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Since the British trade unions and the ILP, the SDF and the Fabians founded the LRC (the predecessor of the Labor Party) in 1900, the particular relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions had begun. More than a hundred years, the trade unions have been the largest collective number of the Labor Party, its party dues and donations have been the main prop in the financial revenue of the Labor Party and its member also has been the important source of the Labor Party's voters. The trade unions not only have played a decisive role on the establishments of the Labor Party, but also have exerted a significant influence to ups and downs of the Labor Party in British political circle. In a quite long time, relying on its superiority in the capability mechanism of the Labor Party, the trade unions and its united organization (TUC) had been playing a key role on the leader elections, the nomination of the MP and the formulation of the outline and the policy, even they sometimes determined directly these choices. The kind particular and close relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions not only are unique among the British political parties, but also are very rare and distinctive among the world political parties. Now Britain is an important member of international society and a main representative of developed capitalist country. The British Labor Party is a big party among the democratic socialist political parties and one of two big political parties among British Political parties. The British trade unions are the earliest trade unions in the world and occupy a pivotal position in the British economic and social life. studying systematically and thoroughly the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions has an important value and significance to grasping accurately the development and change of developed capitalist countries and democratic socialism in the 20th century and further developing the Sino-UK relations and the relations between the CPC and the Labor Party and drawing on the experiences and lessons of the British Labor Party on dealing with the trade union issue and advancing well the Chinese characteristic Socialism.
     The dissertation takes the Marxism as the instruction and takes the combination of the history and the theory as a basic exposition pattern. The dissertation firstly combs out the origin, the history and the present situation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions, analyses the source, the background and the influence of its evolution, then pay overall a scientific theoretical thought on the main features, the influencing factors and the future trend of the evolution of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions, the main evolutional condition and the nature of the Labor Party, the main change and the function of the trade unions, the enlightenment of the experiences and lessons of the Labor Party on dealing with the trade union issue to other political party and so obtains the comprehensive inspection and the systematic analysis on the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The dissertation altogether has six parts. They are the introduction, the early development of the Britain trade union movement and the birth of the LRC, the trade unions and the early development of the Labor Party, the fluctuation of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after the World War II, the innovation and the change of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and several theoretical thoughts on the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions.
     The introduction mainly elaborates the reason of selecting such a topic and the significance of study, the domestic and foreign research condition, the concept explanation and limit, the research train of thought and method, the main innovations and defects.
     The first part is the trade union creates the Labor Party: the origin of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from the appearance of the earliest British trade unions at the end of the 17th century to the establishment of the LRC in 1900. This part firstly inspects the production reason and the early development condition of the British trade unions and the trade union movement, specially the development condition in the 19th century, then discusses the relations between the trade unions and the LRC, points out that the trade unions play a decisive effect on founding the Labor Party, did not have the trade unions not to have the Labor Party. Through these we can clarify the direct, close and the unique relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions from the source and obtain the guidance for knowing accurately the evolution of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions more than a hundred years hereafter.
     The second part is the relative harmony under the leadership of the trade union: the early development of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from the establishment of the LRC in 1900 to the win of the Labor Party in the first national election after the World War II in 1945. This part main analyses the function of the trade unions in turning the LRC into political party, the relations between the Labor Party and the enhancement of the trade unions' legal status and the emerge of the syndicalism movement before the World War I; the change of the trade unions and its influence to the Labor Party's joining cabinet, modern transformation and initial rise in the British political circle after the eruption of the World War I; In the 1920s the Labor Party leader Macdonald's attitude to the trade union movement, the relations between the Labor Party Government's domestic and foreign policies and its serious setback in the development process and trade unions; In the 1930s the control of the TUC to Labor Party and the close coordination between the Labor Party and the trade unions during the World War II and its influence to Labor Party's erupt rise after the World War II. Through these we obtain a comprehensive grasp on the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions before the World War II and on the influence of the trade union to the Labor Party's early development.
     The third part is from the relative harmony to the frequent conflicts: the fluctuation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions after the World War II. The time of this part is from the establishment of the Labor government after the World War II in 1945 to the Labor Party's disastrous defeat in the national election in 1983. This part mainly analyses the performances and the causes and the initial crises of the overall harmonious relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions during Attlee government; the influence of the Conservative Party's policy, specially the trade union policy, to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions In the 1950s and the manner and performance of the trade unions in two intense argument between the Left and the Right in the Labor Party; the causes and the performances of improvement and deterioration of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions around Wilson government in the 1960s; from the early 1970s to the early 1980s the counterclockwise performances of the Labor Party and the trade unions and their influence to their relations and ups and downs of the Labor Party in political circle. Through these we obtain a clear understanding on the change of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions before and after the World War II, the function of the trade unions in the development of the Labor Party and the fluctuation of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after the World War II.
