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     第三,实证检验了模块化价值网络中知识转移对企业营销绩效的影响效果。本研究从战略营销的角度出发,构建了企业营销绩效评价指标体系,将企业营销绩效构成拓展为财务绩效、市场绩效和创新绩效三个维度。并在此基础上,以山东省180家企业为样本,使用SPSS 17.0统计分析软件定量分析了模块化价值网络中知识转移对企业营销绩效的实际影响,具有较强的实践探索性。
With the acceleration of economic globalization, information technology development and increasingly complexity of market demand, the application scope of modular design and manufacture have been under continuous expansion recently, which caused the emergence of organization modularity, and led directly to the modularity of enterprises'key value and capacities. The traditional integrated value chain, which experienced deconstruction, reintegration and reconstruction, has become a modular value chain with differentiated competitive advantage. The value modules and modular value chain of different enterprises intersect and harmonize in the common interfacial standard, forming a modular value network. In the era of knowledge economy, organization is regarded as a knowledge innovation system, and knowledge has become a crucial strategic resource to the enterprise's sustainable competitive advantage. In particular, the network of modular value, based on modular products, is actually an open innovation network, linking all value modules together among different enterprises through knowledge transfer and sharing, as well as contracts. The essence of which is a knowledge transfer and value achieving systems. When modular value networks are replacing the traditional value chain and gradually becoming a new value generation mode, enterprises need to re-examine knowledge innovation and operation mode from a new perspective, and optimize knowledge resource allocation in broader range of thinking and vision, thereby enhancing companies' key capabilities and innovation ability to achieve strategic marketing performance and sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, the study of how knowledge transference in modular value network influences corporate marketing performance impact of corporate marketing has strong theoretical and practical value.
     According to existing researches of value network, current studies focused mainly on an overall level, qualitative analysis and descriptive cases are well seen. However, there are not so many theoretical and empirical researches to show how modular value network affects companies' core competitive advantage, especially to unveil the influence mechanism based on knowledge perspective. Hence, in reference to the social network analysis method, this study gives qualitative and quantitative descriptions of main characteristics of modular value network. Moreover, it explores the process of knowledge transfer in that network and clarifies the relation among network characteristics, knowledge transfer and corporate marketing performance. Based on that, this study builds the conceptual model. The model data sourced from survey results, which involved 180 enterprises from Shangdong Province. SPSS 17.0, a popular statistical analysis software is employed to investigate that data. The results of theoretical and empirical analysis come to following conclusions:
     First, the structure and characteristics of modular value network promote knowledge transfer among network members. And all members using the knowledge flow across organizational boundaries are gradually optimizing their awareness, acquisition and assimilation of knowledge. In consequence, the circular integration and spiral upgrade of value and knowledge will be achieved, driven by the network synergy. And it will finally enhance corporate marketing performance.
     Second, structure and relation characteristics of modular value network have a significant effect upon knowledge transfer among members. Among the six main indicators of structure dimension and relation dimension, network centricity, relation intensity and relation quality have significant effect on both knowledge awareness and absorption, whereas network centricity and relation intensity have significant effect on knowledge acquisition.
     Third, the knowledge transfer in modular value network promotes corporate marketing performance effectively. The empircal analysis shows that, both knowledge acquisition and absorption have a significant positive effect upon corporate financial performance, marketing performance and innovation performance, knowledge awareness have a significant effect upon corporate financial and marketing performance.
     Fourth, modular value network have multi-dimension effect upon corporate marketing performance. According the research results of the Empirical analysis, the patten of modular value network effect upon corporate marketing performance is divided into two categories:on one hand, structure and relation characteristics of modular value network have a direct effect upon corporate marketing performance, on the other hand, modular value network have a indirect effect upon corporate marketing performance through every indicator of knowledge transfer.
     Fifth, knowledge transfer among network members plays an intermediary role in the process of modular value network affects enterprise performance, structure and relation characteristics of modular value network effect corporate marketing performance through it effecting knowledge transfer among network members.
     Sixth, when introduced the control variable, the relations among variable change subsequently. The aggression result classified by enterprise fixed establishment shows as following:network centricity, relation intensity and relation quality have significant effect upon new corporate financial performance, for mutral corporate, relation intensity, network intermediary and network scale effect its financial performance; network centricity, relation stability and network scale have direct significant effect upon new corporate markting performance, for mutual corporate, relation intensity, network centricity and relation stability effect its marketing performance; network centricity have direct significant effect upon new corporate innovation performance, for mutual corporate, network intermediary, relation intensity, network centricity and relation stability effect its innovation performance. For new corporate, only knowledge awareness in the three dimensions of knowledge transfer have direct significant effect on corporate financial and markting performance, knowledge absorption have significant effect upon corporate innovation performance; for mutral corporate, knowledge acquisition and knowledge absorption have significant effect upon three dimensions of corporate marketing performance and knowledge awareness have significant effect upon market performance.
     The innovation points of this research are show below:
     First, this paper builds the research model of "modular value network, knowledge transfer among network members, corporate marketing performance" and verifies it. In reference to the social network analysis method, this study describes content and characteristics of modular value network by using structure and relation characteristics of modular value network, and propose analysis framework of modular value network, knowledge transfer among network members, corporate marketing performance. Based on this analysis framework and according to the empirical results, this paper finds that structure and relation characteristics of modular value network promote knowledge transfer among network members.
     Second, this study gives the action mechanism of the process of knowledge transfer among network members in modular value network on corporate marketing performance. Base on the defination of structure and relation characteristics of modular value network, this paper analysizes three dimensions of knowledge transfer among network members in modular value network-knowledge awareness, aquisiton and absorption, and verifies the action mechanism of differernt dimensions of knowledge transfer on corporate marketing performance.
     Third, this paper examines the effect of knowledge transfer among network members in modular value network on corporate marketing performance. Based on strategic markting, this study builds corporate marketing performance indicator system which expands corporate marketing performance into three dimensions of financial performance, market performance and innovation performance. Thus, according to 205 valid Questionnaires, this paper takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS 17.0 to analysis that knowledge transfer in modular value network effect corporate marketing performance, and this have some exploratory.
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