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In the1940s and1950s, with the development of nuclear weapons and cold war, American intellectuals devoted plenty of thoughts on the nuclear weapons and national strategy. Under this circumstance, lots of strategic scholars or civilian strategists became well known in the field of social science, such as Bernard Brodie, William Fox, Arnold Wolfers, Jacob Viner, Robert Osgood, Thomas Schelling, Henry Kissinger, Herman Kahn, Albert Wohlstetter, William Kaufmann, Roger Hilsman, Charles Hitch, Gordon Turner, Walter Hahn、Rogers Gannell, Morton Kaplan and so on. All these scholars expressed their thoughts by publishing books, articles, writing reports, giving lectures and making speeches, and made great achievement which involved nuclear weapons'military and political effects, strategy of nuclear deterrence, the theory of general war and limited war, balance of terror, nuclear weapons'effects to international relations and western allies, civil defense, nuclear disarmament, nuclear arms control, nuclear proliferation and so on.
     All the thoughts above interacted with the development of nuclear weapons and the United States'national nuclear strategy in cold war era, some of which involved with the nuclear weapons themselves'effects, some were responses to the American-Soviet nuclear contest, some were critics and suggestions to the United States'national nuclear strategy and some were concerns about civilians'safety and life under the nuclear threat. Some opinions may be accepted by the U.S. government and military service and affected the official policy, some may not be accepted, but still could open the government and public's mind on the nuclear issues. In the1950s, the strategic scholars'thoughts and debate on the strategy of "massive retaliation" promoted American government and public's great argumentation on "limited war", which played a very important role in the transition from the strategy of "massive retaliation" to the strategy of "flexible response", which was a limited war strategy backed up by general war ability, in the early1960s.
     Furthermore, the nuclear issue is not only a historical problem but also a contemporary problem. With the end of the Cold War, the danger of massive nuclear war disappeared basically, however, the danger of nuclear proliferation increased. Irresponsible state actors and non-state actors represented by international terrorists' effort to possess nuclear weapons is making more and more threat to most nations and peoples'security in the world. And since China is surrounded by the most nuclear armed neighbors, and has complicated relations with these nuclear neighbors, some of which are in an unstable situation, China is actually suffering serious nuclear threat today. Based on American intellectuals'strategic thoughts on the nuclear issue in the early time, maybe we can learn some wisdom and knowledge to help solving the problems face by the world and China.
① Lawrence Freedman,The Evolution of Unclear Strategy,London,The Macmillan Press LTD,1981.
    ① Fred Kaplan, The Wizards of Armageddon, New York: Simon and Schuster,1983.
    ② Andrew David May, Ph.D. "The RAND Corporation and the Dynamics of American Strategic Thought, 1946-1962", Emory University,1998,435 pages; AAT 9901863.
    ③ Russell Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy, Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1973.
    ① Allan Millett and Peter Maslowski, For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States, New York: Free Press,1984.
    ② McGeorge Bundy, Danger and Survival—Choices about the Bomb in the First Fifty Years, New York: Random House, Inc.,1988.其中译本为《美国核战略》,褚广友等译,北京:世界知识出版社,1991年。
    ③ Barry Steiner, Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,1991.
    ① Robert Ayson, Thomas Schelling and the Nuclear Age, London:Frank Cass,2004.
    ② Eugene, Emme, Book Review on Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, Military Affairs, Vol.22, No.1 (Spring,1958), pp.42-43.
    ③ Harry Ransom, Book Review on Strategy in the Missile Age and War and Soviet Union: Nuclear Weapons and Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking, Military Affairs, Vol.23, No.4 (Winter,1959-1960), pp. 216-217.
    ① Lawrence Kaplan, Book Review on NATO and American Security, Military Affairs, Vol.24, No.4 (Winter, 1960-1961), pp.212-213.
    ② William Kaufmann, "Crisis in Military Affairs", World Politics, Vol.10, No.4 (July,1958), pp.579-603.
    ③ Laurence Martin, Strategic Thought in the Nuclear Age, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press,1979.
    ④ Robert Jervis, The logic of American Nuclear Strategy, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press,1984.
    ① K. S. Tripathi, Evolution of Nuclear Strategy, Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore, Vikas Publications,1970.
