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     (2)通过模拟降雨试验,研究了冬小麦田降雨强度(RI)、冠层覆盖度(用Leaf area index表示,LAI)及0-40cm初始土壤剖面含水量(θ40)对降雨产流入渗特征的影响。结果表明:在其他影响因子保持稳定的条件下,径流强度、累积径流量、入渗速率和累积入渗量分别与降雨历时(t)具有显著的负指数函数、幂函数、幂函数和对数函数关系(P<0.01)。产流时间随RI增大而提前,两者呈显著幂函数关系(P<0.01);径流强度、累计径流量和径流系数随RI增大而增大;平均入渗率、稳定入渗率和入渗量随RI增大而增大,入渗率趋于稳定值的时间随RI增大而提前,降雨蓄积系数则随RI增大而减小。产流时间随LAI的减少而提前,两者呈显著线性函数关系(P<0.01);径流强度、径流量及径流系数随LAI的增加而减小;平均入渗率、稳定入渗率、入渗量和降雨蓄积系数随LAI增大而增大,入渗率趋于稳定值的时间则随LAI的增大而延长;当降雨强度增大时,LAI对麦田产流、入渗过程的影响减弱。在RI和LAI保持不变时,产流时间随θ40增大而提前,两者呈显著线性函数关系(P<0.01),而40cm以下土层的含水量对产流时间影响相对较小;径流强度、径流量及径流系数随θ40增大而增大,但稳定径流强度基本相同;入渗率趋于稳定值的时间随θ40增大而提前,平均入渗率、入渗量和降雨蓄积系数随θ40增大而减小,但稳定入渗率基本相同。
     (4)在大田中设置地膜覆盖(PM)、4种秸秆覆盖(覆盖量分别为1500,4500,7500,10500kg/hm2,分别标记为SM15、SM45、SM75和SM105和无覆盖处理(CK),研究不同覆盖方式和降雨特性对降雨后冬小麦棵间蒸发量、土壤剖面水分分布和降雨土壤蓄积量的影响。结果表明:模拟降雨后,各处理的日土壤蒸发量和土壤蒸发累积量有着相同的变化趋势;同一时间段内不同覆盖处理的土壤蒸发量差异明显,均表现为SM105With rapid social and economic development, shortage of water resources is becoming more andmore serious, and competition for limited agricultural water resources also is becoming more and morebitterly in China. Water consumption for irrigation is the majority of agricultural water resourcesconsumption and also occupies a very important position in whole social water resources utilization.However, water use efficiency and return is still relative low and water waste is still very common andserious. So that, development of water-saveing irrigation techniquies and irrigation management modelsis very helpful for relieving severe competition for water resources and ensuring national security ofgrain supply. With this background, it is necessary and urgent to study systematically the transformationand utilization of rainfall during crop growth period, to analyse factors related with rainfall utilizationand their affecting mechanisms, and simulate numerically the relationships between relavant factors andrainfall utilization. The research results may provide an important theoretical basis for estimatingeffective conversion level of rainfall during crop growing period and a helpful tool for designingoptimal irrigation schedule, which has theoretical and practical significance for improving the utilizationof limited agricultural water resources in China.
     Field experiments were conducted at Guangli Irrigaiton Experimental Station located in Qinyangcounty, Jiaozuo city, Henan province in2009-2011. Characteristics of canopy interception, surfacerunoff and soil infiltration during a rainfall, and soil surface evaporation and redistribution of soil waterafter the rainfall were investgated and studied in winter wheat season, The effcets of soil surfacemulching patterns and characteristics of rainfall on utilization of rainfall on winter wheat field were alsostudied. The main results are as followings:
     (1)The capacity of intercepting rainfall in winter wheat at plant and canopy level was measuredand factors affected the capacity were analyzed with wet-absorption method. The results showed thatintercepted rainfall amount(IRA) by a winter wheat plant was effected significantly by leaf number(P<0.05) before heading. The IRA by a plant with same leaf number varied significantly at differentgrowing stages (P<0.01). The IRA per plant increased linearly with leaf area, plant height and freshweight increasing, respectively. However, absorption rate decreased linearly with leaf area, plant heightand fresh weight increase. The IRA by the whole winter wheat canopy presented linear positivecorrelation with leaf area index (LAI), and aboveground biomass(AB) separately, but absorption rateexpressed a negative correlation with LAI and aboveground biomass. From jointing stage to maturity,IRA by winter wheat canopy increased slowly, and then decreased gradually. The peak value of IRA(1.28mm) occurred at heading stage. The IRA values varied significantly in different growing stages(P<0.01),
     Simulated rainfall experiment showed that water amount fell on interrow soil surface in winterwheat was positively correlated significantly with total rainfall (P<0.01), while the relationship betweencanopy interception and total rainfall fitted significantly a power function (P<0.01). There existed anegative exponential correlation between rainfall intensity and interrow throughfall percentage (P<0.01) and a negative power correlation between rainfall intensity and canopy interception percentage (P<0.01). The canopy interception under different rainfall intensities changed similarly with growing stages of winter wheat, while the time from starting of rainfall to reaching canopy interception capacity was longer with lower rainfall intensity. Rainfall intensity did not show significant influence on canopy interception capacity of winter wheat. Rainfall Interception decreased with the increase of rainfall intensity, and showing a significant negative correlation with rainfall intensity under a fixed rainfall amount. A mechanism model for simulating rainfall interception process of winter wheat canopy was developed, and relavent parameters were determined based on experimental data.
