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     造成华法林用量个体差异的原因很多,可分为非遗传因素和遗传因素。非遗传因素主要有年龄、性别、体表面积、药物的相互作用、饮食习惯和疾病状态等。然而,非遗传因素的影响程度较为有限,并非华法林用量个体差异的主要原因。近年来,随着药物基因组学的进展和华法林药理作用分子机制的阐明,遗传因素在华法林用量个体差异中的作用越来越受到人们的重视。目前,已知与华法林的药效学和药动学相关的基因达30余种,其中维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合体亚单位1基因(VKORC1)的基因多态性和细胞色素P450 2C9基因(CYP2C9)是影响华法林用量个体差异最主要的两个遗传因素。
     本研究的目的是以中国人群作为研究对象,明确VKORC1和CYP2C9多态性与中国人华法林用量个体间差异的相关性,结合非遗传因素,在回顾性研究的基础上建立稳定剂量预测算法;经前瞻性随机病例-对照研究评价该算法的实用性和可行性,探寻适合中国人群的华法林个体化用药模式。此外,本研究还建立了一种基于荧光染料SYBR GreenⅠ的real-time PCR SNP位点的基因分型方法,使其能够达到简单、快速、准确和经济的要求,适用于普通临床实验室开展基因分型。
     针对VKORC1 T6484C和CYP2C9 A1075C,两个SNP位点,我们分别设计了基于DHPLC和基于荧光染料SYBR Green-Ⅰ的real-time PCR两种基因分型方法。以测序结果作为金标准,对这两种方法的准确性、所用时间和成本进行比较,选择较为快速、准确、成本低廉的方法作用于本研究的基因分型。
     在前瞻性研究中,收集符合入选标准的同期初次服用华法林的病例112例,随机分为实验组和对照组病。实验组病例服药前先测定VKORC1和CYP2C9的基因型,代入华法林剂量预测算法计算出稳定剂量,患者的前3次用药按此剂量服药,再以凝血酶原时间(prothrombin time,PT)的国际标准化比值(internationalnormalized ratio,INR)的变化逐步调整至实际稳定剂量;对照组按传统方式用药,并逐步调整至稳定剂量。INR的监测频率为:从用药开始到出院期间为每天1次;出院后为每周1次,获得稳定剂量后为每月1次。详细记录到达稳定剂量的天数,出现副作用的情况及时间。实验数据用生存分析法处理。终点事件定为:(1)到达稳定剂量的时间(天);(2)到达出现副反应(INR>3.5,出血或静脉栓塞)的时间(天)。用log-rank检验比较实验组与对照组终点事件的差异;用Cox比例风险回归模型分析各个因素对终点事件的影响以及实验组和对照组患者获得稳定剂量时间的风险比HR(hazard ration)。
     本研究建立了两种基于SNP位点的基因分型方法,即分别采用DHPLC和real-time PCR对VKORC1和CYP2C9进行基因分型的技术。两种方法都具有很高的准确性,DHPLC方法的检测结果与测序结果的符合率为99%,而real-timePCR方法的检测结果与测序结果完全一致。与DHPLC相比,real-time PCR方法更简便、省时和廉价,而且具有一定的通量,适合前瞻性研究中对VKORC1和CYP2C9基因型的快速检测。
     在前瞻性研究中,共有112例患者入选,最后完成整个随访过程的病例有95例,其中实验组49例,对照组46例。实验组和对照组患者获得稳定剂量的平均时间分别是27.4±1.8天和34.8±1.9天,中位时间分别是24.0±1.6天和33.0±4.4天。两组患者获得稳定剂量的时间有显著性差异(P=0.011),说明本研究中的稳定剂量预测算法可有效地减少患者华法林稳定剂量的调整时间。采用Cox比例风险回归模型对组别、性别、年龄、体表面积、VKORC1和CYP2C9基因型进行分析,结果显示对华法林稳定剂量调整时间有统计学意义的因素只有组别和年龄(P=0.019,P=0.037)两个因素。在随访期内,在相同病例数的情况下,实验组获得稳定剂量的患者数是对照组的1.764倍(HR:1.764,95%CI:1.084-2.869,P=0.022)。患者获得稳定剂量的时间有随着年龄增加而增加的趋势,在4个年龄组中,≥50岁年龄组与其他年龄组比较,获得稳定剂量的时间显著增加。在前瞻性研究的4个次要观察指标中,只有获得稳定剂量的比例在实验组和对照组中有显著性差异,分别是81.6%和63%。其他3个指标,即住院调整时间,副反应发生率和患者到达副反应的时间在两组患者中均没有显著性差异。实验组和对照组共有69例患者在随访期间获得稳定剂量,这69例患者的平均预测剂量和平均实际剂量分别为2.89±0.66 mg/d和2.82±1.09mg/d,预测剂量比实际剂量平均高0.07±0.81mg/d。预测剂量与实际剂量之间具有显著的线性关系(r=0.676,P<0.001)。有66.7%的患者的预测剂量与实际剂量相比在可接受范围内。本研究说明结合遗传因素和非遗传因素的华法林稳定剂量预测算法可以很好地指导临床用药。
Context and objectives
     As a derivant of bishydroxycoumarin,warfarin is the most commomly prescribed oral anticogulant in the world from 40s 20th centry when it was invented.For the narrow therapeutic index,it is easy to lead to adverse effects,such as thrombogenesis when the dose is insufficient or bleeding when the dose is excessive.The risk of bleeding is increased several times,and even cause death when use warfarin as anticogulant,especially in the first weeks to months during the early stages of treatment.Another characteristic of warfarin therapy is the large different stable dose between different races as well as interindividuals,with more than 20-fold of the stable dose range.As such,it is difficult for for clinicians to safely and efficiently prescribe warfarin for diffenent patients.