    ② P.M.S. Blackett, Studies of War, Oliver and Boyd, London,1962. Sir John Slessor, Strategy for the West, London, Cassell and Co.,1954.
    ③为该书作序的是印度空军上将、前空军参谋长阿尔琼·辛格(Arjan Singh),该书的目的和意义可见一斑。
    ①许嘉:《美国战略思维研究》,北京:军事科学出版社,2003年,第187-188页。 ①本文研究范围之内,布罗迪的经历简介如下:1945年9月4日以海军中尉的职衔退役,随后进入耶鲁大学国际关系学院任副教授,其中1946-1947年,兼任国家军事学院研究员,1947年曾兼任空军学院年度讲座教授,1946-1949年问,一直兼任国防问题高级专家。1950年8月到1951年6月担任空军参谋长特别助理,其间1950年11月-1951年6月兼任兰德公司顾问,并离开耶鲁大学。1951年8月离开空军部门,担任兰德公司全职资深研究员,直到1965年8月从兰德公司退休,进入加州大学洛杉矶分校任政治学教授。
    ② Barry Steiner, Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,1991, page XI.
    ③ Steiner, Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy, page XI.
    ① Bernard Brodie, "The Atomic Bomb and American Security", New York Times, October 5,1945. 本文后收录于 Phillip Bobbitt, Lawrence Freedman, Gregory Treverton:US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, New York:New York University Press,1989.
    ① Bernard Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company,1946.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.65.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.65.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.67-68.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.68.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.68-69.
    ④导弹和偷运原子弹的攻击方式并非布罗迪的首创想法,早在1945年5月参与原子弹研制美国科学家利奥·希拉德(Leo Hilliard)就提出过这两种方式。见Lawrence Freedman, The Evolution of Unclear Strategy, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1981, p.26.
    ⑤ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.69.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.69-70.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.66.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, pp.70-71.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.71.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.75.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.73.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.73.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.73-74.
    ④ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.74-75.
    ① Jacob Viner, "The Implications of the Atomic Bomb for International Relations",这是瓦伊纳在1945年11月16日的一次原子能及其影响座谈会上的发言稿,随后发表于Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society,90 (January 29,1946)后来文本收录于Marc Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, New York & London:Garland Publishing, Inc.,1987, p.2.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.75.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.75.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, 见 p.1.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.1.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.3.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.1-2.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.2-3.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.111.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.114.
    ③ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.115.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.117-118.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.118-119.
    Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.129.
    ② Brodie,"The Atomic Bomb as Policy Maker", 见 Trachtenberg,The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on.Strategy 1945-1951,pp.138-139.
    ③ Brachtenberg,The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951,pp.141一142.
    ④ Brodie ed.,The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order,pp.131-132.
    ⑤ Brodie ed.,The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and Worder,pp.132-133.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.134.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.134.
    ③ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.136.
    ④ Brodie ed.e, The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.147.
    ⑤ Brodie, "New Techniques of War and National Policies",本文原载于Technology and International Relations, edited by William F. Ogburn, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1949后收录于Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951,见 p.160.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.163-164.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951,pp.165-169.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.171-172.布鲁迪设想的第二阶段,并没有反映于实际中,苏联在美国大规模生产原子弹之前,就打破了美国的核垄断,直接进入了第三阶段。而第三阶段和第二阶段的形势差异不大,这两个阶段的战略设想对当今核力量相差悬殊的几个核国家具有一定的参考意义。
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.173.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.173.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.174-175.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.169.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.169.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.88-89.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.89.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.89-90.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.90.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.90.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.91.
    ③ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.80.
    ④ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon:Atomic Power and World Order, p.149.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.149-150.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.4-5.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.5.
    ④ Brodie, "The Security Problem in the Light of Atomic Energy",本文原载于 Quincy Wright, A Foreign Policy of the United States, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1947, pp.89-125.后来收录于 Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.95-131.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.113-114.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, pp.114-115.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.117.
    ④福克斯引用了苏联官方评论员在提及那些倡议苏联应同其他国家一样放弃主权的支持者时写道:“目前他们不但谈及欧洲联合体,甚至还有世界联合体、世界议会、世界政府等,这四个词汇的深层含义是放弃与法西斯侵略做斗争的阵地,放弃为争取持久和平做斗争的阵地。”见Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.117-172.