     The fourth part is the social partner under the leadership of the Labor Party: the innovation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from Kinnock taking the post of the Labor Party leader in 1983 to Blair resigning the post of British Prime Minister and the Labor Party leader in 2007. This part mainly analyses the entire different destiny of the trade unions and the Conservative Party under the function of the Thatcher government's trade union policy in the 1980s and under this background Kinnock's adjustment to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions with the trade unions' response; In the 1990s Smith further weakening the inner-party power of the trade unions after taking the post of the Labor Party leader under the new age background, Blair's comprehensive innovation to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after taking the post of the Labor Party leaders, the influence of the new Labor government's trade union policy to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and the trade unions' response and countermeasure. Through these we obtain an accurate judgment on the development condition, the present situation and the source of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions since the 1980s.
     The fifth part is analysis and enlightenment: several theoretical thoughts on the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. This part mainly reaches a total appraisal on development condition of the Labor Party and the trade unions, the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and the enlightenment of the Labor Party dealing with the trade union issues in one hundred years on the basis of the preceding specific inspection of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions. It mainly includes the basic evolutional condition and the changing nature of the British Labor Party, the main change and the function of the British trade unions, the main features, the affecting factors and the macroscopic trend in the near future of the evolutional relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions, the enlightenment of the experiences and lessons of the Labor Party dealing with the trade union issue to other political party.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P16.
    [1]Brian Brivati,ere,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P14.
    [1]Henry Pelling,Origins of the Labour Party(1880-1900),Oxford:Oxford University Press,1983,P210-211.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P11.
    [3]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P11.
    [3]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P18.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P3.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P25.
    [1]Henry Pelling.etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P32-33.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P35.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P34.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P37.
    [1]Briaa Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillaa Press Ltd,2000,P37.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd.,2000,P38.
    [3]Briaa Brivati,erc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P39.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P39.
    [2]Henry Polling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P39.
    [1]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996,P6.
    [3]Honry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P200.
    [2]1918年颁布的《人民代表法》规定,凡是成年男子,除了在监狱服刑者、疯人院病人、贫民工厂和贫民院人 员,都有选举权。30岁以上妇女,在普通选区,凡是有5英镑价值的土地,或有住房或住宅,或丈夫有以上条件,都享有选举权。在大学选区,30岁以上女子与男子平权。这项改革使选民人数由800万猛增到2100万。占人口的75%。见刘建飞等:《英国议会》,华夏出版社,2002年版,第160页。
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P197-200.
    [3]保守党对麦克唐纳政府促成的英苏建交非常不满,于是挑起了促使工党内阁倒台的“坎贝尔事件”。坎贝尔是英国共产党报刊《工人日报》的代理主编,他在报纸上呼吁士兵在劳资冲突中不要把枪口对准自己的工人间胞,遭到检查机构以煽动叛乱的名义起诉。麦克唐纳对此非常不满,通过工党议员促使检查机关撤消了对坎贝尔的起诉。保守党以工党政府干涉审判自由为借口,对此事大肆渲染。10月保守党对工党政府提出不信任案,并在自由党的支持下获得通过。麦克唐纳政府被迫宣布解散议会,举行大选。在竞选中,工党的主要对手是保 守党。由于保守党是伺机行事,早已做好了竞选的准备工作,吸取了上次大选失败的教训,在不影响所代表主要选民根本利益的基础上,调整了政策主张,增加了政策的包容性,兼顾其他选民的要求,使其在一开始就处于有利位置。进入临近投票的关键时刻,亲保守党的《每日邮报》又突然发表伪造的共产国际领导人季诺维也夫指示英国共产党利用工党用暴力推翻资产阶级政府的来信。在这种“赤色恫吓”下,一些选民改变了投票意向。同时,工党针对工会罢工动用紧急权力法案也疏远了部分工会。结果在选举中,工党虽然增加了100多万选票,但仅获得150个议席,而保守党大获全盛,获得419个议席。就这样,工党的首次执政仅维持10个月就结束了。见Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P58.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P55.
    [7]Henry Polling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P62.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P67-68.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P66.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Patty,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P74.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P67.
    [2]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P27.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P12.
    [4]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P70.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Lid,1996,P71.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Pros Ltd,2000,P63.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,PI3.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P75.
    [4]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P76:[英]威廉·E·佩特森:《西欧社会民主党》,上海译文出版社,1982年版,第91页。
    [2]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon press,1992,P45.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P35-45.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P82.
    [1]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P50-51.
    [2]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P146-165.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P46-49.
    [1]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarcndon Press,1992,P41-45.
    [2]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P105-167.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P121.
    [4]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P145.
    [5]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P165.
    [6]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War:the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P198.
    [3]Stephen Brooke,Labour's War.the Labour Party during the Second World War,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,P326.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P91.