     Multiple factors affect the interindividual variation of warfarin dose,which can be sorteded into genetic factors and non-genetic factors.Non-genetic factors include age, gender,body surface area,drug interactions,dietary and morbid state.However, because the influence of non-genetic factors is limited,they are not the main reason of the variation of warfarin dose.Recently,with the rapid development of pharmacogenomics and elucidation of molecular mechanism of warfarin pharmacologic action,the effect of genetic factors on the variation of warfarin dose is more and more important.At present,there are more than 30 genes related to the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of warfarin,and CYP2C9 and VKORC1 are the two most important genetic factors.
     CYP2C9 is the major metabolic enzyme of warfarin.Up to now,there are 30 alleles of CYP2C9 be found,the common alleles are ~*1(wild type),~*2(Arg144Cys),~*3 (Ile359Leu).Patients carrying variant alleles have obviously lower enzymatic active and 2~3 times of bleeding risk than those carrying wild type alleles.VKORC is the target protein of warfarin.Warfarin exert its anticoagulation by inhibit the activity of VKORC,which function is reduces vitamin K 2,3-epoxide to the biologically active vitamin K hydroquinone.Several SNPs in VKORC1 gene were found to be related to the variation of warfarin dose,the most common SNPs were 1173C>T in intron 1 and 3730G>A in 3' UTR.These SNPs were in strong Linkage Disequilibrium and the Haplotypes divided into two groups,A(H1 and H2) and B(H7,H8 and H9), associated with lower and higher warfarin dosage requirements respectively.
     The contributions of the two genes on the variation of warfarin dose were studied by many researchers,these studies showed CYP2C9 and VKORC1 could account 5-22%and 6-37%interindividual variation of warfarin dose respectively.In the recent years,several predictive warfarin stable dose algorithms have been founded based on genetic factors and non-genetic factors in same given populations.Before widely used in clinic,it is necessary for these algorithms to be validated for their safe and effectiveness by prospective random case-control study.At present,there are few prospective studies to validate these algorithms,which had insufficient persuasion for the defect of design or shortage of cases.Although there were warfarin stable dose algorithms for Chinese population,they are never be validated prospectively.
