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One of the significant signs that distinguish modern politics from traditional politics is the emergence of political parties and the development of party politics. As an important part of indirect democracy, party politics, together with parliamentary politics and electoral politics makes up of the basic framework of modern democratic politics. It is party politics' democratic nature and its special functions that make it play an important role in the development of modern country's political process. Compared to early modern countries' party politics, the base of later modern countries' party politics is much weaker, and its task is more arduous. Besides the commitment to promote democratic politics, namely the establishments of democratic regimes and systems, later modern countries' party also has another task on their shoulders, that is, to provide foundational support for the democracy development, namely the direct leadership and promotion of social modernization. Whether their party politics is mature or not becomes one of the crucial factors to realize their political modernization. Therefore, in order to study later modern countries' political transition, it is very necessary to investigate and analyze the interactive relationship between these countries' party politics and the phenomenon of political transition.
     As a typical later modern country, Korea, with its great success in economic development and political transformation, obviously has its unique value in summarizing and researching the experience and lessons. In addition, Korea is a typical oriental country. Therefore, the research on Korean political modernization has a certain degree of cultural significance. Taking into account that both Korea and China are later modern and oriental countries, China should be able to learn a lot from Korea's experience. Undoubtedly, the successful political transition and the establishment of democratic politics of Korea are accelerated by the combined effect of multiple factors. Among these factors, the direct and crucial factor is the promotion of Korean political parties. However, according to the current research in this issue, researchers did not pay great attention to this factor. Therefore, we can say that, to some extent, this paper is a pioneering study of Korean political transition which attempts to comprehensively analyze Korean political transition from the perspective of party politics.
     At present, there are four major theoretical paradigms to analyze political transition that are structure analysis theory, civil society theory, strategy choice theory and institution change theory. After briefly discussing the contents, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of these paradigms, I think that these four paradigms still have some deficiencies and defects. Based on this viewpoint, I proceed to study Korean political transition from the unit level, namely the party politics level, in order to absorb their advantages and avoid their shortcomings and then build a new and more perfect analytical framework. And in order to effectively support this analytical framework, under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, I have mainly adopted traditional research methods, including historical research methods, normative analysis methods and comparative analysis methods, as well as some empirical research methods.
     When we discuss Korean party politics in the context of Korea's political transition, one indispensable precondition is that we must investigate and study systematically and succinctly the development of Korean party politics which has undergone dramatic changes at different times during postwar period. In fact, the reason why these works are made is to provide historical facts and background materials for later specific description and analysis of the interactive relationship between Korean party politics and political transformation. In addition, through this long period historical research, we can understand and feel the inextricably relations between Korean party politics and political transformation more clearly from an overall and macro perspective. In this paper, the postwar Korean party politics has been divided into three kinds, which are the party politics during "democratic experiment" period, the party politics during authoritative rule period and the party politics during democratic period. Through the study of Korean party politics' development trajectory, we can find that Korean party politics' development is closely related to Korean political evolution.
     Korean political parties, the core of Korean political transition and democratic development, must have a significant impact on Korean political transition as well as the consolidation and development of democratic politics. In this paper, I particularly review the different operation processes of Korean political parties in different Korean development eras, which are the authoritarian period, political transformation period and democratic period, and conclude that Korean party politics has made important contributions to Korea's political progress and democratic development throughout the political period. During the authoritarian period, the democratization function of Korean party politics is embodied on the institutional existence of opposition and the arduous struggles they have done for democratization. During the political transformation period, Korean political parties become the direct operator of Korean political transition. Korean oppositions play an important role in the process of overthrowing Korea's authoritarian rule. Subsequently, the ruling and opposition parties set up a new democratic institution after consultation and cooperation. And during the democratic period, the smooth rotation of different types of political parties not only eliminate the harmful influences of authoritarianism, consolidate democracy, but also make Korea's democratic system successfully get through the initial instability of transformation.
