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The dissertation mainly performs three endeavors: first, to understand and define the concepts of cost, project, engineering and construction project, cost management, project management, project management for engineering and construction project, cost management for engineering and construction project in a different thinking to provide a solid foundation for theoretical researches and practice of cost management of engineering and construction projects; secondly, to correct the false understanding of which academic discipline cost management for engineering and construction project belongs to, and find that project management is the basis of cost management for engineering and construction project; thirdly, to establish the theoretical and practical cost management system for engineering and construction project.
     The dissertation researches the problems of understanding the concepts of project, engineering and construction project, project management, project management for engineering and construction project, cost management for engineering and construction project in theoretical researches and practice, and defines them in terms of project management in Chapter 2. Also in Chapter 2, a proposed theoretical and practical cost management system for engineering and construction project is presented. Referring to the PMBOK of PMI, some key concepts about project management are clarified to limit the knowledge areas of project management and to provide a frame of reference to all project management research in Chapter 3. The essential prerequisites to manage a project, such as definition of a project, purpose of project management, key Concepts of project management, role of the project manager, project teams, contractual arrangements, phases of a project, owner's study, owner's needs and project objectives, project scope definition, project strategy, selection of design firms and construction contractors, et al are investigated in Chapter 3.
     In Chapter 4, cost estimate is divided into two categories: early estimate and budget estimate. For early estimate, the dissertation presents the Estimating Work Process, and based on it, studies the steps of the work process. Several methods and techniques of early estimate are presented. The dissertation uses the theory of fuzzy closeness degree and Grey Correlative Degree to develop a gray fuzzy estimate model for early estimate and validate the model. For budget estimate, the dissertation present the method used in engineering and construction projects. In Chapter 5, the cost budgeting method is studied in detail. A system of project cost budgeting using WBS, CPM, S-curve, Resource Allocation techniques is developed and validated. The cost tracking and control principles are studied in Chapter 6. The dissertation provides a complete set of maneuverable methods, including the planning basis of project cost control, measuring methods of cost performance, evaluating and analyzing methods of cost performance.
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