    ⑤ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.172.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.191-193.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.5.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1945-1951, p.6.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.154-155.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.157.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.161.
    ① Brodie, "Tactical Effects of H-bombs", RAND report,7 November 1952后被收录于Marc Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc.,1988, p.8.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 23.
    ③ Brodie, "Changing Capabilities and War Objectives",这是布罗迪1952年4月17日在美国空军学院的演讲,后收录于Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp.68-69.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 69.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp. 78-79.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp. 7-8.
    ③ Roger Hilsman, "Strategic Doctrines for Nuclear War", 见 William Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1959, p.69
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I,p. 31; p.75.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp. 82-83.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 84.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought:Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 82.
    ⑤ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 33.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p. 34.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I,p. 24.
    ③ Brodie, "A Commentary of the Preventative War Doctrine", RAND report,11 June 1953, Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960 Volume I, pp.146-147;此论还见Brodie, "Changing Capabilities and War Objectives", Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960 Volume I, p.84.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I,p. 148.
    一两个样品的时候,就什么也没有发生,何况是现在。见Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, p.23.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp. 34-35.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume I, pp. 35-36.
    ① Gordon Turner and Richard Challener, "Strategic and Political Implications of Missiles",见, Gordon Turner and Richard Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers,1960, pp.80-81.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.85-86.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.84-85.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.85-86.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.87-88.
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.89-90.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.901955年11月26日,美国国防部长查尔斯·威尔逊(Charles Wilson)发布命令将发展和使用陆基洲际弹道导弹的责任交给了空军而不是陆军。见博伊恩:《跨越苍穹:美国空军史1947-1997)),第505页。此后,美国的战略空军,不仅包括战略轰炸机部队,还包括陆基洲际弹道导弹部队。②特纳和查理两人计算过,如果部属得当,射程1700英里的中程导弹以海洋为平台就可以打击到地球任何陆地上的目标,在射程上足以与远程陆基导弹相媲美。Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.90-91.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.921959年12月30日,美国第一艘载有弹道导弹的潜艇“乔治·华盛顿”号进入现役,并于1960年7月20日,成功从水下试射了UGM-27“北极星”弹道导弹,射程1200海里(相当于2000多公里)。见博伊恩:《跨越苍穹:美国空军史1947-1997》,第514-515页。
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.93.
    ⑤ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.93-94.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.94-95.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.95-96.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.102.
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.103-104.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.104-105.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.105.
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.106-107.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.107.
    ②此处查利纳举了1958年台海危机的事例,当时美国威胁对中国大陆动用核武器,而欧洲国家则致力于寻求非战争的解决方式,来说明美欧在一些冷战政策上的分歧,表明欧洲的怀疑与不安。Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.108.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.108-109.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.59.
    Robert Coakley, "The Army as a Flexible Instrument of National Policy", 见, Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.253.
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.253-264.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.264.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.264-265.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.266-267.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.267.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.268-269.
    ④ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.59.
    ⑤ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.269-270.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.271-272.
    ②之前希尔斯曼就提出要出色的完成传统任务,地面部队需要同时具备易疏散性和机动性。要避免核武器的打击,需要尽可能的疏散,而为了阻挡敌人进攻或者进攻敌人又需要迅速的集中。见Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.60.
    ③ U. S. Army Center of Military History, American Military History, p.584.
    ④ Turner, "Air and Sea Power in Relations to National Power", 见 Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age:Basic Facts and Theories, p.240.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.240-241.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facs and Theories, p.242.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.243.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.244.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.244-245.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.245.
    ④ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.241.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.242.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.58.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.245-246.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.230-232.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.234-237.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.238.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.238-239.
    ③ Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.239.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.238.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, pp.248-252.
    ① Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.239.
    ② Turner and Challener, National Security in the Nuclear Age: Basic Facts and Theories, p.245.
    ① Bernard Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1959, pp.176-177.
    ② Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.180-181.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.184.
    ④ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.184-185.
    ⑤ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.185.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.185.
    ② Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.185-186.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.188.
    ④ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.188-189.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.189-190.
    ② Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.190.
    Klaus Knorr, "Passive Air Defense for the United States", 见 Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.79.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.191.
    ② Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.194-195.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.202-203.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.86; p.93.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.203-204.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.204-205.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.87.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.206-207.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.86-87.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.88-94.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.211-212.
    ① Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, pp.215-216.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.86.
    ③ Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, p.213.
    ①政策的形成过程参见Townsend Hoopes, The Devil and John Foster Dulles, Boston:The Atlantic Monthly Press,1973, pp.191-193该战略主要体现于美国政府NSC-162、NSC-162/1、NSC-162/2系列文件以及杜勒斯1954年1月12日在纽约向外交关系委员会发表的演讲,由于政府政策并非本文研究内容,故不多做介绍。该系列文件和演讲主要内容请参见Russell Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1977, pp.401-405全文参见华东师范大学冷战国际史研究中心馆藏美国国家安全档案NSC-162系列文件,馆藏编号分别为Reel Ⅲ:0997,1031、 1062。
    Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy, p.409.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.76.
    ① Brodie, "The Atomic Bomb and American Security",见 Phillip Bobbitt, Lawrence Freedman, Gregory Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.77.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, pp.75-77.
    ③威慑(deter)一词及其相关衍生词(deterrence, deterrent)等就是在二战后出现的,虽然在十九世纪就存在这样的意义,但是正式的称谓和最初的理论表述是来自布罗迪,而布罗迪被认为是二战之后最早的威慑理论家。见James Dougherty and Robert Pfaltzgraff, Contending Theories of International Relations: A Comprehensive Survey, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers,1990, pp.387-391.
    ④ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.73.
    ① Robert Oppenheimer, "Atomic Weapons and the Science Crisis", Saturday Review of Literature, December 24, 1945, p.10.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.73.
    ③ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.74.
    ④ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.77-78.
    ⑤ Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.77.
    ① Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.79.
    ② Bobbitt, Freedman, Treverton, US Nuclear Strategy, A Reader, p.80.
    ③ Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, pp.83-84.
    Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.84.
    ① Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.85.
    ② Brodie ed., The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, p.86.
    ①该演讲全文发表于New York Times, January 13,1954, p.2.
    ① William Kaufmann, "The Requirements of Deterrence", 见 Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.16-17.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.17.
    ③ Kaufrnann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.18.
    ④ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.19.
    ⑤ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.19-20.
    ⑥ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.20.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.20-21.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.21-22.
    ①如艾森豪威尔政府最终没有在朝鲜战争中如自己宣称的那样使用原子弹,不再像干预朝鲜那样干预印度支那的事态,对匈牙利事件无动于衷,在苏伊士运河危机中与苏联妥协。再如陆军部发展研究组组长詹姆斯·加文将军因对“大规模报复”战略不满,愤而辞职,公开著书立说阐述自己的不同意见,反对这种可能走向毁灭的核政策,见James Gavin, War and Peace in the Space Age, Hutchinson of London, 1959此外,参谋长联席会议主席兰福德海军上将(Arthur Radford)积极倡导和支持该战略,而参联会重要成员、陆军参谋长李奇微将军(Matthew Ridgway)就明确反对这样的战略。见Robert A. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, New York: Oxford University Press,1981, p.36同时,政府与国会围绕着削减预算进行了“一连串的争吵”,艾森豪威尔政府已经尽力削减预算了,国会还不满足。一方面要威胁进行“大规模报复”,一方面削减国防开支,内部争吵不休,使人进一步怀疑政府的决断力与实践能力。见《艾森豪威回忆录》(三),第339-350页。
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.23.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.24-25.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.28-29.
    ③ Bernard Brodie, "Strategy Hits a Dead End", 见 Marc Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, New York & London:Garland Publishing, Inc.,1988, p.91.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, pp. 91-92.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, p. 2.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, p. 93.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, p. 4.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, p. 95.
    ① Henry Kissinger, "Military Policy and Defense of the "Grey Areas", 见 Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, p.78.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, p. 78.
    ① Paul Nitz, "Atoms, Strategy and Policy",本文最初发表于Foreign Affairs,34 (January,1954),后收录于Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, p.97.
    ②“有限战争”一词最早出自美国五星上将乔治·马歇尔(George Marshall)之口。1951年5月,美国参议院军事委员会举行听证会,讨论远东军事形势及相关对外政策,参议员凯恩(Cain)质询时任国防部长的马歇尔,如何定义朝鲜的冲突。马歇尔回答说“我将其定义为一种有限战争,并且希望它继续保持有限。”见K. S. Tripathi, Evolution of Nuclear Strategy, Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore: Vikas Publications,1970, p.82.