     Without doubt, there is a very close relationship between the development of Korean party politics and the historical process of political transition. Therefore, we should study and analyze in depth the status of the relationship and the challenges they have faced. First of all, I reconsider the specific role that Korean party politics have played in the course of political transition through two new dimensions, constitutional dimension and representative dimension. Secondly, I minutely analyze the challenges Korean party politics have faced in the new political era. Subsequently, I further analyze the adaptive changes Korean party politics should be taken in the democracy consolidation stage. Finally, I generalize and extract some characteristics of the relationship between Korean party politics and political transition. And then, I also summarize some enlightenment that may be useful for us. At the end of this paper, in order to point out this study's regional significance, I try to conduct a preliminary analysis and exploration of East Asia's political transition from the perspective of party politics.
    [1]Larry Diamond,Juan J.Linz and S.M.Lipset,(eds.),Politics in Developing Countries:Comparing Experiences with Democracy,Boulder and London:Lynne Rienner Publisher,1990;Larry Diamond,Civil Society and the Development of Democracy,Estudio/Working Paper 1997/101,June 1997.
    [2]Hagen Koo,State and Society in Contemporary Korea,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1993.
    [3]Sunhyuk Kim,The Politics of Democratization in South Korea:the Role of Civil Society,Pittsburgh:University of Pittsburgh Press,2000.
    [1]Manwoo Lee,The Odyssey of Korean Democracy:Korea Politics.1987-1990,New York:Praeger Publishers,1990.
    [2]Thomas W.Robinson,Democracy and Development in East Asia:Taiwan,South Korea and the Philippines,Washington D.C.:American Enterprise Institute,1991.
    [3]Young Whan Kihl,Transforming Korean Politics:Democracy,Reform,and Culture,Armonk,N.Y.:M.E.Sharpe,Inc.,2004.
    [4]其他比较重要的相关研究著作包括:Seung-Joon Ahn,From State to Community:Rethinking South Korean Modernization,Littleton,Colorado:Aigis Publications,1994;
    Nancy Abelmann,Echoes of the Past,Epics of Dissent:A South Korean Social Movement,Berkeley and Los Angeles,California:University of California Press,1996;
    Dae Hwan Kim and Tat Yan Kong,(eds.),The Korean Peninsula in Transition,Houndmills,Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1997;
    Sung Deuk Hahm and L.Christopher Plein,After Development:The Transformation of the Korean Presidency and Bureaucracy,Washington,D.C.:Georgetown University Press,1997;
    Geir Helgesen,Democracy and Authority in Korea:The Cultural Dimension in Korean Politics,Surrey,United Kingdom:Curzon Press,1998;
    Samuel Kim,Korea's Globalization,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000;
    Joseph Wong,Healthy Democracies:Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea,Ithaca,N.Y.:Cornell University Press,2004.
    [1]Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,pp.1-45.
    [2]“Theories of the middle range”的中文翻译似乎并不统一,有学者译为“中距理论”、“中间理论”,也有学者译为“中观理论”、“中层理论”,本文采大多数学者较为认可的译法,译为“中层理论”。
    [1]默顿对中层理论的论述,请参见Robert King Merton,On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range,in Piotr Sztompka,(ed.),On Social Structure and Science,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996;
    [1]Arend Lijphart,The Southern European Examples of Democratization:Six Lessons for Latin America,Government and Opposition,Vol.25,Winter 1990,p.72.
    [2]Terry Lynn Karl,Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America,Comparative Politics,Vol.23,October 1990,p.7;
    Scott Mainwaring,Transition to Democracy and Democratic Consolidation:Theoretical and Comparative Issues,in Scott Mainwaring,Guillermo O'Donnell,and J.Samuel Valenzuela,(eds.),Issues in Democratic Consolidation,Notre Dame,Ind.:University of Notre Dame Press,1992,p.327.
    [4]Samuel P.Huntington,Will More Countries Become Democratic? Political Science Quarterly,Vol.99,Spring 1984,p.212.
    [5]Adam Przeworski,Some Problem in the Study of the Transition to Democracy,in Guillermo A.O'Donnell,Philippe C.Schmitter and Laurence Whitehead,(eds.),Transition from Authoritarian Rule:Comparative Perspective,Baltimore:The John Hopkins University Press,1991,pp.47-63.
    Guy Hermet,Introduction:The Age of Democracy? International Social Science Journal,Vol.128,May 1991,p.255.
    [2]P.Pierson and T.Skocpol,Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political Science,in I.Katznelson and H.V.Miller(eds.),Political Science:State of the Discipline,New York:Norton,2002,p.706;
    Paul Pierson,The Limits of Design:Explaining Institutional Origins and Change,Governance:An International Journal of Policy and Administration,Vol.13,No.4,2000,p.475.
