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After the systems of rural lowest life security and new rural cooperating medical treatment playing its functions and taking its effect, the system of rural elderly support are focused on by more and more people. Due to the decreasing of the birthrate and the developing of small family, most of rural societies are turning from its adult type into its old-age type, and ageing situation of rural populations are severer than these of urban populations. Traditional modes of rural elderly support coming from family and farmland are not enough for farmers resisting the risks, so the farmers want an appropriate system of rural elderly support strongly day by day. The system of rural elderly support is an important system that concerns the establishment of the harmonious society, the stabilization of the rural society and the security of the old-aged farmers’life, so this system are focused by both central government and citizens. Our government ever tried to establish the system of rural elderly support between 1986-2000 years, today’s situation is very different with that stage’s, that system is not fitting and proper any more, so the reconstruction of the rural elderly support system. Our central government pay more attention to this topic, and to increase the speed of establishing the rural elderly support system has been on the work schedule of the central government, and the central government encourage local government to establish the rural elderly support system according to its own local situations. All of those present that the researches of the rural elderly support system have important practical, exigent and valuable meaning.
     Because of the region imbalance of economic development in our country, the reconstruction of rural elderly support system present two different styles, the developed area style and the underdeveloped area style. The different levels rural elderly support systems had been established in developed area basing on their local plenteous finance, developed economy and the big moneybag of farmers. The system of rural elderly support has already played its role that fit its local economic development. There are 45 million farmers who has taken part in the rural elderly support system till the ending of 2007, most of them comes from the developed areas, like Suzhou region, the rural elderly support system has already covered more than 95 percent farmers. However in the underdeveloped areas, the local government finance is not enough for the rural elderly support, the collective economy gets behind, the ability of farmers payment for elder support is low. Subjected by economy and society conditions, the experimental unit of the rural elderly support is built only in a handful of regions, and it does not start at most of areas. In theories field, the research about rural elderly support, just like its necessity, possibility, mode and frame, have been on researching from the middle of 1990s, but most of them are about the developed areas. Worrying about the abilities of the farmer’s fee paying and the public finance support, the researches of the rural elderly support ignore the underdeveloped areas’, so seldom of them are found. In this kind of researches, the basic and major argument is whether to establish the rural elderly support system in the underdeveloped areas is necessary. There are two opinions about it. One is that we should put actively the rural elderly support system in practice in developed areas, and should not in a shorter stage in the underdeveloped, when we get much experience in the economic developed areas, we take them into the underdeveloped areas. The other is that the huger difference whit farmer’s incomes and costs between the developed areas and the underdeveloped does really exist, but this difference just effect how many base-fee should be handed in by farmer and how much support should be shared by farmer, so it should not become a standard we put the rural elderly support system in practice or not. According to my opinion, the farmers in the underdeveloped areas need the elderly support strongly because of its underdeveloped economy. If we do not take the farmers in the underdeveloped areas into account until those in the developed areas have enjoyed elderly support enough, the difference between areas will be bigger and bigger, and it will not benefit with carrying out social justice and stability. Meanwhile, the system coming from the developed areas might not very fit with the underdeveloped areas. So we need an appropriate rural elderly support system for the underdeveloped areas. How to reconstruct the rural elderly support system in the underdeveloped areas, and to connect with the urban social security system someday, depends on the answers coming from theoretic researches. This research has an important meaning of theory and reality.
     This article takes the establishment of Jilin province rural elderly support system as an example for researching these of the underdeveloped areas. The farmers’situations of incomes and costs in Jilin province are as same as average situations in our country, so it can stand for the underdeveloped areas situations. This article takes a standpoint of the government’s limited public finance responsibility, and employs some effective methods, for example, investigation, questionnaires, the theoretical, and so on. The usage of those researching method can help us understand the historic theories of social security and study the evolvement of the rural elderly support system and grasp the real circumstance of village.
     The foundation theories of social security tell us that fair and justice are the important values. This idea is the basic stone of the reconstruction of the rural elderly support system in the underdeveloped areas. For targets of justice and fair, the government has responsibility and duty for providing social security and serves to citizens, especially providing salvation to the poor. Under the condition of the inequality of beginning-point, government will take the social security system as means, make resources benefiting the lack groups, satisfy personal demand, and satisfy society demand in the end, attain the society stability and harmony. In a long time, the collective economy takes the task of the rural elderly support in our countryside. When the collective economy did not take this task, this heavy responsibility has to transfer completely to the individual and family. The government responsibility is absent, the public finance responsibility is especially absent, the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas has lost its functions, and the development of the rural elderly support system in the underdeveloped areas does not wave smoothly. The public finance responsibility is necessary for reestablishing the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas, but this responsibility is very limited by the economic condition, the many agriculture populations, government financial ability. So the reconstruction of the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas is under the situation of the government limited finance ability. Decided by this situation, the reconstruction of the system cannot be supported by the limited public finance. It is necessary to find and use other resources, and the government, the society and the individual should play its own roles and burden its own responsibilities. We should establish the rural elderly support system that is a self-help, mutual aid and government-guarantee system mode.