    ③ Robert Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957, pp.1-2.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.238.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.238.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.241.
    ④ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.241.
    ②一枚两千吨当量的核弹最大摧毁半径也就是几百码,其辐射微不足道:一枚两万吨当量的氢弹将摧毁十英里半径以内的所有东西,其有害辐射范围将达数百英里。见Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.248-249.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.258-259.
    ① Henry Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, New York: Harper & Brothers,1957, pp.183-185.
    Hanson Baldwin, "Limited War", 见 Walter Hahn and John Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1960, pp.258-261.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.244.
    ② Kaufmann, "Limited Warfare", 见 Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.102.
    ③ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.102-103.
    ④ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.4.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.6.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.6-7.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.7.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.7-8.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.8.
    ③ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.128.后来的越南战争也说明了这一点。
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.129-130.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.130.
    ③ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.131.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.131.
    ② Thomas Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, New York: Oxford University Press, 1960, p.190.
    ③ Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, p.190.
    ④ Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, pp.190-191.
    ① Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, p.191.
    ② Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, pp.191-192.
    ① Schelling, Strategy of Conflict, p.192.
    ② Schelling, Strategy of Co nflict, pp.193-194.
    ② James King, Jr.,Nuclear Plenty and Limited War", Foreign Affairs, Vol.35, No.2 (January 1957), pp.240-241.
    ③ King, Jr., "Nuclear Plenty and Limited War", p.239.
    ① King, Jr., "Nuclear Plenty and Limited War", p.242.
    ② King, Jr., "Nuclear Plenty and Limited War", p.242.
    ③ King, Jr., "Nuclear Plenty and Limited War", p.244.
    ① Albert Wohlstetter,"The Delicate Balance of Terror", RAND report, P-1472,6 November 1958, revised December 1958, 见 Marc Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume III, New York & London:Garland Publishing, Inc.,1988, p.3.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 4-5.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 5.
    ④ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 9.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 9-10.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ,pp. 14-15.
    ①民兵系列导弹(Minuteman missile)有三种型号,二十世纪六十年代初服役的民兵T导弹,弹长17.55米,弹径1.67米,起飞重量33.1吨,可携带核弹头,战斗部威力为100-200万吨梯恩梯当量,射程11260公里,命中精度560米,可车载机动。北极星导弹(Polaris Missile) A-1型,最早于1959年11月服役,它既可供水面舰船使用,也可由潜艇从水下发射,1961年开始装备于核潜艇,可携带核弹头。特制的北极星型潜艇可在15分钟内将定额装备的16枚导弹全部发射出去。每枚弹长9.4米,直径1.4米,射程4600公里,最大时速7800英里,采用惯性制导方式,配有多个分导式弹头。
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 15-17.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 17.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 18.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 34.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 34-35.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 35-36.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 36-37.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 37.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume III, pp. 37-38.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 38.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, pp. 39-40.
    ① Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅲ, p. 40.
    ② Herman Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", RAND Research Memorandum, P-1888-RC, January 20,1960, p.4.网络下载来源:http://search.rand.org/search?input-form=rand-simple&query=P-1888-RC&Go=Search.
    ③ Herman Kahn,"Some Specific Suggestions for Achieving Early Non-military Defense Capabilities and Initiating Long-range Programs", RAND Research Memorandum, RM-2206-RC, July 1,1958, pp.107-110.网络下载来源: http://search.rand.org/search?input-form=rand-simple&v%3Asources=rand-bundle&query=RM-2206-RC.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.17.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.18-19.
    ③ Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.19.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.19-22.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.24.
    ③ Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.29-30.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.31.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.31-33.
    ③ Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.33.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.18.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.34-35.
    ③ Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.35-36.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.36-37.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.37.
    ① Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", pp.39-40.
    ② Kahn, "The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence", p.42.
    ③“灰色地带”一说来自美国学者托马斯·费赖特,是指在北约国家外围,邻近苏联、中国,西起土耳其向东经伊朗、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度、缅甸、泰国、马来亚、印尼、台湾、朝鲜半岛、日本,最后到阿留申群岛为止的广大区域,这些属于前线地区,较为脆弱。见Thomas Finletter, Power and Policy, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company,1954, pp.84-85.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.259-260.
    Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.260.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.261-262
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.261.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.261.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.261.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.266.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.266-267.
    ③ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.267.
    ④ Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, pp.267-268.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.268.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.269.
    Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.269.
    ① Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.269.
    ② Osgood, Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, p.270.
    ① Kissinger, "Military Policy and Defense of the'Grey Areas", 见 Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought:Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume II, pp.80-81.
    ② Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, pp. 81-82.
    ③ Trachtenberg, The Development of American Strategic Thought: Writings on Strategy 1952-1960, Volume Ⅱ, pp. 83-84.
    ① Roger Hilsman, "Coalitions and Alliance", 见 Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp. 162-165.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.164-165.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.165-166.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.166-168.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.168-170.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.170-171.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.174-175.
    ③ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.176-177.
    ① Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, p.177.
    ② Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.181-182.
    ③ Kaufmann ed., Military Policy and National Security, pp.183-184.
    ① Kaufmann ed.,Military Policy and National Security,pp.185-188.
    ① Kaufmann ed.,Military Policy and National Security,pp.189-191.
    ② Kaufmann ed.,Military Policy and National Security,pp.191-192
    ③ Kaufmann ed.,Military Policy and National Security,pp.192-193.
    ① George Rathjens, Jr., "NATO Strategy:Total War". 见 Klaus Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1959, pp.65-66.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.81-82.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.82-83.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.83-84.
    ③ Alvin Cottrell and Walter Hahn, "Needed:A New NATO Shield", 见 Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age,1960, p.270.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.85.
    ② NATO: Deterrent and Shield ", NATO letter, February 1,1957, pp.27-30.转引自Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.98-99.所谓的盾牌力量是指美国和其它北约国家部署在欧洲大陆的地面常规部队,在北约拥有了大规模的战略报复力量的利剑之后,再部署相应的常规部队作为前卫,这样就为利剑增加了一块“盾牌”。
    ③ Malcolm Hoag, "The Place of Limited War in NATO Strategy ", 见 Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp. 99-100.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.103.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.100-101.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.120-121.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.123-124.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.282-283.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.284-285.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.285-286.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.286.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.286.
    ① Morton Kaplan,"Problems of Coalition and Deterrence", 见 Knorred., NATO and American Security, p.127.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.127.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.130-131.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.131-132.卡普兰之前举了个例子,如英国这样的国家不加入北约的核防御体系,可能导致整个体系的崩溃,而丹麦这样的国家不加入也没有什么大碍。见Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.129.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.132-133.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.83.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.277-279.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.279-280.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.280-281.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.133-134.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.134.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.135.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.135-136.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.136-137.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.137-138.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.138.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.138-139.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.139-141.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.141.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.141-142.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.142.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.140.
    ① Malcolm Hoag, "The Economics of Military Alliance", 见 Charles Hitch and Roland McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960, p.285.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.286.
    ③ Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.289.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.292.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.293.
    ③ Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.294.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.296.
    ① Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.203.
    ② Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.204-205.
    ③ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.205.
    ① Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.207-208.
    ② Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.209-210.
    ③ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.211.
    ④ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.211-212.
    ① Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.216-217.
    ② Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.218.
    ①此论参见Thomas Finletter, Power and Policy, p.392, Charles Bolte, The Price of Peace, Boston: The Beacon Press,1956, p.68.
    ② Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.220.
    ③ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.220-221.
    ④ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.222.
    ⑤ Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.231.
    ① Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, p.231.
    Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, pp.231-232.
    ② Kissinger, "Disarmament: Illusion and Reality", 见 Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p. 313.
    ① Thomas Schelling, "Surprise Attack and Disarmament", 见 Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.176.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.176.
    ③ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.177.
    ④ Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.177.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.178.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.179.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.181.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.181-182.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.183-185.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.185-186.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, p.187.
    ③ Bernard Brodie, "The Anatomy of Deterence", World Politics, ⅩⅠ, No.2 (January 1959), p.187.
    ① Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.188-189.
    ② Knorr ed., NATO and American Security, pp.190-191.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.307.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.307.
    ③ Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, pp.307-308.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.308.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.308.
    ③ Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.308.
    ④ Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.309.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.310.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, pp.310-311.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.312.
    ② Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.312.
    ① Rogers Cannell, "The Strategic Role of Civil Defense", 见 Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.326.本文撰写于1959年,最初发表于斯坦福研究院的季刊,后收录于本书。
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.327.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.327.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.323.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.327-328.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.328.
    ④ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.328-329.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.329.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.329.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.329-331.此处所涉之美元,是上世纪五十年代的美元。
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.331.在二十世纪五六十年代,全美曾经重视试图在防核战争的民事准备方面有所建树,但政府出于预算和经济原因,所做不够,并不平衡。据生活在那个时代的一名美国人介绍,他出生和成长于堪萨斯州西部的乡村地区,每个农户家都有地下室,以前用来储存农产品等,后来用作防空掩体,也储存食物、水和燃料等。他所在的小学校经常进行防空演练,而且学校也建立地下室储存生活必需品等,包括孩子的糖果。他们的小伙伴曾多次私下地下室偷糖果吃。不过据他所说,这些只存在于乡村地区,大城市里就没有这么多的地下掩体了。美国中西部时间2010年9月18日中午,本人作者于堪萨斯州曼哈顿市采访了出生于1955年的美国当地居民Tracy Weaver,以上信息由Weaver先生提供,在此表示感谢。另外,美国政府在五十年代曾就大规模兴建掩体等民防计划展开过大讨论,但鉴于成本过高,“美国政府在全国民防掩体规划和实践方面鲜有作为,民防掩体计划陷于一种‘合理’的困境之中。”有关1950年代美国民防计划的更多细节请参见华东师范大学历史系2010届硕士毕业论文:蒋华杰:“1950年代美国民防政策初探”。
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.331-332.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.332.
    ① Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.333-334.
    ② Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.334.
    ③ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, p.326.
    ④ Hahn and Neff, American Strategy for the Nuclear Age, pp.334-335.
    ① Hitch and McKean, The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, p.322.
    ② Herman Kahn, "Some Specific Suggestions for Achieving Early Non-Military Defense Capabilities and Initiating Long-Range Programs", RAND Research Memorandum, RM-2206-RC, July 1,1958, p.100.
    ①《纽约时报》的评论,本书日译本“译者后记”,东洋政治经济研究所,1967年版,第500页。见本书的中译本代前言,《核时代的国防经济学》,闵振范等译,北京理工大学出版社,2007年,第1页。希契、麦基因、沃尔斯泰特、霍格等人直接参与本书的撰写,另外,谢林、卡普兰、布罗迪等许多人都为本书内容提供了诸多意见,这本“圣经”实际上是众多战略学者集体智慧的结晶。更多贡献者详见the Preface of TheEconomics of Defense in the Nuclear Age.
    ② David Hounshell," The Cold War, RAND, and the Generation of Knowledge,1946-1962", RAND/RP-729, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, Vol.27, No.2,1997, p.256
    ① "Report of the Panel on Weapons Technology For Limited Warfare", May 16,1960, PSAC, see Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology (James R. Killian and George B. Kistiakowsky): Records,1957-61, Box No.:12, Limited War [September 1959-December 1960].
    ② "United States and Allied Capabilities for Limited Military Operations to 1 July 1962", Prepared by in Interdepartmental Study Group of Representatives from State Department, Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency, see Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for
    ① Dwight Eisenhower Library, Lilly, Edward P.:Papers,1928-1992, Box No.:55, Limited War Office.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, Papers as President of the United States,1953-61, (Ann Whiteman File), DDE Diary Series, Box No.:25.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary: Records of Paul T. Carrol, Andrew J. Goodpaster, L. Arthur Minnich, and Christopher H. Russell,1952-61, Subject Series, Department of Defense Subseries, Box No.:5.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology (James R. Killian and George B. Kistiakowsky):Records, 1957-61, Box No.:2.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology (James R. Killian and George B. Kistiakowsky):Records, 1957-61, Box No.:12.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs:Records,1952-61, NSC Series, Subject Series, Box No.: 5.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, White House Office:Office of the f Secretary, 1952-61, Subject Series; Alphabetical Subseries, Box No.:23.
    Dwight Eisenhower Library, Lilly, Edward P.:Papers,1928-1992, Box No.:55.
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