    [3]Mark D.Aspinwall and Gerald Schneider,Same Menu,Separate Tables:The Institutional Turn in Political Science and the Study of European Integration,European Journal of Political Research,Vol.38,2000,p.1.
    [1]新制度主义内部流派的划分,目前主要有三种分类方法:第一种是两分法,即把新制度主义简单地分为理性选择制度主义和社会学制度主义两种(ASBJO/RNSONNENO/RGAARD,Rediscovering Rationality in Institutional Analysis,European Journal of Political Research,Vol.29,January1996,pp.31-57);第二种是三分法,即把新制度主义分为历史制度主义、理性选择制度主义和社会学制度主义三个类别(Peter A.Hall and Rosemary C.R.Taylor,Politic Science and the Three Institutionalisms,Political Studies,Vol.ⅩLⅣ,1996,pp.936-957),这也是最著名并被大多数学者所认可的一种分类方法;第三种是七分法,即把新制度主义划分为规范性制度主义、理性选择制度主义、社会学制度主义、历史制度主义、实证制度主义、作为一种利益代表的制度主义、国际政治中的制度主义等七种(Guy Peters,Institutional Theory in Political Science:The New Institutionalism,London and New York:Continuum,2000)。
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    Juliet Johnson,Path Contingency in Post-communist Transformations,Comparative Politics,No.4,2001.
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    [1]关于这一观点的详细介绍请参见Giuseppe Di Palma,To Craft Democracies,Berkeley:University of California Press,1990.
    [1]关于新制度主义理论的具体介绍和评论,可进一步参阅:James G.March and Johan P.Olson,The Institutionalism:Organizational Factors in Political Life,American Political Science Review,Vol.78,1984;
    Mark D.Aspinwall and Gerald Schneider,Same Menu,Separate Tables:The Institutional Turn in Political Science and the Study of European Integration,European Journal of Political Research,Vol.38,2000;
    Guy Peters,Institutional Theory in Political Science,London and New York:Wellington House,1999.
    [2]Jan-Erik Lane and Svante Ersson,The New Institutional Politics:Performances and Outcomes,London:Routeledge,2000,p.23.
    [2]具体请参阅Laster M.Salamon and Helmut K.Anheier,The Emerging Sector:An Overview,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies,Center for Civil Society Studies,1994.
    [2]Peter A.Hall and Rosemary C.R.Taylor,Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms,Political Studies,Vol.ⅩLⅣ,1996,pp.936-957.
    [2]C.I.Eugene Kim and Young Whan Kihl,(eds.),Party Politics and Elections in Korea,Silver Spring,MD:The Research Institute on Korean Affairs,1976,p.8.
    [1]Gregory Henderson,Korea:The Politics of the Vortex,Cambridge,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1968,pp.130-131.
    [3]Department of State,Foreign Relations of the United States(FRUS),Vol.6,1945,p.1050.
    [1]Park Chan-Pyo,The American Military Government and the Framework for Democracy in South Korea,in Bonnie B.C.Oh,(ed.),Korea under the American Military Government,1945-1948,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,p.126.
    [3]Jongsuk Chay,Unequal Partners in Peace and War:The Republic of Korea and the United States,1948-1953,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,pp.279-282;
    Donald S.Macdonald,U.S.-Korean Relations from Liberation to Self-Reliance,Oxford:Westview Press,1992,pp.187-191.
    [4]就连美国驻韩使馆也不得不承认,韩国此时的政治发展趋势正在损害1948年建立的民主制度并削弱了国际社会对韩国的同情和支持。参见The Ambassador in Korea(Briggs)to the Department of State,July 14,1954,in FRUS,1952-1954,Vol.15,Korea,pp.1796-1799.
    [5]Juergen Kleiner,Korea:A Century of Change,New Jersey:World Scientific Publishing Company,2001,p.111.
    [1]Donald S.Macdonald,U.S.-Korean Relations from Liberation to Self-Reliance,Oxford:Westview Press,1992,pp.169-170;
    Yong-Pyo Hong,State Security and Regime Security:President Syngman Rhee and the Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea,1953-60,New York:ST.Martin's Press,Inc.,2000,p.108,123.