     The objectives of this study were to:1) Determine the relation of interindividual variation of warfarin dose and polymorphisms of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 in Chinese population;2)Develop a warfarin stable dose predictive algorithm incorporated genetic factors and non-genetic factors by a retrospective study;3) Validate the practicality and feasibility of this algorithm by a prospective random case-control study and search for a suitable personalized medicine model of warfarin in Chinese population;4) Develop a SYBR Green-based real-time PCR assay for SNP genotyping,which is simple,rapid,accurate,inexpensive and suitable for VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotyping in clinical laboratory.
     Design and methods
     This study contains three sections:1) choose candidate genes and target SNPs, develope and evaluate genotyping method;2)retrospective study of warfarin personalized medicine and foundation of warfarin stable predictive algorithm;3) Validated the feasibility of this algorithm by a prospective study.
     We set up two mehtods,PCR/DHPLC and SYBR Green-Ⅰbased real-time PCR for genotyping VKORC1 T6484C and CYP2C9 A1075C.With direct DNA sequencing as gold standard,the sensitivity and specificity,time and cost of the two methods were compared,the one with more rapid,accurate and cost-effective was choosed for genotyping in this study.
     In the retrospective study,266 patients required warfarin stable dose were enrolled. We collected data on age,gender,height,weight,smoking,drinking,coadministration drugs and eating habit.A 5-ml blood sample of each patient was taken for genotype analysis.Correlations of stable warfarin dosage and each factor were analysised withα=0.05 as the size of a test.Factors that were not statistically significant were rejected.A multiple regression analysis was performed using factors with statistical significance to determin coefficient of determination(R~2),which means the proporation of the reason of interindividual warfarin dose could be explained by all the factors used.A warfarin stable dose predective algorithm was founded based on the multiple regression equation.
     In the prospective study,112 patients accorded with the selected standard and were first-time warfarin users were enrolled,divided into study group and control group randomly.In the study group,patients were genotyped for VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms before taking warfarin,and the predicted doses were calculated by using warfarin stable dose predictive algorithm.The first three dosage of warfarin were taken according to the predicted doses,and the doses were adjusted based on the variation of INR values.In the control group,patients' warfarin therapy were performed by tradictional model,and the warfarin doses were adjusted to stable dosage gradually.The frequency of INR monitoring was one time every from initial warfarin therapy to leave hospital,one time every week after discharge,and one time every month after stable dose acquired.Recored the time to stable dose and the time to adverise outcome,survival analyses were used to analysis experimental data.The endpoints were 1) dyas until an adverse outcome(defined as:any INR>3.5,bleeding or venous thrombosis),and 2) days until stable dose acquired.The log-rank test compared the difference of time-to-event between study group and control group.A Cox proportional hazards-regression model generated HR(hazard ration) for study group and control group on the time to stable dose,and analysised the influence of each factors on endpoints.
