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This study analyzed and compared in total factor productivity at home and abroad on the basis of research methods, according to China's provinces of Liaoning and Jilin maize production and the economic background of available data, using Tornqvist index measured the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin corn total factor productivity (the whole Factor productivity is the total output and total investment ratio) levels, use of Malmquist index measured the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin corn total factor productivity growth.
     To fully grasp the total factor productivity of the input-output analysis of the international forefront of developments in this paper on foreign and domestic scholars compare estimates total factor productivity of the theories and methods, and choose the research model used DEA, the DEA theoretical framework for analysis and test operation , The text of the selection method. Choose a model to study the maize production model, the relevant data have been adjusted and amended. To make statistical data and research methods match, the paper used for the right price for the number of Torngvist index measured the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin corn total factor productivity, do not need to use price data, only the number of data Malmquist index calculations Liaoning and Jilin's samples of corn in total factor productivity growth. Based on this input-output established a database, that is, from 1995 to 2005 the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin at the county inter-annual total factor productivity of corn input-output database, with TFPIP1.0 these databases and software connected DEAP2.1 calculations and realize The visualization, analysis of standardized measures for the follow-up study provides a practical analysis tools.
     An Empirical Analysis of through the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin total maize production output, input and the elements of maize total factor productivity changes in the development, analysis of its growth, which reflects nearly 10 years since all the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin during the maize output, input and Productivity growth and its trend. On this basis, the analysis of the dynamic changes in their development because, for the corn total factor productivity growth factors lay the foundation for the future and growth in corn production to provide guidance.
     The results from the analysis, this clarity of the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin corn total factor productivity growth in the trend. According to estimates, from 1995 to 2002, the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin corn total factor productivity average annual growth rate of 0.1 percent, from 2002 to 2005, with an average annual growth rate of 1.66 percent, respectively. This article compared the different provinces of Liaoning and Jilin in the growth of different samples. Corn at the county's total factor productivity measured results show that in calculations, the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin counties corn slow growth of total factor productivity, technological progress, the whole corn is the main factor productivity growth, scale and efficiency of the overall technical efficiency of the various provinces of samples County Not much will change. County, Jilin Province, the corn samples total factor productivity growth faster than the samples County in Liaoning Province. Study from the technical efficiency, the scale of efficiency and technological progress on several areas to promote the growth of total factor productivity measures and recommendations.
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