    [3]Telegram from the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State,April 17,1960,in FRUS,1958-1960,Vol.18,Korea,pp.616-618;
    Yong-Pyo Hong,State Security and Regime Security:President Syngman Rhee and the Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea,1953-60,New York:ST.Martin's Press,Inc.,2000,pp.140-141.
    [4]Telegram from the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State,April 26,1960,in FRUS,1958-1960,Vol.18,Korea,pp.639-640.
    [2]Juergen Kleiner,Korea:A Century of Change,New Jersey:World Scientific Publishing Company,2001,pp.128-129.
    [3]Andrew C.Nahm,Korea:Tradition and Transformation,A History of the Korean People,New Jersey:Hollym International Crop.,1988,pp.438-439.
    [1]Memorandum by Robert H.Johnson of the National Security Council Staff,June 6,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,p.470.
    [2]Donald S.Macdonald,U.S.-Korean Relations from Liberation to Self-Reliance,Oxford:Westview Press,1992,p.217;
    Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea,August 5,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,p.511;
    Memorandum of Conversation,November 14,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,pp.529-534;
    Memorandum of Conversation,November 14,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,pp.535-539;
    Memorandum of Conversation,November 16,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,pp.540-541.
    [1]1963年的总统选举,朴正熙只是以微弱多数“险胜”。由于这次总统选举没有出现李承晚时期那种贿赂、威胁选民、舞弊等恶劣现象,因而被联合国的一位观察员称为“韩国15年历史上最诚实与平和的选举。”参见New York Times,October 19,1963,p.24.
    [3]C.I.Eugene Kim and Young Whan Kihl,(eds.),Party Politics and Elections in Korea,Silver Spring,MD:The Research Institute on Korean Affairs,1976,pp.28-29.
    [4]Y.C.Han,Political Parties and Political Development in South Korea,Pacific Affairs,Vol.42,1969,p. 448;
    Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,p.34.
    [1]Jung Bock Lee,The Political Process in Korea,in Soong Hoom Kil and Chung-In Moon,(eds.),Understanding Korean Politics:An Introduction,Albany:State University of New York Press,2001,p.159.
    [2]Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,p.34.
    [1]新军部之所以能最终正式掌握韩国政权,美国对韩国政局所持的旁观和沉默的态度是其中非常重要的因素。参见:James Fowler,The United States and South Korean Democratization,Political Science Quarterly,Vol.114,No.2,Summer 1999,p.283.
    [1]此外,1987年美国里根政府对全斗焕政权的态度转趋强硬也是民正党不得不面对的严峻现实。参见:Edward A Olsen,The Challenge of Political Change Overseas,Washington Quarterly,Vol.10,Spring 1987,p.173;
    James Fowler,The United States and South Korean Democratization,Political Science Quarterly,Vol.114,No.2,Summer 1999,p.286.
    [4]Manwoo Lee,The Odyssey of Korean Democracy:Korea Politics,1987-1990,New York:Praeger Publishers,1990,pp.23-29.
    [1]也有学者对此持怀疑态度,认为二金即便是在总统候选人单一化问题上达成了一致,也未必能在地域分割严重的韩国总统选举中赢得胜利。参见Manwoo Lee,The Odyssey of Korean Democracy:Korea Politics,1987-1990,New York:Praeger Publishers,1990,p.48.
    [2]Demand for a Larger Opposition Grows,The Korea Post,No.3,1990,p.8.
    [3]Kim Hong-Nack,The 1988 Parliamentary Election in South Korea,in James Cotton,(ed.),Korea Under Roh Tae Woo:Democratization,Northern Policy and Inter-Korean Relations,St.Leonards,Australia:Allen and Unwin Pty Ltd.,1993,p.121.
    [1]Moon Yong-jik,An Analysis of General Elections,Korea Focus,Vol.4,No.3,1996,p.12.
    [1]Jung Bock Lee,The Political Process in Korea,in Soong Hoom Kil and Chung-In Moon,(eds.),Understanding Korean Politics:An Introduction,Albany:State University of New York Press,2001,p.159.