     Results and discussion
     Both the two SNP genotyping methods for VKORC1 and CYP2C9,DHPLC and real-time PCR assays were very accurate.The results showed complent concordance between DNA sequencing results and real-time PCR genotyping,and 99% concordance between DHPLC assay and DNA sequencing results.Compared with DHPLC,real-time PCR assay is convenient,time savings and inexpensive with relative throughput.It is suitable for VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotyping in prospective application of warfarin therapy
     Among the 266 patients in retrospective study,warfarin stable dosage ranged from 0.625 to 8.125mg/d.The mean of stable dose was 2.95±1.18mg/d and the coefficient of variance(CV) was 40%.The maximum dose exceeded the minimun dose by 13 times.Such further confirmed the existance of huge difference of warfarin among population.In the non-genetic factors,we selected eight factors,including gender,age, BSA,smoking,drinking,diabetes,indications and mean INR,to analysis their influence on interindividual warfarin stable dosage.The correlation analysis for the 8 factors and warfarin stable dosage(natural logarithmic transformation) shown gender, smoking,drinking,diabetes and indication had no relation to warfarin stable dosage, while age,BSA and mean INR had significant linear correlation to warfarin stable dosage.We found that the dose requirements fell with age,decreasing by approximately 0.2 mg per decade between the ages of 10 to 90 years irrsepective of other factors,and age accounted for 7.1%of interindividual variation of warfarin dosage.Warfarin dose requirement increased by 1.54mg per square meter of BSA irrsepective of other factors,and BSA accounted for 4.9%of interindividual variation of warfarin dosage.Correlation analysis showed that VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphism had significant linear correlation to warfarin stable dosage.Irrsepective of other factors,VKORC1 and CYP2C9 accounted for 26.5%and 21%of interindividual variation of warfarin dosage respectively.Stepwise regression analysis was used to re-analysis the factors significantly related warfarin stable dose.The multiple regression shown age,BSA,VKORC1 and CYP2C9 were significant related to interindividual variation of warfarin dosage.The multiple regression equation of the optimized regression model was regarded as warfarin stable dose predictive algorithm,and this model accounted for 54.1%of interindividual variation of warfarin dosage.
     A total of 112 patients enrolled in prospective study.Of the total 95 patients completed the whole follow-up process,49 were in study group,and 46 were in control group.The mean time to stable dose of study group and control group were 27.4±1.8 days and 34.8±1.9 days respectively,and the median time were 24.0±1.6 days and 33.0±4.4 days respectively.The times to stable dose of the two groups had significant difference(P=0.011),which indicated that the time of stable warfarin dose adjustment could be shorten efficiently when patients taken warfarin according to the dose calculated by the predictive algorithm.Cox proportional hazards-regression analysis for group,gender,age,BSA,VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes showen that only two factors,group and age had significant influence on time of stable warfarin dose adjustment(P=0.019,P=0.037).In the follow-up phase,the number of patients acquired stable dose in study group was 1.764(HR:1.764,95%CI:1.084-2.869, P=0.022) times than that in control group on the condition that the two groups had same total number of patients.There was a tendency that the time to stable dose prolonged with increasing age.In the four age groups,the time to stable dose of patients in the group of≥50 years was significantly increased than those of the other three groups.Of the 4 secondary indexes of prospective study,only the proporations of patients acquired stable dose had significant difference between study group and control group,the proporations were 81.6%and 63%respectively.The other three indexes,time of adjustment in hospital,incidence of adverse outcome and time to adverse outcome had no significant difference between the two groups.A total of 69 patients in the two groups acquired stable dose during follow-up phase.The mean predicted dose and mean actual dose of the 69 patients were 2.89±0.66 mg/d and 2.82±1.09mg/d respectively,with a mean overestimation of 0.07±0.81mg/d. predicted dose and actual dose had a significant linear correlation(r=0.676,P<0.001). 66.7%patients' predicted doses were within acceptable range.The results of prospective study indicated stable warfarin dose predictive algorithm incorporated genetic factors and non-genetic factors had high predictive effectiveness.
     The results of retrospective study indicated that age,BSA,VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms had significant influence on interindividual variation of warfarin dose, and genetic factors play a key role in this variation.Stable warfarin dose predictive algorithm incorporated genetic factors and non-genetic factors accounted for 54.1%of the interindividual variation of warfarin dose.The results of prospective randomized case-control study indicated that the time of stable warfarin dose adjustment of the patients taken warfarin based on pharmacogenetics was apparently decreased than that of the patients taken warfarin traditionally.Predicted dose and actual dose of patients had a significant linear correlation.Our study confirmed that the warfarin dose predictive algorithm had a high clinical value.It is useful to improve the safety and effectivity of warfarin therapy.
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