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Magnetic levitated rotor is a new, high technology advanced field product that is promoted recent years. With the advantages of frictionless, no wear, without lubricating, no pollution, low consuming and long life, it suits high and super high speed, vacuum condition and some of the special conditions. It has important science significance and abroad application foreground in the fields of military affairs, space station, nuclear industry, energy sources, chemical plant, traffic and so on. The corresponding products of magnetic bearing have been applied overseas, but they haven't reported in domestic.Because the dynamic characteristic of magnetic levitated rotor is the interaction result of magnetic suspension characteristic and rotor dynamics. Its level not only determines the achievement of magnetic suspension, but also influences the dynamic characteristic and the turning precision of the rotor. Therefore, developing the magnetic suspension technology research can supply the technology reserve and possibility for its application in industry and has very important theory value and practical significance. This paper develops the theory and experiment research of the rotor dynamic characteristic based on magnetic suspension. The main research as follows:Firstly, put forward the concept of magnetic stiffness and damp, and deduced them calculation formula. Then, carried out thorough study of magnetic suspension characteristic by frequency domain equivalent method, on the base of the result, researched influence of all kinds of elements on the suspension characteristic, analyzed the influence of frequency, rotor mass, sensor, filter and power magnify on magnetic stiffness and magnetic damp. Advanced an identification method of math model of magnetic bearing control loop, experiment indicate the method is feasibility.Secondly, based on rotor dynamics theory, put forward math model of the bend vibration of magnetic suspension rotor, developed the corresponding software, and calculated the dynamic characteristic of magnetic levitated rotor in real project. Then, advanced structural dynamic optimum design theory under given nature speed, model and sensor layout, advanced a method based on the
    interaction theory calculated and experiment mode analyzing which can distinguish the magnetic stiffness. We also did experiment research with the experiment mode-analyzing module of B&K Company, the result indicates that the theories are right.Then, imported holographic theory and method in the unbalance of magnetic levitated rotor, based on measure signal of sensor, advanced control theory of the magnetic levitated rotor dynamic balance with holographic technology, expecting to balance the magnetic levitated rotor rapidly and effectively.Finally, carry out simulation and experiment study on the levitated characteristic of the magnetic levitated rotor, and researched its levitated characteristic under different interaction force, and did the experiment research of magnetic suspension grinding shaft on determinant of the geometry center position of magnetic bearing. Accord with that we calculated by theory.All the research contributed on the development of magnetic levitated rotor technology from experience, analogy and static design to modeling, optimization, and dynamic design, the design and manufacture of high speed high precision magnetic levitated rotor system, and also grounded deep going research for the future.
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