    [1]刘然:《群雄逐鹿 平分天下》,《当代世界》,2000年第5期,第9页。
    Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,pp.1-45;
    EuiSuok Han,Party Politics since Democratization:Cartelization of Party System in South Korea,1987-2000,A Paper Presented to the Annual Meeting of Southern Political Science Association,New Orleans,Louisiana,January 10,2004.
    [2]Kenneth B.Lee,Korea and East Asia:The Story of a Phoenix,London:Praeger Publishers,1997,pp.177-179;
    John Kie-chiang Oh,Korean Politics:The Quest for Democratization and Economic Development,London:Cornell University Press,1999,pp.27-29;
    Park Chan-Pyo,The American Military Government and the Framework for Democracy in South Korea,in Bonnie B.C.Oh,(ed.),Korea Under the American Military Government,1945-1948,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,pp.141-143.
    [3]James I.Matray,The Reluctant Crusade:American Foreign Policy in Korea,1941-1950,Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1985,pp.28-35;
    Park Chan-Pyo,The American Military Government and the Framework for Democracy in South Korea,in Bonnie B.C.Oh,(ed.),Korea Under the American Military Government,1945-1948,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,p.126.
    [1]Memorandum by Robert H.Johnson of the National Security Council Staff,June 6,1961,in FRUS,1961-1963,Vol.22,Korea,p.470;
    Walter Lafeber,The Tension between Democracy and Capitalism during the American Century,Diplomatic History,Vol.23,No.2,Spring 1999,p.274.
    [3]Y.C.Han,Political Parties and Political Development in South Korea,Pacific Affairs,Vol.42,1969,p.448;
    Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,p.34.
    [1]在美国看来,这两个目标是一致的,反共的最终目的是为了“保卫民主”,而促进西方民主思想的传播则是推行反共战略的重要手段。可参见Claes G.Ryn,The Ideology of American Empire,Orbis,Summer 2003,p.391;
    [3]Juan J.Linz,An Authoritarian Regime Spain,in Erik Allardt and Stein Rokkan,(eds.),Mass Politics:Studies in Political Sociology,New York:Free Press,1970,p.255.
    [1]Philippe Schmitter,Still the Century of Corporatism? Review of Politics,Vol.36,No.1,January 1974,pp.85-131;
    also published in F.B.Pike and T.Stritch,(eds.),The New Corporatism,Notre Dame:Notre Dame University Press,1974,pp.85-131.
    [2]Jung Bock Lee,The Political Process in Korea,in Soong Hoom Kil and Chung-In Moon,(eds.),Understanding Korean Politics:An Introduction,Albany:State University of New York Press,2001,pp.155-156;
    Byung-Kook Kim,Party Politics in South Korea's Democracy,in Larry Diamond and Byung-Kook Kim,(eds.),Consolidating Democracy in South Korea,London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,2000,p.58.
    [2]Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Choi Sang-Yong,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,pp.40-43.
    [2]民正党虽然对李敏雨的这一构想表示了欢迎,但是实际上,民正党对借助于李敏雨构想来离间和削弱二金要比对李的构想本身和李本人更感兴趣。参见Manwoo Lee,The Odyssey of Korean Democracy:Korea Politics,1987-1990,New York:Praeger Publishers,1990,pp.23-29.
    Manwoo Lee,The Odyssey of Korean Democracy:Korea Politics,1987-1990,New York:Praeger Publishers,1990,p.40.
    [3]当然,两党提出把争论激烈的一些实质性问题,比如军队的政治中立性问题等,留待总统选举以后 再予以考虑,也在一定程度上有助于双方协议的尽快达成。参见Hyug Baeg Im.Politics of Democratic Transition from Authoritarian Rule in South Korea,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,p.87.
    [3]在维新体制时期,甚至执政党的功能也被大大削弱了。参见Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,p.34.
    [1]有学者甚至认为这一时期的韩国政党还处于半政党的阶段。参见Jung Bock Lee,The Political Process in Korea,in Soong Hoom Kil and Chung-In Moon,(eds.),Understanding Korean Politics:An Introduction,Albany:State University of New York Press,2001,p.155.
