on investor timing ability.
     The seventh part of this paper depicts the empirical results about the investor behaviors in behavioral finance, and gives preliminary explanations about the selection ability of fund manager and fund shareholder.
     The first main contribution of this paper is that the author improves the estimation processes of TM model and HM model and increases the accuracy of evaluating the security selection ability and time ability of fund manager. TM model and HM model are, up to now, the fundamental methods studying the security selection ability and timing ability of fund manager. However, estimating TM model and HM model directly and evaluating security selection ability and timing ability of fund manager may cause bias. The author uses the experience of Jiang(2007) and improves the estimation processes of TM model and HM model. The improved methods depicts as follows. First, the daily risk exposure (β) of fund portfolio is estimated by using fund daily return. Second, fund manager' time ability can be evaluated by estimating the relationship between the daily risk exposure (β) of fund portfolio and the market return. Third, the return due to the security selection ability can be calculated by deducted the return due to time ability from the fund daily return. Fourth, security selection ability can be presented by analyzing the return only due to the security selection ability. Moreover, the author applies the bootstrap method into the estimation process of TM model and HM model and improves the robustness of empirical results.
     The second contribution is that the author develops the methods used in Kacperczyk et al.(2005) and analyzes the industry selection ability of fund manager individually by applying the GT measure which is proposed by Grinblatt et al.(1993). Kacperczyk et al.(2005) study the industry selection ability of fund manager based on industry concentration of the fund assets portfolio. However, fund assets portfolio includes stock assets and other assets and can't clearly inflect the industry selection behavior. This paper computes the industry concentration of stock assets based on the industry allocation ratio of the stock assets of fund portfolio. Because of excluding the influences of the ratio of stock assets to the whole assets, the industry concentration of stock assets can reflect the industry selection behavior more accurate than the industry concentration of fund portfolio. This paper studies the industry selection ability of fund manager based on industry concentration of the stock assets and overcomes the drawbacks of Kacperczyk et al.(2005). Moreover, this paper applies the GT measure proposed by Grinblatt et al.(1993)into studying the industry selection ability of fund manager individually and further judges the industry selection ability of fund manager. So this paper expands the research about the industry selection ability of fund manager.
     The Third contribution is that the author constructs fund portfolio in terms of fund net cash inflow and analyzes the fund selection ability of all fund shareholders as a whole. According to literature retrieval, no researches have been done at present in China.
     The final contribution is that the author improves and perfects the methods used in Friesen et al.(2007) and analyzes the timing ability of fund shareholder, so the results in this paper become more robust. Friesen et al.(2007) pioneered the new method which analyzes the timing ability of fund shareholder. Friesen et al.(2007) suggested that the timing ability of fund shareholder can be judged by comparing the dollar weighted return with portfolio average return. But there are two drawbacks in the research of Friesen et al.(2007), and this paper overcomes these two drawbacks. First, the author not only computes the dollar weighted return on the basis of real fund assets at beginning of period, but also computes the dollar weighted return supposing real fund assets equals0at beginning of period, so this paper excludes the influences of size differences between funds and increases the robustness of results. Second, this paper sets the range of the solution when computing dollar weighted return by resolving the nonlinear equation of higher degree and reduces the situation which the equation has multi-solution or has no solution, as a result, reduces the sampling bias.
    2根据美国Invest Company Institue(ICI)发布的Invest Company Factbook(2002)统计,2001年美国基金市场上共有各类基金8305只,基金资产规模达到69749亿美元。
    3QDII是Qualified Domestic Institue Investor(合格境内机构投资者)的英文缩写,是指通过证监会资格审查能够在中国大陆之外从事证券投资的国内金融机构。QDIl基金是由合格境内机构投资者发起成立并管理的基金。
    4LOF基金,即上市交易型基金,英文全称为Listed Open-ended Fund,是指通过交易所交易系统发行并上市交易的开放式基金。基金持有人既可以通过基金管理管理公司或其委托的销售机构以基金份额净值进行基金的申购、赎回,也可以通过交易所以交易系统撮合成交价进行基金的买入、卖出;ETF基金,即交易型开放式基金,英文全称为Exchange Traded Fund。ETF基金是一种在交易所上市交易的开放式基金,交易过程与股票相同。ETF基金管理的资产组合一般复制某一特定指数,组合内每只股票的数量与该指数的成份股构成比例一致。
    5数据引自美国Investment Company Institute发布的Investment Company Factboot (2009)。
    10 Brands et al. (2005)、Sapp et al. (2008)以及国内的孔东民等(2010)均直接采用Kacperczyk et al.(2005)的研究方法研究基金经理的行业选择能力,因而存在相同的缺陷。
    13 Kacperczyk等(2005)使用的是基金持股组合的季度数据,Brands等(2005)使用的是基金持股组合的月度数据
    15 Bu et al. (2008)认为,Gruber (1996)使用的样本数据仅包括227只基金,而且没有包括规模较小的基金:Zheng (1999)的样本数据来自不同的数据库,存在数据的一致性问题;Sapp et al. (2004)使用的样本数据尽管仅仅来自CRSP,但是,CRSP为完善历史数据,采用基金管理公司提供的历史数据,而这些基金管理公司在提供数据时出于市场形象考虑只提供具有较好业绩的基金的历史数据,故CRSP的数据存在因回溯历史数据可能导致高估基金业绩的问题。因此,Bu et al. (2008)使用的数据来自Morningstar Principia,避免了数据的一致性问题和数据回溯偏误问题。
    16出于商业利益方面的考虑,Ivkovic et al. (2009)没有公布这个金融中介机构的名称。在国外的学术研究中如果使用某个特定金融中介机构提供的数据时,一般都不会公布该机构的名称。
    20 Daniel, K., Grinblatt, M., Titman, S., Wermers, R.,1997, Measuring Mutual Fund Performance with Characteristic-based Benchmarks[J], Journal of Finance, Vol.52, pp1035-1058.
    23 Zheng (1999)的研究表明,假定投资者的买卖行为发生在期末或者期初来计算基金的资金净流入量对持有人的基金选择能力的判断没有实质影响,故多数研究者并不关注该假定。
    24该指标的计算过程较为复杂,可参见Frazzini A., Lamont O.A.,2008, Dumb Money:Mutual Fund Flows and the Cross-section of Stock Returns, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.88, pp299-322.
    26以下内容引自Govondarajulu (2005), PP324-333.
    36本文还采用了基金未经风险调整的收益率、未经风险调整的超额收益率以及Fama and French(1993)三因素模型估计的alpha度量基金业绩来估计方程(6.1),所得结果没有实质变化。
    40原文为:"A person who follows this heuristic evaluates the probability of an uncertain event, or a sample, by the degree to which it is (ⅰ) similar in its essential properties to the parent population, (ⅱ) reBects the salient features of the process by which it is generated"。见 Kahneman and Tversky(1972)第33页。
    43有佣基金(load fund)是指基金管理公司通过基金代销机构发行基金份额,并按合同付给代销机构一定佣金的基金。
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