     A parameter, a, indicating evaporative capacity of rainfall intercepted by winter wheat canopy, was set to0.008. Simulated values fitted well to measured values, indicating that the model is suitable for estimating rainfall interception of winter wheat canopy.
     (2) The effects of rainfall intensity (RI), canopy coverage (expressed with Leaf area index, LAI) and initial water content of soil layer of0-40cm (θ4O) on surface runoff and water infiltration characteristics was investigated and analyzed with a simulated artificial rainfall experiment in winter wheat field. Results indicated that under other factors were fixed, the surface runoff intensity, cumulative runoff, infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration fitted obviously as negative exponent function, power function, power function, and logarithmic function of the rainfall duration(t)(P<0.01), respectivally The time that surface runoff began to be seen was advanced with RI increased and can be fitted well as a power function (P<0.01). Runoff intensity, accumulative runoff and runoff coefficient increased with RI increasing. As RI increasing, the time reached stable infiltration was advanced, and average infiltration rate, stable infiltration rate, and accumulative infiltration gradually increased, but rainfall storage coefficient decreased. As LAI decreasing, surface runoff appeared earlier and can be fitted significantly with a linear function (P<0.01). Runoff intensity, accumulative runoff and runoff coefficient decreased with LAI increasing. Average infiltration rate, stable infiltration rate, accumulative infiltration volume and rainfall storage coefficient increased with LAI increasing, and the time reached stable infiltration was postponed with LAI increasing. As RI increasing, the effects of LAI on surface runoff and infiltration during a rainfall process diminished. Under a stable RI and LAI, the time surface runoff appeared was advanced with the increase of θ40, and can be fitted well as a positive linear function (P<0.01), but there was little effects of initial moisture in soil layer of40-100cm on the time surface runoff appered. Runoff intensity, runoff volume and runoff coefficient increased with the increasing of θ40, but with a similar stable runoff intensity. Under fixed RI and LAI, the time that infiltration rate reached stable point was advanced, and infiltration rate, infiltration volume and rainfall storage coefficient decreased with the increasing of θ40, but with a similar stable infiltration rate.
     With multiple regression analysis, a numerical model describing the relationship among the time surface runoff appears and RI, LAI, θ40in winter wheat was established as: tp=2O.3O7ORI-1.0761LAI1.52O9θ0-1.1844
     The practical use of the model showed that the modificated values fitted well with the measuredvalues.
     Runoff intensity, cumulative runoff volume, infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration volume canall be fitted as a function of t, RI, LAI and θ40, Respectively. The regression models for calculatingrunoff coefficient and rainfall storage coefficient were established respectively as:
     (3)Soil evaporation and soil water redistribution in winter wheat field under different rainfallsituations were explored with simulating6rainfall grades, from light rain to torrential rainfall. Resultsshowed that under similar meteorological conditions, soil evaporation varied with growing stages, buton a similar pattern for different rainfall grades. Both daily soil evaporation and cumulative evaporationcan be fitted well as a positive logarithmic function of the rainfall volume. The soil evaporation volumesin different rainfall grades in daytime was significantly different, but the differences in night time werenot obvious. The ratio of soil evaporation to rainfall (E/P) in winter wheat was fitted well as a negativepower function of rainfall. Correlating meteorological factors and soil evaporation showed that soilevaporation after a rain was signicantly correlative with sunshine hours,20cm Pan evaporation, dailymaximum temperature and mean temperature in winter wheat field (P<0.05or P<0.01), respectively.Effects of meteorological factors on soil evaporation increased with the rising of rainfall grades (rainfallvolume and rainfall intensity). The correlation between daily soil evaporation and water content in soillayer of0-100cm was very significant (P<0.01), and the correlation coefficients for each soil layers allincreased with rainfall grade rising.
     The higher a rainfall grade (rainfall volume and rainfall intensity) was, the deeper a soil profileinfluenced by soil water redistribution was, the larger soil water content change, and the longer the timeneeded to finish soil water redistribution was. Movement velocity of wetting front increased withrainfall grade rising, while final depth of wetting front reached also increased. In addition, with a fixedrainfall grade, wetting front movement velocity increased, but the time needed to finish soil waterredistribution shorted with the increasing of initial soil water content. The changing range of soilmoisture within0-100cm at reviving stage was smaller than those at jointing stage and grain fillingstage, showed the influence of crop root growth. The higher rainfall grade was, the greater the ratio ofrainfall volume to water stored finally in soil was. However, the transformation efficiency of mediumgrade rainfall to soil water was relatively higher.
     With HYDRUS-1D model, changes of soil water content in unsaturated zone caused by rainfall,evaporation and crop root water uptake was simulated. Results showed that simulated values fitted verywell to the measured valued in all rainfall situations in winter wheat field, and the model is a suitabletool of forecasting soil moisture in practical field water management.
     (4)Six mulching theatments, consisting of one plastic mulching (PM), four straw mulching(with1500,4500,7500, and10500kg/hm2, and labeled as SM15, SM45, SM75and SM105, respectively),and one no mulching(CK), was set in winter wheat field to study the effectes mulching models and rainfall characteristics on interraw soil surface evaporation, soil moisture distribution and soil waterstorage after a rainfall under simulated rainfall situation. Results indicated that the changing trends ofdaily soil evaporation and cumulative evaporation are very similar for all mulching treatments, but thedifferences of cumlative soil evaporation during a same period among six mulching treatments wereobvious, and ranged as SM105
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