    [3]Henry Pelling,etc.,A Short History of the Labour Patty,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P94.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P187-205.
    [2]Henry Polling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P200.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P77-80.
    [4]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P207.
    [1][英]阿伦·斯克德等:《战后英国政治史》,世界知识出版社,1985年版,第104页;Brian Brivati,ctc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P205-206:Henry Polling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P101.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Patty:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P206.
    [2]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996,P54-55.
    [1]David Powell,What's Left?——Labor Britain and Socialist Tradition,London & Chester Springs:Peter owen,1998,P122.
    [2]Ben Pimlott,The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton,London:Jonathan Cape,1986,P230.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P207.
    [4]David Powell,What's Left?——Labor Britain and Socialist Tradition,P233;Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P211.
    [5]Ben Pimlott,The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton,London:Jonathan Cape,1986,P238.
    [1]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996,P54-55.
    [5]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Magellan Press Ltd,1996,P112.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P117-118.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P212.
    [4]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P118.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P213.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P213.
    [4]《战后英国政治史》,世界知识出版社,1985年版,第207页;Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd.,1996,P131-132.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P132.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P145.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P145;熊子云:《当代国际工人运动史》,团结出版社,1989年版,第119页。
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Patty,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P145.
    [4]Briaa Brivati,etc The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P213.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P146;[英]阿伦·斯克德等:《战后英国政治史》,世界知识出版社,1985年版,第238-263页。
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P146-147.
    [4]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P146-147.
    [2][英]阿伦·斯克德等:《战后英国政治史》,世界知识出版社,1985年版,第293-294页:Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Patty,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P154.
    [5]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P157.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillaa Press Ltd,2000,P213.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P158.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P213.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P200.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P114.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P162.
    [1]Shaw Eric,The Labour Party since 1979:crisis and transformation,London:Rouledge,1994.P10:Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P169.
    [3]Shaw Eric,The Labour Party since 1979:crisis and transformation,London:Rouledgc,1994.P13.
    [4]Keith Layboum,A Century of Labour Party(1900-2000),London:Sutton Publishing,2000,P117.
    [5]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,PI70.
    [2]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P166-167.
    [3]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,PI99.
    [1]Richard Heffernan,New Labour and Thatcherism:Political Change in Britain,Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P1-171.
    [5]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P199.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P199;胡淑慧:《金诺克与工党重建(1983-1992)》,华东师范大学2004届博士学位论文,第67页。
    [2]Steve Ludlam.New Labor Party in Government.London:Macmillan Press Ltd.2001.P75.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P135.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Patty:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P231.
    [1]Henry Pelling.etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P199.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P233.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,,The Labour Party:.A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P135.
    [4]Brian Brivati,etc,the Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P135.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P234.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P136.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P136-137.
    [3]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P187;
    Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P137.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P236.
    [5]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P234.
    [3]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,,1996,P139.
    [5]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Patty,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P191.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P234.
    [4]Anthony King,etc,Britain at the Polls:2001,Chatham House Publishers of Seven Bridges Press,2002,P105.
    [1]Anthony King,etc,Britain at the Polls:2001,Chatham House Publishers of Seven Bridges Press,2002,P233.
    [4]John Callaghan,etc,Interpreting the Labour Patty:A pproaches to Labour Politics and History,Manchester:Manchester University Press,2003,P150.
    [2]Anthony King,etc,Britain at the Polls:2001,Chatham House Publishers of Seven Bridges Press,2002,P233;http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/election-data/index.cfm?epage=s
    [3]lain Dale,Labour Party General Election Manifestos(1900-1997),London:Routledge,P105-119.
    [2]Arthur Marwick,British Society since 1945,London:penguin,1996,P208.
    [1]英国总工会的综合性特点从它名字的两种说法可以看出。一种就是其英文名字Brilain's General Union中General的“大众的”字面含义;另一种就是其英文简称GMB中的G、M、B分别来源于general、municipal和boilermakers三个词语的首字母。见http://www.grnb.org.uk/Templates/Internal.asp?NodeID=90332&int1stParentNodeID=89645&int2ndParentNodeID=89647
    [1]Henry Pelling.etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P65-79.
    [2]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P230-240.
    [1]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996,P113-149.
    [1]Arthur Merwick,British Society since 1945,London:penguin,1996,P208.
    [3]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P239.
    [1]Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labour Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996,P2.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Party:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P112.
    [1]Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labour Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996,P88.
    [1]Brian Brivati,etc,The Labour Patty:A Centenary History,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,2000,P144.
    174、Patrick Seyd,etc,Labor's Grass Roots:The Politics of Patty Membership,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992.
    175、Tudor Jones,Remaking the Labor Party:Form Gaitskell to Blair,London:Routledge,1996.
    176、Henry Pelling,etc,A Short History of the Labor Party,London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1996.
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