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    但研发团队绩效定性模拟算法也存在一些问题,首先,在模拟的过程中只考虑了各因素的变化方向,而没有考虑各因素所处的状态。因此,本文中对软件企业研发团队中正式群体的角色构成的进行了研究,根据团队中各类角色的能力要求及其对团队整体能力的影响特点,建立了一套研发团队整体能力的评价指标体系。同时,将模糊数学与AHP 相结合起来,把定性判断和定量分析结合起来,建立了一套有效的研发团队角色能力评价算法和研发团队综合能力评价算法,为研发团队绩效定性模拟提供了正式群体能力的初始状态参数。
Software enterprise is economic entity intensively in knowledge and technique. The creative thinking and creative laboring of developer are motivity of high-tech enterprise growing up and developing. The enterprise discovers in practice that availably selecting and managing the member of the developing team is a key to obtain the high performance.
    Based on research about software enterprise, software project, the developing process of the developing team and character of high-performance enterprise, this thesis analyze the composing of the formal community and the informal community in the developing team of software business enterprise. This thesis also define the establishing process of the developing team and set up the establishing behavior simulating model of the developing team.
    In order to realize the establishing behavior simulation model, this thesis put forward a kind of the qualitative describing method of knowledge, design the qualitative expressing method of knowledge of the variational process about system state, set up the qualitative simulation method based on the process knowledge database and simulating step. This thesis analyzes the performance and its influence factors of the team, establish the qualitative simulation model of the developing team performance. Making use of the qualitative simulation method based on the process knowledge, this thesis sets up the qualitative simulation arithmetic, provides the thought and method for forecasting the team performance and resolves the pivotal problem for establishing behavior qualitative simulation.
    The qualitative simulation arithmetic of the developing team behavior also exists some problem. First, the arithmetic only considered the variety direction of each factor in simulation process, but did not consider the state of each factor. Therefore, this thesis researches the role composing of the formal community in developing team of the software enterprise. According to the ability request of all kinds of role in the team and its influence characteristics on the whole ability of the team, this thesis establishes a suit of the evaluation index system about the whole ability of the developing team. At the same time, combining fuzzy mathematics with the thesis AHP and putting the qualitative judgment together with the quantitative analysis, this thesis establishes a set of the effective role ability evaluation arithmetic and the synthesize ability evaluation arithmetic of the developing team which provides the early state parameter of the formal community ability
    for the behavior qualitative simulation of the developing team. Second, the qualitative simulation model of the performance influence in the developing team exists many indeterminations influence relation and the influence factors. These problems are resolved by simulating the artificial enactment in the behavior qualitative simulation arithmetic of the developing team, but it is hard to attain the accurate degree by the artificial estimation to configure these parameters, this affected the accuracy of the estimate directly and lowered its usability. Therefore, this thesis researches the informal community that exists in the developing team of the software enterprise. And According to the ability request of all kinds of the informal role in the team and its influence characteristics on the whole ability of the team, this thesis establishes a suit of the evaluation index system about the informal community of the developing team. Based on fuzzy matching method, this thesis establishes a set of dynamic matching method to forecast the formation process of the informal community in the developing team. At the same time, this thesis establishes the function knowledge base of the informal community. After matching the informal community role of the developing team, the thesis make use of the established expert system based on fuzzy reasoning to forecast the action of informal community formed by matching, and then deduces the indetermination influence relation which exist in the qualitative simulation model. At the same time, after studying the behavior process of managers’community in the software enterprise, this thesis establishes the simulation model of managers’community behavior and make use of influence on manage performance which attained by simulating managers’community behavior based on qualitative simulation method about process base, then deduces the variational instance of outside influence factors during the mission process of the developing team. Through a series of research, based on the classic human resource theories, organization behavior theories and various research result related team, this thesis makes use of the technique such as qualitative simulation, fuzzy mathematics, expert system...etc. to establish a effectively simulation mechanism of establishing behavior in the developing team and provide scientific and assistant tool for establishing the developing team in the software enterprises. Finally, this thesis sets up the qualitative simulation model about behavior of the developing team and establishes the whole structure of the prototype system and designs the realization mechanism of qualitative simulation control of the prototype system, then complete function module such as member base management, knowledge base management, module base management, system simulation, result management, system help and so on.
    This thesis realizes static evaluation system of formal community in the developing team based on fuzzy analysis and realizes the role matching system of informal community in the developing team based on fuzzy matching method and realizes expert system based fuzzy reasoning and realizes the qualitative simulation system of behavior in the developing team based on process knowledge base.
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