     After carrying on the large-scale questionnaire and thorough on-the-spot interviews in Jilin province, we discovered that the traditional elderly support mode still performs its function, and it should not be ignored. The development of countryside is currently in a very good period, dismissing of the agriculture tax, and pulsing various benefiting agriculture allowance can make farmers’income increase, farmer land’s value have already increased at invisible mode, and the land can flow favoringly between the farmers, the farmer land provides certain support for the life of farmer. The family and neighbors’mutual aid also perform support function, this kind of support roots our culture traditions. In addition, the development of the rural economic cooperation organization also made up the shortage of the collective economy power in some degree. All of these are useful resources for the reconstruction of the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas. Based on this foundation, this article designs the strategy of the reconstruction of the rural elderly support system in underdevelopment areas. That is, the government assigns social resource again through a regular system, the market provide the welfare which can be chosen freely through competing, the family and volunteering organizations shares the risk of its member. This can dissolve various obstacles coming from the two-pole social structure, and cover possibly larger farmer populations. In the end, all farmers who are different with income, identity and demand bring into a same system frame. Under diversified principle of the responsibility subject, this thesis considers that the system mode reconstruction of the rural elderly support in the underdeveloped areas is a kind of remediation mode. This remediation mode is different from the western country’s that does not perform its function till the individual and market play its roles, but the government would perform its function of the public finance transferring payment from the beginning, at the same time the individual and market participates support function. This is a kind of mixing mode also. The quality of remediation present (1) the government must undertake the responsibility, but this responsibility is limited, is the provide subsidy basing local economic developing level, (2) the subsidy coming from the government should benefit the lack groups, and use the limited public finance resources on needy groups, (3) the subsidy provided by government is a kind of bottom-line standard support guarantee for the farmers’basic living level, this living level is not a poor line, but higher than poor line and less than wealthy living level, which effectively combine the farmer’s expectancy with the government responsibility, (4) to encourage the individual enforce self-guarantee responsibility, the individual should pay a part of fee for basic fund, (5) the supporting function of farmer land and family should not be ignored. The Chinese rural elderly support ideas are changing now, it corresponds to the western county’s first stage, from merely stressing function of the individual and family to emphasizing government’s responsibility. In this process, the traditional supporting functions of family and farmer land are being abandoned. In our remediation mode, we recognize the farmer land still have its guarantee value, pay for the shortage of the farmer land value. So the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas can start with a lower level, stressing to estimate the farmer land’s value, and plus the family’s support at the same time, it can meet the old farmer expectancy in both material and spirits. This corrects the ignoring in the family and farmer lands currently, also response the stressing of family’s supporting function in the international society.
     Under this frame, the particular mode is designed in this thesis. According to the average income level, the consume level, remanent life-time and the bank interest rate...etc, the article calculates the public finance bearing ability, farmer’s paying fee ability and supporting level, makes some rationalization suggestions of postponing the time of farmer enjoying the pension, establishing multi-degrees standard of the fee paying. In the end, the article researches the character and developing direction of the rural elderly support system in underdeveloped areas in our country. Our country’s situations are different from the western developed country, so we cannot take their system. The rural elderly support system should be independent because of the huge difference between city and countryside, but can link with other system. It should create the condition for unifying the rural and urban elderly support system. The developing direction of the rural elderly support system is different between the developed areas and the underdeveloped areas. The mode of the developed areas should go toward the mode of the advanced welfare for benefiting all farmers. But in the underdeveloped areas, the mode of remediation is proper in a special stage. The government, individual, society and market should play its respective role at same time the diversity of responsibility subjects is our developing direction of the rural elderly support system.
     On all accounts, the purpose of this article is to investigate the real situation of the underdeveloped countryside, to analyses its advantageous and disadvantageous factors for reconstructing the rural elderly support system, to design its appropriate system mode, and to rethink about the development and construction of the rural elderly support system in our nation.
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