    [3]可参见 Donald Stone Macdonald,The Koreans:Contemporary Politics and Society,Boulder,Colorado and London:Westview Press,1988,p.32;David Ⅰ.Steinberg,The Republic of Korea:Economic Transformation and Social Change,Boulder,Colorado:Westview Press,1989,p.75;
    [1]Sun-Chick Hong,Political Diagnosis of Korea Society:A Survey of Military and Civilian Values,Asian Survey,Vol.7,No.5,1967,pp.234-237.
    [2]Sung-Joo Han,South Korea:Politics in Transition,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,pp.40-43.
    [3]Hahn-Been Lee,Korea:Time,Change,and Administration,Honolulu:East-West Center Press,1968,p.117.
    [1]Dong-Sub Bark and Chae-Jin Lee,Bureaucratic Elite and Development Orientations,in Dae-Sook Suh and Chae-Jin Lee,(eds.),Political Leadership in Korea,Seattle,WA:University of Washington Press,1976,pp.91-131;
    [2]Kim Hong-Nack,The 1988 Parliamentary Election in South Korea,in,James Cotton,(ed.),Korea Under Roh Tae Woo:Democratization,Northern Policy and Inter-Korean Relations,St.Leonards,Australia:Allen and Unwin Pty Ltd.,1993,p.121.
    [3]Sung Chul Yang,An Analysis of South Korea's Political Process and Party Politics,in James Cotton,(ed.),Politics and Policy in the New Korean State:From Roh Tae Woo to Kim Young Sam,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.7;[韩]金泳三:《开创二十一世纪的新韩国》,北京:东方出版社1993年第2版,第64-65页。
    [1]Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,p.12.
    [2]Robert E.Bedeski,The Transformation of South Korea,London and New York:Routledge,1994,p.107;Su-Hoon Lee,Transition Politics of Korea,1987-1992:Activation of Civil Society,Pacific Affairs,Vol.66,No.3,1993,p.357.
    [2]Byeong-Seg Park,Political Corruption in South Korea:Concentrating on the Dynamics of Party Politics,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,pp.354-362.
    [1]从另外一方面也可以看出战后韩国宪法的修改是多么频繁,那就是从1948年到1987年不到40年的时间内,韩国竟先后总共出现了6部不同版本的宪法。参见Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,p.13.
    [1]韩国1987年民主宪法的顺利制定和批准与当时韩国朝野所采取的互相克制与相互合作的战略是密不可分的。参见 Hyug Baeg Im,Politics of Democratic Transition from Authoritarian Rule in South Korea,in Sang-Yong Choi,(ed.),Democracy in Korea,The Korean Political Science Association,Seoul:Seoul Press,1997,pp.86-87.
    Larry Diamond,Juan J.Linz and S.M.Lipset,(eds.),Politics in Developing Countries:Comparing Experiences with Democracy,2~(nd) edition,Boulder:Lynne Rienner Publisher,1995,pp.39-40;
    Sung Chul Yang,An Analysis of South Korea's Political Process and Party Politics,in James Cotton,(ed.),Polilics and Policy in the New Korean State:From Roh Tae Woo to Kim Young Sam,New York:St.Martin's Press,1995,p.28.
    [3]一项调查表明,韩国民众在1997年亚洲金融危机时期对民主体制的支持率仍旧高达91.7%。数据参见 Doh Chull Shin,Mass Politics and Culture in Democratizing Korea,New York:Cambridge University Press,1999,p.40.关于韩国民众对民主体制态度的具体分析,可参见 Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,pp.30-31;
    Chong-Min Park and Doh Chull Shin,Do East Asians View Democracy as a Lesser Evil?Working Paper Series:No.30,2005,Taipei:Asian Barometer Project Office,National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica.
    [1]Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,pp.14-16.
    [3]Leonardo Morlino,Democracy between Consolidation and Crisis,Parties,Groups and Citizens in Southern Europe,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998,pp.85-103 and p.210.For a detailed discussion of this relationship see Douglas Rae,The Political Consequences of Electoral Law,New Haven:Yale University Press,1967;Giovanni Sartori,Parties and Party Systems,A Framework for Analysis,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1976;Scott Mainwaring and Timothy R.Scully,Building Democratic Institutions,Party Systems in Latin America,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1995;Steven Levitsky,Crisis,Party Adaptation,and Regime Stability in Argentina:The Case of Peronism,1985-1995,Party Politics,1998,Iss.4,No.4,pp.445-470.
