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As entry into new milliennium, the theoretical refinements have focused on theindividual firm, studying its choice in response to its own characteristics, the natureof the industry in which it operates, and the opportunities afforded by foreign tradeand investment, and the theoretical models of heterogeneous firms have beendeveloped. This study aims to develop a dynamic equilibrium model of export andFDI for Chinese firms from the points view of firms' upgrading position in thevalue-chain, integration of the concept of firms-level advantages, and strategies ofMNE as competitors, which will give an interpretation and instruction for the Chinesefirm' decision to export or FDI in the process of deep fragmentation of globalvalue-chain. We believe that this export-FDI model based on firms' heterogeneity willhave important theoretical and practical implication for the practice of China'sinternational economics cooperation and also government's open policy-making.
     This study adopts both theoretical and empirical analysis method. Specifically, intheoretical analyses, based on the theory of international economics, industrialeconomics, competitiveness economics and game theory, it mainly adoptscombination methods of static analysis with comparative static analysis inquantitative economics, combination methods of partial equilibrium with generalequilibrium methods, and tool of simulation and game. In empirical analysis, itmainly adopts case study, statistics and probit model.
     The paper is composed of four main models, and the main research results are asfollows:
     For a Chinese firm whose advantage lies in the low added-value part, the paperbuilds up a market entry model based on productivity level, wage difference, variabletrade cost and fixed cost, which prove the trade-off of proximity-concentration. Bytaking consideration of the costs of market fragmentation in the domestical markets,the general equilibrium result points out the home-market effect will be weakened. Asa result, the paper gives some suggestion on administration system reform andtransportation construction. In addition, the paper forecasts that in the process ofbreak-up of market fragmentation, the export volume of some products will firstlyreduce and later increase.
     Through the process and quality improvement, Chinese firms have accumulatedcertain advantages in the rather higher added-value part, and FDI to the developed countries will be feasible on the certain condition: The trade liberalization willencourage more firms to export; however, it will not give incentive to all the firms toupgrade technology. In addition, though firms at this stage lack of monopolisticadvantage, firm may undertake independently R&D activities in developed countriesand the key conditions lie in firm's productivity, sales volume, wage rates, innovationrate and learning rate. By the gournot model with endogenous variable of R&D rate,the paper proposes step-by-step and differential principles for intellectual propertyprotection.
     When Chinese firms become controller of highest added-value part, with themonopolistic advantage, they are able to choose optimal integration strategies. Wecharacterized industries by the size of the fixed costs of maintaining a foreignsubsidiary for production of intermediate goods and for assembly, the cost oftransporting intermediate and final goods internationally. For each category industry,we derived the equilibrium organizational forms of heterogeneous firms that differ intheir productivity. The model demonstrates optimal strategies different from that ofGrossman (2003).
     In the process of game competition with multinational enterprises, Chinese firmsmay choose FDI or export as strategies to augment sales and increase return toinvestment in R&D. Which kind of strategies is better, this will depend on thecompetitive market structure, the advantage difference betweens the rivals, thefactors prices of different objective countries, and the trade costs. Based on thegournot model of substitution relation between competitors, the result givestheoretical fundamentals for cooperative FDI in the third-part.
     As paper with micro-level model, the study also has rich political implications.Firstly, it points out that Chinese government should respect the firms endogenousprofit-maximization decision, and the position of government should be the promoteror server of planification of firms internationalization behavior; secondly, the designof anti-monopoly system should be based on the trade-off between scales-economyand monopoly from the point view of competition in global market; thirdly, thereform to break up market fragmentation should take place in both administrativesystem and economical system; fourthly, it is necessary to build up an on-linesupervisory system for intellectual property development.
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