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In this study, 40 male cashmere goats were divided randomly into four groups (groupl(Gl)-12, group2(G2)- 12, group3(G3)- 8 and control Group- 8). During the period between Imonth age and 12 month age, the treatment groups of Inner Mongolia male cashmere goat were injected intradermally at three sites on the back skin and midside skin with different receptor peptides vaccine respectively (Gl RNA, SKV > SDL, GAL, G2 RNA, SKV, SDL, G3 GAL, GLAT) at 45days intervals and the control group was injected with PBS simultaneously. At the same time, all the animals were bled and the serum anti-body concentrations were tested with ELISA, the serum testosterone were determined with RIA, The results indicated that the serum concentrations of the corresponding anti-body of the three vaccinated groups were significantly higher than those of the control group. The serum testosterone concentration in Gl and G2 were not significantly(p>0.05) different from that of control group, while the animals at 7 month age in G3 the serum testosterone concentration was significantly(p<0.05)lower than that of control group, which implied the receptor peptide vaccine could inhibit the secretion of testosterone during the sexually mature in this group . Also, the body weight, cashmere length, cashmere weight in all treatment group were determined, and the results indicated that there were no significant different(p>0.05) among Gl, G2, G3 and control group, which implied that there was no negative effect of vaccine injection on the performance of cashmere goat. The results also indicate that the body weight and feed conversion ratio in G3 was 4.5 kg heavier and higher than those of the castrated animals at the same age. During the period
    of observing the behavior of all the cashmere goat ,the sexual behavior of the animals in G3 were significantly lesser than that of control group and the agonistic behavior of the animals in G3 were correspondingly weaker than that of other groups, which indicated the animals in G3 was easy to be managed .
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