    [1]Bruce Ackermann,The New Separation of Powers,Harvard Law Review,Iss.113,No.3,2000,p.645.
    [2]具体内容可参见 Arend Lijphart,Democracies:Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries,New Haven:Yale University Press,1984.
    [3]指数Erep的计算方法是:先将各政党各自所占议席的比率与所获选票的比率之间的差额相加,然后为了平衡代表过度和代表不足将总和除以2,最后用100减去这一中间得数,最终的得数越接近100,说明该选举制度的成比例性越高。指数Erepl的计算方法与Erep相同。参见Timm Beichelt,Die Wirkung von Wahlsystemen in Mittel-und Osteuropa,Zeitschrift fuer Parlamentsfragen,1998,Iss.29,No.4,pp.605-624,quoted in Aurel Croissant,Electoral Systems in Asia as Elements of Consensus and Majoritarian Democracy:Comparing Seven Cases,http://www.croissant.uni-hd.de/electorial_systems.htm,downloaded September 2,2008.
    [1]关于委任制民主的详细介绍,参见Guillermo O'Donnell,Delegative Democracy,Journal ofDemocracy.1994,Vol.5,No.1,pp.55-69:
    [3]不过,总统对国会本身职权的篡夺也只能发生在被G.奥唐奈尔形象的称为“在宪法的边缘进行统治”(Guillermo O'Donnell,Delegative Democracy,Journal of Democracy,1994,Vol.5,No.1,pp.55-69)的宪法对二者权利界定的边缘,不可能大规模侵占国会的职权。
    [1]Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,p.37.
    [1]Wolfgang Merkel,System Transformation,Opladen:Leske & Budrich,1999,p.155.
    [2]Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,pp.27-28.
    [1]这样毫无原则地争夺国会多数的后果之一就是韩国出现了大量的“候鸟型”政客。举例来说,第14届国会期间,曾经改变过1次以上所属政党的国会议员其比例竟然高达20%。参见Kwon Young-Seol,Politische Reformgesetzgebung und ihre Zukunftsperspekitve,Public Law,1995,Vol.23,No.1,quoted in Aural Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Politic al Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,Iss.1,p.15.
    [1]尽管从许多指标来看,比如党内公职部分控制党内权力,党的基层组织的边缘化以及政党的财源主要依靠国家补贴而非党员缴纳的党费等等,韩国政党具有明显的“卡特尔化”的特征(EuiSuok Han,Party Politics since Democratization:Cartelization of Party System in South Korea,1987-2000,A Paper Presented to the Annual Meeting of Southern Political Science Association,New Orleans,Louisiana,January 10,2004,pp.15-21.),但是与发生在西方民主国家的政党卡特尔化趋势不同,韩国目前的政党形态,更准确地说,应该是经过改良的传统的寡头式政党在现代政治环境下的重现。
    [1]韩国地区间的分裂与对立由来已久,不过在权威统治时期,这种地区分割现象曾一度被民主与权威之间的矛盾冲突所掩盖,1987年总统选举之后,地区主义重新演变成为了影响韩国选举乃至政治运行的重要因素。参见 Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,lss.1,p.27.
    [2]Klaus von Beyme,Partein im Prozeβ der Demokratischen Konsolidierung,in Wolfgang Merkel und Eberhard Sandsehneider,(Hrsg.),Partein im Transformationsprozeβ,Opladen:Leske & Budrich,1997,p.48,quoted in Aurel Croissant,Strong Presidents,Weak Democracy?—Presidents,Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea,Korea Observer,Spring 2002,Vol.33,lss.1,p.22.
    [2]Larry Diamond,Juan J.Linz and S.M.Lipset,(eds.),Politics in Developing Countries:Comparing Experiences with Democracy,Boulder and London:Lynne Rienner Publisher.Inc.1995.p.393.
    [3]G.奥唐奈尔在论述委任制民主时,便将韩国确定为委任制民主国家。详细论述请参见Guillermo O'Donnell,Delegative Democracy,Journal of Democracv.1994.Vol.5.No.1.an.55-69.
    [2]Park Chan-Pyo,The American Military Government and the Framework for Democracy in South Korea,in Bonnie B.C.Oh,(ed.),Korea Under the American Military Government,1945-1948,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,pp.141-143.
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