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网格计算(Grid Computing)环境的出现使得大规模跨组织、跨区域的数据共享和分布式应用程序发布成为可能,其核心内容是以基础设施(Infrastructure)的方式对“虚拟组织”(Virtual Organization,简称VO)的创建和维护进行支持。由于网格的跨组织性,使得安全性支持在其中显得尤为重要。现有的网格安全体系GSI(Grid Security Infrastructure)中主要是通过公钥体系(Public Key Infrastructure,简称PKI)及建立于其上的分布式信任模型(Distributed Trust Model,主要采用X.509协议)来建立与维护虚拟组织内部的安全策略空间。然而,GSI中对可移动进程的支持并不理想,主要表现在
     - 缺乏灵活的移动性支持,对于连续移动的进程安全操作复杂且保护力度不够;
     - 作为基础设施,无法提供更多的可用于监控与入侵检测的安全信息;
     - 对于一些跨组织旅行的移动进程(称作Grid Traveler)在信任机制(如授权、访问控制、责任追查)方面无法进行支持。
     2.引入以安全实例作为单位的粗粒度分布式信任模型,其中包括对跨组织的角色转换与策略映射进行支持,以及权限代理预约(Delegation Reservation)等高级安全措施,并提出相关的算法(如基于角色的策略映射和访问控制等)。
     3.在Instance-Oriented代理模型的基础上进行扩展,并模拟真实世界中的跨国旅行手续,来为G-PASS体系建立基础设施。其中包括通过模拟真实护照以对代理、授权和关键性信息提供安全载体的G-passport文档,以及用以处理穿越组织相关手续的虚拟海关G-custom,和用以进行代理预约与移动程序入侵监测的用户代理服务Exchange Service。
The emergence of Grid computing shows the possiblity of distributing large-scaled applications among multiple institutions and physical locations. The main task of the Grid is to support the creation and maintenance of Virtual Organizations (VO) in an infrastructure manner. Due to the institution-span nature of the Grid, security supporting reveals much more importance. Current Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) establishes the security poilcy space inside a VO mainly on the basis of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and distributed trust model. However, GSI lacks in supporting the mobility of those mobile processes that are traveling in Grid environment. This is mainly because of three disadvantages of GSI:Lack of support on flexible migration. As the mobile processes need to move continuously, tremendous cost will be imported in current GSI.As an infrastructure, GSI can provide little security information for applications.For processes migrating across the boundary of virtual organization, GSI can hardly provide support on their credential management.To tackle with the above disadvantages, a new security infrastructure for mobile processes, named G-PASS, is proposed in this thesis. The G-PASS system sits on top of the GSI basis and hence can be downward compatible. It gives solutions on protocols, trust model and security infrastructure respectively:The delegation protocol in X.509 system is extended by substituting the host-oriented delegation model with a new type of instance-oriented delegation model.A distributed trusted model is imported on the basis of the instance-oriented delegation. It can support for role-based authorization mapping and information delivering, as well as advanced security routines such as dynamic delegation reservation.By simulating the procedures of international boundary crossing in reality, the G-PASS infrastructure is established to providing security protection and credential management for mobile processes.The G-PASS behaves in an infrastructure manner. This means it has little relationship with the detail architecture and topology of application systems. All kernel protocols are general purposed. The G-PASS's functionality mainly involves the fundamental protocols, stable and secure transferring mechanisms and rich information collecting mechanisms.By analyzing G-PASS based example applications, the security and efficiency of G-PASS infrastructure is demonstrated in this thesis.
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